I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
Hope this party isn't full. Seems like something i've been wanting to play for ages.
Name: Robert O'Brian Sex: Male Age: 17 House: Dark Magician House
(But with blue eyes and an actually damn smile)
Duel Disk: A special one presented by Raiza Personality: A Pagan that worships mother earth. He's generally a friendly sort, but it's when he's in the heat of duel that his spirit sets ablaze and his passion melts any ice that might be around. When the seal goes off, his passion dies down into a quiet calm that allows him to think straight and plan his moves carefully. He see's it as the seal transfering his passion to his monsters. He is also prone to bursting into song, and is proud of being a "Galway boy" He also has a thing about walking around barefoot. History:
Born into a mismatched family, he was the second child and first son of famous Greko-Roman wrestler Douglas "The Smiler" O'Brian. Although, news of his conception came as a shock, due to his mother being told that she was incapable of having male children. His older Sister had been born and their father had taken to training her to be the next Wrestling Champion. His mother, on the otherhand, was a strong pagan woman. Growing up, he and his father were rather distant, as his father spent his time training his sister. As such, he imprinted more on his mother than him. She would often take him on nature walks and show him the beauty that mother earth had to offer. She even told him an old legend of the 6 Kings. A King to rule each of the elements, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Light and Dark.
When he was 6, he and his sister got their first Decks, and so, he started to save up all of his pocket money to buy more of these cards. His deck was that of the Monarchs, as they had been based on the old legend of the 6 kings. His father did play Duel Monsters, but was no-one phenomenal. At the age of 7, Robert and his father finally got close, as he was now old enough to start learning how to wrestle. Robert grew close to his father and sister, through the training, but he wasn't very good. He only really did it so as to get some quality, family time. Naturally, he lost to his sister... A lot...
It was when he was 13 that he decided to start trying to get closer to nature. He would often camp out in the woodlands close to his small hometown. On one fateful night, he heard a strange rustling through the undergrowth. Going to investigate, he saw a bright green hawk that was stuck in a trap, with men closing in on it, talking of how much money it was worth. Naturally, he got between them and the defenseless bird. Using his wrestling know-how, he managed to fend off one of them, but they were much larger than him, so he didn't stand much of a chance. He managed to at least get over to the bird and cut the rope with his pocket knife, at least he could save the creature. That was when it exploded in a bright green light, Wind seemed to pick up instantly as the bird transformed into a giant. The men ran but Robert was transfixed on its magnificence. It stared down at him, before disappearing and forming into a card, which floated down to him. The card was the true form of one of the Monarchs. Raiza...
After this event, he spent the next year, wandering through the area in search of the rest of the Monarchs, his first month was to no avail. Raiza, inspired by his determination to find his fellow Monarchs, told him to seek out the Majiosheldon. The Leprechauns that roamed the land under the watchful eyes of the Monarchs. He found them in a cabbage patch, three brothers, who, thanks to Raiza were convinced to assist him. With their help, he easily overcame the obstacles and reunited the 6 Mega Monarchs. They were his to call upon in battle. With this, he was bestowed a mystical card, the Seal of Orcichalcos. A seal given to those that the Monarchs decide is truly at one with them. it is proof that he is a guardian of nature and an ally of the Monarchs.
He returned home and began focusing on his finesse with his deck. His deck became infamous in the area and finally, he asked if he could go to the new Dueling Academy that had opened. After a few months, he was allowed to go... Along with his Sister, who wanted to brush up on her Dueling skills, as well as potentially joining the schools Wrestling club.
Wish: To be able to be strong enough to protect nature and mother earth from all-comers.
Monsters: 20 Beast King Barbaros Dandylion Majiosheldon x3 Caius the Shadow Monarch Caius the Mega Monarch Granmarg the Rock Monarch Granmarg the Mega Monarch Mobius the Frost Monarch Mobius the Mega Monarch Raiza the Storm Monarch Raiza the Mega Monarch Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch Thestalos the Mega Monarch Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Zaborg the Mega Monarch Edea the Heavenly Squire Eidos the Underworld Squire Illusiory Snatcher
Spells: 13 Seal of Orichalcos March of the Monarchs The Monarchs Stormforth Strike of the Monarchs Tenacity of the Monarchs Domain of the Monarchs Pantheism of the Monarchs Return of the Monarchs Reinforcement of the Army x2 Double Summon x2 Terraforming
Traps: 10 Escalation of the Monarchs By Order of the Emperor The Prime Monarch Oath of Championship x2 Monarchs Erupt Monarchs Awaken The First Monarch Grisaille Prison x2
Cool RP. I see the TIE Ace spot is open. Any chance I can nab that? I was actually just in the mood to play a Pilot.
Question, what kind of TIE's are available to play with? Because, I know that the Star destroyer only has the regular LN's, but at this point in time, other TIE varients such as the Bomber and Interceptor would be easily attainable. Honestly, I was hoping for maybe an Advanced, either the X1 or V1. This isn't a big deal or anything, I love all TIE's and am perfectly fine being relegated to just an LN.
As mentioned before, I don't have access to a computer where I can make reliable posts at the moment and have no idea how long it'll take to get a new one.
@Belle Update on the computer situation. my computer is totally dead and it could take a little while for me to get a new one. I am still interested and definitely want to continue, but don't expect a reply soon.
@Rex Currently, my computer is broken and I have no stable access to the internet. Can you save my place and maybe have Slobo come in at a later date. Honestly, replacing it could take anywhere between 3 days and a month. I would rather not drop out of this, but as of right now, I cannot post regularly enough to warrant everyone waiting for me.
EDIT: Alright, if everything goes as planned, I should have a new computer by Saturday... Emphasis on the should. In any case, please do not hold up the RP on my account.