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Mystique is up!

I need to get my schedule on track for writing - sorry for delays. - PM if Brotherhood activity/ input is needed with Mystique as I have room for some tie-ins coming up.

Raven had agreed to meet Rose after the meeting, but had not seen her amongst the throngs of mutants leaving the old building. She'd scanned the crowds two times over but couldn’t see the girl's silver hair against the dull yellow of the street lights. Raven had accepted Rose when she had come to her at her lowest and maybe more than she wanted to admit saw a little of herself in her.

Wilson was smart, quick-witted and had great potential but Raven needed to see true commitment from the girl in order to take her on as her apprentice. Rose was talented but still craved acceptance more than anything else.

Mystique had taken Rose under her wing because he father had refused to do so, believing it to be too dangerous for his daughter. Mystique provided both the home and cause Rose sought for. If the girl applied herself she could become indispensable to the Brotherhood's cause. Though her strength and combat abilities were of note Wilsons precognitive abilities were why Mystique was interested in Rose. That was the talent the Brotherhood needed most.

Pyro avoided Mystique's yellow gaze as he skulked out of the door.

"How long are you going to be sulking with me?"

"You know that I trust in you and we needed you to step up in Magneto's absence. I need you to show me I'm not making a mistake by following you."

"I meant what I said in there, if anyone has reservations about my leadership they are free to leave. You're useful but the Brotherhood will rise - with or without you."

"Fine," His shoulders dropping with exasperation. "Sooner or later, Raven you're going to realize you do need me. This cause of ours, we're here to build the life we deserve, and what life do you have if you don’t let anyone become part of it?"

"This fight won't end, Pyro you're naive to think it, not in your lifetime. I made you my right hand to see that my orders are being followed, not to manage me. Don’t make me think I've made a mistake."

She pushed past Pyro, deciding to take the longer route back, leaving him twirling his lighter in frustration.

Since infiltrating the Department of Defense, Darkholme had intercepted intel from DARPA about planned attacks on the Brotherhood. She also had been smuggling weaponry, managing to secure firepower which hadn't even been rolled out in the military yet. There was no question the JLA had the upper hand here, but they wouldn’t be ready for the Brotherhood's next move. Mystique was no fool, she wasn’t blind to what had been happened to the other factions of the Brotherhood. She was determined to stay under the radar until they were ready to hit their enemies big.

For now the offshoots of the Brotherhood would keep Captain Marvel and the rest of the Justice League distracted. Mystique's cell was to remain underground. They would gather more power and momentum until they were ready to strike. Without their knowledge, the Department of Defense would be sponsoring their next attack. The Friends of Humanity had been drawing a lot of attention to themselves. There was nothing she could do to stop her followers from fighting back. For now the distractions were welcome. It kept Captain Marvel occupied and drew suspicion away from Mystiques silence. Mystique knew where the Justice League's achilles heel was.

Raven clung to the shadows as she transformed herself into a more inconspicuous form. Pyro was right, she hadn't much to go home to. She didn’t need anything. With sleep would only ever come regret and nightmares of her past. She didn’t need to be weakened by emotion. Not now.

Damaged buildings cast broken shadows on the sidewalk as Mystique walked further out into the slums of Coast City. It was deemed a waste of an investment for Coast City to rebuild down here. That suited Mystique just fine. She had found a spot away from humans, some old run down flats that were home to drunks and drug users who couldn't tell who was coming and going.

Raven noticed a familiar smell as she passed the alleyway adjacent to her building - Rose. Something wasn’t right. Wilson knew not to come here. Mystique dropped, becoming part of the shadows, and crawled closer to the alleyway. Startled by her sudden appearance a rat scuttled past her. Without flinching she shunted her clawed hand down on the rats skull and prevented it from making a noise. Mystique heard a faint sobbing from inside the alley and slunk along the wall to find Rose Wilson slumped behind a garbage tank.

Rose Wilson was propped on some garbage bags and at her feet were scattered inhaler refills.

"This again, Rose?"

The drug enhanced Rose's precognitive abilities and allowed her to enter a temporary dream state. Rose had begun to rely on the drug to see her own future. Though Mystique had no idea what she was searching for, but she knew it was a distraction. One the Brotherhood could not afford.

"I need you to help me, Raven"

"You don't need me to help you, you need to help yourself. You missed the meeting because you were too focused on piecing together your half formed premonitions."

Rose's head lolled as she mumbled into her dirtied sleeve. "I'm sorry, Raven. I didn’t mean to come here. I just need to know, I need to be able to see-"

"You're wasting away living in a world that doesnt exist yet. You have responsibilities, Rose. You have people that want you here. Don’t ignore that. You're meant to be a part of what's going on right now. Don’t let me d-"

Mystique cut herself short.

"Don’t let the Brotherhood down."

There was some truth to what Wilson was mumbling. After all, Mystique needed her and the girl wasn’t naive enough to think she had taken her this closely under her wing out of the goodness of her heart. Rose Wilson was the reason the Brotherhood had found the Justice League's weakness. They needed every chance they could get, they needed to utilize every mutant's power at their disposal and as long as it was in the name of the Brotherhood there was no loss they could not excuse.

The empty inhaler cartridges clattering to the floor as Mystique hooked her arm under Rose's and pulled her upright. The child needed a parental figure, and Raven needed her abilities, but it would be remiss of her not to admit to herself that she felt some old wrong being righted by taking care of a child in need. Maybe if she'd have taken care of Graydon things would be different. Shaking the thought from her head, Raven cleared her mind. There was only one person she needed to be, only one that she was ever meant to be, and that was the person to see the Brotherhood's cause fulfilled.

A new dawn was coming. In the next few days she would show the humans that had doubted them just how powerful and superior the Brotherhood really were.
@Divine Darkness@FacePunch Don't worry, after a two minute custody battle us folks have got this Rose stuff sorted!

Name: Mystique / Raven Darkholme

Alignment: Walks the line/ Lawful evil

Affiliation: Self. Brotherhood.


Raven Darkholme, otherwise known as Mystique, has a very convoluted history about which very little is known, the exception being that she is over a century old and was most likely born somewhere in Austria.

She is a mutant with the ability to shapeshift with enhanced agility, elasticity, healing and stamina. A headstrong emotional force that seems to change her allegiances regularly, mainly centering on how current allies will benefit her and her immediate cause.

Whilst working as a mercenary, circumstances led Raven to an important figure in Wolverine's past, Victor Creed. It was on this mission she met Sabertooth. During their time together, unbeknownst to Sabretooth, they conceived a child - Graydon Creed. Raven immediately gave the child up for adoption, although she still kept track of him until he hit adolescence when it became apparent that he was not a mutant.

After years of affiliation with Professor Xavier, Mystique would decide to part ways with him after he announces the existence of mutants to the United Nations. Mystique believing he was putting Mutants at risk, believing they would become hunted rejects of society. Again acting on heat of the moment emotions based in her own insecurities.

After leaving in 2012 Mystique located her son Graydon Creed, whom she'd been keeping tabs on due to her guilt of abandonment. Upon finding him and revealing his heritage to two mutants her son rejects the news and begins to insight hate campaigns and riots against all mutants. He then went on to form The Friends of Humanity.

When the Kelly act is passed in Congress, this is when Mystique endeavors to reform the Brotherhood in Magneto's absence. She does with close aide of Pyro, Avalanche and Rose Wilson. After the failed attack on President Kelly, Graydon Creed uses this to rally more support for his cause, which in turn angers Mystiques and enhances the work of the brotherhood, gaining more mutant supporters alongside other villains who see the brotherhood as a rising power against the JLA.

At this point Mystique has concealed her mutant abilities so well that she is able to work for the United States Civil Service and eventually work her way up to the trusted position of Deputy Director of the Defense Advanced Research Planning Agency (DARPA) in the United States Department of Defense, giving her access to military secrets and advanced weaponry, both of which she used for her own criminal and subversive purposes. In order to help further her terrorist activities.

Supporting Cast:

Graydon Creed – Son of Sabretooth and Mystique, Graydon Creed developed a deep hatred of mutants due to both his parents abandoning him as a child after he was born human. As he grew older, he became a member of anti-mutant hate group Friends of Humanity and has affiliation with the Purifiers.

Avalanche - Has the ability to create vibratory waves that affects inorganic matter.

Rose Wilson – Precognitive abilities, escape artist, swordsmanships, stealth. Mystique has taken her under her wing as an adoptive daughter of sorts.

Pyro – Psionic ability to manipulate flame. Fiercely loyal to Mystique and the Brotherhood's cause.

How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:

Mystique's causes will change throughout my plans for the story as they tend to in her comic appearances, however her main cause will be the hunt of her son. Also progressing on how the Brotherhood can affect the progression of the JLA, with a personal vendetta forming against Captain Marvel. So the differences are mostly circumstantial to the world at hand rather than intrinsic changes to the characters resolve or personality.

Graydon's character is different in that he has not risen to any form of official political power, and his death delayed at this juncture.

Rose Wilson will essentially both be taking the place of Rogue in Mystiques life, an adoptive daughter than begins to challenge her moral compass. Rose will also be of use where Destiny was previously a huge part of Mystiques life, as she too has precognitive abilities. Also lower level DC villains are planned to make an appearance with both the Brotherhood and Purifiers.

Post References:

@Divine Darkness Ooh! Thanks for reminding me to put the CS in!
I did PM you about the use of the brotherhood a while back - feel free to ask via there anytime if you need to run ideas about the Brotherhood by me!
@Gowi Just trying to keep the IC rolling...
*taps nose* Great things @Morden Man, great things.
After far too long, Mystique is finally up!

Coast City

It hadn't taken Raven Darkleholm very long to find her estranged son. The name Graydon Creed rang out in the slums of Coast City, hailed as a hope for those who feared and hated the mutant race. It brought a bitter taste to her mouth, "The Friends of Humanity" a growing number of non mutants, banding together, they were beginning to form a threat. She had avoided thinking about her son whenever she could, hoping that his life had fallen into the happy and ignorant norms of the humans around here. Giving him up had seemed like the safest option at the time, but she couldn’t quell the gnawing feeling that who he had become had only been as a result of her abandoning him.

Guilt. That was something she couldn’t afford to let cloud her mind. Mystique had travelled to Coast City to head up the work of the Brotherhood here. That was her focus. That needed to be her focus. Perhaps that and settling a score with Captain Marvel.

Mystique had spent the last three months concealing her mutant abilities so well that she was able to work for the United States Civil Service and quickly work her way up in the United States Department of Defense. The mission will have served its purpose, gathering intelligence and access to weaponry, before anyone would notice the officers she had replaced were missing. It was here that she learned Marvel was heading up an attack on The Brotherhood and realized the lack of organization in Coast City needed to be tightened up. She wouldn’t have the Brotherhood falling - especially by Captain Marvel's hands.

But there was something she needed to address before tonight's meeting. Crouched in a fire escape, Mystique used her camouflage abilities to sink into the shadows, something she was good enough at without her abilities.

It was a dark stretch of road, provided with dim beams of light from the pool houses and bars that lined the pavement. The hive of human chatter and music spilling out of the doors every time someone left for a cigarette.

Unsteady footsteps echoed round the corner of a nearby alley. Graydon Creed stumbled forward and grabbed a lamppost for support. He clung there, slack-jawed and slumped over, for a long time before he said, "You can’t leave me here, Jane.” The slurred words falling flatly into the empty street. His red solo cup slid from his hand to plunk pitifully on the sidewalk at his feet.

Mystique pitied him. She pitied the failure of a human her son had come to be. Perhaps if she had raised him as her own things would have been very different for him. As soon as she was sure her son had no mutant abilities she had given up any thought of potential their bonding could bring, but on behalf of the Brotherhood there was one last thing that she needed to take care of with Graydon.

Perhaps not tonight. Her attentions were needed elsewhere.


Industrial Sector

Mystique entered the building to a hum of muted conversation. The building was an old factory under reconstruction, it was easier to meet like this, at night in abandoned sites. The Brotherhood was growing and they needed direction.

Climbing up on the mezzanine she could make out Pyro heading up the meeting.

"This is one more reason why we need to band together, brothers, if we look forward to the same goal, that’s the only way we will be able to move forward, as one. You have your cause and you are familiar with our plans going forward, we cannot afford divisions when the JLA have us in sight."

"That's all very well, very inspiring, sir! But when we have the so-called 'Friends of Humanity' coming at us from all angles, it's not like we can make any progress."

Pyro had caught the yellow of Mystique's eyes in his line of sight.

"You can trust in me that this is being dealt with, as we speak."

"I think it's fair to say that our trust in you has wavered given your choice of lieutenants taking things in their own direction. We need to be making waves in this city - not seeing our leading members in the news dancing with the Fantastic Four."

"You are correct. This is what happens when members our Brotherhood try to splinter off. And place their own glory above our cause."

Toad and Blob avoided looking in the direction of their leader's voice, they'd caused enough trouble, and attracted attention from Captain Marvel with their pursuits. Lucky to be alive didn’t come into it, it would have saved some effort for Mystique had they not made it out of that ruckus.

"Look lady, your ghost act doesn’t really instil much confidence in me either."

Mystique fingered some broken glass on the ledge next to her.

"That’s a shame, here I am in front of you, your leader, and you tell me you're struggling with the chain of command."

Stepping out of the shadows the dim lighting afforded the brotherhood member some clarity, and with it, fear.

"No longer will I put up with the mediocre effort you have been putting forward. Petty crimes to feed your fragile egos have no place here. We have our sights set higher than low level crime. We have a cause, and if you're not ready to commit to that you are free to leave. But let it be known, splintering off from this faction will result in severe consequences. We are here for the rights of our mutant brothers. I am here to make sure we will never have to bend the knee to lesser beings."

Shouts of support echoed the walls. To Mystique, the paltry hum of untrained mutants. There was plenty of work to be done here.

Pyro had made his way over to her through the pulse of bodies below.


"Funny, I seldom hear my old name anymore."

"Is it done?"

"Dear, you understand that you're asking her to kill my own son?"

"Don't try and spin that shit with me, Raven. Don’t try and kid me, or even yourself into thinking you're actually this guy's mother. You know you're the only shot we've got to turning him on to our side and we both know that’s a pretty slim fucking chance."

"Don’t doubt me, or my dedication to the Brotherhood. I'm prepared to do what I need to."

"Then get it done. You know we're getting closed in on, now is the time to make a move. This is the statement we need to keep those fuckers at bay, we've got bigger fish to fry."

Mystique moved in closer to Pyro, reaching up to drag her blue scaled hand down his cheek. "Have a little faith...Brother." Her claw finishing up around his chin slowly dragging across his neck.

"Don’t forget who's in charge here."
I was not simply “just mentioning them for the sake of filling out a post” which I reject the assertion completely. Also, do understand at the time I brainstormed that post somebody in the OOC said they were making a Charles Xavier sheet. So implying my mention was pointless padding or a senseless reference point is pretty disheartening for me as a collaborator in this thing.

I’m not necessarily offended, but it does kind of make me take a step back for a moment.

Definitely didnt set out to slam your work - your arc ideas thusfar are great. AND I had completely missed the Xavier CS sheet being accepted. So I apologise!
Morden did reply that "No one said the Xmen dont exist" - but I'm sure he'll get back to us all in the next 12 hours - at which point Im sure I'll get knocked down a few pegs if I've taken what he said out of context.

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