Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts


It's fine, I just wasn't expecting someone to make contact with Nathan, and certainly not in that regard, but I can work with it.

Just... don't expect a post until late tonight? I have Tennis practice for 3 hours in a bit, and then afterward I come home, change, and then drive to go housesit a bunch of dogs, so... I'll be a bit busy.

I mean, he isn't thinking of food at the moment so yay, that's a win for Marth. Not to mention Nathan more or less doesn't like to initiate conversations, and as such he isn't going to be socializing it up for awhile.
With a vicious growl, Nathan’s stomach tossed and turned within itself, crying out in hunger that only made Nathan’s eyes get wide for a second from shock. ‘Not now, not now…’ He thought to himself, placing his right hand over his stomach for a brief moment before giving off a disheartened sigh. He had been so preoccupied with the first day shenanigans and preparations, he forgot to eat breakfast! If only the town wasn’t blocked off and heavily supervised to keep kids from exploring, then he could have gone off to eat a quick meal or buy several snacks. And if he had taken enough time, he could have used his ability to catch up to everyone… So long as they were far enough that he wouldn’t have to worry. He wasn’t the best when it came to controlling how long he needed to stop, but it somewhat worked like a car in his mind. Fast, but hard to stop quickly…

Another growl roared, causing Nathan to facepalm. All he needed to do was focus on something instead of thinking about what he’d make or buy, such as a half-fat, no foam latte steamed to a 102 heat… He was quite specific. And with that latte, maybe satisfy his hunger with multiple blueberry scones or muffins… He shook his head no at that, feeling he’d need something a bit more than simple pastries. Perhaps that french dip, or that five cheese ziti al forno he’s eaten before at that one restaurant… mmmm… Just thinking of the possibilities set his stomach on fire with anticipation!

He had to distract his stomach and brain as he walked, or else he'd continue to dwell on food which would just make his hunger worse. He wondered for a bit as he walked alone, attempting to think of a solution that often would consume so much... time...

Of course, he thought, how had he not considered the possibility sooner? Hastily, he pulled out his phone, unlocking the screen with lightning speed and launching the popular game app: Link Duel Go! He hadn't reached the point to choose a team yet, and in fact hadn't really played much of it until recently, but he felt it made perfect sense to play it now. He was moving through a town, and it would let him level up his familiar in-game a bit. He had thought of making a mage just to see what he'd get on a different registered account but ultimately felt having a familiar would be best. After all, maybe he'd find one with his own ability. The game was already helping him ignore his hunger, and while it was only slightly, he could have sworn he didn't feel as hungry as before. Either that or his stomach was starting to give up on him, which was still technically a win... Even if he knew it would only be brief.
@Invader Len

Lol it's fine, I'm more curious as to what to do with different language food items or foods that reference country names in them like french bread, french fries, swiss cheese, etc, or things like ziti al forno.
@Invader Len
Nathan isn't brooding, he's actually doing something else which'll be in my next post!
So when it comes to food, I can't say things like french dip or french bread because France doesn't exist, right? And that goes with a lot of different foods, or names of foods that use a different language...
Look at you Red, moving up in the world... I remember when you first applied to the one RP over on TCF...
How much you've grown.

Everything was going according to plan, it was glorious! So much data flowed into his Omni-Tool until suddenly there was none left to take, causing his Omni-Tool to give a satisfied beep. Perhaps that was not the best word to describe the sound he heard, but seeing how easy it was to get what was required, he believed he did much to help out. While it may not have been combat related, and with several bits of information flowing and reappearing in Rayes’ thoughts, things could have been a lot worse. It even seemed the threat was being taken care of, with wounded instead of dead…

But of course, nothing is that simple, is it? Within moments of completing the download and standing up, he took note of Anderson approaching. He was seemingly concerned with Rayes state of being, something that caught the Quarian off guard. Normally it was a human to throw an insult or literal jab, but Anderson was doing the opposite. He must have turned his head slightly in confusion before the alarms went off. The Quarian could not do much to silence the noise coming in from his mask, forcing him to hold onto the edge of his mask and stare at Anderson’s direction, noticing the position of the scientist and button. Slowly, he walked towards the duo, watching as Anderson pressed the button… But there was no silence. Instead, only screams told in stories could be heard, evil and vile… What was it?

He would get his answer soon enough. Husks.

“You bosh’tets!! You were experimenting on them here and decided to release them?!” The Quarian yelled at the scientist, furious at their stupidity. The glimpses of reports explicitly said they were experimenting on husks, but at the very facility they were stationed at? Wouldn’t the blueprints provided have noticed such a place where experimentation could take place? Rayes scrunched up slightly, a strong desire to just shoot the scientist and be done with him swelling inside, but as he was given the battered old fool, he forced himself to take a long breath in an attempt to calm down. Anderson just told him to make sure the scientists were kept save and not allowed to ‘disappear’. Well, he certainly wasn’t going to let the tuho out of his sights, or the woman who had answered the question of husks.

And while he got into the middle of the group with them, he was terrified and pissed, and for good reason. He couldn’t remember a time he’d seen a husk in person, only in recordings or told in stories about the Migrant Fleet. During the Reaper War, he was more concerned with Rannoch, and then was away from all the conflict on the Crucible. This was his among his first experiences with them, and as such, he was not sure what to expect. But turning around when he heard a burst through the door caused him to stare in shock for a second. Those monstrosities, those freaks of nature were husks? No… they were not of nature, they were vile creations, vile experimentation on the biology that only a Reaper could think of. As they began to move, he watched as they viciously and cruelly tore the Cerberus troops they had abandoned behind. It was a sight Rayes was likely not to forget for a long time.

He shuddered as they moved, attempting to focus, but the rush of a Quarian equivalent of adrenaline was happening, “Focus, focus, focus…” He kept repeating under his breath, clutching his pistol and holding the trigger, causing the weapon to begin to activate and glow. Whatever he’d aim at was sure to be blown away, either entirely or a portion. Give or take. He knew he couldn’t dwell on the situation, but seriously, this wasn’t an everyday occurrence for the poor Quarian. He was a scientist, not some soldier. If he knew he’d be going up against an unreasonable amount of Husks, he would have brought the Arc Projector instead, though he realized in that split second he would be extremely slow if he had. Guess he dodged a bloody, Husk hand there…

When they arrived to the first of two rooms, Rayes did his best to take in as much information as possible, just as if he were attempting to work on some sort of tech. At first, it did not appear as bad as it was about to. The room was some sort of abandoned mess hell, plates left in place and utensils here and there. It was actually quite spooky, given their current situation. But the room once void of life besides the team was soon filled with the screeches of what sounded like death itself pouring from various entrances. Not only that, but from above as well, several came down. Had it not been for the Geth that got in front of him, he surely would have…
He shook his his head, aiming at one of the plentiful husks who were tore at S’Geth. The shot he had prepared beforehand desired to find a suitable kill, and that was satisfied when the head of one of the things was obliterated. But there was no time to charge another, and as such, he allowed his Omni-Blade to come out, beginning to hack away limbs in an attempt to save S’Geth. Their efforts seemed rewarded enough, as they forced the husks away from the scientists and killed those who had jumped on them.

So that’s what it felt like to cut through flesh and tech… It made him shudder once more. He stepped on a cut off husk arm, kicking it away in disgust before pulling his pistol up and firing nonstop this time, forgetting the charge function. There was no time for a massive blast, there was only time to kill. He watched as a husk charged from the side, forcing him to activate his Omni-Blade once more and thrust with all his might. It punctured straight through the chest of the creature before he drove it upward, slicing it in two… He nearly wanted to vomit from the situation as strange liquid coated his arm, most likely whatever could be considered the blood.

Shooting, stabbing, and a hell of a lot of shoving and picking up scientists, they eventually made it to the other team. Rayes shoved the scientists as much as he could behind S’Geth as they advised, having overheard talks of explosions and collapsing the system on top of the husks. He continued to shoot his Arc pistol at several husks before deciding to add his own input into the matter.

“What kind of explosives, exactly? If you want to create a large enough explosion, I could incinerate one of husks with a fireball from my Omni-Tool, but I would require someone else to follow up on that. Something like a grenade, the type should not matter, will cause a large explosion… a large, fiery explosion… Things in the vicinity will most certainly be vaporized, and by vicinity, I mean around the original husk.”

It seemed logical enough to Rayes, light something on fire, and then throw in something highly combustible to create an explosion. Though, as the horde began to inch closer, Rayes began to inch backward. He had given a suggestion in the heat of the moment, but ultimately it was up to the two Spectres to have the final say… All he could do now was shoot with his pistol.
Woot I posted. Idk if it's any good, but I did it!

Waiting, waiting, and waiting still, Nathan stared down at his phone as the other students began to excitedly get up around him in preparation as they neared their destination. How noisy they were... it was as if they've never been to a school before. St. Fortuna's Academy for the Higher Arts was prestigious, Nathan knew that, but he also knew a lot of the people on the train were returning students. It almost made him glad that he had brought along headphones in an attempt to block out the noise they were making as the train station pulled into view. As the train pulled to a stop, he reached for the checkered black bag beside him, taking off his headphones and placing them inside. He used the camera on his phone to do one last checkup on his appearance: A rich, black hat with a checkered pattern at the base, a black suit and pants with a gray vest and white dress shirt underneath, along with a blue tie and flats. It wasn't his ideal outfit, in fact, it was far from it, but his parents wouldn't send him off without deciding what he'd be wearing on his first day, as they didn't want him to look anything less than fancy so as to make a good impression for the family. Once he got a room, he told himself that he'd definitely change into something else.

He felt like he was among the last to exit off the bus, having watched as countless other students ran out before him, causing the young man to sigh and shake his head. There was only one way for them to go, and they had plenty of time to get there. It wasn't like they could sneak off and go explore the town, and if they wanted to, he didn't know why. Today was important, extremely important for a familiar like himself... It was the day he'd get a partner. The very thought made him shudder in a mixture of excitement and fear... To be paired up with someone he knew from last year would be a blessing, but to be paired up with someone he didn't know or would grow to feel annoyed by made him scared. This was someone he'd be spending a great deal with, maybe even forever if things went that far, and in his mind, he hoped for something good, someone calm, someone quiet...

Maybe even Anelise. Yes, that name rung a bell inside his head as he walked calmly and quietly, luggage rolling beside him. She was smart, she was quiet, and they had studied together a lot last year. To him, her company was greatly appreciated, and he hoped a little inside that she would return this year. Maybe he'd sign up for music class, no, he would definitely sign up for music class. He knew she was a pretty good singer, and he himself liked to sing as well. So either way, it would be a win to sign up for it as his first elective, even if he and Anelise didn't get paired up. But then, if not Anelise, who...

He shook his head, feeling it was pointless to try and theorize who'd he get paired up with for the sacramentum. Besides, he believed all it would do was cause him to doubt or become worried, which was the last thing he really needed. It was important, but hoping for one outcome would only lead to disappointment. So instead, he wondered how the year itself would actually go.

'It'll be necessary that I refine my ability... Along with becoming more physically active and to study.' He told himself, staring down at the ground below him. He wondered if he should try to run, to go unsuppressed and take to the winds so that he would arrive sooner... But that thought was immediately shot down he looked upwards, seeing the streets filled with other students ahead. If he tried to go as fast as he could, he definitely knew there'd be quite a few collisions... And they'd probably all break something. Super speed, useful when alone or running late to class, not so useful in everyday life. Maybe this year he'd attempt to increase his reflexes to acclimate to the increase in speed, thus making a situation such as this easy to get through.

Though in the end, he simply shrugged and continued to walk at a steady pace. He was in no rush to get there at the moment, and at this pace, he knew he wouldn't be late nor early. Just simply in the middle...
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