Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Sorry, been ill the last 2 days. Will hopefully start tomorrow.
@Eviledd1984 Sorry for not making it a bit clearer, but Zen-Aku, before Dotty puts on the mask, only exists inside of Dotty's mind. Only she can see him when she's just walking around without the mask on. It's more a metaphorical way of them communicating rather than him just existing alongside her.
@Little Bird Cool, could you set that up then, as i have no idea how that works?
@Little Bird Sure, how do you do collab posts?
@Sadu Fair enough, but Charlie's song is the usual one to go to when Organization XIII show up.
@Little Bird I'd go with Kingdom Of The Sun, being that that was tENG's working title.
@Sadu I think this should be Morgana's song for when Organizaton XIII show up.

@Little Bird What was the Disney World you wanted Hoshi to explore first?
@Little Bird I actually did this as a rule in my D&D game, pretty much importing the Destiny rules from Star Wars Saga Edition, but it was F-Bombs. Every character getting 1 singular F-Bomb in the campaign that served as an auto-critical-success on anything. But once it was used that's it, gone. Several of the players accidentally used theirs.

Dotty had been having a blast of a time. Every time Poodlewolf smashed one of those spooky shadow demons, money flew out of them and she was now eating all of the things she was banned from eating at home. Sea-Salt Ice-Cream was a weird flavour, but she couldn't help but love it. Then again, she couldn't help but miss Dylan and Dorothy and Digby and Davinci and mommy and daddy and Dolly and even Dante with his dark broody, super duper bummer attitude. Marching though the streets to the beat of her own drum, the little girl couldn't help but hear the sounds of combat. Running through an alleyway, she spotted a big, tall pet attacking more of those creepy black things.

"OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH!!!" She psyched herself up, grabbing the mask she kept strapped to her back. She could see a ghostly image of Zen-Aku appear next to her. "POODLEWOLF!!! YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS?!" She asked, not a single extra ounce of excitement capable of being squeezed from her tiny, overexcited frame. Zen-Aku looked out at the rather skilled warrior with his key.

"I..." Deep within Zen-Aku's mind, he felt... Something... Something he hadn't felt since... Why couldn't he remember? Why was everything such a blur. The giant god-like being, face of a woman in utter agony... What cursed god, man or beast had struck him with these memory blackouts? What penance would he have to-

"IT'S YOUR BESTY, HAN THE HANDSOME!!!" She giggled. Zen-Aku stared at her, realizing her diet of almost entirely sugar was only serving to widen that gaping chasm between her and reality.

"You keep saying these names as if, eventually i'm going to suddenly understand and know who they are." He growled at her.

"We gotta step in, he doesn't have his +3 Bow, just a big key to the city. YOU THINK HE GOT IT FOR SAVING EVERYONE HERE?" She asked. Zen-Aku simply studied the mans form. Clearly he had some training with it and that darkness was not too dissimilar to his own. Meanwhile, Dotty was continuing to spout this wild and insane theory about how this guy was some fictional character and why he was attacking with this key instead of his usual weapons. In the meantime, Dotty ran straight out into the street and yelled at Taivas "HEEEEEEYYY!!! HAN THE HANDSOME!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR MAGIC BOW!?!?!" She yelled, waving the mask in her hands in the air as if to try and get his attention. Meanwhile, one of the Heartless had spotted the little girl and like a trained torpedo was closing in on her. Zen-Aku instinctively ran and slashed at it with his blade... Before realizing that he was just an astral projection only existing inside of Dottys head. As the Heartless ran towards her, arms outstretched, she continued yelling at him. "COME ON!!! I GOT YOUR BESTY POODLEWOLF HERE!!!" She continued yelling and waving the mask.

"DOTTY LOOK OUT!!!" Zen-Aku yelled. Dotty quickly turned around to look in the opposite direction than the heartless was coming from, it jumped and lunged gracefully through the air at her, before she spotted a bit of munny from one of the Heartless that Taivas had slain and bent down to grab it. The Heartless sailed through the air in the way that bricks tend not to, before it actually did follow the general tendancy of a brick and smash into the floor. It picked iself up, straightened its seemingly invisible trousers, before marching towards Dotty. The little girl finally spotted the Heartless.

"What the-" She turned around and looked at the invisible Duke-Org. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN ME?" She yelled at him. The Heartless continued its advance, but Dotty finally decided to do what she should have from the start. "ALRIGHT SHADOW JERKS, YOU ASKED FOR IT!" She struck a heroic, anime pose, before pressing the mask to her face. "HEROIC SPIRIT OF POODLEWOLF! FILL ME WITH ABSOLUTE POWER!!!" She yelled, striking another pose, green, purple and silver energies began flowing around her, a trio of marble-like constructs wrapping around her, before in a flash of light and a howl of a wolf, the tall, dark-armour clad wolf-warrior stood, cresent-moon blade resting across his shoulders.
Now floating in the void inside of Zen-Aku's mind, watching through a large yellowy moon-like vision to Zen-Aku's POV, she giggled uncontrollably. "GET 'EM POODLEWOLF! SMASH 'EM TO PIECES!!!" Zen-Aku rolled his eyes, before looking at he Heartless that had tried to eat Dotty, it was clearly attempting to apologize, but a quick flick of the blade and the heartless stood for a second, quickly patted itself down, before wiping its brow, then neatly bifurcating as the pink heart floated upwards. Zen-Aku then turned to Taivas.

"I apologize for Dotty, she's had far too much sugar." He growled, slowly advancing on him. Flicking his wrist, a bolt of lightning quickly lit up another Heartless, the words "EAT AT JOES!" appearing on its stomach, before the words formed into the pink heart and sailed away as the little gremlin melted. "I am Zen-Aku and it appears that my host has chosen to join this battle. But if you wish for it to be yours alone, i will gladly step aside. One warrior to another." He offered.
@Crimson Flame I was mostly thinking of having Dotty break out into World Without Fences when Tavias tells the little girl to go home where it's safe.

That being said, if you want Lucian to be able to control Zen-Aku with your singing (Snow White Style) then I'm all for that.
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