Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
6 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
8 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
9 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
1 yr ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Shinlo blinked and said “oh right, I guess this does look odd. I have been watching since I finally tracked her down in the woods a few days ago. That energy pulse she let out. I’ve been looking for her for a long time. Also trying not to be tracked by the Mistress of the Dark. Not easy. But tonight I sensed Ash’s power again and knew something was wrong so I figured I better get out of hiding and help. Though it seems I was more right then I thought…Ash hasn’t been herself since I’ve been watching. Her memory? Is it blocked?”
She nodded weakly but Shinlo said “not really. This isn’t right…but I guess it’s a problem to work out. So what did your name end up being lad?” Ash said weakly “Carth…” Shinlo smiled and said “strong name. I can sense your assassin friends nearby. Would you mind telling them I’m not a threat” the white snake appeared around his shoulders and he said “Ah my scaled companion. I see you found our friend here”
The snake stuck its tongue out then followed Carth up. Shinlo turned to see Carth and smiled. “The young dragon. Why I wondered when we would meet again. You’ve grown up. I’m so glad” he looked to Ash who was shaking and said “she’s not alright. She shouldn’t be out here alone”
In front of Carth suddenly appeared a white snake. But it was beautiful. And had small wings on the sides of its head. It looked at him and pointed with its tail up, towards the roof above it.

Shinlo held her shoulder and said “it’s gone wrong hadn’t it? Your plan to hide went wrong…you have no memory of the past…it’s been too long..” ash looked at him and he cursed. “You have no idea what’s going on…your not faking it”
Scarlet looked at Orion and said “stay here in case she comes back. I don’t know if she even knows what’s she’s doing right now” she ran out to help look, calling out for her.

Ash stared at the man before her who stood up and said “don’t be afraid. I’m a friend. I’m not with those red eyed ones. Cursed souls…” ash stepped back and said “cursed?” He nodded and said “souls who have been touched by darkness. That’s why they serve her. Those monsters are a byproduct of this darkness as well, of what she’s trying to do” ash looked at him as he walked over to her, a soft smile on his lips. “I know I said I would stay out of this but after tonight I can’t anymore…you’re in too much pain. I can’t watch this. I have to step in” ash looked at him and asked “who…who are you?”

He smiled and rested a hand on her cheek and said “I am Shinlo…the White Snake of the west.” The name triggered something in her memory. A man fighting along side her, laughing at a camp fire, carrying a bundle of cloth and scales as Ash battled a great darkness. Ash held her head, getting light headed for a moment.
Scarlet looked around at them and said “she thinks that because of what she’s been thru. She’s been a target but now…she’s the one hurting others. I don’t think she knows what’s going on…” she moved to the door and opened it saying “Ash? Are you…” then she stopped and cursed. The bed was empty. Ans the window was open. “Boys! She’s gone!”

Ash was a few blocks away now, breathing hard and muttering “just have to…get away…I can’t hurt them…” she jumped up onto a roof and then to the next. She found a spot to sit and rest a moment, shaking as she held her head. “What am I…”

Then a voice behind her said “my dear friend…how do you always end up alone?” Ash turned and saw a man sitting behind her, white hair and bright blue eyes. She stared and he said “hello Guardian…”
Scarlet cursed and said “crap the one time she remembers what she did…” then it hit her. “Wait a sec…she remembered what she did.” She looked at the boys and asked “how did she sound. When she attacked those guys, was she herself?”

Ash sat up in bed, shaking but not being able to lay there anymore. “I can’t stay…I’ll put them all in danger if I stay…”
Batman sighed and said “alright. I’ll handle it. I’ll make sure his taken care of. You might need to catch him”
Scarlet frowned and said “when I looked the bodies they were dried out husks…that means it wasn’t her. Seems her sister doesn’t like failures…”

Ash sighed and laid back down, tears running down her face.
Batman cracked his neck and said “perfect. So you think gas or shock?”
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