Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
7 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
9 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
9 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
1 yr ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Serena took his hand and slowly got up, shaking a little as she got back to her feet. Then she looked at two men and said “I’m ready…” Dartz smiled and went to the seer and said “thank you Ms for your help”

Hathor blinked at him and said “I see your life trials have done you well, Marik…you were served a bad hand and yet you have become so much stronger for it”

Mako said “I think it’s with that odd wand thing they carry…but it didn’t work on me since my old card came to me to help me…” Adam was listening and said “that’s something to look into…”
Darts smiled and nodded “of course. Maybe I can walk you both back to where you’re staying? Just in case you need aid” Serena smiled softly, sensing his honesty.

Hathor sighed and said “that’s not how war works my dear…”

Mako sat down on the coffee table and said “other duelists are getting captured. You get beaten, your soul gets ripped out of you and your body is…taken over…by your worst parts of your soul. If you win, your taken to their base and…I don’t know what they do to them but…when I beat them they tried to take me but…” he paused and said “Joey, your card saved me. My old fisherman card appeared and saved me. That’s how I knew I had to find you”
Dartz looked worried for a moment and said “they are alright though?” Serena nodded and said “yes they are okay. They have been watching our backs for a while now…” Dartz smiled and said “they are good boys…I wish to finally apologize for what happened…”

Hathor turned and smiled at Marik and said “oh who is this!” She jumped to his side and helped him with the tray. “One of the tomb keepers I see. A noble honor but one full of loneliness and sacrifice…I wonder which of my siblings will be the winner for you dear…so many”

Set sighed as Mako was getting up and said “what is going on Joey? Where is Yugi? I have to warn him and his brother of what is coming”
Dartz sighed and said “I know…I have a lot to make up for…I hope to do that with aiding you…I wonder if you have seen my riders? I want to make sure they are alright…”

Sekhmet smiled and nodded “that would be an easy task to handle. One moment” she clapped her hands and a seal appeared all around them and the on the floor of the warehouse. She looked around then nodded and snapped. The seal flashed and then faded into white markings into any surface it was on. “There. All done. That will keep any thing or being from being able to find or see you. Tech and magic shielded as well”
Serena looked at him and said “a little dizzy…but I think I’m okay…I feel like a idiot for going off on a ally…so that’s worrying me some…” she held her head again as Dartz said “don’t worry about it my lady, truly. Now, you were asking me a question pharaoh? Oh yes, on the cells. So when the great snake was freed, somehow other cells were opened partly. Allowing a monster like Apep to send his magic out to his fallen brotherhood to awaken them again…”

Hathor smiled and moved to Joey, resting a hand on his cheek. “Well, my sister is the lucky one…she has a very cute blessed as well…” then she looked to Cora and shifted to her and said “of course, what can I do for you my young warrior?” Her tone and stance changed so quickly it was like flipping a card over.
Serena blinked and tried to sit up “what? I don’t…remember any of it…I was in the alleyway…saw the guy watching you…then “ she held her head as Dartz moved and bowed to her. “I am Dartz. I’m sorry for causing this confusion. My guardian sensed your aura was thought you a threat…I wasn’t sure how to approach either of you…”

Serena looked at him the said “wait…Dartz? That Dartz?”

Hathor sighed and said “but that is my concern my dear. I am part love and I hate seeing those around without it…I’ll find you a perfect match…” Set cleared his throat and said “can we get back to the topic at hand?”

But at Joeys words Hathor smirked and said “oh really? Maybe I should be following them around…make sure fate deals them the right hand this time”
Dartz watched him closely as he turned to Serena who opened her eyes and blinked hard. “What…what happened? Did I get hit?”

Set sighed and said “you mustn’t be too concerned with my sister. Her ruling over battle like myself is only rivaled by her ruling over love and lust. She will be around the room soon enough. Sister? His not used to this kind of attention” sekhmet blinked and said “oh come now that can’t be true…your so handsome and stern…have to be fighting the women off with a stick…”

Tristen was doing his best not to laugh, never seeing Seto blush like this before.

Set sighed and shook his head, covering his face. “Well while we are here, where is the Pharaoh and his shadow?”
Dartz sighed and said “it’s not that…When I released the great serpent…I opened more then just one cell. I learned that more evil was unleashed with what I did…in which I am so sorry for…” he lowered his head. Serena suddenly groaned and turned her head. “My prince…”

There was a flash behind her and arms wrapped around Cora from behind. “Ah my sweet blessed one! I’m glad you called on me! What can I do for you?” The woman appeared and smiled at Cora and then saw Set. “Brother! You finally picked a human! Who is your favorite?” Set sighed and nodded to Seto. “The genius” Sekhmet walked over to Seto and rested a hand on his chest and said “I see why…his a handsome one…different then my sweet Yugi…”
Dartz sighed and sat down on the stool and said “I did move on…but when I saw the peril because of the gods and…this brotherhood and seeing it was cause by my actions with the great serpent…I couldn’t sit back and not help. I asked my dragon knights who agreed to come with me to redeem myself…they are here to make sure I don’t stray from my path. They are my keepers more then anything…”

Set nodded and said “my scouts will handle them and lead them away for the night. I would say the blessed of my war sister should ask my sister to place a blessing of protection on this building…”

Odion nodded and moved forward, Ishizu smiling at them both. “Thank you…”
About dawn ash came out of the tent and moved over to the assassin, her gear in her hands. “I saw you were gear checking. Figured I’d come and keep you company”
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