You called me a villain. Never thought of myself as that. I'm a mercenary. A soldier for hire.
Name: Slade Wilson
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Affiliation:The Highest Bidder
His Family
History:Slade Wilson has always been a warrior.
As a child, Slade had a reputation for fighting bullies. But he never did it to help those in need. No, Slade fought for the sake of fighting. He loved everything about it: the adrenaline, the satisfaction of a landed punch and even the pain of getting his teeth knocked out. It was a common sight to see little Slade walk into the house with a black eye and bruised ribs. Mrs. Wilson worried for the boy; he never told her where he'd gotten the scars or what he had been up to. She thought he was the target of one of the local gangs. Mr. Wilson, however, suspected his son was getting into trouble with the law. One night Slade came home, more beaten than usual. His mother was out with her friends and his father had been hitting the bottle pretty hard. Daddy decided to finally teach his boy a lesson in respect. The following brawl was less of a fight and more of a straight beating. Leaving his father half dead, Slade chose to pack his things and run from home.
Slade joined the army at the age of sixteen, having faked his enlistment forms with the help of a local forger. He soon showed talent in guerrilla warfare far superior to that of any other soldier in the army and swiftly rose up the ranks. After a while his outstanding reputation landed him under the tutelage of Adeline Kane, an instructor who became one of his superiors and whom he eventually befriended. Slade trained under his commanding officer and demonstrated he was an expert in combat and had impressive talents and skills. It wasn't long before Kane recommended Slade be transferred to SHIELD's top black ops unit, known simply as Team 7. The woman in charge took one glance at the man's record and brought him into SHIELD. His integration into the organization took some time, but once everything was ironed out Slade proved to be worth the trouble. It was during his two tours on Team 7 that prepared Slade for his eventual role as the Terminator. The team battled cartels, warlords, rebels, monsters and gods on a regular basis. They performed the impossible. Slade was known for his ruthless behavior and his unwavering willpower; whenever something unspeakable needed to be done, SHIELD called on Slade Wilson to do it.
Decades went by. Slade mastered several martial arts and combat styles, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He began a romantic relationship with Adeline Kane and had a son with her. After Grant Wilson's birth, Slade was asked by SHIELD if he wanted to volunteer for a dangerous scientific experiment. Amanda Waller wanted to create another Super Soldier, akin to Steve Rogers AKA Captain America. Slade accepted. body reacted violently to the experiment, it made him aggressive and enraged, and he needed to remain sedated and bedridden through the birth of his second son Joseph Wilson. Only later would Slade discover that the experiment had worked and actually enhanced his strength, speed, senses, stamina, intellect and reflexes beyond that of any ordinary man.
The Lieutenant Colonel's new found powers proved to be more of a hamper than a boon. He was forced to become a lab rat and work a desk job for nine months, all the while being told that he'd get to go back out into the field any day now. Slade's stress and anxiety built, augmented by the aggression the serum was feeding him. It all came to a head when Slade discovered that his long time friend and Team 7 colleague, William "Billy" Wintergreen, had been captured. SHIELD refused to go in after him, citing the extreme risk to local civilians and whatever agents they sent in. Slade decided to take matters into his own hands. He stole an experiment suit of Nth metal armor and a jet, and went off to rescue Wintergreen on his own. In the end he saved Wintergreen, but was discharged from SHIELD for disobeying orders. Slade decided this was for the best. Fed up with the military and its code of blind loyalty, Slade created the costumed persona of Deathstroke the Terminator, the greatest mercenary the world would ever know. He went on to travel the world and train under the greatest martial artists and strategists alive.
Supporting Cast:Adeline Kane Wilson: Adeline was a US Army squadron leader who was tasked with training soldiers who would later join a Special Forces unit named Team-7. One of these soldiers, was Slade Wilson who after a near-death experience fell in love with Adeline and got married. In subsequent years, she became a the mother of 3 children: Grant, Jericho, and Rose Wilson. She currently is divorced and working at SHIELD.
Grant Wilson - Ravager: Grant is the eldest son of Adeline and Slade Wilson, and the first Ravager. Grant was given his powers by the organization known as HIVE, and tasked with the duty to assassinate a number of teen sidekicks who had been causing them strife. After failing to kill Spider-Man, Grant disappeared and was presumed dead.
Joseph Wilson - Jericho: The son of Deathstroke and Adeline Kane, Joseph Wilson is able to control people's bodies through eye contact. Joseph attempted to use his powers for good as the vigilante Jericho, but through a series of unfortunate events found himself spiraling into madness. Jericho blames his father for his mental illness, and seeks revenge against Deathstroke and the rest of his family for the pain Slade has wrought.
Lilian Worth: A few years after his divorce from Adeline Kane, Slade Wilson took a search-and-rescue mission under contract. Slade met Lillian "Sweet-Lilli" Worth, an Oriental clan princess whose life fell in ruins after her kingdom was destroyed by a war in the Far East. It was Slade's mission to bring Lilli from war-torn Cambodia to Thailand, where she would have relative freedom. The mission proved to be successful; along the way, Slade and Lilian grew quite fond of each other and eventually developed a romantic relationship. Their on and off affair resulted in the birth of Rose Wilson.
Rose Wilson: Daughter of Slade Wilson and Lilian Worth. Lillian kept Rose a secret from Slade, rationalizing it was in the child's best interest to do so. Lillian eventually settled outside New York City, where she established a sex trafficking ring and lived in luxury. Despite the environment, Rose was raised with other children her age and was schooled by private tutors. She not only received a happy childhood, but was also taught how to defend herself.
How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:I've combined bits and pieces from his New 52 and Pre-Flashpoint origins and integrated the character into the merged universe setting. I also added the bit about his early child and abusive father, because I was feeling a bit cliche. Other than that, this is the same old Deathstroke we know and love.
Post References:#1 Create-A-Hero RPG - Thunderbolt and Boom are ambushed#2 Teen Titans: Divided we Fall - Sentinel gets his cape handed to him by Lobo#3 All-Star Marvel: Audax Mundus Novus - Wolverine and Team X go up against the Incredible Hulk#4 Create-A-Hero RPG - Ares holds a feast; Also access to every post I've made for awhile. Not all of them are finished.