<Snipped quote by Meta>
Unfortunately so.
Is everything the same as far as you can tell?
<Snipped quote by Meta>
Unfortunately so.
<Snipped quote by Meta>
In regards to how time flows here, I think it just recently passed the twenty year mark.
<Snipped quote by Memory>
And a bit more instant as well.
<Snipped quote by Meta>
*Takes a few slow steps through the dirt, walking between the petrified remains of a woman posed as though she were running and a man on his back as though he were crawling away from something he was looking at. I look out over a swath of mostly flat land into the horizon*
It's hard to believe the place can remain so unnatural for so long after.
<Snipped quote by Memory>
No, but he doesn't do it the same way you do. He just... Manifests duplicate bodies.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>
Oh, something less visceral, then. I get it.
Hello, is this where I submit a character? I'm kinda new to this whole role-playing thing.
<Snipped quote by Memory>
Not unreasonable, unless doing that is reasonable to you. I imagine that anything we might be interested in should be made apparent with a more limited search.
<Snipped quote by Memory>
<Snipped quote by Meta>
*The invisible dome surrounding us begins to fill with darkness around its perimeter as though it were a flowing liquid before suddenly disappearing in a snap, revealing an all new surrounding for us. Though clearly once an urban landscape, any semblance of buildings have entirely collapsed, lying either shattered entirely as debris across the ground, or as partially intact structures that have fallen sideways. The sky itself is a dull, depressing gray, though ignited by a reddish tinge over the edge of the horizon as though distant fires roar in all directions. There are a number of humanoid statues littered about in a manner of different poses, all of which seem to be people either depicted in moments of desperation or fear, and the ground itself seems to leak wisps of a black spectral smoke every several dozen feet or so between cracks of shattered earth*
<Snipped quote by Memory>
Yes, yes. Come close, both of you.
*Motions you both to me*
<Snipped quote by Meta>
Let’s get your foot back in the door. Bonus points for getting to show the descendant how it’s done.
<Snipped quote by Meta>
That’s a good start for bodyguard material, certainly.