Avatar of Makeshiftwalrus
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    1. Makeshiftwalrus 9 yrs ago


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A lot of things were getting to her head alright, not just the heat as she silently regarded the people around her. The initial assumption she'd made was that she'd managed to say something wrong, which tended to be the norm when she hadn't properly thought out her responses. But no less did it leave her with a light sense of shame that she'd actually done something wrong as Cassie and Roland began to... Lie? Why would they? Behind her hood, her expression was nearly unreadable, with only faint traces of uncertainty to give away at the odd ruse. But then, her uncertainty could have been for anything, could it not?

"...Apologies, it was not my intention to give away precious information. The reasoning eluded me. Forgive me. It... Will not happen again." Her response neither confirmed nor denied her involvement, instead acting as a simply apology. Nuime's eyes wandered back to Dimitri only briefly, unable to actually settle on the man again. The floor seemed oh so much more appealing for some reason. "I pray your recent discovery does not alter your perceptions of me, Mori-san. I... Apologize if this complicates matters."
Nuime would regard everyone present with even stares upon finishing her bow, passively tugging down her her hood under the attention she was getting. Still, it seemed the presence of other people had shaken her out of her almost anti-social shell, or at least enough to the point where she didn't just slink away awkwardly. Though perhaps the opportunity of learning about her chosen occupation by observing talented heroes 'Duke it out', as they say. "Does 'Civilians' count for heroes of other agencies as well?" The patchwork person asked, curiosity and confusion evident in her tone as she glanced back at Cassie and Roland.

"...I suppose I shall see you, then. It was nice seeing you again, Cassie-senpai, Roland-sama." A brief nod towards the pair was given instead of her typical bow, likely due to the short duration from the last one. "Please enjoy your day... And. Please assure Watamote-sama not to worry about me 'Slacking' if he asks." With that, she turned back to Dimitri, waiting for his response on how they would go about this.
A faint "Meep" escaped the young hero as she with uneasy steps after being pushed would draw closer to Dimitri, Nuime's hand extending quickly to accept the bottle of cold water from him. A light expression of delight grew behind her hood as she found it to be cooler than the dud she'd nearly topped off already. It wasn't long before the cap had been removed and the refreshing liquid brought to her lips. A good near half of the contained water vanished down her parched throat, a sigh of relief parting from the sweater-clad as she lowered it again. "Thank you, Mori-san." An odd pause followed where Nuime parted her lips to speak further, but managed to say utterly nothing in turn for several moments.

Then, she would hold out the bottle towards Dimitri, cystal-blue eyes averting to glance across the street at nothing in particular. "...It would only be fair and logical to share the content. Please help yourself." Whether or not the bottle was passed back, Nuime would eventually look back at Cassie, bewilderment in her eyes as she evidently found it hard to believe that 'Thought Bomb' was a 'Nobody'. Her attitude alone made her stick out like a sore thumb, even without the use of her Quirk. "...I wonder if Watamote-sama would approve of gambling within our agency." She pondered, though of course she didn't look all too serious at the prospect of fighting anyone. Instead, her attention perked more at the mention of spectating matches. "I suppose it would be too much to ask for, Mori-san, especially considering your prior efforts of preventing dehydration without any repayment. But I would be grateful if I could be allowed access to witness these sparring sessions of your agency, to further understand and learn as an aspiring hero. I would be willing to add to the collective 'Pot', as they say, if allowed to observe. I believe it could be educational in understanding further use of my own Quirk, as well as better my chances of cooperating should our agencies perhaps decide to work together against crime."

After perhaps the longest sentence that anyone had ever heard from the ghoulish woman, she finally dipped into a respective bow towards the metal-armed hero.
Roasting was perhaps an overstatement compared to how the wool-wearing hero felt at the moment, though it certainly wasn't a surprise that her choice of attire would earn a few odd looks in this set of weather. Long since receiving the morbid stitches that painted her body, the snow-crested woman had gotten used to large and warm clothes. Granted, just shy of ninety degrees was a kind of hot she'd rarely ventured outside in, for obvious reasons. "It is okay, Mori-san. I can stay by the entrance." Her voice would rise a bit, to bring more clarity rather than mumbles as her crystal-blue eyes followed Dimitri' walk towards the building, hints of uncertainty within the woman's gaze that went unspoken for now as she quietly followed along up until the skyscraper itself was but a few feet in front of her.

A bit to the left of the door, she would wait, occasionally throwing glances back at Cassie and Roland, as well as whoever left and entered the agency. It was perhaps a bit sad to say, but Nuime was good at looking bland and uninteresting to the ordinary crowd. Perhaps one reason that despite her faithful and plentiful active duty as a hero, had remained in the shadows of heroism behind more eye-catching individuals.
As the conversation has progressed and heroes had arrived and departed, the terribly anti-social Nuime had slowly slipped backwards one inch at a time whilst her own Quirk had worked quietly and discreetly. Faint tearing could have been heard as wool stretched and coiled, tore and twisted into new shapes. Behind her head, dull grey formed, growing until it almost completely wrapped her head in a hood that partly concealed her facial features. The patchwork person didn't utter a word during this, remaining passive in the conversation as new greetings were made. She didn't manage to get more than two feet away, though, before she halted her retreat, deeming the distance to the others the most comfortable and respectable.

Even as she hid behind her hood, her eyes were far from present on Dimitri from fear of being observed in turn, which she simply wasn't comfortable with. "...Rivalry between agencies isn't inherently a bad thing, as long as it doesn't interfere with our duties." She spoke up faintly, hardly portraying any real emotion beyond her alien timidness in the presence of multiple conversational partners. "I apologize if my presence inadvertently caused friction between you, Cassie-senpai and Ronald-sama." The alabaster-haired hero considered a bow briefly, but decided against it. That would only draw more attention to herself than she was already creating. "My name is Eberesuto, Nuime. I'm honoured to meet you."
"I will." Nuime replied courtly, her shoulders sinking slightly in response to Ronald's stare and advice. It was difficult to tell if her cheeks gained its colour from the baking heat, or if she felt embarrassed having her own concern mirrored. Roland, however, would likely be able to sense the latter. The colour only seemed to spread further as Cassie got closer, far too close for her comfort zone, which admittedly probably was too large. "I'm s-..." She caught herself, pressing her lips into a thin line as held her tongue from apologizing once again. Instead, her reply continued as if she hadn't spoken up at all.

"I've heard nothing so far in regards to villains or accidents. Especially none that I could assist in beyond mere observation. The most I've done today is create a few hats for those that needed it. I was taking today to... Uhm. Relax a little and wander around instead of being on active duty. I didn't want to stress out Watamote-sama by sitting around idly, he seemed a bit..." There was a pause in her speech as Nuime struggled to find a word polite enough to describe the behavior. During her pause, she would once again try to settle the now-haystack of white on her head, with little success. "...Bothered." The stitched woman concluded, though evidently didn't seem too pleased with her (self-perceived) rude choice of words.

She would fumble around with her half-empty bottle after that, fiddling with the plastic cap as if she was considering if the warm water inside was worth the taste to drink. Her dry throat eventually persuaded her to drink, though, backed up her her senior's prior request. If only she'd been born with an ice-based Quirk to cool down beverages when needed. A convenient Quirk like that was always useful, she thought.
Character Sheet:

Name: Nuime Eberesuto

Nicknames: Ghoul, Zombie, various other derogatory terms based on her visual appearance. Her friends calls her 'Yarn' occasionally.

Hero Name: Patchwork.

Age: Twenty-one

Gender: Female

Agency/Team: Justice For All.

At first glance, Nuime stands out quite a lot from a crowd of ordinary people. Her hair is pale grey and typically smoothly brushed, untouched by anything like curls and the sort. Long strands tend to fall over her face and bright crystal-blue eyes, partially in attempts to hide several long and cleanly visible black suture marks, running angular across her facial region. These suture strings can be found along her forearms and legs as well, no doubt spanning most of her body in cobweb designs, almost like a poor man's patched jacket.

Her daily attire seems to consist of rather ridiculously large sweaters and scarves meant to obstruct as much of her skin as humanly possible, but also serving the dual function of providing material for her Quirk in a pinch. The sweaters and scarves appear to shift between having hoods or not depending on what's needed at the time. And both seem to share similar archetypes, regardless of the type of clothes she wears. If she's wearing a sweater, it's always dull grey. And if she's wearing a scarf, it's always a dull maroon.

As for her hero outfit, it gets no less silly. The sheer volume of the clothes she wear would have villains tripping over themselves laughing from her ludicrous appearance. It consists of an incredibly fluffy jumpsuit with a high collar of what appears to be yarn, but weaved much, much denser. As a result, there's far more uniform than hero. This jumpsuit is the same type of dull grey as her typical sweaters and strangely enough lacks any and all kinds of buttons and zips for entering and leaving. Occasionally, it can be seen with a hood depending on the situation.


Weapons: Cloth(?)
Hero Equipment: (include any superhero suit extras here) While perhaps not stand-alone extras, her jumpsuit contains quite a bit of extra cloth than actually needed, which she utilizes with her Quirk.

She also keeps a tiny box of suture string on her person.


Quirk Section:

Name of Quirk: Cloth Manipulation.

Ability of Quirk:
Nuime's Quirk allows her to manipulate all types of cloth she's familiar with down to individual threads on a minuscule level. The cloth she has possession over can be reshaped and formed after her desires and even create entirely new objects. (Provided they're also made of cloth.) Patch Up also allows her to partially change the appearance and properties of cloth under her control to, for example, alter the colour or density.

Qualities of Quirk:
First and foremost the creation of various clothes come to mind, as well as different types of gear to protect others. Denser semi-protective bracers and masks with filter-like cloth to reduce harm from poisonous gasses. The creation of ropes or rope ladders which can be manipulated at range. Clean bandages in a pinch. Or creating on-the-fly parachutes.

The true strength of her quirk, however, comes from her manipulation of individual strings in the medical field. With the correct type of string, she can suture wounds in mere seconds if provided with a stable and clean environment to work in. At the same time, she can seek out foreign entities lodged inside the bodies of others, such as shrapnel and bullets, or parasites provided they're large enough. Removing them, while dangerous, is generally just as safe as ordinary field surgery if not slightly more so.

Strengths of Quirk:
Patch Up is incredibly versatile in the sense that its abilities to create are limited only to the practical function of the created piece, as well as Nuime's imagination. Likewise does it performs extremely well to partially treat open wounds by shutting them enough to prevent bleeding out. Coils of fabric can be 'Shot' towards a direction if properly prepared, provided enough material is granted to the leash.

Weaknesses of Quirk:
For a versatile Quirk as it is, it does come with quite a few drawbacks. First, it's slow compared to a lot of other creation Quirks, quite impractical to use under intense stress such as fighting. Second, the range of her Quirk reaches only as far as she can touch, meaning that without cloth or string on her person, her Quirk would be utterly useless. Third, while capable of increasing and decreasing the density of different types of fabric, it can never become too durable. A good punt would likely topple any wall of cloth she could produce, because at the end of the day, it's still just cloth. Fourth, fire. Fire is incredibly bad for all kinds of cloth, unless fire-proof. Fifth, manipulating too much fabric at once to create large pieces rapidly drains her.
Finally, the biggest weakness of her Quirk is that it's nigh impossible to use in an open confrontation. It's simply not meant for direct fighting.

Limits of Quirk:
The range of the Quirk is touch-based and must be maintained to keep control of whatever cloth she wishes to manipulate. Creating fabric out of thin air isn't possible, either, nor is creating volume or density from nothing. Laws of mass apply to all three things. Nuime must be familiar with the type of fabric as well, if she wants to manipulate it. New types of cloth appear fickle and difficult to manage for her. Manipulated cloth may travel a maximum of fifteen feet provided she maintains physical contact at all times. When weaving new objects, she also has to consider which type of cloth she's using. Wool, for example, would do miserably as a parachute.


Genetically inheriting a similar Quirk from one's parents wasn't at all unheard of in society, especially not for the esteemed family of surgeons and chemists all with Quirked designed for those particular fields. Nuime grew up in a family of four consisting of her parents and an older sister, who like her had inherited a Quirk in the same theming of their parents. Nuime's mother, an incredibly skilled surgeon, had a Quirk that allowed her to stem the flow of blood in others without clotting, while her father specialized in creating various rubber-based creations via alterations done to the chemical compound that made up the rubber itself. Her older sister's Quirk took after her mother's side, allowing the manipulation of various bodily functions in others through touch, while Nuime herself had taken after her father's textile creation-based Quirk in the form of fabrics.

Life was comfortable for most of her childhood, even after her Quirk manifested. Her family was relatively well off, with their own house in a good part of Musutafu far from the central regions where urban environment stood dense like forests. But even the most peaceful families had their issues. And in Nuime's case, it came in the form of her unstable older sister, who through her Quirk managed to kill several people, including their father. Before she was caught by authorities, however, a showdown between the two sisters resulted in Nuime's near-demise, left battered and cut open as her roamed free. In desperation of wanting to survive, Nuime sutured her own wounds with her Quirk, giving her the signature lines that today mark her body.

Years later, 'Patchwork' rose out of the ranks of the common heroes through partially faithful community service via her Quirk, as well as aiding more esteemed heroes on several occasions in capturing and detaining villains. This caught the attention of the Justice For All agency, who invited her to join their ranks.

Judging by her choice of attires alone, one could easily think Nuime as a bit eccentric, which is partially true. Typically, she's a quiet sort, not because she has nothing to say, but because she finds it difficult to find and use the correct words. Her personality could perhaps be summed up to mildly awkward and hesitant when faced with social interaction, but at her core, she holds powerful beliefs in both justice and heroism, which lead her to pursue a life of helping others.

Due to the nature of her Quirk and its more gruesome side, she's grown an aversion to most kinds of violence if there isn't a need for it. Her soul is incredibly kind and passionate in spite of how little of such she gives off and could always be found soothing and helping the injured she was treating or performing light surgery upon.

But, she's rather insecure as well, particularly about the nasty suture marks lining her body and how they make her look almost zombie-like. Her self-perception isn't high at all due to people constantly poking at it.



Haha, sorry, that completely slipped my mind. But speaking of characters, should I add my sheet to the 'Characters' page?
Getting startled would have been an understatement for Nuime as she was addressed, her body tensing up for the briefest of moments before rational thought kicked back in. The piece of patchwork did of course recognize the voice, towards whom she turned her eyes and attention immediately. But that was it, for the next several seconds at least as she tried to formulate a response that wasn't just random mumblings. Both the heroes she stood faced with received first and foremost an apologetic bow, strands of white shifting around like a loose curtain from her head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that I wanted to leave you. It was just a fleeting thought." She responded in a calm and even tone, with no hints of her prior surprise.

Nuime stood straight once more, crystal-blue eyes averting awkwardly from the pair as her hand was brought towards her face, struggling somewhat to settle her hair again with the newspaper taking up three of her five fingers. It did serve to passively shield herself from the two, though, a gesture she was known to do when she felt exposed. "Uhm, if I may... I think the same of the weather. Have both of you been drinking sufficient amounts of water today?" Concern would sneak its way into her voice, however little it actually showed. The sweater-clad girl, while not being the most verbal about it, did hold great respect for her respective superiors and senior heroes. Particularly Roland himself, along with his Quirk, were held in high regard for the medical properties it had. Easy points for one who grew up in a family of doctors and similarly talented Quirk users.
This would have had to be one of the worst ideas Nuime had ever had. Laboured breathing was evident from the female clothier as she made her way down a particularly empty street. She was donning nigh but her grey sweater and ordinary jeans, the former much too thick and uncomfortable for this type of weather by far, yet the woman had begrudgingly kept it on her person in case anything was needed from her. At the very least, she'd decreased the density of the wool to the point where even a light breeze would pass right through, whenever one did manage to sweep through the metaphorically burning streets.

What had been a casual walk for the ghoul-like lady had quickly become a heated nightmare as she shifted between a bought bottle of lukewarm water and a folded newspaper she'd been gleaning the most recent news from. Today was her first real day off from her hero duties, mostly due to the obscene heat and her relative lack of anything to actually do in the summer months. Not that she particularly minded working, because it was almost reward enough on its own to see the smiles of people she'd helped out. Especially on elders, who were far less inclined to ask about her less than appealing features.

But today, there was few to help beyond the occasional heatstroke that more capable heroes were tending. And that left her mostly free to wander the city of Musutafu, enduring the sun's merciless waves. It wasn't long before she came to a pause, though, catching herself staring across the street at a skyscraper the Justice Society made their headquarters. In comparison, her own agency was tiny compared to the shining example of what collaborative efforts between heroes was, or at least the branch she belonged to wasn't the most centralized. It'd been a while since she'd seen any of her own partners in person.

"...Wonder if they'd ever let someone like me join..." The alabaster-haired ghoul entertained the thought briefly, before merely giving a shake of her head, using her right hand to adjust the much-too-fluffy cloud-like grey sweater she chose to wear. The whole piece shook like a storm as she moved it, which probably looked pretty silly to any bystanders.
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