TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN TAGGED: The purpose of this discussion is to talk about possible revision or deletion of the Persistent World section, which has been highly debatable for quite the while. All of you have been active in the most recent OOC or IC post, so I am tagging you so that you can provide your feedback on the matter. Users unable to have a civil conversation will be reported to forum staff. If you are a user who cannot disagree with another user without without getting offended, angry, or upset, then you will be asked to leave.So are we just not going to talk about this anymore? 100% of the people who have posted here, in the Roleplaying Discussion forum, say that PW needs to be changed or removed completely, with a majority vote being towards total removal. Anything with unanimous negative feedback from users should be addressed by the administration, especially on a site that depends entirely on user activity.
Let's take a look at some data.
Most recent PW OOC:
Anyone up for a dinosaur planet?. Created two months ago. Has not begun (planned to begin today). As of a week ago, it has four interested players:
@SIGINT, and
Second-most recent PW OOC: No posts for 17 days. No interested players.
Most recent PW IC:
Ecetopia: Rzail: Karnorouri’s Pillar. Created 7 months ago. 79 IC posts. Most recent IC: 11 hours ago. As of one week ago, eight out of 12 players have posted. All players:
@Silvan Haven,
@Ciaran, Normie,
@Kasai Uchiha,
@Dark Light, and
Second-most recent PW IC: No posts for three months. Four players:
@superservo27, and
Conclusion: The PW currently supports one active RP with twelve players, eight active. The PW also supports one active OOC for a planned RP with four players. This makes for a total of between eight and fifteen players (Normie being involved in multiple threads).
As of now, 12 people have posted in this thread to either revise or delete the PW section.