
______________________________________________________________________________________ Location: Cabin grounds Interactions: @metanoia Damien ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
She should have known she wouldn’t be lucky enough to have the place for a few minutes to herself. She didn’t know what she expected, given that it was the Hades cabin domain, but she had hoped. Kalinda shrugged her shoulders, briefly glancing to Damien before looking away.
“Wel all have darkness in us, Damien. Sometimes even the sun is overshadowed by the moon.” She said softly, shifting slightly as she debated what to say, looking up at the sky. The sun was always there, always waiting. Always ready to envelope her in a warmth that made her feel, even slightly, better.
“Philosophy isn’t for me, and that’s probably a load of bullshit, but whatever.” She said in a off handish tone, before she swallowed, falling silent for a moment or two as she tried to think whether she ought to leave and come back later, or just get on with it.
“I… wasn’t a good daughter to my mother… I never even gave her a memorial stone, I ran away in fear and grief when she died. Figure it’s time to at least do something… “ She trailed off, wincing as she realised she probably should have asked, instead of essentially trespassing.
She looked down at her hands and sighed,
“I probably should have asked, shouldn’t I? Wasn’t thinking.” Her sister was being sent on a quest, and even if Vivian wasn’t perturbed by her vision, Kalinda was. Things seemed to be going down the toilet faster than sand in a hour glass, and she couldn’t help but feel…. Disheartened. She hadn’t even considered that it might be a bit full of herself, as well as annoying, to just rock up… she knew she got a bit pissed off if people messed with her things in the medical bay.

______________________________________________________________________________________ Location: Camp Grounds, Strawberry field Interactions: ] @Pyxis Kareem ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
Remus was relieved when Kareem answered, glad he had a way to at least get Riley passed onto someone else- the girl was certainly a handful. And he was terrified of her take it as it came attitude, of not thinking things through. She had, after all, nearly got him killed several times. Running across the fucking road, who did that when there was oncoming cars? He mentally shook his head, managing to give Kareem a smile.
“Hey... Found this stray trying to fight a few things twice her size. Figured I’d bring her home.” He said, in a light, slightly amused tone.
“HEY! I was doing just fine!” RIley said, frowning, and placing her hands on her hips as she turned towards him.
“You were nearly impaled when I came along.”“Was not!”“Was too- I’m not arguing!” He threw up his hands, sighing and running a hand through his slightly mussed up hair.
“She’s a bit of a handful, I’m sorry… Dionysus told me to bring her here.” And that god for that, she was going to be the death of him, he was sure. If he was a cat, he was sure she would have been reasonable for 8 of his 9 lives.
“Looks like you’ve got another for the Demeter cabin.”

]______________________________________________________________________________________ Location: Camp Grounds, Strawberry field Interactions: @Pyxis Kareem ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
Riley glanced around the, what she assumed, were fields. There seemed to be a neverending supply of Strawberries, among other things. While it was impressive, Riley had to wonder what they did with all the strawberries. Was it some sort of jam making cult? Were these a special breed of strawberries, some sort of drug? She was beginning to think that anything was possible, and for a few moments, grumbling under her breath at the disrespect of Remus, she let her thoughts wonder.
Eventually, her gaze moved back to the new boy she was apparently being palmed off to.He was taller than her, and seemed quite muscled- was it working in the fields? Or was it the camp? Even Remus, who looked like he was a scrawny stick was well toned, despite his rather snivelling and nervous nature. The boy had black hair, which seemed to go well with his dark eyes. Her gaze was drawn to the tattoos that seemed to cover a lot of his body, and she had to wonder just how many he had, and how long he had been collecting them for. As she opened her mouth to ask, she was distracted by noticing he was missing an arm.
“Get on the wrong side of a beastie too, huh?” She asked before her mind could catch up with her mouth, and a little mortified- but not much, she clapped a hand over her mouth.
“Sorry, sometimes my mouth has a mind of its own.” She ducked her head a little sheepishly,
“Um. Anyway. I’m Riley. And what the fuck is a Demeter cabin? Remus has told me fuck all, except nagging me about being the death of him” Perhaps if she just kept talking, they’d forget her little mishap.