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3 yrs ago
Current I do be minty doh
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A vicious brawler with a hunger for challenge enters the scene...

Whoa, this looks pretty well put-together! I'd definitely want in if ya'd have me.
Huh, a RWBY RP? And about Vacuo no less? Well, count me in!...If you'll have me, 'course.
Hey, y'all still accepting? This looks like it'd be pretty interesting!
Oh....About that...lol. I was working under the assumption you were finished, so there's that. :p I can always edit my own post if your changes make me feel like doing something different with Brayden.
David wasn't spared the time of day beyond a questioning glance towards him as he awoke with a scream, but that ended as briefly as it had began. No, Brayden's attention was to the outside of their small cell, where Trainees could be seen pouring through the hallway. He stood near their solid steel doorway, watching as those dubbed 'Corrupted' were set in dead-sprints towards the unknown...Granted, Brayden had some guesses.

"Hmph. Probably just Axel causing a ruckus again, since half the other kids in this place couldn't be bothered to raise a finger without being told to..." He thought to himself, giving David a sideways glance before returning to his own thoughts. Yeah, that kid definitely fit the bill there...

Still, that metal-warper must've gone over his head today to get a horde like that coming on his trail. Brayden only wished he could get involved, since this was looking to be quite the big deal, but...


The sound of him lightly kicking the doorway with his heavy-metal boot echoed throughout their room and the hallway, a reminder of why he couldn't go and do exactly that. "Ugh. Damn restraints..." Was all he could be bothered to say, muttered under his breath and barely audible due to his mask, another stainless steel contraption that took up a good half of his face.
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