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<Snipped quote by Meta>

*I notice your grip, and you see a sutble, almost non existent change of facial expression for a second as if I were uncertain of you, but smiles again just as quickly. You can feel an odd energy about me*

I inist, it is quite urgent that I see them. Time is of the essence, and I need to ensure that he is in a stable condition.

He really ought to get some rest in—as you know, he was well-injured. Could I take a message?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

As I had stated, A travler passing through loooking for my friend. You can call me Wisp.

*extends my hand for a handshake*

*Extends my own and grips your hand firmly*
Melody. I don't know if your friend is taking visitors yet.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

??: *looks at you, quickly assesing you, and I smile*

My apologies, I am simply passing through. Looking for a friend of mine. White hair, average height. He was injured pretty badly. Might you be able to help me find him?

*the portal emanates an energy that doesnt seem natural to this dimension*

To start with introductions, who are you?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*You see a portal whipping air in softly dow. The hallway, a figure standing in front of it*


*glances down the hallway towards you*

*Watches in return*
Um... who are you?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

Dane: *is still fast asleep, no words spoken*

*You hear stepping down the hallway*

*Peeks outside*
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Nothing seems off about the table, though it does appear to be leaning a bit*

*down the hall, you hear a noise that doesnt quite fit what'd youd hear in a hospital*

Dane? Are you okay?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*it doesnt appear that they're anything wrong with them, besides being scattered on the floor. They appear to have fallen from a nearby table*

*Inspects the table*
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*you see a pan with operating tools scattered on the ground*

*Kneels down with a frown*

*during the later hours of the night, you hear the slamming of metal against the ground, waking you up*

*Walks over to investigate*
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