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The sarcasm, snark, and everything in between was more than warranted. At the very least Sigurd could have tried to hold a conversation with some of these people prior to everything and get a closer idea what their abilities would be. However, that was in the past. Most he could do now was keep to the “plan” he had made, and apologize for making terrible assumptions later.

Everyone was seemingly making good use out of it, even if Sigurd wasn’t giving his full attention to what was being said and done around him. Fire with a sulfur smell was blasted out of the sky in front of him, along with any aerial support missiles that Jason had fired. While the information granted by Izkry was helpful, and Sigurd even looked that way when he heard the name Kraven, Laura seemed focused on taking her down. Best not getting in her way quite yet. There was everyone else.

At least Sigurd wasn’t the only one barking orders, even if some of it was redundant, at least towards himself. The divide and conquer approach was the best, and hopefully this little distraction would-

Sigurd yelled as he was flown through the air and crashed behind the villains. ‘Yea… Should have expected that’ was all he could think to himself as he stood back up. At the very least they are on the defense. It may be difficult for Sigurd and everyone to mount an offensive pressure and separate them, the villains should almost have an equal amount of difficulty to launch an attack due to the constant pressure. The “dragon” was going to be the outlier as it would have the chance to jump at the rest of the students.

Looking at the rest of the villains maybe there was a better way to divert the attention. While a long range assault was the best option, there was a deep concern if throwing Hofund would cause any serious damage to these individuals. The one in actual armor may be able to take it, but the princess….

Despite the worries of structural damage Jason brought up, maybe this off the wall idea Sigurd was thinking would work. At the very least he can try and provide enough cover for himself or the others. Though he would have to be the first on sight to try and fix it up.

Sigurd brought Hofund to his side, unsheathing the blade, dashing as he cleaved it into the asphalt. 'Apologies, father and Hofund...' It was hardly a task suited for a weapon of its caliber, but it served the purpose nonetheless as it effortlessly cut free a hefty swathe of the road.

Everyone could probably hear what he just did, so he had to act fast. Laying Hofund down, Sigurd bent over, grabbing the large boulder of concrete, and flung it through the air. He was aiming to narrowly go above the villains, and land just beyond them, blocking any sight of the quinjet, and acting as a barrier. Even if the one sending out sonic waves turns around and destroys it, the rubble should fall forward enough to cover the second step of this “plan” of his, and allow the blonde haired biker to keep pelting with fire balls or maybe engage the dragon. If “Hazmat” came in to clear the rubble, then maybe the debris would add some cover, but it hopefully leaves Jason an opening if he wants to swoop in and engage a different person. This is ignoring the fact that the villains probably have other ways to handle the projectiles, or could handle multiple at once, but it may leave an opening of some kind.

As for the princess… Sigurd did not yell this time as he raced forward, putting in as much effort to try and tackle her to the ground. If he is blocked by one of the others it would leave the rock to land in front of them and block vision of the quinjet protecting those who had not engaged yet, or allow the others to continue their own assault. Even if the same thing happened to Sigurd again… Well it would have kept her busy and not trying to go for the quinjet.

And maybe, just maybe, if the dragon didn’t engage the biker, it would go after Sigurd, allowing the others to either pincer in or divide the attention of the rest of the group. Despite the biker saying that, Sigurd was still hesitant as they have no idea what it can fully do. If not, Sigurd should be able to handle the princess on his own, even given their odd power set. Either way it was removing a potential powerhouse, and even the leader, from the equation. He did have to give the princess some credit for the strike from the ground and sending him flying.

Of course some of the other students were going to be apprehensive about the dorm arrangements. Many probably never had to worry about sharing the rooms. However, Mia got it right on the money. Similar to the barracks back in New Asgard, this was meant to form strong team bonds, and have people be able to understand one another. Form strategies with those around them, and slowly work on collaboration and communication skills. Sigurd continued to looked at Professor Hulk, not really surprised at this.

Similarly so with the fact they would be co-ed. Male and female students rooming together. Again, not unusual for the Asgardian as, during the process of building New Asgard, many male and females had to dorm together as the buildings were being constructed. Though dorm isn’t really the word to use here considering it was mostly made of tents. However, even after that many Valkyrie trainees did still bunk with the other soldiers. Whatever War Machine meant by his comment… Well Sigurd had heard of a few stories. It was nice they were willing to trust everyone though.

He was ready to greet his fellow roommates and properly set aside Hofund for a time, assuming that today was going to be the everyday routine normally people would expect from a school. However, he did not expect this. Danger happening across town? While Sigurd respected Hulk’s concern, surely this was going to be a better test of their abilities. Based on War Machine’s reaction to it, this should be something very street level, and focus more on coordination. Simple get in and get out quick. It was nice that “Happy” was going to be there at least, though it was debatable if he would be of much help in the field.

Despite desiring to be more stoic right now, Sigurd couldn’t help but smile. ‘Time to show them.’ was all he could think to himself as the group made their ways to the locker rooms.

The locker rooms were very well put together, and said lockers would definitely be nearly impenetrable. A fine place to hang his suit and maybe Hofund, though admittedly he rather have the sword in his room. There was not much else that could be said or done though, as there really wasn’t much time, and he was already geared up and ready to go. Sigurd shoved his card into a pocket beneath his breastplate, changing it into a simple trading card from his youth. He could just teleport it away, but due to the device's versatility, it was better to have this ready and hidden. Of course now would be a perfect time to see what was happening in town, but there wasn’t any time for Sigurd to relax and concentrate.

Sigurd sat patiently in the Quinjet, taking in Happy’s brief description of the plan. His heart did go out to Sir Hogan as he detected the concern for this rather chipper man. Yet Hogan seemed to snap himself back, if only to provide the last bit of information. The tower was massive, and normally this would be something to admire. However, the falling body of Pepper was already giving Sigurd too much concern. He was about to yell over to Jason to get her, as he had the ability to fly.

Then the large green beam of energy crashed into the ship Sigurd gripped hard to his seat, denting the metal in the process as the Quinjet skidded into the streets below. No time to give compliments to Hogan for the safe landing.

Sigurd rushed towards the open hatch and looked out, Hofund unhooked from his side, but still sheathed. He glared out of it for a second, before turning back.

Normally, he would try to let the others have a chance to say something, but this wasn’t normal. Sigurd yelled at the group, “Jason! Get Mrs. Stark! Make sure she is safe then join back!” Hopefully the flying machine could get to her fast enough to catch the fall, though something did concern him from his brief stint looking that way. “Large monster approaching her location!” He wasn’t able to tell exactly, but it may be concerning.

Five outside the building. Unknown abilities.” He glanced over at the more… human looking individuals in the other stoic individual who snapped about beds being beds, Mazie, Thunderbolt, Mia, and the siblings. “Keep distant until you see an opening. Provide suppressing fire if you can. Civilians seem gone.” He did not mean to insult anyone’s capabilities, but judging based on appearance, there were maybe only one or two that could survive a head on collision with that blast. Himself and….

He turned towards Laura. Whatever the concerning feeling he had about her was going to have to be correct. “You. Come with me, or do as you wish.” He shifted the sword in his hands, before stepping out. His golden armor glistened in the sun as he dropped his visor.

He let loose a bellowing “CHAAAARRRGE!” as he raced towards the group. This was a rather dumb maneuver, but maybe he could direct attention over towards himself while the rest got into a better situation. Even if Laura wasn’t as durable as Sigurd thought, this would give her a bit of an opening. This wasn’t time to start doubting your gut though. At the very least this could drag the monster back his way as well.

Rushing at the enemy, the only thought in his mind was it was time to go.

Sigurd was happy Hulk did the shoulder clap. It was a bit more personal and a bit of fun for two incredibly strong individuals. Many Asgardian Warriors often punctuated their greetings the same way. While Sigurd would have returned in kind, it was more fair to let others have a chance to speak.

He paused once he got to his spot and took a breath. Why not practice more on perception? Gotta start honing those abilities some way, and maybe the best way to start with Allsight was just to focus in on all the students and interactions coming in. While he couldn’t hear most of the conversations or fully perceive what every student would be, this was a start. Just stay next to Hulk and people will come meet him. Analyze everyone as they approach. So he stood there, gazing on the field, eyes glowing slightly behind the helm.

Granted, might as well cover all bases. He did a quick look over to the two that came before him. They were relatively simple. Both were young adults, probably closely related. Slightly tan skin slowly faded, probably not having seen much sun for about a month. The male seemed a bit more nervous, but that was understandable considering the vast amount of heroic individuals, and especially so with an Avenger here. The spikey blue hair did give Sigurd a bit of a pause, but he realized it was probably dyed, and not related to frost giants. Granted, Loki had long black hair and was half of one so… Anything was possible. A bit casual with his attire. I ate some pie and it was delicious. It was written on the graphic tee. Sigurd managed to find the shirt a few times online. It was amusing, even if he wasn’t much of a fan of math outside of trig. The woman had long black hair that was covering her face. Perhaps she is even more nervous? Moderately dressed.

Before Sigurd could fully analyze more, the loud screech of an energetic girl caught him off guard. Such a loud noise coming from a small creature was usually alarming. This was just a simple noise of joy? Something felt odd about that, but Sigurd understood why. It would be fair to assume others are excited for this opportunity, especially if they have constantly grown up in New York with many different superheroes. He did respect the woman, who was named Mia, for her boldness though. Or was it impatience? Nevertheless, her casual attire of a tank top and jeans really showcased her agile form. A bit of speed to traverse the field of battle? Maybe there is inherent power behind those punches as similarly built Asgardian women often had. He smiled at remembering Brunnhilde and Sif. Hair was in a cute bun though.

Granted, before any pleasantries were given, a blonde haired woman stepped forward, surrounded by a large holographic screen. While this could have been magic, it was probably some form of technology based on the thing on her wrist. They were tricky ones to guesstimate everything, though it was not without trying. Granted, the dwarves of Nidavellir could probably beat it out. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a bit of freckles. Biker jacket. The rude introduction to Professor Hulk was a bit much, but Sigurd understood. If people were to try to dismantle Hofund, Sigurd would be greatly upset. He quickly grabbed the hilt on his side, reassuring it was there. Still could’ve been a bit better at handling the situation. Hazel may be a bit of an issue, but best leave her be for now. Especially as the general body language was giving off vibes of “I don’t want to be here.”

After that encounter, it was reassuring that someone else was here that apparently wanted to be here. Another female in striking red and black colors, long black hair, fiery blue eyes. Sigurd had seen her running from a conversation with one of the teachers as they were coming out, and the casual teacher continued to talk to the two that could be her parents. He simply smiled. ‘At least I’m not the only one.’ he thought, slightly happy that someone else has a family member in this academy. The slender form she had again brought out ideas of agility, though could never truly tell what each individual was capable of. The name Crimson Angel did catch his attention. He read a couple of the headlines featuring her, but never truly looked into them. Someone else had a bit of field experience as well. Granted, best to assume most people here have had some. Also safe to assume some people here were connected to prior heroes. Naturally many would gravitate to the school. Mazie’s eyes analyzing the Hulk did catch Sigurd’s attention a bit more though. Doing what he is doing… He can respect it. Though whether this was for fear or habit was to wait and be seen.

The male student that followed in after her though… Sigurd recognized him from some brief stints on social media. White hair, dark skin, light blue jacket. Sigurd didn’t know who he was exactly, but Professor Hulk seemed to recognize him, leading to a rather casual bit of banter. Thunderbolt… Was that this man’s name? While the new individual relaxed, Sigurd just briefly analyzed him more. Burn marks were across the jacket, probably something caused by his abilities. Based on the electrifying blue, it could be electricity, but why promote it that much? Granted, who was Sigurd to question. Hofund, a sword made to help control the Bifrost, was on his side. And, for all he knew, this could be someone who chose to primarily use blue flames.

Talking about showing off their abilities.a large metal suit came crashing into the sidewalk outside of the courtyard. One of the adults by the gate scolded the armored man. As the individual was rushing forward, Sigurd couldn’t help but chuckle. That landing was loud and made an impression. If Sigurd wasn’t trying his best to make a good impression, and was scared of Brunnhilde, he would have done something similar. When the helmet parted, there was a well toned, tan skin, with short black hair and brown eyes. Not much could be seen below the armor, but more than likely he worked out somewhat due to the face. Either that, or SIgurd is assuming things again. At least, Jason was going to be entertaining, even if Sigurd did not understand the armor.

Speaking of not understanding entirely what was happening, the loud roar of motorbikes were heard in the distance, and two rather short individuals walked into the courtyard. One definitely older than the older, with short black hair and larger muscles. However, that one quickly went to blend in with the background. Another teacher? I guess that left the… lack of a better term punk looking female that walked towards the Professor. Simple back jeans, jacket, and an AC/DC shirt. Long black hair, green eyes, and a bit of a resemblance to the older individual. Probably another legacy student, which was still good. But something felt off. Did she want to be here? Judging by the Professor's comments, probably not. Laura was at least being a bit more nice, addressing everyone, and Sigurd gave a slight nod, but not much more than that. While it could have been a smile, fangs barred can often mean danger. Or a warning. Though maybe she wasn’t going to be that bad. AC/DC was a fun band.

At least the last individual seemed more calm. Striking blonde hair, more biker ware with a white shirt and a black leather jacket. Also didn’t seem like he wanted to be here, though with the crowd it made sense. The students were dispersing a bit, but still, there was a rather large gathering in front of him. Not much guesstimating who or what this man could do, though the other loud motor at least meant there was another form of transport. Means Sigurd doesn’t have to explain to these people he has been stagnant on growing his Bifrost abilities much.

Still, it was about time Sigurd tried to socialize. He blinked and the glow from his eyes faded. There were obvious choices to avoid, mostly out of respect. He was about to approach either Mia or Mazie, seeing how one was super excited about being here and the other was similar enough to Sigurd to strike a casual conversation with, when Hulk tried to gather everyone’s attention.

That was until a man in red and black spandex came flying through the window and landed crotch first into the metal gate. Siguird just had to wince at that, as any metal to the groin is painful. Just getting hit there is hard, but the force and metal add onto it.

Another armored individual, who Sigurd did recognize as War Machine, landed next to Hulk, proclaiming to keep Deadpool out. Apparently this was going to be a common issue, huh? Either way, after a brief pause due to the absurdity of the situation, a tour was appreciated.

Hulk, “Happy,” and War Machine quickly took the students around the school, detailing different things that they would appreciate. Of course the courtyard was where they were, and definitely had a big area for many different outdoor activities. Sigurd just kept calmly glancing all over it, knowing this may be a good place to practice certain types of powers and abilities, even if it's not intended. It did somewhat remind him of the training grounds New Asgard had before being settled, and often the wide open spaces that many cadets used to practice battle and war formations. Or what happened the day after the snap when those creatures came to fight against us.

Now, while many tours would lead people around the first floor, due to one individual having on a large set of armor, it was best to showcase a couple of the more state of the art areas. Quickly making his way through the door, he followed the group down into the sub levels, where there was a large cylindrical hallway that seemed to branch out. These primarily lead to a couple of locker rooms. The two big things to note were the larger rooms at either end of the largest hallway. To the left was the Danger Room. A place where training was the priority, especially when developing one’s unique abilities. Needless to say, Sigurd was impressed and eager to try it. However, Professor Hulk did emphasize it is not to be used without supervision, else things will get out of hand. Sigurd simply nodded to that. It only made sense.

The other room though was something else. A large open workshop with plenty of room for many different individuals to work on a variety of different things. Maybe even a giant robot as seen with the Sentinels or other various media. Sigurd was impressed at the sheer scale and room of it all, with the large complex tools and gadgets. This was definitely for the more technologically inclined, but maybe this is the best place for Sigurd to perform routine maintenance on his armor and Hofund. Of course it was just moving the material inside, but that shouldn’t be too hard for each individual. Sigurd even sent a little nod at Jason when he stepped out of the armor, respecting the muscular physique.

Now that the bigger areas were accounted for, Sigurd followed the crowd back up throughout the school’s first floor.

Starting off things there was the infirmary, pleasantly called the Nurse’s Office. Honestly, infirmary or ER would be a better way to describe this area, with plenty of medical equipment and space to handle anything that could happen to all of these youths. Sigurd appreciated all of this care, knowing full well the dangers that could happen. He was a bit more durable, but someone could easily get hurt. The vast amount of staff was also greatly appreciated, meaning someone should always be on hand.

In stark contrast to the large medical ward, the simple office of counselor Happy Hogan was small. Granted, he does have two rooms for it. A simple waiting area outside his main office contains simple lounge chairs and books, with a small TV to pass the time and watch things and pass time between his appointments. This room was connected to a bit of a larger room, with one of those chairs you often see psychiatrists use to one side, and a large desk in the back. Surrounding the room were cabinets and bookshelves filled with a variety of material. This was the place to come to if you had personal issues, or something needed to be sorted.

Along with a couple of smaller classrooms, there was this large gymnasium that Sigurd just simply smiled at. Half of the large room was filled with weight lifting for a variety of different exercise regions, with an open floor plan taking up most of the yoga and other stretches taking up the other half. Beyond this room were two larger rooms. One had a basketball court and some stands for possible games with the X-Man Institute probably, and everything could be retracted or lowered for a variety of sports, like indoor volleyball. The other one had a large pool for swimming and other activities.

Right next to that was of course the school cafeteria, which was connected to a large kitchen. Honestly, both areas were rather large and full of room for a variety of students and dietary needs. Thinking more about everything that could be offered, Sigurd grew a bit hungry. He did skip breakfast, so hopefully there would be a full meal soon.

Though right now was not that time. The group traveled upstairs, where it was mostly filled with classrooms and the principal’s office. That was until they got to the rather large library on the other end of the hallway. It had a vast array of books, some guarded behind a barrier. Those were probably books pertaining towards the arcane. Permission was needed to access these and, knowing the many tales of the Enchantress and Loki, this was for the best. Sigurd simply reached for his necklace, missing home a little bit. Though he was also a bit curious as to what tales he could find amongst these walls.

Or even better, see! As they left the library, they made their way downstairs out into a large building in the back. It was a rather large auditorium. Plenty of seats, with a large stage up front for whatever people would need, and Sigurd assumed plenty of room in the back for costume changes and everything. This was going to be an excellent area to help different plays come to life, or have large and radical concerts, and Sigurd smiled at that thought. Though realistically he knew this might be a place for movie nights on the large backdrop. As long as no one tried to sing Hip Hop or Rap in this area while he was here, Sigurd would be happy.

Of course, to round out all of the tour, Sigurd followed the group to the other large building in the back. This was going to be the dormitory, where everyone would be able to sleep and “hang out” to get to know each other. Not the best way to end it all off, but it was something. It allowed everyone to sit back and relax. Though the fact that they would have four roomates did catch Sigurd off guard. While it would make sense, as they would want everyone to form bonds and get along, it would mean his early morning routine may have to happen in the courtyard or large central area of the student hub. A slight inconvenience, but nothing more, so he shrugged it off.

This was going to be an interesting experience.

As the light shown through the quinjet, Sigurd yawned. It was a long trip from New Asgard to New York, even for the world's best jet. However, it was probably due to Happy Hogan's proficiency with this jet probably also caused him to go slower. No worries though, as jet lag was always going to be an issue. Lord knows Sigurd ran into that during his trip there. Luckily it only lasted a day? If he remembers correctly? Its been a long time since then.

He stood up from his seat, stretched, and went to look at himself in the mirror. People will remember what they first see, and he needed to make the best first impression. Minor panic swept over him due to dishonoring Asgard with his appearance was not the best he could do. His hair was a mess. Clothes were scuffed. There wasn't enough shine in the armor. Nothing a little elbow grease couldn't fix. So with a deep breath, he went to work.

Which... Admittedly took longer than he intended. What were the seats made out of to do this? Granted, even Sigurd knew he was nitpicking the armor as he simply set it in a seat next to him after getting into the jet, but still. His hair was standing up more than when he got shocked by some mage's lighting strikes for his endurance training. Hopefully that mage was doing alright, and wasn't facing any issues with Enchantress running everything. Luckily there are other magic instructors there. Maybe someone could stop her back home?

He sighed. 'Whatever is going on over there, it should be fine.' he thought, 'This is just temporary and... She has been good thus far, right?' He had to calm down. Everything was going to be alright back home.

After cleaning himself up for about an hour, he donned his armor and put Hofund at his side. No scuff marks. Shining armor. Helmet hair was going to be a bit of an issue, but hopefully it wasn't going to be terrible. Making his way to the cockpit, he caught Happy prepping the vehicle to land. "Nearly there," said the man, a bit nervously. "That's good. Thank you for the safe trip Sir Hogan," Sigurd smiled, trying to ease the man's tension, but he got a confused look before briefly returning to silence.

Granted, that was alright. The New York skyline was worth the silence. The morning sun coming up across the building skyline. Almost reminded Sigurd of Asgard, just more grey than gold. New York was his old home, and it was nice to be back after seven years. Maybe he would even get to try something call boba tea that many people on the internet have mentioned? After all, he did briefly explore some social media outlets on his phone before coming here. He knew he had to bond with his teammates, and doubted they would want to train with him. Maybe this was a middle ground? Though the vile nature of some of the people on there have had Sigurd delete some of those apps off his phone.

Wasn't long before Happy looked back at Sigurd. "Please have a seat. We are approaching our destination." Sigurd smiled and silently went back to take his seat. A few minutes later, the quinjet landed, and Happy made his way back. "Do you want help in carrying anything?" "No. I believe I have it. Can you show me to my room though?" Sigurd smiled as he lifted all of his bags. "Alright. That is on the way."

Happy quickly led Sigurd down the halls and stopped by a hallway filled with doors, before quickly opening one. "Alright. You can leave everything here. We'll just say this is yours. Actual dormmates will be given out later." "Thank you," Sigurd said as he quickly walked in and placed everything on the ground before leaving. Another quick tour later, and Sigurd made his way out into the large courtyard. A large statue of the world's finest was standing right in the center, and Sigurd smiled.

He quickly made his way over to the large green man, who he could only imagine was the Hulk, and made his way in line behind two others. As they stepped away, he walked forward and bowed. "Greetings Sir Hulk. It will be a pleasure joining the academy." though he quickly stood back up afterwards and held out his hand.

The handshake was strong and stiff, but had a gentle side to it, probably just to not break or bend anything. Despite the more calm nature of Professor Hulk, Sigurd has heard too many stories about his great strength, so it was appreciated. With that, he simply stood to one other side, keeping a stern look out across at any other student who appears.
@Crusader Lord

Not a mod, but I think we all get it. Don't worry about it though and take your time. Worse they will say is no.

Admittedly 3 seemed very interesting to me. A lot of things can happen from the bones alone, like Kar's Scythes, Santana's Reverse Rib Cage Attack, putting some punch into a fast ball special via bone spikes, or even something as simple as having the bones come out around him as a halloween costume. Then you get to fluids and other things that could be controlled, maybe even doing Space Ripper Stingy Eyes or insert Dead Man Wonderland move here. Have the muscles bulge out to give you more strength like the villain from the training camp arc in MHA. You would have to sit down and talk with Mintz about any ramifications, such as exhaustion and dehydration, overuse of certain materials in the body and constantly needing to consume stuff to replenish the reserves, etc, but I feel like it could work. Yes. I'm a Jojo's fan. How did you know?

The first idea sounded very interesting as well. Albeit creepy, but there is a Spider-Man out there made up of Spiders due to OSCORP genetic tinkering. So... Anything is possible. Reasoning is a little much, but it is comic books so... eh? Still say he could have fallen in an OSCORP animal experiment that went horribly wrong and now he is Wasp-Man, just actually made out of Wasps. Though your idea also works very well and could expand to do a variety of things, based on any limitations or explanations of the mutation itself as well as any explained information about the alien species and their bugs.

The second idea seems very straightforward and everything. Only reason maybe don't do that is cause we have one energy based man, but eh? We got two girls on motorbikes that seem fairly different enough. So I think there are ways to go about it. Just... Why the body swap? If its for humor reasons... The dude can shoot lasers. There are plenty of humorous things that can come out of that, both dirty and not.
On that note, how's everyone doin' here? I've been eagerly awaiting more completed profiles as we approach the time for me to properly launch this RP!

For a heads-up, I'm planning to, at the very latest, launch the RP by the end of October; this means everyone here has roughly 2 weeks to work out their sheets and get then RP-ready! And if we can get them all done sooner, then I can see about kicking things off earlier as well, so hopefully that makes for some exciting incentive! Looking forward to seeing everyone's work soon :)

Honestly, I'm doing well. Already been looking at some songs he may be listening to, and thinking on ideas for what he would do with the teachers. Also the funny moment when his might as well be aunt is a teacher.

But awesome to hear. Can't wait to get started.

Minor thing for Dave though; when you bring your sheet into the Character tab, be sure to actually have the Relationship post be apart of it this time, they aren't meant to be separated xD

You see... Yea, I'll add that on lol.

Awesome though. I'll go ahead and move that stuff over.
Cause I failed to read,

I really don't know how to read today. My inner Yu-Gi-Oh! player is coming out now.

I know it said this was optional, but eh. It is always fun to do lol.

Cause I failed to read, my favorite Marvel Hero is probably either Thor or Iron Man. Not only due to the MCU, but just their comics in general.

Also, thank you Akayaofthemoon for some wonderful banner art I will post here and will probably have at the start of every post. And thank you Alpha Paladin for helping out with the ai art issues.

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