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<Snipped quote by Meta>

Glad to be a part of this, it seems fun. :D

Sorry, I ended up passing out last night. Glad to have you on board!

Definitely fun. There’s a reason we’ve kept it up for 11 years =)
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

What place do you think would best suit him at the moment?

Once he leaves his reality, have him enter a mysterious door connected to the cleft of a mountain.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

Hm? Oh, I do that every time. It’s like a tripwire, since I can’t just watch a place as boring as this at all times. Don’t read into it too much.

Then where do we go from here? You’re letting us go, and I can’t imagine you’re going to kill these people here and now.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

What place do you think would best suit him at the moment?

Chatting with him rn. I think we'll be able to make a best case scenario for you soon.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

I do make that good of a scapegoat, don’t I?

You were the one who showed up and filled the planet with whatever that was. It's not that much of a stretch.

<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

<Snipped quote by Meta>

No one did it. No one did, until I see irrefutable proof that it has been done. End of that discussion.

Right. He's going to be fine.
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

That’d probably be true if someone hadn’t already taken him out.

It wasn't you, then?
Yep, and I don't have any more questions at the moment, thanks for the help.

Awesome. Just need to confirm with the crew the best IC spot to bring in Axl and then we can get you started. Glad to have you!
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Looks the nearest one up and down*
There’s no way. Hardly an actual living part left in them.

What about your brother?

So you're thinking he's going to be a newcomer to Existence at large, right?

You comfortable with our posting style and all? Any questions about anything?
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