Your Name: Mattmanganon
Character Name: Cain Marko
Character Alias: Juggernaut
Character Allignment: Walking The Line / Villain (Has no real evil thoughts, he just has an insatiable lust for destruction.)
Character Appearance: Cain is a monolith of a man, approximately 12 foot tall with muscles each the size of beach-balls.
Characters Abilities:Avatar of Cyttorak - Being possessed by the spirit of Cyttorak, the God of Destruction, Juggernaut has become a tool of pure, unadulterated destruction. These powers include:
Super Strength - Having become somewhat a Demi-God, he is easily able to lift over 300 tons over his head and throw it.
Super Speed - Although it takes him approximately 5 seconds to get from 0-60mph, he has no definable top speed. He seems to get faster and faster the more he runs. So far, he his highest recorded speed clocked in at 400mph.
Super Durability - In order to accomplish the arduous task of causing destruction to feed Cyttorak, he was granted nae-invulnerability. Although he is capable of being worn down by fatigue, breaking his skin is almost impossible.
Unstoppable - As the name "Juggernaut" might imply, he is somewhat unstoppable. Once he gets up to speed, there is almost nothing that can slow his momentum by force. He can plow straight through a solid mountain without losing a single bit of his speed. Of course, this can be used against him, as if he is going too fast, he will find trouble stopping himself.
Conduit of The Crimson Cosmos - Juggernaut is a conduit of the Crimson Cosmos, a dimension of pure energy, built to contain Cyttorak. The Crimson Gem that is fused with his soul constantly is linked directly with the Crimson Cosmos and floods his body with its mystical energy, this means that, so long as the Crimson Cosmos has energy, so does Juggernaut. Thanks to this link, the energy constantly regenerates his human bodies cells. He never needs to eat, sleep or drink, although he can if he wishes to. And on the very rare occasions that his body is damaged, he will be completely healed within hours. This link is also what provides him with his armour, known as the Crimson Cosmos Armour, which is indestructable, easily able to deflect blows from the likes of Hulk and Thor with relative ease.
WeaknessesMagic - As his power comes from magic, also does his bane come from it. Non-Magical constructs he can plow through as though it weren't there, but magical constructs will give him difficulty if they are of a strong enough nature.
Psionic Attack - As indestructable his physical form is, his spiritual and mental form are offered no such protection. A powerful psionic can easily get inside his head and shut him down the way they could any other human. However, this weakness is mitigated by his helmet, which, whilst on, makes him invulnerable to such attacks.
Characters Skills:Tactical Thinking - As powerful as Juggernaut is, he still retained his training from his army days and knows a great deal about ambush tactics. Most enemies are caught completely offguard when he actually starts setting up ambushes, thinking he is nothing but a brainless brute.
Origin Story: Born as the only biological son of Dr Kurt Marko, Cain was a relatively happy child until the age of 5, when his parents divorced and he was forced to live with his father. After his fathers scientific research partner, Dr Brian Xavier, died, Dr Marko quickly grew close to his widowed wife and within the year they had married. He had always wanted a younger brother and for a time, things seemed good... But soon, due to a breakdown in his research, his father began to turn to alcoholism. Neglected, heartbroken and married to a man that only wanted her for her money, Sharon Xavier took her own life when Cain was only 7 years old and Charles only 4. Cain and Charles were regularly beaten by him. Although Cain would stand up for his little brother, regularly coming to blows with his father, which resulted in further beatings. In school, Cain and Charles were polar opposites. Charles was a genius, a perfect student, whilst Cain was struggling to get so much as a "You Tried" star-sticker from his own teacher. Cain grew into a thug, although woe-betide any other bully that picked on Charles (Whom he lovingly nick-named "Chucky")
When Cain was 17 years old, he joined the Army, just glad to get away from his father, with the intention of coming back for his younger brother after a few tours to hopefully get him away from their father. After serving a tour in Germany for 6 months, Cain returned for a few weeks on leave to visit Charles. It took less than 4 hours before he came to blows with their father in his lab. Having received army training and fighting a scientist that had spent 3 years of no exercise and constant alcohol abuse, Cain easily bested his father, but couldn't seem to stop himself, just punching his father over and over. Charles, who's powers had developed by this point, used them to stop Cain before he killed Dr Marko. Cain, feeling violated, retreated to his room. Dr Marko stumbled back into his lab, but unfortunately, due to some spilled chemicals during the fight, the lab caught fire and Dr Marko was killed.
Cain was given Grievance leave and looked after his brother for a year, very rarely talking with him. He had felt utterly violated and became scared of what Charles could do. Soon, this fostered into a soft loathing and resentment for what his brother could do and after a fight, which Charles used his mental powers to win, Cain left home.
Cain dropped off the radar for some time, he wasn't seen again by the civilized world until many years later when Charles formed an expedition to visit an ancient ruin in Cambodia. He managed to track down his older Step-Brother and hired him to protect them from the bandits and guerrilla fighters that made the mountains their home. Although the brothers were able to talk on the trip, not much was established, communication wise, beyond Cains acceptance that his brother could do things that Cain himself never could. It was at the temple that Cain found a glowing ruby that spoke into his soul and told him to grab it. Powerless before the gem of a god, he grabbed it and was consumed by power, transforming into the massive, hulking Juggernaut. It was at this point that Xavier tried to reason with his older brother, but it was no use. Destroying the temple on the way out, Juggernaut went on monstrous rampage across Europe.
It wasn't until Britain, his and Charles' homeland, came under deep threat from an attempt from a shady orginization (Whom they never found out was actually the not-so-defunct HYDRA) that Cain was given his sanity back. Gathered by Merlin, all of the greatest of British super-powered individuals were brought together to become a force to protect the British Isles from all threats. Charles and Cain were brought in to assist Captain Britain, Psylocke, Nightcrawler and Shadowcat. After the crisis was averted, Charles and Cain sat down and talked things out. Charles offered to help him get rid of Cyttorak, but Cain ultimately refused, he wasn't quite ready to let Charles into his head just yet.
After going to America, Cain has been once again consumed by the rage of Cyttorak and forced to destroy.
Story Arcs:Attempted Self Control - Britain may be safe now, but America just got a hell of a problem. Cain is attempting to bring the Gem of Cyttorak under control by himself, but as the many superheroes of America find out, his plan isn't going so well.
The Brothers Reunite - After having been beaten and stopped on multiple occasions by the heroes of America, Cain decides that it is time, he visits Charles and takes him up on his offer to try and quell the insatiable need for destruction.
Juggernaut of the X-Men - Having regained his sanity to the point where he can control himself, he wants to put his power to good use, now becoming Chucky's defender once again, just like in school.
Man or Monster? - The lack of destruction on Cain's part is starting to anger Cyttorak and now, Cain is starting to lose his power. Soon, Cain will be just a regular human again... But does he truly want to give up his power?
Kuurth, Breaker of Stone - When the 7 Hammers of The Serpent are sent to earth, they call on Earth's 7 mightiest warriors. During which time, Cain is called by one. To compliment his already nae-invulnerability and boundless strength, he has a magic hammer, not too disimilar to Mjolnir that grants him EVEN more power.
J2 - HE HAS A SON?!?!?!?! Ok, it's a son from a parallel universe, but still, this is weird and freaky.
Supporting Cast:Charles Xavier: His younger Stepbrother and formerly his best friend in the world. He now runs the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, as well as The X-Men.
Captain Britain: A former member of Excalibur, the two actually do keep in touch.
Psylocke: A Mutant, former member of Excalibur and Captain Britains younger sister. Although she see's him as naught but a muscle-bound meathead, she nonetheless respects his power.
The X-Men: A typical thorn in his side. He understands that he can't just be allowed to destroy everything, but he still finds them incredibly annoying for attacking him whilst he's trying to destroy things.
Sample Post:An example of a long, drawn out fight sceneI love writing Sadistic people, they can be a lot of fun :3A little romanceHow the Love-Birds in the previous post met