"I think....There's something real tasteless about weapons. Men're meant to rip each other apart with their own power. You feel me?"
[ NAME ]
Grant Miller.
Death Arms (it's a placeholder for him, really; will come up with his proper villain name of Gatling in-RP)
Gorilla (old high school nickname), Griff (street name, since Grant isn't the most intimidating one...)
[ AGE ]
Ex-Gang Leader, Ex-Underground Meta Fight Ring Champion, Current Petty Crook (and unhappy about it)
Grant is incredibly well-built, standing at nigh 7 feet tall, and weighing well over 200 lbs. worth of muscle, he is, simply put, ripped. Most notably, his arms are especially thick and powerfully built, and are a fair bit larger than you'd expect, which earned him the name 'Gorilla' in high school. Beyond his physique, his hair is of a light brown coloration, and it appears largely unkempt and matted, and his deep orange eyes, while almost always heavy with the sleeplessness he brings himself from nights of training, also carry in them a burning fire of passion unlike any other....
For clothing, he's a simple man. Even now that he's a 'villain' in the vaguest sense that he's a crook that uses powers, he dresses incredibly casually. Naught but a white shirt, stretched to the brink from his size and musculature, a light brown leather belt with his light blue hoodie tucked into it, a pair of comfortably baggy black pants, and some fairly heavy-duty black boots befitting a man of his stature. Oh, and of course, his mask; a remnant of his time as a champion of the ring, it was made personally for him by an old friend, and is one of few things he'd consider a keepsake.
For clothing, he's a simple man. Even now that he's a 'villain' in the vaguest sense that he's a crook that uses powers, he dresses incredibly casually. Naught but a white shirt, stretched to the brink from his size and musculature, a light brown leather belt with his light blue hoodie tucked into it, a pair of comfortably baggy black pants, and some fairly heavy-duty black boots befitting a man of his stature. Oh, and of course, his mask; a remnant of his time as a champion of the ring, it was made personally for him by an old friend, and is one of few things he'd consider a keepsake.
Grant, while outwardly pretty put-together and chill, is a hot-blooded warrior through and through, driven by his desire to use his power to the fullest. His greatest goal in life is to constantly seek out challenges that can slake his thirst for battle, to keep testing himself, as well as to find others worthy of his respect. He actively believes that fighters should be able to win with nothing but what comes to them naturally, and thinks less of those who have to rely on gadgets and weapons to achieve victory.
When it comes to fights, Grant is all-or-nothing; in anything more than sparring (which he's rarely done in his life), he's always fought each battle he's in as if it were life-and-death. Which, in his defense, most were. This mindset has led him to the point that a fight where he can't stake his life against another's feels meaningless to him, living for the rush of a truly bloody, messy battle.
When it comes to fighting, Grant is quite unwilling to work together with others, wanting to win with his own power. Beyond fighting, however, he can function in a unit well enough. He greatly prefers fighting people one-on-one, as it feels more personal that way, and won't hesitate to obliterate anything - or anyone - who gets in the way of a good fight.
In spite of this violent, kill-or-be-killed nature, Grant is also surprisingly honorable for a brute as himself. He shows nothing but respect for those actually willing to fight him, and he thinks highly of any individuals who cant defeat him (or at least survive him). He never uses underhanded tactics, and is always up-front about himself and his goals. Additionally, while he is more than willing to kill others, and has done it many times before, it's not something he's always seeking to do. He'd much prefer to let a strong, admirable enemy live than finish them off, and never seeks to get any weaklings involved, actively abhorring the idea of taking hostages or using citizens as a distraction, or anything of that sort.
When it comes to fights, Grant is all-or-nothing; in anything more than sparring (which he's rarely done in his life), he's always fought each battle he's in as if it were life-and-death. Which, in his defense, most were. This mindset has led him to the point that a fight where he can't stake his life against another's feels meaningless to him, living for the rush of a truly bloody, messy battle.
When it comes to fighting, Grant is quite unwilling to work together with others, wanting to win with his own power. Beyond fighting, however, he can function in a unit well enough. He greatly prefers fighting people one-on-one, as it feels more personal that way, and won't hesitate to obliterate anything - or anyone - who gets in the way of a good fight.
In spite of this violent, kill-or-be-killed nature, Grant is also surprisingly honorable for a brute as himself. He shows nothing but respect for those actually willing to fight him, and he thinks highly of any individuals who cant defeat him (or at least survive him). He never uses underhanded tactics, and is always up-front about himself and his goals. Additionally, while he is more than willing to kill others, and has done it many times before, it's not something he's always seeking to do. He'd much prefer to let a strong, admirable enemy live than finish them off, and never seeks to get any weaklings involved, actively abhorring the idea of taking hostages or using citizens as a distraction, or anything of that sort.
[ BIO ]
Growing up in Brookside was never going to be easy, and Grant learned that quick growing up. Real early on in his life, things were fine; hell, by the standards of this side of the city, they were fantastic. His father, while not the most well-known Hero, was one, and did a damn fine job providing for the family. And his mom, well...Even back then she wasn't all there, but she always did her best. Back then, at least.
That status quo changed when his pops got caught up in a fight with a seriously bad news villain; by the time everything was said and done, the news was already reporting the death of Mighty Man. Didn't take long for his mom to break down, and for little Grant, well...He wasn't even old enough to really process properly. All he knew was his dad screwed up, and now he wasn't coming home. From that day on, he resented his old man for being that weak, that if he was stronger, none of what happened next woulda happened.
But, it happened.
Pretty quickly, Grant began figuring out what his mom's whole deal was, now that the filer of his dad wasn't there. Turns out she was a recovering drug addict; and not just any kind. She was hopped up on Meta-boosters, the kinda shit that'd turn a dude who could make a blade pop out his elbow into a storm of razor-sharp blades slicing ya into ribbons. With his father gone, she reverted pretty hard. But young Grant only knew that his mom was being real unstable and taking some weird stuff. The full story was that she had another thing she reverted back to...
Little Grant knew she was putting money on the table, and that's all that mattered to him. His mum, though, was busy putting people in the dirt and breaking into stores for a quick buck. Truth be told, the boy's just lucky he grew up in Brookside of all places, or else his mom probably woulda been eventually caught. However, she managed to stay under the radar for long enough, and he grew up....About the same way every Brookside kid did. Crummy schools, shitty social life, the digs. 'Course, he was also picked on about his dad, cuz kid's can be ruthless that way. He got known pretty quick for being the kinda boy to start fights, landing himself in detention more times than he can count.
The dynamic changed once he hit high school. Over summer break, Grant had....Quite the growth spurt. Going from about 5'7 at age 13 to 6'3 with giant arms at age 14. Definitely abnormal. He didn't think too hard about it...But of course, the other boys did. Didn't take long for some of the older kids to get pissed off at the guy who walked in freshman year looking like a full-blown body builder. So, like normal, he got in a fight with a kid. Y'know what ain't normal?
Throwing a punch, expecting to bruise the dude a bit, and instead breaking your own arm alongside the kid's whole left ribcage.
Needless to say, he had to take a little more than detention for this one. Doesn't help that while he was in ER, the kid died from a punctured lung and internal bleeding. Got stuck in juvie for a few solid months, but got off due to good behavior and a generous court ruling, since there was no way that Grant would've known he'd...Do that. Speaking of, during his time in juvie, they of course fixed his arm up and had some Meta professionals take a look at what was going on.
Turns out, beyond some latent physical bulk from his late pops beginning to spring up, he had his very own Meta ability; he was able to rotate his shoulders at incredible speeds, not only gathering kinetic energy but also building up incredible speeds for, well....Punching things. Only catch? Turns out, according to the eggheads, his body couldn't handle the power output of his ability, and they suggested he refrain from using it whenever possible.
Clearly they underestimated the drive of this kid. You just told a boy that notoriously gets into fights and doesn't stop until his opponent's a crumpled mess, that he can absolutely decimate enemies with a flurry of blows so fast that the human eye couldn't even register it, and you tell him not to use it? Hah...Funny.
Needless to say, after he was out of juvie (and having to calm down his mum having a drug-induced panic attack over the whole incident), he set to training his body to the absolute limit. If he had power....Then he'd use it, professionals be damned. Turns out, once he finally came back to school, that his stunt on that kid had earned him a lot more attention than he was used to. Both the good and the bad.
Some came to fear and shun him, yet others, outcasts among the outcasts of Brookside...They respected him, and rallied behind him. Truth be told? He wasn't really sure what to make of it. He never really was the leading type, and he still ain't to this day. But back then, he made it work, because having anyone to rely on in Brookside is a boon you simply can't pass up.
Didn't take long for his troop of pals to become a gang, emboldened by Grant's absolute strength. Even while the group was just a bunch of high schoolers, they started making a name for themselves on the streets of Brookside. Honestly though, he didn't lead the group so much as his right-hand lady, Mira (or Miranda, if you wanted a few broken teeth). She was one of the first people Grant came to respect, having actually fought her and lost, breaking his arms yet again in the process of that fight. Her only power was an insane amount of durability, but truth be told, it's all you need against a guy who breaks his own body to fight. Point is, he put his full trust in her to do things right by the gang, and she did. Simple as that.
Eventually, Grant...Didn't graduate high school. Honestly, were you expecting anything less? He did manage to get to senior year before losing the will to give a fuck about education though, so give him some credit there. From then on, his little ragamuffin bunch became a full-fledged street gang, becoming mainly known for never using weapons and all having powers, being dubbed by other Brookside gangs as The Mutants.
Eventually though, however well the gang was doing, Grant chose to step down and leave it to Mira. Doing petty crimes and fighting off rival gangs wasn't fulfilling him in the way he needed. So, with that, he said his goodbyes to the group and stepped onto his own path...Though still visiting on occasion.
In due time, Grant bounced between job to job. Usually hired muscle. Was a bouncer at a bar for a few months before he socked a dude's jaw clean off. His next big break, however, was in the shadows, as he heard whispers of an underground fighting circuit, made for Metahumans to fight tooth and claw for cash prizes. Sounded like his kinda place...
And for a time, it was. Early on, the fights for a younger Grant were brutal and exhilarating, each one more dangerous than the last, and each one a win for the crowd-dubbed Death Arms. The paydays certainly weren't bad either; it was a nice change of pace for him to be able to afford more than apartment rent and ramen noodles every month. Over time, though, the opponents just kept on putting up less of a challenge. Within his golden years as Death Arms, he became notorious for either instantly K.O.ing his opposition (or sometimes killing them, but hey, it happens), or leaving them so battered from the first assault they simply surrender. For the crowds, it was incredible to watch him decimate enemies, but for him, it was starting to become dull...
Inevitably, the people who actually had to pay fighters were starting to get sick of this champion individual. Slowly but surely, the shady higher-ups of this operation began cutting into the paychecks he was supposed to be getting. Grant might not be the brightest, but he caught on quick enough; and he wasn't pleased. He put those assholes in their place (though he didn't kill any of them....At least, he's pretty sure he didn't) and took the money he was due, and with that, he cut ties with the underground ring.
Nowadays, while he ain't proud about it, much less happy, he's more or less a common smash-and-grab robber making ends meet. But perhaps a lucky break will come through for him soon...
That status quo changed when his pops got caught up in a fight with a seriously bad news villain; by the time everything was said and done, the news was already reporting the death of Mighty Man. Didn't take long for his mom to break down, and for little Grant, well...He wasn't even old enough to really process properly. All he knew was his dad screwed up, and now he wasn't coming home. From that day on, he resented his old man for being that weak, that if he was stronger, none of what happened next woulda happened.
But, it happened.
Pretty quickly, Grant began figuring out what his mom's whole deal was, now that the filer of his dad wasn't there. Turns out she was a recovering drug addict; and not just any kind. She was hopped up on Meta-boosters, the kinda shit that'd turn a dude who could make a blade pop out his elbow into a storm of razor-sharp blades slicing ya into ribbons. With his father gone, she reverted pretty hard. But young Grant only knew that his mom was being real unstable and taking some weird stuff. The full story was that she had another thing she reverted back to...
Little Grant knew she was putting money on the table, and that's all that mattered to him. His mum, though, was busy putting people in the dirt and breaking into stores for a quick buck. Truth be told, the boy's just lucky he grew up in Brookside of all places, or else his mom probably woulda been eventually caught. However, she managed to stay under the radar for long enough, and he grew up....About the same way every Brookside kid did. Crummy schools, shitty social life, the digs. 'Course, he was also picked on about his dad, cuz kid's can be ruthless that way. He got known pretty quick for being the kinda boy to start fights, landing himself in detention more times than he can count.
The dynamic changed once he hit high school. Over summer break, Grant had....Quite the growth spurt. Going from about 5'7 at age 13 to 6'3 with giant arms at age 14. Definitely abnormal. He didn't think too hard about it...But of course, the other boys did. Didn't take long for some of the older kids to get pissed off at the guy who walked in freshman year looking like a full-blown body builder. So, like normal, he got in a fight with a kid. Y'know what ain't normal?
Throwing a punch, expecting to bruise the dude a bit, and instead breaking your own arm alongside the kid's whole left ribcage.
Needless to say, he had to take a little more than detention for this one. Doesn't help that while he was in ER, the kid died from a punctured lung and internal bleeding. Got stuck in juvie for a few solid months, but got off due to good behavior and a generous court ruling, since there was no way that Grant would've known he'd...Do that. Speaking of, during his time in juvie, they of course fixed his arm up and had some Meta professionals take a look at what was going on.
Turns out, beyond some latent physical bulk from his late pops beginning to spring up, he had his very own Meta ability; he was able to rotate his shoulders at incredible speeds, not only gathering kinetic energy but also building up incredible speeds for, well....Punching things. Only catch? Turns out, according to the eggheads, his body couldn't handle the power output of his ability, and they suggested he refrain from using it whenever possible.
Clearly they underestimated the drive of this kid. You just told a boy that notoriously gets into fights and doesn't stop until his opponent's a crumpled mess, that he can absolutely decimate enemies with a flurry of blows so fast that the human eye couldn't even register it, and you tell him not to use it? Hah...Funny.
Needless to say, after he was out of juvie (and having to calm down his mum having a drug-induced panic attack over the whole incident), he set to training his body to the absolute limit. If he had power....Then he'd use it, professionals be damned. Turns out, once he finally came back to school, that his stunt on that kid had earned him a lot more attention than he was used to. Both the good and the bad.
Some came to fear and shun him, yet others, outcasts among the outcasts of Brookside...They respected him, and rallied behind him. Truth be told? He wasn't really sure what to make of it. He never really was the leading type, and he still ain't to this day. But back then, he made it work, because having anyone to rely on in Brookside is a boon you simply can't pass up.
Didn't take long for his troop of pals to become a gang, emboldened by Grant's absolute strength. Even while the group was just a bunch of high schoolers, they started making a name for themselves on the streets of Brookside. Honestly though, he didn't lead the group so much as his right-hand lady, Mira (or Miranda, if you wanted a few broken teeth). She was one of the first people Grant came to respect, having actually fought her and lost, breaking his arms yet again in the process of that fight. Her only power was an insane amount of durability, but truth be told, it's all you need against a guy who breaks his own body to fight. Point is, he put his full trust in her to do things right by the gang, and she did. Simple as that.
Eventually, Grant...Didn't graduate high school. Honestly, were you expecting anything less? He did manage to get to senior year before losing the will to give a fuck about education though, so give him some credit there. From then on, his little ragamuffin bunch became a full-fledged street gang, becoming mainly known for never using weapons and all having powers, being dubbed by other Brookside gangs as The Mutants.
Eventually though, however well the gang was doing, Grant chose to step down and leave it to Mira. Doing petty crimes and fighting off rival gangs wasn't fulfilling him in the way he needed. So, with that, he said his goodbyes to the group and stepped onto his own path...Though still visiting on occasion.
In due time, Grant bounced between job to job. Usually hired muscle. Was a bouncer at a bar for a few months before he socked a dude's jaw clean off. His next big break, however, was in the shadows, as he heard whispers of an underground fighting circuit, made for Metahumans to fight tooth and claw for cash prizes. Sounded like his kinda place...
And for a time, it was. Early on, the fights for a younger Grant were brutal and exhilarating, each one more dangerous than the last, and each one a win for the crowd-dubbed Death Arms. The paydays certainly weren't bad either; it was a nice change of pace for him to be able to afford more than apartment rent and ramen noodles every month. Over time, though, the opponents just kept on putting up less of a challenge. Within his golden years as Death Arms, he became notorious for either instantly K.O.ing his opposition (or sometimes killing them, but hey, it happens), or leaving them so battered from the first assault they simply surrender. For the crowds, it was incredible to watch him decimate enemies, but for him, it was starting to become dull...
Inevitably, the people who actually had to pay fighters were starting to get sick of this champion individual. Slowly but surely, the shady higher-ups of this operation began cutting into the paychecks he was supposed to be getting. Grant might not be the brightest, but he caught on quick enough; and he wasn't pleased. He put those assholes in their place (though he didn't kill any of them....At least, he's pretty sure he didn't) and took the money he was due, and with that, he cut ties with the underground ring.
Nowadays, while he ain't proud about it, much less happy, he's more or less a common smash-and-grab robber making ends meet. But perhaps a lucky break will come through for him soon...
While Grant still actively visits The Mutants, he also still checks up on his mom from time to time. Also, after his street gang years, he finally got her to stop playing the villain and has used the money he makes to look out for her, though it's out of respect for her and her attempts to keep the family going, not obligation or pity on her current state. He thinks quite highly of his mother in spite of her tendencies.
Also, in his younger years, Grant actually got into motorcycles, and still drives one that he stole a couple years back. He's surprisingly skilled at it, too.
When fighting Grant, there are two primary methods to look at; you either find someone who can outlast him and throw 'em in the tiger's den, or you have someone who can immediately immobilize/incapacitate him. Anything less is risky, since his power is incredibly lethal and he is not without the intent to kill with it.
In theory, if you have ranged abilities/weaponry, those are also good for keeping distance. But if you can't actually defeat him with said ranged options, it'll likely prove to only stall him.
Also, in his younger years, Grant actually got into motorcycles, and still drives one that he stole a couple years back. He's surprisingly skilled at it, too.
When fighting Grant, there are two primary methods to look at; you either find someone who can outlast him and throw 'em in the tiger's den, or you have someone who can immediately immobilize/incapacitate him. Anything less is risky, since his power is incredibly lethal and he is not without the intent to kill with it.
In theory, if you have ranged abilities/weaponry, those are also good for keeping distance. But if you can't actually defeat him with said ranged options, it'll likely prove to only stall him.
In spite of his appearance, raw physical strength isn't his forte. His power is far more about attacking and destroying than it is lifting, grappling, etc. I mean, he can still probably do some pretty impressive stuff, maybe lift a car or something if he puts his back into it, but overall, this is actually a carry-over from his father's physical power, and has little to do with his ability of Wind-Up. 5/10.
Grant is physically fit, but due to his size, is far from supremely agile. Can still outmaneuver a normal person, but folks with slimmer builds, or God forbid some kind of Speed ability, shouldn't have much trouble avoiding him. However, if you get within range of his attacks, dodging those is almost out of the question unless you're a hardcore speedster. Still, that's a niche, and less to do with his overall mobility. 3/10.
He didn't even graduate high school, what'dya expect? While he's not a complete dunce, and is actually pretty smart when it comes to combat, beyond that, he's....Sorely lacking. 2/10.
For a guy who just punches things, his destructive potential is tremendous. Next to nothing can withstand his barrage of attacks, and while widespread damage is hard for a guy who only punches things, if left to his own devices, he could easily levels buildings within seconds. 8/10.
While there are more lethal abilities out there, you'd be hard-pressed to find them. A normal human could be turned into a red mist in a blink of an eye with his attacks, and even the most durable folks out there will certainly feel his blows as they hammer into them. Not to mention his attacks can come so fast that few can even react to them, and that they hit with such force and speed that they also impart a tremendous amount of heat in them too...Point is, if you're made of anything less than some super-alloy, or you don't got the moves to dodge some insanely fast blows....Steer clear. 9/10.
Grant is tough enough to manage some low-caliber firearms and most martial weapons without much issue, but he ain't quite as invincible as most super bulky Metahumans. However, he has an incredible pain tolerance from years of literally having his arms torn apart at their seams, as well as a burning drive for battle. If he fights, it'd honestly be more likely he dies before he falls unconscious. 6/10
Technically speaking, his ability is incredibly efficient, able to defeat or kill most enemies in a single round of attacks. The issue is anything that goes longer than that....The more he has to use his ability in a fight, the more likely it is to inevitably backfire on him and leave him largely defenseless. This is only compounded by the fact that those are the kinds of fights he actively looks for... 2/10.
Grant's Powers, beyond some general superphysiology (clearly evident by a glance at the guy, honestly), his real Meta ability, he has dubbed Wind-Up.
Wind-Up will be explained in-depth, but to put it in the layman's terms Grant would be familiar with, it allows him to make a barrage of punches within the span of a few seconds, each packing insane speed and force behind them. However, overuse will quickly make his arms unusable and liable to full-on shattering.
For a more thorough explanation, Wind-Up allows Grant's arms to store up kinetic energy from motions he makes, most specifically the action he dubbed the ability off of, that being him winding his shoulders up before a fight. That, in tandem with his ability's power to freely rotate his shoulders, allows him to unleash a high-velocity, high-impact barrage of strikes. Repeated use slowly causes torn ligaments and muscle fibers, and inevitably ends with his arms broken and worthless for a good while before they can heal up.
Wind-Up will be explained in-depth, but to put it in the layman's terms Grant would be familiar with, it allows him to make a barrage of punches within the span of a few seconds, each packing insane speed and force behind them. However, overuse will quickly make his arms unusable and liable to full-on shattering.
For a more thorough explanation, Wind-Up allows Grant's arms to store up kinetic energy from motions he makes, most specifically the action he dubbed the ability off of, that being him winding his shoulders up before a fight. That, in tandem with his ability's power to freely rotate his shoulders, allows him to unleash a high-velocity, high-impact barrage of strikes. Repeated use slowly causes torn ligaments and muscle fibers, and inevitably ends with his arms broken and worthless for a good while before they can heal up.
In spite of his appearance, raw physical strength isn't his forte. His power is far more about attacking and destroying than it is lifting, grappling, etc. I mean, he can still probably do some pretty impressive stuff, maybe lift a car or something if he puts his back into it, but overall, this is actually a carry-over from his father's physical power, and has little to do with his ability of Wind-Up. 5/10.
Grant is physically fit, but due to his size, is far from supremely agile. Can still outmaneuver a normal person, but folks with slimmer builds, or God forbid some kind of Speed ability, shouldn't have much trouble avoiding him. However, if you get within range of his attacks, dodging those is almost out of the question unless you're a hardcore speedster. Still, that's a niche, and less to do with his overall mobility. 3/10.
He didn't even graduate high school, what'dya expect? While he's not a complete dunce, and is actually pretty smart when it comes to combat, beyond that, he's....Sorely lacking. 2/10.
For a guy who just punches things, his destructive potential is tremendous. Next to nothing can withstand his barrage of attacks, and while widespread damage is hard for a guy who only punches things, if left to his own devices, he could easily levels buildings within seconds. 8/10.
While there are more lethal abilities out there, you'd be hard-pressed to find them. A normal human could be turned into a red mist in a blink of an eye with his attacks, and even the most durable folks out there will certainly feel his blows as they hammer into them. Not to mention his attacks can come so fast that few can even react to them, and that they hit with such force and speed that they also impart a tremendous amount of heat in them too...Point is, if you're made of anything less than some super-alloy, or you don't got the moves to dodge some insanely fast blows....Steer clear. 9/10.
Grant is tough enough to manage some low-caliber firearms and most martial weapons without much issue, but he ain't quite as invincible as most super bulky Metahumans. However, he has an incredible pain tolerance from years of literally having his arms torn apart at their seams, as well as a burning drive for battle. If he fights, it'd honestly be more likely he dies before he falls unconscious. 6/10
Technically speaking, his ability is incredibly efficient, able to defeat or kill most enemies in a single round of attacks. The issue is anything that goes longer than that....The more he has to use his ability in a fight, the more likely it is to inevitably backfire on him and leave him largely defenseless. This is only compounded by the fact that those are the kinds of fights he actively looks for... 2/10.
Motor-biking: While it was more of a pastime than anything, he is stunningly proficient in driving motorcycles. However, he finds them difficult to use in tandem with his power, so he typically just uses them to get around or have a joyride now and then.
Proficient Combatant: He may have never had proper training per se, but life is the best teacher. Between his time in the gang and the ring, he's grown spectacularly as a fighter, having adapted a boxer-esque fighting style, prodding an enemy's defenses while keeping his own guard up, waiting for the chance of a finisher.
Proficient Combatant: He may have never had proper training per se, but life is the best teacher. Between his time in the gang and the ring, he's grown spectacularly as a fighter, having adapted a boxer-esque fighting style, prodding an enemy's defenses while keeping his own guard up, waiting for the chance of a finisher.
Restraint Gauntlets: While a bit roughly put-together, his gauntlets were designed by folks in the underground ring to help him manage his own power. The gauntlets help absorb a bit of the shock from his own attacks, allowing him to keep going a bit longer. However, they weren't designed with insulation in mind, so while they maintain his arms fairly well, they actually make him cook a bit faster than he should. And given that he cut ties with the ring, he should find some replacements sooner than later...