Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts


Woot another Filipino! Although... I'm a second generation American, a lot of my relatives are in the Philippines.

@Silver Fox

It's fine, it lets me add juicy details.
Would I be able to use the engineer sabatage skill on the FENRIR mech that's about to tear Rayes apart and thus turn it to our side briefly, or should I just let the snipers deal with it?
Triple Threat Dealt With?

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)


As the sound of the grunts struggle from the stairs faded in the distance, one of the pokemon in the group had fled, jumping down the hole and descending into darkness. Perhaps the entire situation had been too much for it, or perhaps something else was going on. Regardless, Novis would not have been able to get a good look at it, and when he would focus his attention entirely on the 3 remaining pokemon, one of them seemed odd in the group. A Venipede of all things, scared and confused as it shivered in a corner (If circular rooms even have corners?). It must have wandered into the ruins from outside and gotten lost, only for this entire escapade to happen. There was also a bird pokemon, Natu, constantly twisting its head back and forth from curiosity as it stared at Novis, its eyes never blinking once... And then there was the notorious Yamask, who looked just as equally scared of everything, and yet it had been in the front of the group, weird arm things outstretched as it had tried to protect those around it. Behind all of them were the firestones that Novis' group had misplaced!

When Yamask felt secure enough, it flew over to the machine along with Natu, both of them using some sort of ghost type attack that involved the plentiful shadows, slicing the machine into pieces and silencing it forever... Then, all 3 of them turned to Novis, curious as to what would happen next, along with if he would be mad at them...

It was then that an officer came rushing up the stairs, gasping for breath and ready to stop some baddies.
"H-Hold it right ther-... There?" She said, looking up after catching her breath to see that the machine was in ruins, and a kid was standing by 3 pokemon.
"W-What happened to the people causing all this? You aren't one of them, are you? No, too young, and the pokemon seem to trust you... The reports indicated... Ugh, why am I telling you this?" She said to Novis and herself rather quickly, facepalming at her lack of introductions or really anything.
"I'm Officer Jane, er, new officer that is? It's complicated, but we got reports of people trashing the ruins and only just arrived. We didn't see anyone on the way in from the main entrance though, only you so far... I'll need you to tell me everything. Later. I gotta get you all out of here safely if there is an incident."

The pokemon seemingly agreed, each picking up one of the fire stones and looking at Novis as if they were ready to follow.
@Deos Morran/Aiden

Having gone down the bottom route, the grunts grudgingly did as they were told, though both were a bit afraid...
"Pssh, w-whatever... We don't get paid enough for this." One of them said before they both bolted from the room and up the stairs. The scientist had carried out a bag that was lightly filled with something, but maybe it wasn't that important? From what Aiden could see with his flashlight, they had dug somewhat deep into the ground with the machine, along with having dug up several items.

His thoughts, though, would soon be interrupted by the sound of an officer rushing to the scene. "Freeze! You... You child you?" He said to himself, scratching his head in confusion. "Aren't there uh... Aren't there suppose to be troublemakers? In funky outfits? Hang on..." He said, pulling out a notepad and turning on a light on his shoulder so that he could read. "Uh... Several individuals... Definitely not kids... Machines... Evil..." He mumbled to himself, the notes only causing him to scratch his head even more.

"What's the deal? I thought uh, there was supposed to be some sort of horrible people, but you're just a kid, and we didn't see anyone when we came in... Maybe we missed something..."


Unfortunately for Roxanne, the battle didn't go as planned. And soon, the grunts had her tied up, though rather loosely, as they made their escape. Unlike the other rooms above and below her, there was a door at the end of the circular room, which upon opening would lead further into the ruins. From here, one could take mulitple paths, with some leading towards places where an escape could be made due to having large holes to fit into. It was a lot safer to go through these unorthidox 'entrances' than deal with going back through the tourist trap.

Who knows where she is by now...

While Rayes could have thought of a worse fate than being put on the human Spectre's team, it was a far more comforting role than going where the Turian's would go. They were the grunts, the muscle so to speak, of the operation, while Anderson's team was more of the brains. Not to mention he got to work with the other Quarian and the Geth! And while he wasn't exactly elated about some of his other squadmates, overall it was as if luck was on his side today. He had helped another Quarian attempting to return home for her Pilgrimage, having screwed over some bosh'tet mechanic in the process, and was now going to put the better portions of his skills to good use. It even got better since he knew their first mission now was against Cerberus.

What disgusting people they were. Rayes’ understanding of Cerberus was next to minimal in terms of what they did, the only thing that kept him from entirely despising them was how a part of the blame could be given to the Reapers. Otherwise, all of their actions made Rayes sick as if he had taken off his envo suit… Or was that actually happening? shit what if it… No, no I’m just overreacting. This suit has been upgraded on countless occasions ever since I came back to the Migrant Fleet from my Pilgrimage, and extensively done with the assistance of the Geth. There’s no way I’m getting sick. He thought to himself, breathing in a sigh of relief as he followed the others.

Though, looking around, he felt among one of the few who wasn't strongly combat ready. Strapped to his leg was a holster for his arc pistol whose design was made by Admiral Daro'Xen. From Rayes' limited experience with such a weapon, he found it to be quite versatile. He could rapid fire the shots that can suppress targets or take out those without many defenses. However, he learned that the shots could be charged to do extensive damage, but when charged on a consistent basis, it is slower than any other pistol he has tested. He also liked how it uses a nonvisible laser to ionize the air and create a path for a high-ampere electric shock. Unfortunately for Rayes, all he had other than that was his Omni-Blade from his Omni-Tool, and he's never really attempted to use that. So, he took it upon himself to stay silent, listening to what the others had to say and doing his best to stay calm. The sight of various mechs made him interested in what was to come, but once more he decided not to say much about them due to a slight fear that they'd be caught.

“Ok people, we’ll hunker down here until Aegon’s team cause their diversion. Raye’s when it comes I want you to hack those data backs. Velinian, and Angel you move up and support him, keep those LOKI’s off his back. Rol, you and will hang back here, keep our avenue of escape open in case shit turns sour. Phalanx and Balak, see if you can’t set up a sniper position on that walkway above us. If everything goes to plan we wont actually run into any trouble, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

What a relief it was to hear such words. Hacking was something he could especially do, bringing back memories of his misguided Pilgrimage... He shook his head slightly to push those thoughts aside and cram them into the darkest recesses of his brain to be mildly forgotten. Now was not the time to think about such a horrid time, he told himself, now was a time of patience. The sounds of gunfire, however, did not help him in feeling as comfortable as he wished, but he was thankful that they weren't directed at him. It would be a simple mission, he told himself over and over, and besides, what good was faith without a bit of doubt?

Not to mention that the gunfire was his signal. He watched as a majority of the LOKI mechs had started to move away towards the fight. He felt his adrenaline pumping, his last fight or sense of danger being during the Battle of Rannoch. “Hacking the terminals will be easy, so long as I’m protected… I am moving out now.” He told his team, beginning to move forward towards the opposite end. His only real cover would be the desks where he could only assume scientists were located.

He wasted no time in arriving to the databanks, having went around the raised platform of desks and behind the LOKI’s. So long as they didn’t turn around, he thought, he would be golden. Several seconds of investigation revealed a terminal that he could access with his Omni-Tool to snatch the precious data that was stored here. Well, he didn’t know what was exactly stored in it, but it must have been important enough that a team of Spectres would want it. And since he hadn’t been given specifics… It was time for a motherload of data to be stolen.
Since the operation has technically started, does that mean I start hacking in my next post? Or am I waiting for a signal?
Oh snap, my actions had a consequence xD that's awesome!
I was just trying to help that Quarian, I didn't mean for all that to happen at the spaceport xD
Migrant Fleet 2.0

But I believe somewhere it was stated we'd have a base of sorts... I could be wrong, but maybe that's where those who don't go on missions will be, so that they can interact (or not) with each other? If that's the case, it could be where the various ships we have will be docked there when the time comes.
Deos! How you doin buddy? I didn't know you were a Mass Effect fan, but it's cool you're showing interest.

Anyway, just so everyone knows, I'm probabaly going to post tomorrow. I've been busy this week which is why I've had hardly any posts, but I should pick up in activity soon.

Generally a sudden drop in interests or posts. This has been going extremely fast compared to the Pokémon RP I GM, and even then over there we've lost people and have hit a dead end of sorts due to some people suddenly vanishing or things like that.

Also, a discord server would be nice xD It helps keep the OOC from becoming cramped with posts. Though, catching up on discord would suck, but it would help people char and get to know each other I guess.
I'll wait until you get a post, as The Spectre asked the question that Rayes would have done.
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