Avatar of Majoraa


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Keep calm and carry on.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
I have now been alive for 20 years. How in the fuck.
9 mos ago
would've loved to explore the concept of a Marshmallow Marshlands.
9 mos ago
The only time I've shown interest in a Nation RP was something based off Candyland of all things, but it was dead in the water before all of us were able to submit CSes. A shame too,


Current Haunts:
Symphony on High - Finn/Timekeeper (Co-GM)

...Yes that's it. Literally in nothing else atm, sue me.

Most Recent Posts

Level: 3
Experience: 11/30
Currently In: Frozen Highlands, Dragonspine
Word Count: 3,350 (+4 Exp)
Collab with @Lugubrious

For a moment, Frisk breathed a sigh of relief. The snow broke her fall. Now she just had to hurry and get Albedo off her back first and foremost. But she didn't hear prisoner landing anywhere near her. Don't tell me! As Frisk booked it away from the now-destroyed camp, she looked behind her to see Prisoner making a careless effort to attack the Alchemist. And for what? His restored body torn asunder. Frisk was on her own now.

She visibly tensed up as Albedo landed near her, tearing the arrows in his chest out with cruel intentions. Damn it all, did she miss his heart?! Adjusting her pouch to rest on her hip, she aimed her bow at him once more. "I trusted you..." Was all the cold words she could muster, but her scowl said enough.

Frisk could hear her smaller charge begin to growl. This wasn't the time to be afraid, even the Spheal knew they had to work together to survive this. Once she fired another arrow at their opponent's head, the Pokemon took aim itself and followed suit with Water Gun.

At this range an arrow flew fast enough that a well-aimed shot couldn't be avoided, but in these conditions it took only a little effort from Frisk's foe to make a well-aimed shot impossible. He ran not in a straight line toward her but in an arc, which in conjunction with Frisk's shivering prevented the amateur archer from leading her shot, and when her arrow missed he closed in. Before he got close enough to slash at her, however, her Spheal's surprise water gun struck him in the shoulder. It both knocked him off-balance and flash-froze a moment later thanks to the Starglow Cavern's subzero temperature, provoking an annoyed grunt. The unexpected assistance bought Frisk an extra second to nock another arrow, but with such unsteady hands it would take a miracle not to fumble it.

To make matters worse, her enemy went straight for her this time, his ice-shrouded arm held up to protect his head and neck as he charged. Even if Frisk did let fly her final shot in time, one arrow might not be enough to put her attacker down, and then she would be defenseless in melee range.

Not quite.

"Tch!" With Albedo closing in, Frisk had no choice but to change tactics. She tossed her ranged weapon aside and grabbed Vorpan. She waited to time her next move right, and once he was close enough to strike?

Her soul remained red. The alchemist had probably expected otherwise by now. Instead of relying on her defensive magic, she went in to deflect his sword with Vorpan. If she managed to stagger him even a little, she'd go in for an onslaught of hits. Her Spheal, growing more confident, followed up with Powder Snow. If they can just freeze him down, they could go in for a critical hit!

The weight behind her blunt-force strike not only deflected the ice sword, but actually managed to snap off about a third of its length. Emboldened with a flicker of hope by her small victory, she pressed her advantage to make the most of the opportunity, but her adversary was fast. Cryo power flowed through his weapon, reforming it in a mere moment, and then it was his speed and reach versus the stubby Vorpan's unwieldy top-heaviess. The two clashed in a flurry of attacks, giving Spheal a chance to spray Powder Snow, but its enemy scarcely even noticed. No matter how intense, the cold did not seem to affect him one bit beyond a mutual reduction in visibility, rendering ice-type moves nigh-useless against him.

Unfortunately, the same could not be said for Frisk. As if not numbed and shivering enough already, the slashes that her enemy cut into her clothes broke down her meager defenses against the cold, and when he drew blood the chill seeped into her very being. Her opponent had every conceivable advantage, from greater natural ability to a favorable environment. Things were not looking good.

So much for that idea! The duo was getting overwhelmed already. With every cut and every slash, it was getting harder and harder for Frisk to ignore the numbing chill threatening to envelop her whole. But she couldn't give up. She couldn't! Prisoner could only watch, but Linkle, Joel and Teba were waiting for them to come back alive with Joserf in tow. If Albedo killed her here, who knows what would happen afterwards! And her pokemon, she had to know if they were alright!

"Fionn! Gordon!! Anyone!! If you're still alive, n-now would be a good time to help!!"

Frisk called out for help. Left unaware that Spheal had climbed out of it's pouch and rolled a distance away with a Defense Curl.

Her only reply was a haymaker punch from her enemy's ice-encrusted arm, right to the ear. Frisk went down in the snow, almost all the fight sapped from her body by the pain and the cold. The man she trusted smiled, relaxing somewhat, and stepped in, ready to finish things off with a quick thrust to the heart. But when he raised his blade to do the deed, the Spheal rammed directly into his legs with Rollout, knocking him to the ground. With its defense-boosting preparations complete the rotund creature would make its stand alongside its new trainer, and fight with all the strength it had to keep her safe.

Visibly angry, the enemy rose and extended his hand. From his palm shot an icicle of pure Cryo power, piercing straight into the poor Spheal's belly. Not being physical, it ignored the defense boost, and though the Pokemon resisted ice damage, its attacker had no shortage of spears. As Frisk tried to recover the icicles blasted forth, again and again, until her new companion was dead.


It was like her eyes were frozen wide. For a moment, she couldn't move, petrified at the sight of the poor pokemon butchered like nothing. Why? Why did she keep screwing up? First Melony, and now...

Driven to avenge, Frisk's body began to move again. With Albedo distracted, she hurried back to her discarded weapon and fired whatever arrows remained at him. As long as she was still breathing and her soul remained intact, she won't stop fighting. The Spheal's death made it clear enough. Albedo can't walk out of here alive.

While her foe anticipated some sort of action on Frisk's part, he'd been more expecting her to flail in despair than to seize her bow with her faltering fingers and start firing. One arrow grazed his arm, while another lodged in his hip. While this took him a little by surprise, Frisk wasn't by any means moving with mechanical precision, and after that just a little movement on her adversary's part allowed him to ride out the remainder of her ammunition.

He held up his hand, manifesting a snowflake glyph above his palm, and poured in power. The glyph grew larger as it rose higher, increasing in intensity as flurries of snow began to circle around him. If his most basic projectiles had been enough to take out the Spheal, then whatever this was would be Frisk's doom--no bones about it. A maniacal grin overtook him as he readied the injured woman's death sentence, so assured of his own victory that he did not suspect a thing as a steel swordblade sprouted from his ribcage.

"Ah." He jolted suddenly as the snowflake faded, looking down at the weapon that penetrated him. Wide-eyed, he craned his neck behind him at the individual who'd stabbed him in the back, where he found a visage very much like his own. Not one but two Albedos stood there in the snowy dark, perfectly identical except for two details. The one behind Frisk's attacker wore a winter coat, heavy, fur-lined, and crusted with snow. And on his neck he bore a star-shaped mark, where the murderer of Pokemon had none.

The second Albedo said nothing, but yanked out the blade, and with a groan the starless alchemist staggered. With the last of his strength he hefted his ice sword, turning around to inflict whatever parting gifts he could, but the new arrival stepped aside to reveal a familiar figure charging forth. "HYAH!" Linkle screamed, emptying her hollow lungs as she delivered an electric dropkick that sent her target flying over Frisk's head to smash into the cave wall behind her. Skull-eyes burning blood-red, Linkle unleashed two bomb bolts to seal the deal with a tremor-inducing double explosion. Only then did she relax, releasing a long and angry sigh that gave no puff of breath.

"Are you okay?" she asked Frisk, jogging over with the real Albedo in tow. "I can't believe that thing did this, it makes me so mad!"

"Here." Albedo offered two drinks to Frisk, one green and one red. The potion offered an herbal aroma, while the red one smelled of spice. "These will help."

Frisk's eyes had widened in disbelief. Two Albedos and Linkle followed after her. Had she been fighting a clone? Or was the Albedo that saved her the clone? A mix of emotions brewed in her; confusion, regret, fatigue, nonetheless she nodded in response to Linkle checking up on her and downed the two health items.

"...I've been following a fake, haven't I?" She spoke up with a regretful frown, but her tone bore no remorse for their wounded adversary.

Linkle nodded, her expression still one of rage both at the impersonator and at herself for not noticing sooner. "We all were. The minute that doppelganger appeared from the avalanche we all just wandered off without thinking about it. Without even noticing the difference! And all the while the real Albedo was trapped under all that snow, alone."

"Don't blame yourselves," Albedo told the girls quietly. "It was a cunning strategy. And the differences must have been minute to escape your notice."

"Still..." Linkle trailed off as she noticed the frozen tears that had sprung unbidden and frosted over on Frisk's cheeks, then the spirit of the ill-fated Spheal floating nearby. "Oh, no. That little one...we were too late?" The woman hestiantly nodded.

She took a deep breath. "Don't worry. I can fix this."

She held out her hand, and there came a sound like a single beat of a heart, albeit massive, and from everywhere at once. The Pokemon's spirit changed, turning from all the colors of the rainbow to a ghostly blue before sinking into the ground. Then, from the spot arose a handful of bones. They moved of their own accord, bound together like a classroom model, wriggling free of the snow until the whole skeleton had emerged. Its skull turned its empty eye sockets on Frisk, and it wagged its fleshless tail.

Linkle gave a reassuring smile. In her eyes, the halves of the Skull Heart seemed crystal clear. "There," she said softly. "Good as new."

"This isn't over," Albedo said suddenly. A crackling sound rang out from the cavern wall, and the others turned to see the impostor surround himself in a cocoon of ice. Fissures of cryo power spread out from the location, forcing the onlookers to dodge the rows of icy spikes. Then, in a burst of frozen shards, a monstrosity arose. Its bulbous head towered above the three travelers atop of a stalk of blue fronds and snow-white fiber, while petals spread out around it like a crown. The Fellflower turned its malefic gaze upon its enemies as its light illuminated the area, and it howled its rage at its denial.

By Asgore's name, how was Frisk supposed to fight this thing?! She used up all her arrows on it's first phase, and like hell she could do much to it with a weaponized frying pan of all things. As the woman found herself stepping backwards from the monster's majesty, she felt the newly resurrected Spheal bump into her boot. Looking down, it smiled back at her, putting it's faith in it's new trainer. Right. She wasn't alone anymore. They can do this!

The heart shaped object hovering over her chest turned green. Her shield was at the ready.

Linkle started off with an abundance of crossbow bolts filling the air with her bony spikes to turn this monster into a pincushion. Right away, however, her plan hit an obstacle in the form of an icy shield. All of her bolts bounced harmlessly off a barrier that encircled the Fellflower, and when she upped the ante with explosive bolts Linkle found no more success. In cold anger she stowed her crossbows and zoomed forward in an eletrifying charge to slam into and kick off the creature with her boots, but even that failed. If looks could kill, at least, the Fellflower would already be dead. "Hm. I've never met something that's just immune to damage."

She dodged backward as something crashed down on her position, narrowly missing. The offending object seemed to be a strange mix between plant flesh and gemstone, almost like a lantern, and it floated back up into the air to hover alongside two more just like it.

"It's protecting itself," Albedo advised the other two. "Target the Arcane Fruits instead."

With how much they moved it was tough to get a clear shot, but by standing still as a tantalizing target Frisk was able to draw one in and block it when it tried to crush her, giving Linkle a chance to shoot it down. It exploded into three arcane essences that scattered around her. One down, two to go.

Interesting. So the fruits were acting like a form of weak points. "Come on, come on..." Seeing a gamble pay off, Frisk grabbed the three essences for herself and continued to bait the Fellflower's attacks.

The second fruit, however, did not come down. It floated around the Fellflower as it hurled snowballs at its attackers. This time Linkle tried to draw its attention away, while Albedo created a Solar Isotoma. "Here, use this to get high enough," he advised Frisk.

With a quick nod, she sprinted for the newly made platform and readied her weapon to take a swing at the stubborn fruit. As she began to rise, however, a flurry of snowballs flew her way to smack her back off the impromptu lift and into the snow. Frisk turned her shield to block the attack, being forced to wait for an opening. This thing was slowly breaking her defense. She'll have to be careful. Still, as furious as it was, the attack was one-dimensional, and when Linkle and Albedo worked to draw the Fellflower's ire below the storm stopped long enough for Frisk to reach her target--but she would have to jump for it.




She had to take a second to hype herself up, but the woman lept towards the Arcane Fruit and swung Vorpan at it in a downward strike. The mighty swat splattered the elaborate thingamabob and spilled out another three Arcane Essence, which rained down alongside Frisk to the snow.

The Fellflower jerked suddenly, stunned, and the final fruit fell to the ground. Upon impact, however, it summoned four golem-like ice elementals to protect the fruit with their lives. Crackling like icicles in thaw, the creatures went on the offensive, swinging their frozen blades with reckless abandon. Albedo engaged one with his sword in an effort to draw it away, while Linkle went in for some long-overdue lightning kicks, which left just one formidable elemental between Frisk and the final fruit.

Spurred forward by her unyielding determination, she charged forward at the only elemental in the way of their true target. Frisk juggled between offense and defense, raising her barrier up to block her opponent's reckless blows for one moment, then retailiating by attacking the ice that made up it's limbs the next. Her blows left cracks in her attacker's body, but being nothing more than shards of ice suspended by magic it weathered her onslaught. As long as it kept Frisk from her objective the elemental was just fine, and with two blades versus her one vorpan, it would steadily gain momentum unless more decisive action was taken.

"Well aren't you stubborn? Very well then!" The increase in momentum didn't go unnoticed. She'd have to make this next move count. It would force her to go back to her normal soul trait, but if she could just find another opening, she'll resort to using that buckler of her's if she had to!


Like shattered glass, the elemental managed to break through her main means of defense. But this time Frisk wasn't caught by surprise. As her soul returned to it's shade of red, she viciously swung for the head.

While the ice elemental's head lacked the weak spots that made headshots such a big deal for the average combatant, the sheer force delivered there managed to send the whole entity off-kilter, pulling the rest of its magically-anchored body after the head and giving Frisk the shot at the Arcane Fruit she needed. The woman took it with no remorse. She marched up to the last target and crushed it under the flat end of her weapon.

Or she would have, if the second Arcane Fruit hadn't reformed from the essences Frisk did not collect. The Fellflower's shield, nearly depleted, surged back up to two-thirds full, and as two Arcane Fruits orbited around it a new barrage of snowballs flew free.

So that's what those things were for!

Linkle wasn't having any of it. Shrugging off the snowballs, she team-jumped off Albedo up to drop a lightning-infused heel on the second fruit. The Fellflower reeled once more, and the Skullgirl bopped its shield once in the nose for good measure. Once again the third fruit descended, but this time the elementals it called out looked far fiercer.

Albedo hurried to collect the essence, now aware of what would happen if he did not, then stepped forward toward the frigid mob. "Witness my great undertaking!" The power of his Geo catalyst surged, and from the earth burst great petals of crystal amber beneath the arcane fruit. Linkle unleashed her frozen power while they tumbled, spearing into the elementals' armor from beneath to lift them into the air, leaving the fruit undefended. "Now."

"Right!" Frisk ran over to the hopefully actual last fruit they needed to destroy, and smashed it apart once again. This time, making sure to collect the essence left in it's wake.

With that, the Fellflower's shield shattered, blowing away like flakes in a snowstorm. Unprotected and dazed, the monster could do little but flail weakly as Linkle, Albedo, and Frisk laid into it with everything they had, piling on the damage before it could find a chance to recover.

Frisk amended her thoughts at that moment. The Fellflower, it couldn't walk out of here alive. And it wouldn't. Even if she was weaker compared to Linkle and the real Albedo, she couldn't help venting out all her frustrations on the weakened monster. Relentlessly. Mercilessly. Of course, her assault paled in comparison to Linkle's, who leveraged three elements and seemingly limitless crossbow bolts to destroy the Fellflower with style. With no strength left it collapsed under its own weight and sank into the snow.

Before they could celebrate victory, however, the ground began to shake. Ice, snow, and stone began fell from the ceiling, first in shards and then in chunks. With the enemy gone, Linkle's rage subsided, and she waved to the others as she began to pick up speed. "C'mon, let's get out of here! Back to camp, quick as we can!"

"But what about-!"

Whether or not she was going to mention Joserf or the Fellflower's spirit, Frisk was interrupted by a chunk of ice narrowly missing her. She quickly grabbed the Buckler shield out of her inventory and held it over her head like a makeshift umbrella. "Forget it, let's go!" She scooped up the undead Spheal back into her free arm.

Current Location: Precinct #11

He did it.

He actually got a hit in!

The Timekeeper couldn't help the joyful cackle that slipped out of him, probably not helping prove the insult thrown at him otherwise. But it wouldn't be enough to render Betty out of the fight, even he knew that! The big fucking mecha and Justin would have to wait a bit longer, as much as he hated wasting time elsewhere. And if he was to pull off his next move, he'll have to stall just a little bit longer. Finn turned to the evasive, focused on avoiding both frog and blade so Eddy could prepare his attack. It was probably a bad idea to use his backup this early, but what else could he do with a bunch of frogs dogpiling onto him?

Luckily, normal contact didn't cause them to explode.

Unluckily, this meant he was at risk of ending up worse than what Betty delt with. Maybe he could just grab the frogs and chuck them at her, but his hands were full. He could take a stupidly risky move and take her down with him, but that was another can of worms entirely. The boy was counting down the seconds in his head. Once he reached one, he aimed the puppet at Betty, and from his maw a beam was fired. Instead of hurting her outright, a larger, more eldritch plush version of Eddy appeared, with teeth and claws as sharp as their swords. And it was more than happy to have found a new "playmate".

"Disarm her! We need her alive!" The Timekeeper called out to the summoned creature, pocketing the now-fatigued Eddy. The souls of the frogs didn't go unnoticed.

As long as Stay Puff isn't dealt with, every death will only make his soul count grow. I'll have to be careful not to overdo-

As if he asked for a demonstration, Finn could only watch from afar as Breacher was crushed by the arms of the makeshift mecha. "BREACHER!!" Worser still, Silhouette and Leroux were under fire by Pac-A-Fist, and Orion and the Freelancer haven't even layed a dent on Justin! God these guys were so annoying! Assuming Betty would be busy with "Big Ed" for a while, the boy hurried to reach Ashley and Marrie as quick as someone weighted down by frogs could go.

If they can kill Justin, that'll give them significant leverage in this fight, lice be damned.

Level: 2
Experience: 1/20
Currently In: Smash City Alcamoth
Word Count: 603 (+1 Exp)
I'll get mentions set up next time.

With an unanimous vote, the gathered party hopped onto the platform for a long trip upwards. It was...surprisingly stable. Omori could wander around without the risk of getting thrown off his feet. Though the nice view he found himself staring at was soon blocked by the elevator shaft and some...

Okay, the music was a bit too intense for something as simple as an elevator. Did this used to be an arena? Atleast the others were feeling amped up. To the point where Nadia had the idea of training while they waited. She especially wanted to see how he faired in battle. Well, if it's going to be 1v1, he might as well. Omori walked up to face one of the summoned Copycats, and drew his trusty blade.



A few minor bruises, but nothing that wouldn't heal on it's own. Omori decided to practice at a steady pace, sometimes looking over to the real Nadia to see if he needed to slow down some. By his movements and how he held himself, it was clear he had some prior experience in fights. But something to note was when he used Sad Poem. The silhouette of a blue book appeared in front of him, flipping through a few of it's own pages. Was it a spell? Whatever it was, it seemed to make him sad, his gaze turning downcast. He took less damage, but his actions were slower than when he felt neutral.

Time passed, and the group finally reached their destination. When their practice battle ended, Omori took a deep breath, and like the flip of a switch he returned to his usual indifference. Despite being in what's essentially pyjamas, the cold didn't seem to affect him. He glanced around, pocketing his weapon, and followed the rest to the edge of the summit.


To think, if Omori didn't conquer his fear of heights, he wouldn't be able to see views like this. So this is where he ended up. He couldn't see the small planet that made up Otherworld, but...

The youth took a seat at the ledge, letting his legs dangle off to the side. The curious gleam in his eye had returned. The flash of lightning and the roar of thunder only meant a storm was drawing near. And soon, he felt a drop of rain land on his head like an arrow hitting a bullseye. Another landed on his shoulder, another on his back earning a faint shiver from it's target. But he didn't mind in the slightest. Yeah. This was nice.


Okay, now he was just getting drenched. With the moment of peace ruined, Omori hurried back to the lift behind Nadia and Hatty. Not only did it take less time to go back down, but they managed to dry off a good bit. Hatty ran on ahead of them a few steps once they landed, as if trying to figure out where they could go next. Right, there wasn't any word from the other team yet. Unfortunately, it looked like the smaller kid wasn't going to stay with them for the long run. He waved goodbye to Hatty with a smile, and watched as she left.

"...Good luck."

Though that wouldn't be the end of introductions it seems. An angel, Pit, approached the remaining group to say hello. A ray of sunshine in contrast to Omori's gloom. Then again, that comparison can apply to any of his other friends. "Omori." He spoke up again, lifting a hand up slightly. "Anywhere else we can kill time at?" He asked next, though the question could be concidered in general.
<Snipped quote by Majoras End>

But I guess that's what I'm trying to get at. I thought you were a guy because your first character was a young edgy assassin chick,

Ahah, you were...right on the teenage part. Jfc, I don't even wanna revisit that rabbit hole right now but yeah. She may live rent free in my head but I currently prefer my roster atm.

Level: 3
Experience: 7/30
Currently In: Frozen Highlands, Dragonspine
Word Count: 242 (+1 Exp)
"Albedo" @Lugubrious, Prisoner @XoXKieroBombXoX

It couldn't be.

Frisk had her reservations about Albedo's feigned innocence, sure, but there were too many variables to confirm anything. Besides that, she wanted to trust him. Linkle did. Prisoner, though unintentionally drawing the alchemist's ire a few times, did too. Maybe they didn't know better either. She certainly didn't. She didn't think much of his actions, like blocking the entrance out or unwillingly letting himself get cornered like she did.

Because he was her friend.



Frisk could only react fast enough. Her soul sensed danger before she could. Holding her Spheal close to her as possible with the intent to take any hits that would finish it off, she quickly spun around to see-


By some misfortune, she was right to suspect Albedo. Not matter how much she wanted to be wrong.

By some fortune, Prisoner was quick enough to intercept him before he could finish the assassination attempt. With her headless friend holding the rogue alchemist off, Frisk quickly grabbed her bow and arrows to try and attack from afar. She might be more comfortable with a firearm, but she has to try! But quicker than she could aim without risk of friendly fire, Albedo dissapeared.

Until they looked up.

"RUN!!" With no other way to go, the remaining trio had to sprint away from the collapsing icicles and jump down to the top floor, Frisk landing with a roll to protect the pokemon in her arms.

Not yet.

Mentions: All in Attendance


Without a flying type pokemon of her own, and the fact that her Frosmoth was undoubtedly too small for her to try and ride on, Bianca decided to catch a ride on a flying taxi instead. She didn't exactly have to wait long to get to Wyndon from Circhester, just had to fly up north. It was almost tempting to let Fionn out so he could fly next to her but she decided against it. Poor thing might not be able to keep up.

Yet on the way, as she glanced out the window to the cities below her, her mind couldn't help wandering back to when she lost last season. Bianca didn't fret over her loss, sure, but she couldn't help wondering. What could she have done better? She studied her memories, every action, every matchup, trying to figure out another way she could actually get farther this time. Bianca's plan wasn't to reach the champion. But she wanted to survive long enough to reach her oldest friend and battle her. Going further than that? Well, that's just a bonus.

...All those times Hestia lost to Ryker, again and again, Bianca stepped away to comfort her after each time. She was a strong trainer, even she knew that, and yet the younger man always swept the rug from under the Dragon Tamer's feet. Bianca faintly frowned at the memory, then furrowed her brows. No, reaching the end wouldn't just be a bonus. Her and her team have been training with great gusto to go the extra mile this time.

This time, her team will be ready to give everyone an ice-cold hell.

But for now they have to meet up at The Last Dahlia. Bianca didn't mind the venue choice, but didn't plan on getting any drinks. If anything Fiona would insist she get one of the sweeter drinks for the sake of her tastebuds anyways. Her taxi landed at the corner the bar resided, and without a word she stepped out, though not before paying the cabby what's due for the trip.

A moment after Iris took her seat at the booth, the front door opened again slightly. Bianca poked her head out from the opening before stepping inside all the way. She wore a flowing, sleeveless navy blue dress under a purple trenchcoat, with black leggings and flats. She had decided to go light on her makeup, and a silver necklace hung around her neck. At the sight of the currently gathered party, she lightly waved. "H-Hi guys." Bianca warmly smiled at them, walking over to take a seat next to Ryker.

"G-Guess I arrived early. Hope everyone's been o-okay?"

For a moment, it almost seemed too easy. Cleave and maim, rip and tear. Just a moment longer and the reversed ambush would be done with. Atleast, that's what Lupin was sure of. And then, an abrupt stop. The pageless were retreating. The wolf girl was almost tempted to go after them, until all eyes were turned to a new face. A new, regal and dangerous looking face.

Their target was drawn out. Now what?

Where her fellow magical girls reacted outloud to Roma, be it in curiosity or caution, Lupin remained quiet. Though the sight of the teachers standing in between the strange woman and them earned an unamused look. She could handle herself just fine, thank you. She didn't know who she was, what she's done, or why they were hunting her. But one thing's for sure. If the amount of Pageless behind her in waiting was something to go off of?

Lupin eyed Moonlight Tsubasa intently, emitting a low, animalistic growl. The others can go ahead and try the diplomatic approach all they want. But once their target decided against it, she'll be tearing the flesh off her skin with her teeth and keeping that mask as a trophy. For now, she remained near Stripes. Protecting her partner was a priority in her eyes.

Broken's answered for me, it aint you man.

Y'see, while I was lurking here I noticed that user was new.

I decided to do a little looking through their recent posts and junk, and it's all just from this. Not sure if it slipped their mind to make an introduce yourself post, happens to the best of us, but one can only assume.
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