Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
6 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
8 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
9 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
1 yr ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Duke smiled and said “it’s a cool set up, mokuba would have a blast. They have stats and everything. Almost as good as one of your tournaments Kaiba”

Yugi thought for a moment then said “well I think you and I would be the best since I helped with your deck. Yami and Serena would be a team, we will have to see who else wants to come”

A voice said behind them that made them all, including Kaiba, jump. “I believe the I stars and I should come as well. Marik and Ishizu are great duelists and haven’t had some good fun in a while” Odion came in like a ghost and moved to make some tea.

Serena smiled at him then looked at her desk and saw her deck and Yamis deck had been moved. She got up and picked up her deck and flipped the first card. Then stared. “Yami…” she held up the card. It read “Keeper of Shadows” and had the image of the Bane on it. “How did…” then she moved to Yamis deck and flipped the card then stared at it. “Yami…look” she held up the card. It had the Hawk from the alley way and it read “Messenger of the Gods”
Duke nodded and said “ya. Just have to be in pairs. And you have to have your own deck and duel disk. That’s it. Can meet someone there or bring someone” Duke looked at Kaiba. “This would be good for us with pendents to go watch for the goddess to show up”

Serena smiled at him and said “I slept good. You?”
Yugi said “because it’s a club that’s meant for partner dueling. You go in as pairs. So love on a field of battle” the bird chirped and nodded, flapping its wings. Duke nodded and said “I’ve been there. Just to watch but it’s a cool set up. And it’s busier on the weekends”

Serena opened her eyes softly and muttered “I sense…magic…” she looked around and saw Yami wrapped around her. She blinked her cheeks going pink. “Oh good morning…”
Scsrlet smiled and said “hey you two. Ash you look better. Shall we go get some breakfast?”

Shinlo waited then said “I didn’t…want others to see the scars…see my past clearly on my skin..”
Yugi looked confused then remembered “oh right! The messenger that talked to Yami told us to find Hathor at a place of battle and love. Serena came up with that location where we could find her”

Serena stirred a little next to Yami, feeling the magic in the air.
Yugi moved to look at the files and said “who you got Jinzo from. Okay, who next? I mainly had rare hunters so…”

They all looked up at Mahad and Yugi saw the bird. “What can undo for you?” The bird said “please go to them dueling club this evening. Dress the part. And bring teams of two…”
Now that I finally reread everything, I realized I missed my chance with Twin-Hearted Knight!!! I am so mad at myself!!!

Means we will have to use it again soon to show that secret!
Duke moved to see the image and he said “but I do. He was in your battle city tournament. Didn’t get far but I saw him duel while I was looking for Joey and Yugi. Actually his one of the guys…” he paused and his eyes went wide. “I remember now…I saw him with a group that Bakura wiped the floor with…what if that’s the link? All the duelists have been part of this whole mess some how?”

Yugi said softly “we need to find our other friends, the ones we dueled in that tournament and even those we aren’t friends with. Joey? Who did you duel again?”

The bird chirped and jumped up onto mahads shoulder. Guardian said “I’ll go see what I can find in the shadow realm…those two might want to wake up” she vanished as the bird chirped again.
Yugi looked over and asked “who is it?” Duke moved and asked “and are they in a coma or walking around?”

Guardian nodded and moved to the desk and picked up Serena’s deck and said “her cards are ready for battle…” then there was a glow on the desk and a bird appeared. It was red and with a big tail. Guardian knelt down and said “who are you looking for?” The bird chirped and guardian tilted her head. “Yugi? His in the next room. Who sent you?” The bird chirped again and Guardian looked at Mahad. “Hathor…goddess of love is looking for Yugi”
Yugi thought more then asked “what about energy bursts? The shadow realm lets off a lot of power” Duke then said “maybe…we see out of the missing duelists who is in a hospital…”

Guardian nodded and said “I hate to say it but his going to find out…one way or another…I wonder which god will pick whose left of the team to be their blessed…will any pick Yami?”
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