Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
6 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
8 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
9 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
1 yr ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Shinlo said “no really it’s fine…they will heal on their own they always do…” Ash took the other side and said “no way shin, you need help right now. Let Orion help”

Shinlo sighed and moved to lay down, shaking as he did. Ash was thinking and said “Orion, snakes can’t get fevers. His wounds might be infected but the markers are different”

Shinlo said weakly “no really…I’m sure it’s…nothing…” he gasped when the bandages came off and the wounds were bad. Infected and tough thanks to the already scar tissue. It was amazing he had hid the pain this long. Ash covered her mouth, tears in her eyes. “Shinlo…why would you risk like this…” he smiled at her as his vision blurred again and said “because my friend needed me…I couldn’t make her…her…” he suddenly stopped talking and his head hit the bed.
Yugi looked around and said “wait, where is Serena?!” Tristen looked around and cursed “was she hit? Anyone see her?”

Serena was on the other side of the room, her guardian having been stopped in protecting her by a figure in black. She was laying against the wall, her head bleeding as she figure moved to rest a hand on her cheek. “Now my guardian…I’ll make sure he doesn’t get you killed again…” he turned to a nearby monster and said “take the pharaoh to the alter. Let’s have the nightmare of the past come back to haunt them…”

Serena heard a voice within her, a deep voice. “Guardian of the shadow…why do you sit by? Arise and defend your king…” shadows were surrounding Serena, the figure who pulled the mask down to show Drake hadn’t noticed.
Shinlo looked down and muttered softly “the scars aren’t related…I’ve had them since I was a child…I…” Ash had come out and said “you were a slave?” Shinlo nodded softly, his hands shaking worse now. “I was…till I was found by a goddess who gave me the gift of the white snake…becoming her mortal ally. Isis” Isis nodded and her tongue came out. Shinlo said “I was a slave at the magic jade mines…whipping was a everyday thing…”

Then he said “the plant monsters were weeks ago…hit me from behind before I could destroy them…” he moved to move his shirt but flinched badly as he moved wrong and stopped. Ash moved over and slipped the white shirt off and gasped. “Orion…”

The scars on the back were even worse than the front. And new wounds were there, bandaged by himself by the angles. It was all a mess.
Hammond grimaced as the extra set of arms slowly popped back inside their body with a wet squelch and snapping of bone. Making him nearly vomit at the sound and pain of it then slowly limped towards the bathroom deciding it was about time to split the merge. Only to collapse to one knee again and this time the dry heaving was answered with a messy black bile being coughed up.
“Ugh god what was that,” Hammond said wiping his mouth clean with the back of his hand causing metal to scrape against each other. “I doubt that was, ugh, god… caused by overexertion… Feels different worse, somehow. Did someone try killing me again?” Then grimaced as his stomach did a flip and a summersault before feeling like someone stabbed him causing him to heave again.

Dante was barely holding things together and hissed “I’m not sure…you have got to stop doing this…with those kids here now we have to set a better example…spit some of the stuff into a cup and we will get it scanned…just get it up and out then we will feel better…”

Hammond didn’t say anything but it was clear from the emotions now running through their bond that Dante’s words had hurt him. It wasn’t like he got poisoned on purpose he grimaced and stood slowly and grabbed a sample stick from the medicine cabinet and took a swab from their mouth. Before sticking it into a scanner to run for an analysis.
“Being gay, and being a grim… Makes me a target,” Hammond said as he waited for results. “But I keep doing the job… because, if I don’t… our government will backslide so fast it’ll make your head spin.”
Then saw the test result was a mixture of arsenic and crushed corrupted mana crystals. Meaning Hammond had been infected with the blight but thankfully with his merge with Dante he’d recover before it could do permanent damage so long as he stayed in the merge for a while.
“Damn, looks like I’ll be bunking with you for a while,” he said grimacing.

Dante looked at him and said “I didn’t mean getting targeted Hammond. I mean the over doing it. I need to stop it too. I know your a target love…I am too. Difference is no one is crazy enough to come after the parter of general Hammond…that’s a death sentence”

He saw the results and said “thank heavens Bane got us the home testers…I’ve been working to get all grims smaller once’s like this…I don’t think it hit your desk yet…you can stay fused as long as you need. What do you want to do about the kids? Problem solving helps you feel better”

“Hm, especially because I’d string them up by their entrails alive in the dead zone to have the nethercorpses pick at them,” Hammond said with a smile and a laugh.
Then sighed as his body hurt and laughing didn’t do him any favors. Then nodded softly as he carefully put the tester away somewhere Elric not Serena could find the results not wanting them to be worried about him when they should be more worried about their own well-being.
“I saw the order request and I just do not believe having every grim have one is a reality. First off it’s just too expensive which is why I made a compromise of having one assigned to each platoon. Seeing as the technology used makes it reusable without issue I decided that was a better option. The only reason I have one for personal use is because I’ve been targeted so frequently lately. My would be assassins have been getting a lot bolder as the new bill for open grim rights reaches parliament. You know the one where it says those that take the core of a grim without permission are to immediately turn it back over and are then sentenced to work five years on the front line as a mule. Tacked onto it is that grim are allowed to serve in the military and have a same sex partner and any prejudice is to be met with corporal punishment and possibly dishonorable discharge.”
Then crossed his arms as he thought about their kids and sighed deeply.
“I don’t really know if I’m being totally honest… Their situation is so, fragile that it is better to sit back and watch for a while. See where I’m needed and when I am I’ll act then, but first and foremost I want their relationship to build. It’ll be a bit strange seeing as they’ve nearly grown up together. When I first took him home he was around seven or eight years old. I’m not entirely sure seeing as where I took him from didn’t really care to keep track of his age.”
Hammond tensed a bit in anger as he thought back to where he’d found Elric and his older brother. Then shook his head and took deep steadying breaths knowing if he got over emotional the blight would latch on and he’d only make himself sicker.
“I mean do you know how Serena viewed Elric? I remember when they first met they were like cats and dogs. With Elric often being the one to run behind me for safety it was rather adorable,” he said with a warm laugh.

Dante smiled and said “early years she fought him to toughen him up…she saw him as the puppy that needed to be protected and taught how to defend themselves. A trait she learned from her father. Later on…he was a soft spot for her. She was always looking up his stasis…she hasn’t since the attack though. I think she likes him but never acted on it sense he is a grim. Wasn’t her place…”

He moved them to the bed and sat down, sighing. “We keep eyes on them…maybe I’ll take them as agents. Would help a lot…”

Hammond nodded and slowly leaned them back into the bed eyes feeling heavy already. “I think that’s a good idea it’ll be a good way to ensure they have training materials and a way for us to keep an eye on them. I think I can take a sabbatical until I feel better until then I’ll just follow your lead,” he said slowly closing his eyes.

The next morning Elric was the first to wake up his body felt weird and wet when he looked down at his hand it was covered in a strange purple suit making him jolt a bit only to freeze grimace in discomfort. Slowly he tried moving his hand it felt odd but the emotions washing through him helped to calm him down they were happy and loving. His eyes moved towards the figure resting beside him and saw Serena’s sleeping face. It’d been a long time since he’d last seen or heard from her she was still as beautiful as he remembered. Slowly he hand moved and brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear so he could get a better look at her.

Dante sighed and said “okay…but no back seat driving when we go to work…”

The next morning Serena was still out cold till he touched her which made her nose twitch. She stirred and a soft sound came from her chest.

Before fully nodding off Hammond mumbled with a smile, “no promises.”

Elric looked at her his face didn’t have any sort of features besides two raindrop shaped white marks where his eyes were. They seemed to quirk a bit in confusion when she made that strange noise.
“Good morning,” he said in a soft voice.
Then gently began to sit-up he was expecting pain but when none came he was stunned. He set a hand to his chest where he knew he was infested with the blight but it didn’t hurt if anything it was a dull throbbing. His whole body began to tremble as he began to cry tears of relief not realizing the suit around him moving and curling around him.
“I don’t hurt,” he said looking back at Serena.

Serena groaned and opened her eyes then cursed. “He knocked me out…jerk face…” she looked up ay him and smiled. “That’s thanks to the slimy guy fixing you up…his working on the blight…”

“That was the stuff you had me drink wasn’t it? It feels weird I’m not gonna lie like I’m just constantly wet and like a million fish are swimming around and through me,” Elric said rubbing his fingers together.
Then remembered what Serena said about someone knocking her out after a bit of thought he realized who she’d meant.
“Ah he does do that when he thinks I won’t sleep or can’t on my own. It’s always rather abrupt and I am usually not a fan but at least I always wake up well rested,” he said with a shrug.
Then slowly moved to stand at first it was shaky as the new weight felt so strange and it was so much faster like he’d gotten stronger.
“Man this thing is awesome,” he exclaimed.
Elric stumbled when he suddenly felt the slimey thing rush through him and let out a low frequency squeak of pleasure. Elric had to look away as he blushed feeling embarrassed by how cute he found it was.

Serena sat up and smiled softly “you have a pet in your chest. I met him last night…so…I’m sorry…last night I just reacted…I hope it’s okay I became your partner?”

Elric looked at Serena fully then sighed softly, “that is a bit worrying that you acted on your own like that. I mean yes it helped me but aren’t you worried about the blight? I mean just because I have this little guy doesn’t mean I’m cured it just means I feel better. Especially since I’ve had the blight in my system for so long usually such advanced cases as mine is don’t have much longer to live. I mean it’s no different than stage four cancer in humans. If anything it’s more virulent than cancer especially since victims begin to start turning and need to be put down by a grim. Just dad was putting it off because he wanted to keep trying,” he said getting real for a moment. “But if you’re certain about this truly certain than I can’t stop you. I know how stubborn you can be once you set your mind on something.”

Serena smiled weakly and said “I’m totally fine with it…I want to help and I’m dead if I don’t do good in the way…so let me be your support now Elric…”

Dante was up already, on the phone and sounding stressed out. “Wait I need that address again…no just send it to my personal. I send someone to check out the scene” he hung up and cursed in Celtic, a habit when things were stressing him out.

Hammond let out a low groan he was half asleep when Dante was moving their body around. Then fully perked when he heard Dante curse in Celtic.
“What’s going on,” he asked trying to wake up more “should I teleport us?”

“You’re dead? What does that mean,” Elric asked.
When Serena told him she was a walking dead he let out a low sigh. Then shook his head as he smiled weakly. “I understand… I won’t fight your decision then but I am going to protect you when you refuse to help yourself. We will help everyone we can before it’s time for us to go,” he said then moved his hand as the creature moved around him. “All I have to say is sorry to the little guy taking residence inside me. I know he didn’t really get a choice in the fact he was attached to someone like me. Because I refuse to sit idle and let people die if I have the strength then I am gonna fight the portals and monsters coming through… but I do have one request as my partner Serena. When I am truly lost to this blight end us don’t you dare let me hurt an innocent soul.”

Dante shook his head and said “no…I’ll call my team in the missing persons case…it’s just getting worse and I have no leads…” he cursed again and rubbed where his temple would be out of habit.

Serena nodded and rested a hand on his cheek and said “I promise I won’t let you hurt anyone…”

“Oh, okay… do, do you need me to do anything to help? Otherwise we should think about filing Elric and Serena’s paperwork to become probationary agents,” Hammond said with a tired yawn. Ignoring the sensation of Dante rubbing their temple knowing his partner was incredibly stressed. “Who knows they might be able to help Elric has always had a knack for finding things that normal people or grim can’t.”

Elric gently leaned into Serena’s touch the teardrop eyes slowly closing and then a small echoing purr came from deep within his chest. Then came the rumbling from his stomach and he pulled back gently. “I’m gonna make us some breakfast I’m not sure if Hammond and Dante are awake yet or what state their in. But getting some food sounds really good right about now seeing as I skipped dinner last night,” he said trying to gloss over the fact he’d made that noise. Or at least the slime inside him did.

Dante sighed and said “I was finishing that up when the call came…we can head to the office to get their work ups done…I just need good news…the latest one was a young woman…I know her parents…” he sounded depressed and guilty.

Serena smiled and said “sounds good. I’m going to go shower if I can find it…I haven’t washed since the dead zone so…” she paused then said “last night I wasn’t lying..,your grim squad are okay. I promise.” She nodded and turned to start looking for a bathroom, wondering where her bag ended up in the chaos.

Hammond hummed, “I must have been well and truly tired if you were up for that long.” Then grimaced when he felt his stomach rumbling, “I suppose we should start on breakfast I have a quiche in the fridge if you wanna heat that up for us and the kids. Then maybe we can head out afterwards?”

Elric looked at Serena and smiled at her feeling grateful to hear that they were still alive. “I’m glad, I was truly worried they’d died. I know they are more than competent enough to get along without me there. But I still worry as they are one of the more accomplished squadrons we were one of the last squads to train alongside the dragons before they went into retirement. Dante and Hammond called in that favor for us, having connections like them has a lot of perks. Though it’s also a lot of pressure seeing as their shadows are just so damn massive, I’m sure you can attest.” Then went to the kitchen letting Serena go find her bag which was actually sitting in the corner of the room nearest the door. Hammond had made sure to grab all of her personal items not wanting her to be lost without them.

Dante nodded and said “sounds like a plan…man I can feel the pressure right now…” he moved and headed down stairs to find the partners.

Serena nodded and then found her bag, making her smile and grab it to head to the bathroom. She found it on the second level and went to get cleaned up. She started the shower and got changed, stepping into the hot water with a sigh.

Dante walked into the kitchen and said “good morning Elric. How are you feeling? Serena still sleeping?”

End of Page 3
Sensing his partners stress he sighed and opened up a mental channel.
She is suffering from mental trauma. There is likely just some mental blockage going on that a therapist that specializes in military cases should be able to help her with. Though it doesn’t make it any less worrisome that she’s feeling that way.
Then grunted as he created the anchor to Witchhaven college then continued to work to create a stable bridge using shadows. Then clapped his hands and teleported all four of them there and waiting there was Edgar and he had something in his hands a sports bottle with a twist cap. Hammond collapsed onto a mattress that had been perfectly laid out for him.
“Here have Elric drink this Elric and Serena both will feel better after it’s been fully ingested,” Edgar said giving it to Dante. “My brother will be fine given you merge with him and ensure he rests fully. Teleporting such unstable mana will have taken a toll on him.”

Dante shook his head and thought I’m not sure that’s all it is. Dr Bane sent a report about these walking dead. When we get there I’ll look it up and see what I can find. But therapy is a high yes

When they landed Serena fell to her knees and Dante cursed. “His going to be pisswd but alright” he moved over and touched Hammond to fuse. Serena looked at Edgar and smiled weakly. “Hey doc…what’s up?”

Hammond grunted and groaned in pain as Dante pulled him into his body covering their body in an impressive suit of metal as mana radiated off them a cloak of feathers wrapped around Dante finally as Hammond settled around his partner.

“Hm yes, he will be upset but transferring corrupted mana like Elric’s through his shadows would make him sick if he did not merge with you immediately after exiting the portal. Now he will be fine and will live if not uncomfortably for a while, yes. Two maybe three days before complete inoculation. Enjoy time together take him to movie yes,” Edgar said then turned his attention to Serena and Elric and rapidly knelt down to look her in the eyes revealing he had heterochromia and shoved the sports bottle in her face. “Get your partner to drink this will not feel good. But will help but dangerous many branches twisting and roiling cannot protect you both with my sight from here on. But better will be stronger and be salvation when the come yes. Now feed him like baby yes,” he said pushing the bottle into Serena’s hand. As an oracle Edgar looked and interacted with the world in strange ways as he was always keeping one eye in the present and one on the future especially when it came to those he cared about like his adopted nephew.
Then he began to look at Dante and his brother looking him over critically.
“Hm, wound tight need to relax go on date. Yes date would be good for both of you yes,” he said nodding. Then began to rummage in a large messenger bag he had at his side. “Teddy bear, umbrella, ah yes here it is tickets to band both of you will like,” he said offering two tickets to the siren sisters. “Hm originally planned for it to be anniversary present. Hm maybe take children?” Edgar paused a moment before strongly shaking his head, “no dangerous very dangerous yes. Go with just my brother leave kids at home with Ba… no… will need to check on them with my own partner.” Then shook his head before looking at Dante again his heterochromatic eyes rapidly flicking different colors making Edgar dizzy and he had to stop a moment and just breath.

Dante blinked and asked “do you know your brother? More the likely he will be looking over my shoulder while I work at the office…”

Serena nodded, not fully understanding him but she moved to Elric and put the bottle in his mouth and started to get him to drink the liquid slowly.

Dante sighed and said “Hammond won’t relax until he knows these two are alright. So let’s start there. And can I reach Doctor Bane from your office?”

“I know my brother but I also know you Dante if you tell him truly tell him to calm down and take action to help then he will settle down. Because if he gets too wound up he will start to fight the merge and that will only cause pain to the both of you. So take care Dante and yes the service in my office is excellent,” he said then turned towards Elric and Serena.

Elric turned his head and he began coughing and grimacing in pain and let out a low miserable groan as his stomach started to hurt and that thick liquid coated his throat and seemed to squirm down his throat like he’d swallowed a bug.

Serena sighed and said “easy partner…just swallow and get it over with then it will be over…”

Dante nodded and moved to the office and moved to the computer. He tapped the key board and said “hammond? You awake enough to listen in on this?” He was calling Bane, the doctor at the area of Serena’s last station. “Maybe we will find your other son with him…”

Elric leaned back and looked up at Serena weakly before looking to what she was feeding him then recoiled a bit when he saw it actually move of its own volition then came the nausea again making him grimace and gasp in pain. Before the bottle was moved to go back into his mouth with the aid of Edgar tilting Serena’s elbow up.
“He’s not gonna like this but like I said it’s necessary, and can’t be stopped right now or it’ll just hurt,” he said.

Hammond roused within Dante weakly and sighed, “I’m awake… not happy about the sensation I’m experiencing right now but. I can try to manage it.”

Serena nodded and tipped the bottle more. “Just close you eyes and swallow like the beds they gave us before going over seas my friend…” Serena closed her eyes with him, now clearly feeling the strain.

Dante nodded and the call connected and a video screen popped up and Bane was working on paper work and looked up. “General? Director? I see it’s bad day for ya…what can I do for you?” Dante nodded and said “what can you tell us about Serena Shade?” Bane frowned and said “what did she do?” Dante sighed and said “she became A reaper…” bane stared and cursed softly. “Well…maybe that’s the cure of the walking Dead…”

Elric didn’t like this but could see the strain on Serena’s face so he didn’t fight her though his body did protest. Eventually the bottle was empty and Edgar gently took it from Serena and moved both of them to the mattress Hammond had previously collapsed onto and laid them down. He gave Elric the teddy bear to clutch as he knew he’d need something to hold tight as what happened next was going to hurt. Then he unfurled a large blanket and wrapped it around them gently tucking the two in.
“Now you should both rest regain some strength yes,” Edgar said smiling before leaving to go check on Dante and Hammond.

“I have heard about the walking dead and as ashamed as I am to admit it I still don’t understand the full implications of what the walking dead does or what the cause is. You said Serena contracted it when she was over seas was it being carried by one of the beasts that come from the portals? Or was it caused by mental trauma,” Hammond asked. “Also what sort of affects we can expect so see when it comes to being a reaper to a grim.”

Serena laid down but knew rest wasn’t coming tonight. She was wired now and the pressure of what she had done was hitting her. She rubbed her face and muttered “crap…what did I get you into Elric…”

Bane held up a hand and said “so it’s what we hav been calling those whose hearts stop near a portal or stain a bad enough injury it causes the body to be in high distress. Because every time it’s happened and the person is in a blacked out state…they don’t wake up the same. Most of the time with wake up in the medbay and seem…soulless. I’m not sure why it happens and I’m working on it, lucky it’s only happened five times but…During the attack that killed Serena’s squad, in her efforts to protect the grim squad she used such an amount of mana that plus her injuries her heart stopped. Elrics brother found her in time and restarted it but she did t wake until back at base. She has seemed better then others but…she’s not the same. It’s like she’s a guard dog with no self defense. She is all about her comrades and those she protects but….could care less about her own life. And the crazy thing is she’s not meaning to do it. It’s subconscious when it happens. It’s why I recommended sending her home…she’s not safe alone out here…but now that another life is dependent on hers…maybe it will break it. She needs therapy. Major PSTD is in play…it’s the worse I’ve seen outside a grim station”

Elric tensed up as he slept trembling with pain as his stomach churned around what he’d been forced to ingest. There was even an audible gurgle as his body protested then his form shifted turning fully skeletal and tendrils began to wrap in between bones making him tense and cry out in pain as a slimy monster moved around his bones. His arms clutching tight to the teddy bear as he cried in pain as the tendrils sunk into his bones and marrow.

“Hm I suppose they are a good matching more so than before. They truly do need each other, I just wish that it won’t kill them both,” Hammond said with a deeply troubled sigh.
Then came the sounds of a woman screaming, “you did WHAT!” Hammond always the curious sort raised a hand for Bane to give him a minute as he used his shadows to eavesdrop on what was going on outside seeing it was his brother and his partner project head of Group Vaisilia. “I told you that my project was nowhere near ready for application especially for a case as advanced as his son your nephew. What in the world were you thinking? especially using G0E1 no less. What has gotten into you? What happened to consulting me when it comes to acting upon your visions.” Edgar shuffled nervously and rubbed his shoulder bashfully. “There was no time and G0E1 was who was needed none of the others would be able to survive what comes next.” Vasilia looked genuinely confused, “these creatures aren’t sentient why do you keep on insisting on using who or they to address it?” Edgar looked more than a bit frustrated before looking away not wanting to go into the details unfortunately for both Hammond and Vasilia. Hammond dismissed the small portal of shadows and looked back at Bane.
“Looks like I’m gonna need your help monitoring something rather soon. How quickly can you fly back home,” Hammond asked.

Serena sat up and moved in front of him, moving her hand out to the black mass. “Hey there…I’m Serena…it’s okay…just breath…I know your here to help…”

Bane sighed and rubbed his tired eyes and said “I’ll take the flight next. Do you want me to bring your other son and his partner with me in case Elric needs them? His brother was at the attack…maybe he can tell us more what happened to Serena”

The creature slithered around Serena’s hand then up her forearm before slowly retreating back down to Elric to continue the melding process. Elric woke to pain and the feeling of being tied down on instinct he began to thrash trying to get whatever was happening to stop and he cried out when the creature jerked inside him as gravity pulled it away from his bones which were still covered in hairline cracks. Elric sobbed from the pain the creature having stopped moving being frightened it’d caused damage to its patient.

“No I cannot be selfish in this moment, calling on you is selfish as it is. The dead zone cannot afford to loose their best doctor and a brigadier general as accomplished as Teddy all at the same time. Frankly if you could send a list of local doctors you find competent enough to watch this particular case that would be perfect as well. It’s just this is rather delicate seeing as the grim has blight and the reaper is a walking dead. I don’t think the military has ever had a case similar to this before,” Hammond said with a deep sigh.

Upon hearing Elric cry out in pain poppa bird mode activated and Hammond shot to his feet and ran down the hall way. Upon arrival he was met with something out of one of those horror films he hated that Dante made him watch. Usually this was the moment to keep a calm head and Hammond would be the stable one but this was his boy and rational Hammond had flown the coop as he went to rip the damn thing off his son.

Serena moved to his face and said “shhh it’s okay. I know it hurts and as scary as heck but it’s helping. Just hold my hand and just let it do the job…”

Bane heard the yelling and said “I’m coming sir. Keep them alive till I get there” he logged off as Hammond ran off. Dante grabbed him and yanked him back, holding his partner back. “Stop it. This isn’t helping him. That is. Let Serena do this…she has the right idea let her help him…you know doing this hurts so please don’t make me fight back”

Hammond snarled at Dante angrily eyes glowing gold but his partner was right he felt like he was gonna puke and also like he was splitting himself in two.
“Dammit! Alright alright I’m good, ugh that did not feel good,” Hammond said resting a hand over their shared core. “Thanks… for calming me down,” he said crossing his arms then mumbled low under his breath barely even above a whisper, “love you.”

Elric looked at Serena tears in his eyes as he looked at her face his hand gently grabbing hers. The slime had stayed still until he calmed back down again. Before slowly and delicately moving around him again being careful not to approach the main wound just yet as if knowing that would be the most painful part of this entire process. So continued filling the hairline cracks making Elric let out a slight hiss as it hurt. Eventually all that remained untouched by the slime was Elric’s head and the original infected wound. It moved Elric’s hand gently away from Serena making Elric audibly whimper and cower but if Serena was touching him in that moment they would shatter her hand.

Dante smirked and said “I love you more…let’s just let the good work play out and see how it goes…if it goes bad then you can lose your crap and I won’t hold you back”

Serena let go so she moved her hand to his face and said “breath…just in and out. It’s healing the infection…like a wound needing rough cleaning. Hurts like heck but needed to heal right…just look at me and breath…” Serana was using the skills her mother had taught her but she was pale now and shaking. Stress and drain was piling on

Hammond blushed turning his head as if that would hide it. Then turned back to watching finally noticing Serena’s worsening condition he moved towards her and knelt beside her. Then gently rested a hand upon her shoulder and channeled a steady stream of his shared strength with Dante to her.
“We can’t have you blacking out on him Serena he needs you awake and here for him. If you black out he will panic so you need to take care of yourself if you are to take care of him properly. You have his heart so you need to protect it,” Hammond said softly yet firmly.
The hope was that by appealing to the fact that Elric needed her awake and healthy that the illness would latch onto that and she’d accept his help.

Elric’s breathing was shaky at first as he was scared though nodded when he nodded the smile moved into the wound sending searing white hot pain roaring through his body making him scream again in agony, but soon the pain began to ebb to a dull throb before finally vanishing. Making Elric blink in surprise he couldn’t remember the last time his chest didn’t ache or sting tears welled in his eyes and he smiled. For the first time in god knows how long he wasn’t in constant pain he didn’t even care when the slime swallowed his head he’ll the thing could have eaten him for all he cared because it didn’t hurt anymore. Eventually Elric fell asleep deeply peacefully the slime slowly moved Elric’s hand to Serena’s and gave it a light squeeze in order to show its gratitude towards her helping to keep Elric calm.

Serana nodded softly and said “understood sir…I’ll do my best…I promise I’ll try…” when the slime was done she smiled and said “thank you little one…cute little thing aren’t you…call me if you need me while he sleeps okay?” She moved her hand back and sighed.

Dante said “remember Hammond, she can’t help it if she takes hits. We can’t blow up at her while we figure this out…” Serena moved back a little and said weakly “should we…move him? To a room or…” she stopped, lowering her head for a few moments. She felt the power from Dante/Hammond but she hadn’t really taken care of herself since traveling and it showed.

Hammond just smiled at both Dante and Serena before gently moving to rest a gentle loving hand to the nape of her neck. Using his power over the mind he gently whispered, “sweet dreams Serena.” Then lulled her into a deep dreamless sleep before carefully scooping her up and grunted as he formed to more arms to pick up Elric. It hurt him a great deal doing this but he would be a pretty terrible dad if he just let his kids sleep on the floor of a college even if there was a mattress here. Using his magic he teleported them to his large house and walked to his guest room where he carefully laid Serena and Elric next to one another not wishing to keep grim and their reaper apart. Once he was finished carefully tucking the two of them in he turned and left the room. Then stumbled his armor gently clattering against each other as he panted from the overexertion. Slowly he stood and made his way to his room and collapsed and began dry heaving.
“Shit,” Hammond said grimacing.
This entire time his body had been trying to reject the merge with Dante just as it always was. No matter how used to it he thought he was there was still that subconscious part that’d always fight against him.
“Damn, sorry I’m not trying to fight. I don’t know why my body always fights it but it does,” Hammond said grimacing “I made it worse by expending all that extra energy. I also would never blame Serena for taking hits. I would mostly just be frustrated if I couldn’t do something to help.”

Serena felt his hand and turned to look at him before the wave hit and she fell against his arm, her mind for the first time in months going quiet.

Back at the house Dante was panting as Hammond over did it, feeling all of it as well. He was cursing softly and said weakly “let me…do it next time…not as…painful ah…” Dante flinched pain and added “I know…we just have to remind each other not to think she’s doing it on purpose…Banw will be able to…help…dang it…”

End of Page Two

Isis moved over to Carth as Shinlo sat down and sighed. “This is really too much trouble I’m okay…” he sat down and swayed little, seeming off balanced. Isis curled into Carths hands and said to him “yes scale brother. I’m doing better. I’m just cold. His worse. His been like this for two weeks. Since we caught onto Lady Asterias scent and then we were attacked by those plant like monsters. I think his sick. Please help him”

Shinlo was moving his shirt back to Orion and the doctor saw bad scaring on his chest. Whip marks that didn’t heal well.
Elric bundled up a bit more and walked down the sidewalk heading towards his apartment only to stop at the stoop a moment his hand finding his dog tags and let out a deep breath. He didn’t want to give up but his dad wanted him to No he needed him to stop but then that meant he was truly giving up the fight. That he was accepting the fact he was going to die in bed suffering and knowing he’d let people die.

“Hm I was hoping I’d get to see her the last time I saw her was last Christmas. Maybe I should bring Elric it might be good for him to have some family around seeing as Teddy and his partner are overseas right now helping stabilize the portals in the dead zone,” Hammond said before drinking some rum from his small glass “and with me being so busy ensuring our troops are going where they’re needed I can’t always keep tabs on him. What I’m asking is could we ask Serena to help keep an eye on him? I am willing to pay her for it but I really do need someone to help make sure he’s resting.”

As Elric was about to enter his apartment complex he heard the screams and saw people fleeing. There was not even a moments hesitation as he ran towards the portal outbreak the brown bag filled with his medicine still in hand. He saw the nethercorpses pouring out thankfully this was only a level one portal. Meaning there was only a few of them. Elric charged kicking one of the ghouls back from one of the fleeing members another ghoul came up behind Elric raking claws down just narrowly dodging which forced his hat to slide off revealing a bald head. As his hair had been the first to be unable to reform once he got sick. Elric growled and summoned his scythe slicing the monster in half and he sent a current of fire sailing across the ground circling around the open portal creating a barrier to keep the ghouls and nethercorpses from pouring out. Blood was trickling down Elric’s mouth his eyes turning black as he grimaced from strain his body shaking.

“I’m really worried the exertion is going to kill him Dante before I can find a cure for him,” Hammond said. In truth the general had poured much of his personal finances into funding projects to cure the blight. But none of them were able to produce promising results so far making Hammond look like he’d simply gone mad in an attempt to save his son.

Dante paused and looked at him. “You know what will happen if she sees his state? She will want to help him. Is there a way she could be a partner for him Hammond?” He stood up and paced the room with his glass. “If you think it would help, we can go see her tomorrow and see what we can come up with…”

He would hearing running behind him and a gun being loaded. Serena burst past him, barely seeing him standing there as she pulled two pistols free and started firing at the ghouls. She took head shots and yelled “everyone get to safety now! Clear the area!” A ghoul was moving behind her as she blasted the ghouls going after people.

Hammond shook his head deeply remorsefully, “if we can avoid both of us loosing children I’d prefer that. As much as I hope to cure him I am not blind to the fact it’s likely he will die long before I manage to find the cure. Though I will not give up not until that bell has truly been rung. I would be happy if she could just help him survive another day.”
Then finished the last of his rum and scooped up some shrimp in a creamy garlic sauce before shoving it into his mouth still being rather hungry.

Before the ghoul could hit Serena Elric was right there to burn the thing into a pillar of ash.
“You should be watching your six at all times… Serena? What are you doing here it’s been ages,” Elric said realizing who he’d just saved.
Then turned towards the portal his body still suffering from the strain he needed to close the portal. Though something was calling out to him from within the swirling vortex of energy. Elric stopped a moment just staring into it head tilting gently as he listened his body moving towards it slowly then a screaming searing pain hit caused by the overexertion and he nearly collapsed.
“Right gotta close it make sure it doesn’t grow any bigger,” he said grimacing.
Then used his magic to seal the breach ignoring the many voices as they called out to him.

Dante sighed and rubbed his neck, the stress showing on his face. “I’m sorry Hammond…I wish I could do more…for both of them…” he sat back down and picked up a piece of steak and put it in his mouth. “Serena could use your guidance…she’s been getting strange dreams as of late…you knew her mother better then I did, did she get foresight flashes?”

Serena turned and said “not on my nest game right now…Elric it has been a while…” she watched him and covered him as he closed the portal, a worried look on her face. When he had it closed she walked to him and looked him over. “Elric…what’s going on with you?” She looked as bad as he did but for different reasons.

Hammond chewed as he thought about Dante’s question and nodded swallowing. “No that was more her fathers thing. While her mother knew a lot about ancient magic he was the one with the talent for it. So it is likely that Serena inherited his talent,” he said before forking some pasta into his mouth. He swallowed another bite before leanjng back again, “I could maybe do a one on one with her help her get more control over her magic and supply her with some magic tools to help her get better control until she better understands her new gift if that’s what you’re getting at with that line of questions.”

Elric looked at Serena blood still dripping down the corner of his mouth his eyes bloodshot and the whites a deep black. “I’m not gonna lie I’ve been better,” he said laughing weakly. Then grimaced in agony as his body protested eventually he dropped to his knees and he had to raise a hand to preemptively stop Serena from getting any closer. “I’m sick with the blight so don’t touch me right now… I don’t wanna infect you too,” he said grimacing. “My medicine… I had it a second ago it was in a brown paper bag. It’ll help suppress the infection so people are safe around me. Can you please go find it for me I lost it in the fight.”

Dante nodded and said “it’s more out of the blue. She’s been skilled in seals and combat arts. Heck it’s why she went into the military after her father did. It’s why I want her for an agent. But…this new thing worries me of what she could be becoming…”

Serena nodded and looked around. Then she spotted it by the curb and ran over and picked it up. She pulled out the bottle and read it to get the right amount ready for him, kneeling down and held out the meds. “I’m so sorry Elric…I didn’t hear…I haven’t been great at keeping touch the last little bit…can I get you home at least?”

“I don’t think she will become any stranger though I’ll monitor her when I can see how her magic progresses,” Hammond assured him. Then crossed his arms thinking about it for a moment. “Though psychological trauma can cause ancient magic to mutate as someone whose experienced it first hand… It’s possible her magic is mutating as a defense mechanism to help her prevent the loss of anyone else she holds dear. Precognition in the right hands is incredibly powerful I can talk to my brother Edgar as an Oracle he will be better equipped to teach her how to perceive and better translate the prophesies she sees. Far better than I ever could I’m certain it will also give me an excuse to check up on project goup… it’s a bad project name but at least it’s accurate.”

Elric took the medicine being very careful not to touch Serena not wanting her to get sick too because of him. After taking his medicine the blood finally stopped dripping from his nose and mouth while his eyes returned from black to white.
“I’d appreciate the hand, now to find my hat my heads cold.” Then looked around his bald head and bald eyebrows furrowed as he looked around for his nice knit cap that Lexi and Teddy had gifted him before heading overseas. Thankfully he was able to find it and snuggly fit it back over his head as he looked at Serena again. “Yeah you can walk me home sorry. Sorry I wasn’t trying to ignore you just my mind gets a little fuzzy after taking my medicine,” he apologized. Then motioned for Serena to follow him he dismissed his scythe and gently took the brown bag back from her.
“I live close by to here… and I don’t fault you for not knowing I mean you’ve been busy fighting the portal breaches. I’m guessing your home for shore leave? Last I heard your company was working with my squad to close up a level nine that had opened up in the Andes. Did everything go alright? I kinda worry since I’m not there watching everyone’s backs anymore,” he said grunting with a bit of exhaustion.

Dante nodded and said “any help would be taken here…she’s lost Hammond…I still don’t know what happened over there but…it did something to her…” he leaned back and rubbed his face, clearly tired and stressed out. “Then I now have a case of missing sailors…”

Serena stood up helping him up carefully then froze when he asked. She swallowed, the memories coming back of the last fight when it all went wrong. “It…got closed…Im not on leave…I was retired with honors…I…” she closed her eyes, her hands shaking like mad.

Hammond let out a soft sigh and said, “well I suppose having Elric’s and Serena watch out for each other is the best idea. As for the sailors are you still unable to find any clues as to where they’ve gone?”

Elric paused a moment it didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what happened. He slowly moved and held her cheeks in his hands and smiled weakly at her. “It’s okay you’re home, you are home Serena the battle is over soldier.” Then he began to just breath with her helping her to slowly settle down and get over her ptsd episode. Then slowly he took his hands away then grimaced as his heart beat awkwardly in his chest making him stumble back into the wall. Though he did manage to just barely catch himself. Then turned and walked into his apartment complex and went to the elevator. Hammond made sure to send a elevator technician over there every week just to make damn sure it’d keep working, as he didn’t want his son struggling with three flights of stairs just to get home. As they got in Elric began to take a dip again this time loosing his human form and turning into a full grim. His robes were dingy and tattered with the chest having a large section missing revealing the four long claw marks on his ribs that were stained black his heart was a dim light that was flickering. Elric chose to ignore it as he waited for the elevator to take them to the fourth floor.

Once there his phone was able to unlock his door as he had one of those fancy locks thanks to the fact he was a partner less grim living alone laws had been placed that they were allowed to change any lock to a residence if they didn’t feel safe. Elric walked inside slowly taking short shaky steps before eventually hitting the ground the sound of bone cracking echoing through his empty apartment. There wasn’t even any furniture or table just a plain kitchen and a few barstools.
“Gonna see you guys soon,” Elric mumbled to himself his heart dulling even further.
At hearing his friends that his family was dead the fight he had left in his body evaporated. The infection began to quickly spread reaching back towards his heart making the white aura around it slowly turn red. Then amid his robes something began to beep rapidly it was a sort of life alert to let Hammond know if Elric’s condition dipped to critical levels.

Hammond shot to his feet knocking over food as he looked at his phone skin pale as a sheet as he looked to Dante. “I need your help getting to my boy. Please Dante,” he said voice breaking. As there was a very real chance he was going to loose his son tonight unless he got to him and took in his heart. It was insanely dangerous but Elric needed someone with enough strength to keep him stable. While he didn’t want to risk Serena’s life that didn’t mean his own was off the table, far from it.

Dante shook his head and said “nothing. And I mean nothing. All were last seen lights out in their cabins or rooms. Next morning gone without a trace. Stuff still there…just vanished…”

When the call came he stood up and said “I’ll text Serena. What’s the address? She can get there faster and start to help…it’s how she saved that team”

Serena was with him the whole time and heard his words. She cursed and moddd in front of him saying “Elric your team is fine. They weren’t there. They were at fhe portal and were closing it when…it happened. Your brother is fine. Your squad wasn’t harmed…I made sure of that…look at me Elric! Don’t you dare do this to me! I swear if you die on my I will killed myself just to drag you back!”

“Same place I programmed it into your phone under his contact information,” Hammond said putting his phone away then began to summon his shadows too him needing to teleport the both of them without touching Dante. As a long time ago during a battle with a level ten portal Hammond had been mortally wounded and in order to save his life Dante had to take his heart into his body. But since then Hammond couldn’t touch Dante because if he did his body would instantly try to pull his friend in. Seeing as they were both grims it caused Hammond’d body to become crippled and unable to move.

Elric gently touched Serena’s cheek and seemed to smile weakly at her. “It’s okay… you don’t need to lie… I am dying anyways I don’t have a cure… I, I would rather die with someone I know and care about here with me. I’m happy that I’m not alone… I’m tired Serena… I’m really really tired,” he said softly eyes closing as his hand went limp. He was still conscious but it was coming in and out much like the light coming from his core. As a soldier Serena knew how to save the life for a partner less grim on the battlefield and that was to find a host with ample strength and mana.

Dante smirked at him and pulled his phone out, his long sleeves pulled down. Dante always made sure to wear long sleeves and long pants around Hammond. Just to be safe. Skin contact would mean a fusion. Dante frowned as they moved and said “Hammond…her phone tracker is already there…”

Serena glared and said “you have played poker with me Elric. I can’t lie. I saved your guys after that thing went off wiping out my squad. I don’t know how I did it but I did…” she saw him fading and cursed. “His going to be pissed…but I’m not losing another friend…at least I can save you” she ripped open his shirt and started to look for what she needed to make the bond. “Okay…crap it’s been years since I learned how to do this…uncle Dante I could use your help right now…”

Hammond’s eyes as widened and he began to move faster knowing that Serena would do something reckless. Eventually the spell was ready and he got the both of them to Elric’s apartment just in time to see Serena dipping her hands into Elric’s rib cage. “Serena darln I’m gonna ask you to please take your hands out of Elric’s chest real carefully,” Hammond said gently while slowly approaching.

Elric coughed in pain Serena could feel how weak the beats of his heart was as she remembered that she’d need to swallow his core in order to assimilate it into her body and in turn save his life. Elric didn’t have much longer he was so weak already hairline cracks were developing along his bones. As once a grim died they turned to dust it made burial easy but it was no less devastating to watch someone you care about turn to dust. Hammond looked at Elric sorrow in his eyes as he wished he’d just had more time to help him. But right now he needed to make sure Serena didn’t do anything foolish.

Serena closed her eyes to remember which thankfully the lecture came to mind, the funny thing it was Hammond giving the lecture at the academy. She moved her hand into his core and found his heart just as the men burst in.

Serena looked up and said “I can’t sir…he think his squad died. They didn’t but he heard me say what happened and it caused this…I’m not losing anyone else. No more. I can do this. Yes I’m tired and drained but my mana is good and I can handle it. You said years ago we would make a great pair…well, let’s see if he will take me”

Serena pulled the heart out and she said “you’ll have to shoot me to stop this. But I’m not losing a close friend and you aren’t losing your son…” she then put the heart into her mouth and swallowed it whole somehow.

Elric felt someone runmaging around his chest but he didn’t feel violated he felt safe. His eyes slowly opened to look up at Serena just as she was saying something his head turned to see his father his senses were all so distant and time moved slowly. His head turned to look back up at Serena as she pluck his weakly beating heart out and swallowed it. He was stunned and confused as to why she’d choose such a sorry fate to be tied to him he was dying he had the blight what if by taking in his heart she became infected too? A weak hand reached up desperately trying to gasp at Serena and he let out a weak fearful call without any words. Hammond was right there to gently take his hand and stared down at his adopted son with immense love.
“It’s okay she knows what she’s doing,” Hammond assured him.
Which allowed Elric to rest a bit easier his eyes slowly shutting as he began to rest. Hammond lifted his head to look at Serena he was absolutely seething at the fact she’d put herself in such an immense amount of danger.
“What were you thinking? I am grateful but at the same time the one thing I didn’t want to happen was to loose my god daughter. I swore to your parents to keep you safe what in the nether were you thinking,” Hammond said his voice furious but kept low to prevent waking Elric with yelling. “I know you didn’t want to loose anyone else I understand that better than you can ever know. But at the same time you need to understand there are limitations. What you’ve just decided to do is no better than deciding on a suicide pact. We are going to go see my brother and the woman in charge of project goup today, no right now. Maybe that woman has finished a prototype. Her work centers around isolation of the infection and treatment. With how you’re now carrying Elric’s heart we are going to need something to isolate the infection from spreading to you as well.”
Then stood up quickly and turned to look at Dante Hammond was absolutely furious his eyes glowing gold and his shadow having taken on a larger more avian shape. Teleporting a large party of people so quickly after teleporting himself and Dante was taking a toll Hammond was going to need to rest as soon as they arrived. But it was unlikely the general would. Meaning Dante might need to actually pull Hammond into a merge just to get the panicking father to calm down and sleep once everything was said and done.

Serena looked at him and said “I’m dead anyway…might as well give him chance to survive…and maybe with a partner he can heal…I can fix his heart maybe…I just…I had to do something…”

Dante sighed and said “breath Hammond…can’t have the bird of prey losing control right now…”

Hammond just pointed at Dante in a warning manner wanting him to talk to his kid and figure out what in the hell she meant and to give him a minute while he got another teleport ready. His eyes turned to look at Serena, what in the hell did she mean by already dead?

Dante sighed snd said “Serena what do you mean?” Serena looked at him and said “I should have died back in that battle field…my heart stopped out there. And since I haven’t felt anything…they have been calling me a walking dead.”

Dante cursed and looked at Hammon and tapped his head, wanting to talk mentally.

Dante was looking at the glass of brown liquid as his old friend made the call. He signed and said “she doesn’t really know. I told her to come work with me for a while. Her father was a great agent. She has his brain and her mothers senses. And her skill in magic arts as well. I do t want her to fall into the darkness…with losing her squad and best friend…she’s in a bad place. But maybe we will see how she comes home. She lands tonight. I thought if you had a chance you could come with me to see her?”

Then his phone buzzed and he pulled it out to look it then cursed. “That little…I’m firing this guy. Serena’s flight is already landed. Wrong time was sent to me.”

Serena Shade was walking from where the cab dropped her off. She had a nap sack and that was it. She looked tired, having been flying for days. She turned the corner when she heard yells and the sound of the portal opening. She frowned and said “no rest for the wicked is seems…”
A man walked the streets a brown paper bag in hand a knit cap pulled down low over the tops of his ears. His skin pale from sickness due to the infection in his body yet despite that he carried himself with a sort of confidence usually found in veteran soldiers. A pair of dog tags dangled loosely around his neck confirming that he was once a colonel in the military. The cold air burning his lungs and he let out a raspy cough clutching his chest where the infection the cancer infested his body. He knew he didn’t have very much longer to live yet he was still fighting still trying to figure out a new way to survive without being in the military. Eventually he heard his phone ring and he looked at the caller ID it was his general.
“Sir,” he said quickl answering.
“Elric… You have been trying to close portals again haven’t you. I told you it’s too dangerous to do that sort of thing on your own please just relax and let yourself rest my son. I’m worried that you’re going to get yourself killed,” Hammond said with a sigh.
“But sir,” Elric started only to stop when he heard a sad sigh.
“Dad… I don’t want to just sit still and let people get hurt. Those portals are a menace and even if I’m sick that doesn’t mean I should just sit back especially as a grim.”
“Elric you’ve already done more than enough! The entire reason you are sick is because of the fact you were saving someone’s life during an outbreak.”
Elric touched his pained chest grimacing in pain as the memory of being slashed across the chest by one of the nethercorpses replayed in his mind. Of the searing pain as he took the hit before the monster could reach its true prey an innocent child. Elric’s began to cough soon black blood escaped his lips making him grimace and use a magic item to safely dispose of the infected blood.
“I know but, my entire reason for existing was to serve and protect. I can’t sit idle I don’t even know how.”
Hammond was silent for a bit he’d heard his sons painful coughs and had to suppress the tears from falling or it showing in his voice.
“I want you to promise me you will try Elric, I will come visit you with Dante next Monday. Please for my sake try to find something calming to do and for the love of all that is good no more closing portals. You are going to give me a panic attack.”
Then Hammond huh up and leaned back closing his eyes and let out a deep sigh before looking at his once commanding officer now turned NCIS commander, Dante. Hammond and Dante were enjoying a nice peaceful very late dinner together when Dante had brought up Elric’s elicit and dangerous portal closing activities. Prompting him to immediately call his adopted son to try settling his nerves and to try getting it through his thick skull that he needed to stop.
“Sorry about that, I know I said we would have a peaceful meal but it’s just… that boy worries me. So Serena is finally coming back from her military service what does she plan on doing now?”
The story retelling.
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