Avatar of MarshiestMallow


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7 yrs ago
Current "Doing your best" does not mean working yourself to the point of a mental breakdown. Its no longer your best at that point.
8 yrs ago
The word homeowner has the word "meow" in it. Good luck pronouncing it correctly ever again. You're welcome ^.^
8 yrs ago
When everything seems wrong...something goes right, and it changes darkness into light, and makes the shadows a little less daunting.
9 yrs ago
People cry, not because they are weak. It's because they've been strong for too long
1 like
9 yrs ago
the bad thing about being bullied is that every time it happens it steals a little piece of who you are if it happens enough little by little you become a little less of who you were meant to be.


To be written.

Most Recent Posts



Location: Delbrook Academy
Interactions:Ertria @vicier


Ana smiled as Eretria came running to her, returning the hug, grateful to have found her. She wasn't too sure what she would have done if she hadn't- Despite what she hoped was a calm exterior, Ana didn't do too well in crowds. Something about them put her on edge, and made her anxious and hyper aware. But as Eretria hugged her, she let herself relax slightly. Giving a small shrug at the praise her friend gave her, she put her phone away. "Wasn't so hard, just pulled a few strings." So, she hadn't got Ana's messages, but it also seemed like she hadn't seen Ignatius without his uniform, so that was a small blessing.

"I messaged Ig's mom to remind him to watch it, and she says he did. Good thing I've got everyone's emergency contact, although how Ig remembered to actually give it to me is a miracle" She said, with a small smile, smoothing her uniform, the nervous habit one Anastasia didn't seem to be aware of. She'd done all she could to make sure that Ignatius was as ready as he'd ever be- and hopefully Theodore had delivered his uniform to him. Ana wasn't sure what she was going to do if the message hadn't gotten through in time.

Absently glancing at the time on her phone, slipping it back out, she grimaced slightly as she realised there wouldn't be much time to rectify that if Ignatius didn't have his uniform. Maybe they ought to see about keeping a set at the school, but that wouldn't help them now. "Saw him in Home, haven't seen him though now, but I'm sure he's around. , if he hasn't caught up with him in a few, I'll give him a call. Hopefully he has his phone."



Location: Delbrook Academy
Interactions:Daniel Murphy, Sawyer Lockwood(@Moro),
Marco Costello, Maria Costello(@LostDestiny),
and Damien Lopez(@Vicier)


There were many things Theodore thought he could do, not the least of which was catching up with his team mates, however it seemed that fate had other plans for him as he took out his phone, glancing at the message he, and the rest of the drama team, had received. He hadn’t even checked to see what they could be doing this year, he’d been thinking too much on going for positions he probably had no hope of getting in professional productions. He stared at the text for a few moments, a little unsure of what to respond. Did he want to continue with being involved in a production? Could he commit if he did get a position in a professional production? Yeah, right, he was kidding himself with that.

Still, he hesitated. Sighing softly, he continued to stare at the screen, feeling like he’d just make a fool of himself… but he started to send a message back.

Theodore Colbeck

Sure., I’ll try out again this year Don’t really care what production we do, I’ll just go along with whatever.

Figuring that that was enough, Theodore finally decided to find some of the other lacrosse members, pausing along the way to glance at a few of the venders, but not letting himself get distracted as he sought out the team. Eventually finding them, Theodore slowed




Location: Delbrook Academy
Interactions:Ertria @vicier


Annie looked at herself in the mirror, frowning slightly as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, before sighing and reaching into her small make=up bag, taking out a few bobby pins. She spent a few moments touching up her hair, making sure that there was no loose strands. She hated bobby pins, the little fuckers had a way of just disappearing, or moving slightly so that she had to constantly readjust them. For the moment though, she just needed them to stay for a few moments, as she took out her slick stick and sliding it over the loose strands. Better than hair spray, in her opinion.

Studying herself in the mirror, she nodded in satisfaction, taking out a small jar, gently dabbiing the sparkling contents on her eyelids. That was, perhaps, the best she was going to make herself look.

Taking a deep breath, Annie started out of the bathroom, gently brushing at her uniform to make sure there was no marks on it. Popping out her ear buds, Annie put them away, taking a small detour back to her locker and putting everything away besides what she’d need for the upcoming cheer.

Satisfied with everything she had done, she sought out Tria, Leaving the assembly a few minutes early in by using the excuse she needed the bathroom for personal reasons had, as usual, been a stroke of genius. Making her way back there, Annie kept an eye out for Tria in the crowd that was just coming out, taking out her phone.

Just outside, where are you?



Location: big house
Interactions:Grey (@Moro) Kep (briefly) @vicier


Imogen paused, hesitating. She had been heading to the stables, expecting Grey to be going with Erin… wanting to help with anything she could, so she wouldn’t feel so damn useless. But it seemed that Grey had been chosen for another quest…. Shifting slightly, she glanced towards the big house, nodding. “You’re right, I probably should…. Quests while Aphrodite is going crazy…. “ Trailing off she sighed, wishing Kep goodbye as she started towards the big house, hoping to catch Grey before he was either heading in, or heading out. It appeared however she was too late as she saw Grey’s figure walking away, and sighing she resolved to catch up to him.

That thought however was interrupted by a girl- possibly new- making some sort of us, and she stopped as the bolt appeared. Deciding she’d had enough of those types of events today, Imogen turned away, cutting across the way to try and catch up with her brother, briefly debating about drowning the girl for a minute to cool her heated temper, but decided that, as much as she felt guilty on it, to leave that to Vivian who appeared to be taking someone else under their wing as well.

Moving Fast so as not to be caught out in her fleeing the scene of more new campers, Imogen was soon into a trot after Grey, ducking her head to make sure she wasn’t about to trip over a rock, a stick, her own feet, the fucking air- she really was a walking disaster- she hoped she was closing the distance.




Location: Cabin grounds
Interactions: @Vicier


Pierre wasn’t so sure. There had never been a quest of this extent in their time at the camp, sure there had been multiple quests at a time, but this one… this was a test by the Gods. Whatever sick game they were playing, Pierre was certain that it was for a specific reason. Sighing softly, he took a moment to respond. “You’re probably right…But the last time a camper was accused of stealing a God’s things, all hell broke loose in the long run. Perhaps I’m just worrying about it for nothing.” At least he wasn’t required to go on a quest, while Pierre didn’t mind it, he wanted to stick around. Just in case.

“Well, doesn’t seem like we’ll know whats going on until later.” He shifted, giving a shrug of his shoulders, as if trying to shake off his negative thoughts. “Pretty sure some of the others want to throw a party for winning the tower… Well, they did before these other quests. Might be a good distraction.”



Location: Cabin grounds
Interactions: @metanoia Damien


Kalinda could almost feel the anger coming off of Damien, and she winced, waiting for it to be directed to her. She shouldn’t have come, and yet, she hadn’t been able to stop herself from doing so. Sometimes she had to wonder if she really was a child of Apollo. She was so different from her siblings, from Vivian… And that wasn’t the point of why she was here. As he spoke, seeming to lash her with his words, she flinched, closing her eyes,waiting for more. But it seemed as if he wasn’t angry at her… just her behaviour.

Hesitating, she looked towards him, frowning as she wondered what he was doing. She had never seen any of the campers summon anything, As the skeletons appeared, Kalinda wasn’t sure what Damien was doing, looking back to him. What did she want? She wasn’t sure. After a few moments thought, she said softly “A simple stone, she never really liked frills… I… “ What could she put on it? For the first time in a while, Kalinda was at a lose for even a simple poem. Nothing seemed good enough, and she hated herself all over again. “I… A heart… maybe something like” She took a deep breath, before saying softly

“you are not forgotten
Though on earth you are no more
Still in memory you are with us
As you always were before.”

There were many things she wanted to say, but for the moment, Kalinda let that be all, “Thank you.” She said to Damien, wondering briefly is she needed to thank the skeletons as well, not really sure of the etiquette.
Found my way here, finally XD can I get a like so I don't forget again XD



Location: Delbrook Academy
Interactions: Tria @Vicier Via text


Anastasia examined the tree some feet in front of her, as she gripped her compound bow firmly in her left hand, holding it out in front of her torso. She didn't take her gaze from the tree as she reached down her right side, the thumb, index and middle fingertips of her hand lightly grasping the feathered end of the wooden arrow, sticking upright in the soil beside her. With an ever so gentle pluck, the arrow freed itself from the earth, Annie raising the shaft up to the bow. With a skilled hand, Annie notched the arrow, drawing the bowstring back, she could feel her muscles flex and stain against the natural strength of the bow, forcing the arrow back to her cheek.

The wood creaked in protest as the leathery sinew of the bowstring popped and crackled under the stress and pressure required to draw the marvelous weapon back to its full potential. The guard on her arm, and fingers protected her flesh from the bowstrings painful bite, and her muscles began to quiver under the tremendous force required to hold the bow steady. Still, she didn't let the bow go, mentally evaluating her target... range... distance... cross winds.... and she elevated her arm to follow her estimated arch and the natural drop of the arrow.

Finally, she let the arrow fly with a loud, pronounced cracking SNAP of the bowstring. As the shaft streaked from the bow with what seemed to be lightning speed, launching high into the morning sky, she lowered her bow, watching it's path. The gently floating arch of the arrow gave her pride, as it flew towards the tree, hitting it dead centre. Many thought she was trying to act like Katnis, from the stupid hunger games books, which was so far from the truth. There was just something so… powerful at shooting an arrow, knowing she had been the one to let it fly, and to have to, skillfully, land where she wanted it… It made her feel strong. Which was something she often struggled with.

With satisfaction, she collected her arrows, glancing up at the sky and the sun that was slowly telling her to get back home and ready for school. What a drag, just when she was starting to make some real progress with her trick shots. With a sigh, she started back towards home, before her mother sent out a search party for her.

Hair tied back in a somewhat fancy braid, a slight smattering of make-up, and her cheer uniform, Annie probably looked the furthest thing from a girl who had been in the thick of an archery workout. She locked her car up as she walked away, books in her arms and satchel over her shoulder as she made her way to home group, shifting her things to take her phone out, texting one handed as she walked.

To Mrs Lleywn

Hey, Mrs L. Saw Ignatius, sans uniform. He’s going to need it.

Rolling her shoulders, she continued to write another message, glancing up every so often to make sure she wasn’t about to walk into someone, or a wall, a door, whatever.

Tria, Ig forgot his uniform, don’t worry, got it sorted. Let me know if there’s anything I can do. OMW to home group.

Satisfied, Annie slipped her phone back into her bag, moving her books and glancing around her, taking the right path to the home room. Hopefully Tria hadn’t seen the non-suited up Ignatius and wouldn’t stress now if she did. When she reached the home group room, she found her seat, taken her phone out once more, she put one air bud in and shifted, crossing her legs as she leaned against her desk, tilting her phone side ways as she watched the cheer they were doing today, recorded by her and sent to everyone.

After all, some people did better with visual work, and this had been a good session to record. Her gaze flicked over everyone, sighing softly as she flicked over her own form. Not her best effort, but it wasn’t her worst. Annie just needed to make sure she wasn’t letting her nerves get the better of her. As they were led to the auditorium, Annie plopped in her other bud and turned to the latest episode of Critical Role, letting the various voices of the players wash over her, leaning her head against the back of her chair.

Her eyes closed, she ignored the drowning talk of the principal, letting herself relax as she waited for the time to leave, and to meet up with the rest of the squad.



Location: Cabin grounds
Interactions: @metanoia Damien


She should have known she wouldn’t be lucky enough to have the place for a few minutes to herself. She didn’t know what she expected, given that it was the Hades cabin domain, but she had hoped. Kalinda shrugged her shoulders, briefly glancing to Damien before looking away. “Wel all have darkness in us, Damien. Sometimes even the sun is overshadowed by the moon.” She said softly, shifting slightly as she debated what to say, looking up at the sky. The sun was always there, always waiting. Always ready to envelope her in a warmth that made her feel, even slightly, better.

“Philosophy isn’t for me, and that’s probably a load of bullshit, but whatever.” She said in a off handish tone, before she swallowed, falling silent for a moment or two as she tried to think whether she ought to leave and come back later, or just get on with it. “I… wasn’t a good daughter to my mother… I never even gave her a memorial stone, I ran away in fear and grief when she died. Figure it’s time to at least do something… “ She trailed off, wincing as she realised she probably should have asked, instead of essentially trespassing.

She looked down at her hands and sighed, “I probably should have asked, shouldn’t I? Wasn’t thinking.” Her sister was being sent on a quest, and even if Vivian wasn’t perturbed by her vision, Kalinda was. Things seemed to be going down the toilet faster than sand in a hour glass, and she couldn’t help but feel…. Disheartened. She hadn’t even considered that it might be a bit full of herself, as well as annoying, to just rock up… she knew she got a bit pissed off if people messed with her things in the medical bay.”Sorry”



Location: Camp Grounds, Strawberry field
Interactions: ] @Pyxis Kareem


Remus was relieved when Kareem answered, glad he had a way to at least get Riley passed onto someone else- the girl was certainly a handful. And he was terrified of her take it as it came attitude, of not thinking things through. She had, after all, nearly got him killed several times. Running across the fucking road, who did that when there was oncoming cars? He mentally shook his head, managing to give Kareem a smile. “Hey... Found this stray trying to fight a few things twice her size. Figured I’d bring her home.” He said, in a light, slightly amused tone.

“HEY! I was doing just fine!” RIley said, frowning, and placing her hands on her hips as she turned towards him.

“You were nearly impaled when I came along.”

“Was not!”

“Was too- I’m not arguing!” He threw up his hands, sighing and running a hand through his slightly mussed up hair. “She’s a bit of a handful, I’m sorry… Dionysus told me to bring her here.” And that god for that, she was going to be the death of him, he was sure. If he was a cat, he was sure she would have been reasonable for 8 of his 9 lives. “Looks like you’ve got another for the Demeter cabin.”



Location: Camp Grounds, Strawberry field
Interactions: @Pyxis Kareem


Riley glanced around the, what she assumed, were fields. There seemed to be a neverending supply of Strawberries, among other things. While it was impressive, Riley had to wonder what they did with all the strawberries. Was it some sort of jam making cult? Were these a special breed of strawberries, some sort of drug? She was beginning to think that anything was possible, and for a few moments, grumbling under her breath at the disrespect of Remus, she let her thoughts wonder.

Eventually, her gaze moved back to the new boy she was apparently being palmed off to.He was taller than her, and seemed quite muscled- was it working in the fields? Or was it the camp? Even Remus, who looked like he was a scrawny stick was well toned, despite his rather snivelling and nervous nature. The boy had black hair, which seemed to go well with his dark eyes. Her gaze was drawn to the tattoos that seemed to cover a lot of his body, and she had to wonder just how many he had, and how long he had been collecting them for. As she opened her mouth to ask, she was distracted by noticing he was missing an arm.

“Get on the wrong side of a beastie too, huh?” She asked before her mind could catch up with her mouth, and a little mortified- but not much, she clapped a hand over her mouth. “Sorry, sometimes my mouth has a mind of its own.” She ducked her head a little sheepishly, “Um. Anyway. I’m Riley. And what the fuck is a Demeter cabin? Remus has told me fuck all, except nagging me about being the death of him” Perhaps if she just kept talking, they’d forget her little mishap.
@KatKook Hey, looks good, happy to have her aboard! Not sure if anyone else has accepted her, but you can go ahead and move her over ^.^



Location: Delbrook Academy


Theodore couldn’t necessarily say what had woken him, since it wasn’t his alarm. He stared up at his ceiling, a little bemused as he waited to see if he was about to be attacked. When it didn’t happen, he looked towards his phone, frowning slightly as he saw he was up thirty minutes before his alarm. Well, that was a bit fucking unfair. He was going to miss out on thirty minutes of sleep. Sighing softly, he tried to relax back into sleep, but it wasn’t going to happen. With a frustrated sigh, Stumbling to the bathroom, he showered, changed and brushed his teeth before absently moving towards his desk.

He opened up his laptop and was greeted with the application he had been considered for a part in a show the night before. A wistful dream, but Theodore found himself staring at the screen for a few moments. Letting his fingers drum on the desk, he contemplated it. He sighed again, before he hit the submit button. What was the worse that could happen, they said no, don’t come to auditions? It seemed like something he could try, at the least. Who knows, he might actually get a part in this new show. Maybe.

Probably not, but it was too late to do anything about it. Shaking his head, he turned the laptop off, sliding it into his backpack, grabbing his lacrosse stick and uniform, shoving the uniform in to his bag, he took the stairs two steps at a time, “Hey, Selena, sweet girl! You get an extra long walk today.” He set his things down by the door, grabbing the wolf-dogs leash and clipping it onto Selena’s collar, giving her a few quick scratchies. “You’re such a good girl!” He smiled, starting out the door.

When he returned him, he quickly grabbed some food, woofing it down quickly, and shouting out “Bye, mom!” before grabbing his things and starting out. Revving his bike to life, he started off down the road but wasn’t surprised when, half way to school, he was waved down by a woman. “Hey, Mrs Llywelyn. What did he forget this time?” He said as he slowed the bike to a stop in front of Ignatius’s mother. Part of the reason why he often went this way was because, after several times of dealing with Ignatius’s excentricities, it was easier to stop by and check with his mother.

“Oh! Theodore! I wasn’t too sure if you’d come by today, but thank you! He left his uniform behind, and you know he needs it today. Probably doesn’t even realise he left it behind, honestly… “

Theodore smiled softly, taking the bag she offered him, and after assuring her that he’d give it to her son, he started back on his way.

A little late, Theodore didn’t have a chance to find Ignatius before homeroom, and even less of a chance to hand off the uniform before the assembly. Sighing softly, he resigned himself to waiting after, and as soon as he co- Jesus, the boy could be fast when he wanted- Theodore eventually caught up to Ignatius, laying a hand on his shoulder to stop him from running off.

“Fuck sake, Ig. You can be so damn slippery. Here, you forgot this!” He said, handing the uniform over Ignatius, whose eyes went wide,“Oh, shit! Shit shit shit, I need to go get ready, before Tria realises I’m not there!” And he was off, shouting over his shoulder “Thanks, Theo!” Bemused, Theodore shook his head, shoving his hands into his pockets and starting into the festivities.





Location: Delbrook Academy


“Be careful, I don’t know why I agreed to let you ride a bike to school, must have been high out of my mind!” Ignatius’s mother said, shaking her head as she, with a small sigh, reached out to hand him his bag. Ignatius gave her a bright smile, and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Don’t worry, mom! You made a deal, if I saved up for it, I could get it! And I did!” He said excitedly as he put one strap over his shoulder, grinning still and reaching for his helmet.

“Yes, but I didn’t expect you to have the concentration and determination to actually save money, you’re terrible with it!” His mother said exasperated as she absently shoved a bag of fruit into his pack, titching as she saw it was virtually empty. “You can’t even stayed focused enough to pack your bag!”

“Mom! I’ve got some pens and a note book, what else do I need? I’ve even got my laptop! I’m gonna be late!” Shoving his hamlet on, he gave his mother a quick smile, waved goodbye and dashed out the house before she could stop him again, grinning as he reached his bike. With forethought, Ignatius slipped the other strap of his bag on before straddling the bike. He’d already lost his bag once forgetting to do that with the force of wind, he wasn’t going to do it again.

Starting the bike with a roar, Ignatius confidentially started on his way, a thrill washing through him as the bike shot off down the road.

As the assembly seemed to go on and on, Ignatius drifted off to sleep. The boring drone of the principle lulled him into submission, and for a brief time, Ignatius drifted into a world of his own imagination. Why did they have to sit through a boring pep talk that no one would remember in an hours time? His brain chose to focus on something more entertaining: sleep.

As a pleasant dream of his current mine craft build filled his mind Ignatius shifted in his sleep, head resting on the back of his seat. He never really cared what he looked like- what were they going to do, give him detention? He'd just sleep that away too. As a dragon flew through his dream and fire engulfed his mind Ignatius jolted awake "aaaah dragon!" He glanced around, and was mildly disappointed that there was, in fact, no dragon.

It didn’t appear that his small outburst had distracted many, if any, of the teachers from the droning of the assembly, and Ignatius was slightly glad for that. Some teachers thought he was a bit of a goof. He had no idea why they thought that. None whatsoever. Was this assembly going to go on for the rest of the day? Weren’t they meant to have some sort of activity? He remembered a fair few people mentioning that.

Lost in thought, it was a few moments before Ignatius noticed other students were getting up, and for a few seconds he was confused- and then his brain kicked into gear, and with joy and relief he shot up out of his seat, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited for the line out of the crummy old building to move. As soon as he could, he moved into the crowd heading out, and grinned as he burst out into the open, looking around enthusiastically.
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