Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
7 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
9 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
9 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
1 yr ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Zhara said “his alright, my shadows protected him…” she looked at Seth and her eyes narrowed. “You’re not alright. Are bones broken? I can have these men taken to the dungeon so we can get you check…” she stopped and turned, her eyes glowing. She cursed and softly said so only Atem might near her “Bane…take them back…do not wait. Do it now” shadows shot around the fallen men and around Seth and Atem. Zhara spun her staff out and yelled “get him back to the palace! Now!” She slammed her staff to the ground and the shadows took them all away. Soon the fallen foes and the two men reappeared inside the palace gates, the shadows shooting back to where they came.

Mana was sitting on the wall and looked down. “Pharaoh? Priest Seth? How did you guys do that?” That’s when they heard a huge explosion right where they had been moments before. Mana jumped up and said “I sense monsters! Master! We might be needed!”

Bane watched and said “ah, the brotherhood sending in spirits for the first time…well into the capital…”

Yugi smiled till she was gone then sighed and held his head. Ishizu frowned and said “Yugi? Are you feeling unwell?” Yugi said “just dizzy again…my head hurts…”

Adam sat in the other chair and said “so you were blessed by Set…good thing it’s you. Your the best one to keep your emotions in check…” the way he said it, made it sound like he knew more then he was letting on. He was watching Duke, an odd look in his eyes.
Drake frowned and said “maybe…but odd it’s on the side of the building…but let’s go see how moms doing with this…then I have to figure out why the timeline is still in chaos…”

John said “move the point of the spell to her leg. It might be trying to pull something out there”
The leader grabbed Atem and pulled a knife to his neck. “Don’t move Priest or I cut his throat!” Suddenly small daggers flew from the shadows and hit the two hooded men attacking Seth. Then shadows wrapped around Atem and pulled him to safety as a form slammed into the leader and pinned him to the wall. Zhara was standing there, her eyes glowing as she slammed the man into the dirt and slammed her staff into his back.

“That is enough. No one touches my pharaoh…no one…” she looked around as her shadow put Atem back on his feet and she called “Seth? are you alright? More guards are coming.”

Bane smiled and said “look at her go…”

Yugi smiled and looked around “oh ya…time to look at your deck…”

Adam helped lay Duke down and covered him with the blanket. “Now I get it Seto…sorry I was pushy”
Mana knelt down to help as the healers ran towards them and the first one knelt down and said “sorry my pharaoh, we had to take the long path…” Zhara was barely awake as she felt Atem catch her and she said softly “home…at last…” then she passed out as the healers took over.

Bane looked at Yami and asked “your memory returning as you see this?” He waved his hand for the next scene. The scene changed to Atem heading back to the palace and was talking with Priest Seth when suddenly black robed men attacked and hit Seth hard and sent him flying then turned to Atem. Bane said “oh this should be good…”

Yugi nodded and said “okay…then we need to work on your deck. And talk about how to handle a shadow duel”

Duke nodded weakly and said “I’m…okay…just…” a blanket appeared by Seto. Adam stood there and smiled. “Need help?”
Zhara sighed and her breath shook. “Finally…I can…finally rest…it’s been so long…hunting down those monsters…fighting bandits…all of it…to become the best shadow I could be…I’m proud of what I was able to do. Master was proud of me even with his dying breath…told me I was ready…that I could return to your side…that I would be able to stop any threat…I regret nothing…apart not being able to save my master…but I’m happy to be home…with you all again…those days…with you were the best of my childhood…you gave me the drive to become strong and fearless…to become smarter then anyone else…be the best I could be…now I can finally be at peace…I can do my duty…with a true smile…on my…lips…” she swayed a little, her body not able to fight the pain anymore. She smiled at Atem and said “don’t worry…none of this is your fault my pharaoh…it’s just bad timing…I’m so happy…to be home…” then she fell forward, her knees buckling.

Yugi looked at her and said “Cora…you don’t really have to…” then Ishizu walked over and covered his mouth. “Shh yugi…she knows what she’s getting into…let her find her path…” yugi paused then nodded.

Duke felt his arm be held and moved, then looked to Seto as his vision blurred a bit. “I’m…so glad…I’m glad his okay…I’d do it over again…well next time just push him to you…better…landing…” he fell against Seto, breathing hard.
Mana ran over and moved next to Zhara and said “it’s okay now sister…you’re here. You past the test, and none of us are going to let anyone take that away. Besides, once Seth learns you were this wounded and still beat him, he won’t be able to say a word about it. You wiped the floor with his guards and the tests and you weren’t even at you top form. The council would be morons not to keep you as the shadow? Am I right my pharaoh? Master?”

Zhara blinked and looked at Atem, the pain in her eyes now showing. “Is she right? Can I…finally rest? Is it truly…really safe now?” Mana frowned a little and wondered why Zhara felt she had to put up a strong front. Then she realized it and said “you had to prove yourself more…because your master nor the last pharaoh was here to secure your claims…and you didn’t want to stress out the pharaoh by asking him to remember you…oh Zhara…” manas eyes filled with tears.

Yugi closed his eyes and nodded, rubbing his arms. Tristen sighed and said “it was a rough few weeks…Yami wasn’t himself…but Yami kicked his butt and got everyone back. And that snake didn’t stand a chance”

Duke was leaning on the wall in the hallway, his legs shaking. He was trying to move but his body was screaming at him. He felt like he was falling forward, his strength waning.
Alright sounds good
Mana listened and said “no…she is listening…but if she’s going to hold the respect of the high priests and the council…she has to look strong. Think about it Mahad…she’s a woman in a role only men has had for generations…and she’s been alone most of her life with just her master. Who’s now dead. We don’t know what happened ojt there but this shows how hard she’s worked to get here. If Seth saw this, what do you think he would say? She knows what the men of high level think of her…she’s been treated like a rat…I think the only time she knew peace was with us. Now she’s fighting to get that back. Fighting for her place and fighting to be at his side…wouldn’t you do anything for that?” When she saw Mahads face she smiled. “I thought so. Come on, let’s go help her…we have shielded her before…let’s do it again”

Zhara looked at Atem and saw his eyes. She said softly “I can’t be seen as a risk to you…I have to be seen as a wolf…nothing gets thru me to you…and I will be that wolf…but I have to show the others that not even blood will weaken me…I won’t let harm come to you…never…”

Yugi said “I don’t know much after that duel.until Yami beat darts…”

Duke was leaning on the wall in the hallway, panting a little. He said not know Seto was behind him “should check on the kiddo…make sure I didn’t hurt him…dang it…I was trying to protect him…what if I made it worse…”
Mana nodded and took off running. Zhara gasped as she held her wound and said “it’s nothing a cleaning and rewrapping won’t fix…I can handle it…I don’t want to look weak…not after all I did to prove myself…not after everything I did to get here…” she glared at the shadow and said “stop helping him, Shadow…I can handle this…” the shadow moved like it was shaking its head and moved up and undid her cloak. It fell to show cuts all over her and an arrow wound in her shoulder. She had been a battle not days before. She cursed and moved to pick up her cloak. “Please ignore this…I can handle this…”

Mana came back and said “they are on their way…what happened to her? Should we go help the pharaoh?”

Duke limped out of the room as yugi said “we almost lost everyone…” Tristen said “yugi…we almost lost you”
Okay, so trying to decide when Yami should learn what happened to Zhara in the end. Do we let Bane show him or would it be better for it to be shown to him in the heat of a battle?
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