Thankyou duskreaper. Im very interestef in the idea.
Lu, my bad. If I join, I'll post and only not if I let you guys know, like if I'm away.
Lu, my bad. If I join, I'll post and only not if I let you guys know, like if I'm away.
Oh good. I was wondering when you'd reply. That's cool. So with Hope, she wouldn't be able to stay on school grounds? Makes sense. I'll think about the Enforcer thing. I just wanted to check. I'll write my opening soon. Oh, and I'd like to reserve Little Red. I've just read your thiny on the character board. What do the uniforms look like? Just so I can use this as part of my postRight, uniforms, sorry I didn't even think to post that. Fitted flack blazer for both male and female. Girls in skirts, boys in trousers, both black, white shirt or blouse, black shoes. The only colour is a red tie for the boys and a red bow for the girls. Keep asking questions. It's helping me add to this!