Do we really have to do this again? Okay, fine. One more time.
What’s your name?
It's Catherine Davis, but everyone calls me Caty. And don't you dare call me Cat.
How old are you?
I'm 18.
What do you look like?
You can take a picture if you want. This is my face.

And this beauty? She's my pride and joy.

What did you do before the Recluse incident?
I guess I'll start at the beginning. My brother Danny and I are miracle twins. Hell, they weren't even expecting me. But I'll get to that. My parents tried so hard and for so long to have a baby and they almost gave me up. Then one day they were pregnant. They were so overjoyed. During the entire pregnancy they thought they were only having one child. A boy. Apparently I was hiding under Danny the entire time, but when the time came for us to be born I decided I no longer wanted to hide and popped out first. Their little girl was in the world and already taking charge.
Ever since I was a kid I've always known I was... different. My mind was always fascinated with learning about almost everything and I soon realized it didn't take me long to understand what I wanted to know. Our parents noticed Danny and my interest in science immediately and did everything they could to support us and give us what we needed. Honestly you couldn't ask for better parents than David and Denise. I love you mom and dad!
Where were we? Oh right. High school. This is where the wonder twins started going their separate ways to find themselves, ourselves. Danny focused more on science club and I was forcefully thrown into the world of cheerleading. It wasn't like I tried to resist it. I kind of just went with the flow. I still took all AP classes, but when you didn't look like a nerd no one cared about you being smart. I didn't want to flaunt it either. I just wanted to have fun and make new friends.
Outside of school I was allowed a bit more freedom. Despite my rigorous cheerleading schedule I managed to sneak in gymnastic and martial arts lessons. They spoke to me just as much as science did and I will always have a passion for them. I'm a practitioner of Jeet Kune Do and Hou Quan aka Monkey Kung Fu. But despite this and this tough exterior I present I'm really weak.
I've never told anyone this, not even Danny, but I watched my best friend die. My friends and I were hanging out in the city after Prom. My best friend wanted to get something from the gas station so I went with her. I thought it would be fine. I mean I lived in New York all my life and I was a skilled martial artist. But in that moment none of that mattered. After we left the gas station we were approached by two guys who wanted to get our numbers. We politely declined, but they became really aggressive after that. I froze, but Liz wasn't scared. She smacked one of them and told them to get out of there. This ticked him off even more and he pulled out a gun and the next thing I know they were gone and my best friend was dying in my arms because I couldn't, because I wouldn't... do anything. I'm sorry, can we take a break?
Alright. So I managed to get through the rest of senior year without suffering a meltdown and graduated as Co-Valedictorian with Danny. We received scholarships and acceptance letters from every college we applied to and even ones we didn't. But my heart wasn't fully in it so we decided to stay in New York and attend Empire State University. We also got accepted as interns to a prestigious lab so I guess that's cool. It's honestly been nice to tinker and experiment again. It helps me keep my mind off... you know.
What happened after the incident?
Super Strength: 15
Agility/Speed: 20
Durability: 10
Regeneration: 10
Spider-Sense: 20
Mutation: 25
Queen of the Web: So you know how I suddenly gained all the powers of a spider? Well, minus the webs. I gained something freaky instead. The ability to communicate with and control spiders. It's like I have this empathic and psychic connection with them. It's weird, but surprisingly comes in handy.
My brother and I decided we weren't going to let the lack of webs stop us and together with our resources at the lab we designed our own web-fluid and web shooters. We've been working on different concepts for different versions of the webs.
Do you believe in aliens?
Uhhh... Yeah. You'd have to be some kind of idiot not to. Give me a list of everyone that said no.
What are your goals for the future?
My goals? Despite everything that's happened I still want to stay in school and in my internship. But I also want to get a grasp on these new powers and use them for good. I don't want to be afraid anymore. My ultimate goal though? Find the ones responsible for the Recluse Incident and make them pay for killing my dad.
You lived in New York for a while now, right? What do you think of the city?
I love it. It's my home. It can be dark, dangerous, and dirty sometimes but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
How much technology do you use on a daily basis?
I'm a science intern. Think about it.
What do you like?
I like art, music, tv shows and movies.
I love Game of Thrones.
I love science, gymnastics, and martial arts.
I like men and women. You didn't think my brother was the only one waving a rainbow flag, did you?
I like learning and I like video games. I'm also kind of secretly into sports, but I couldn't focus on everything. I'm still only human.
What do you dislike?
I hate bullies. Especially homophobic jerks.
I hate murderers. People that can kill someone so easily and for no sensible reason.
I never wanted to see another gun after Liz died.
I don't like tea and I'm afraid of getting addicted to coffee so I avoid it.
I'm afraid of failure or letting everyone down.
In related news I hate the pressure to feel perfect.
Do you think true evil exists?
Absolutely. It may not be all black and white, but true evil took Liz and my daddy from me.
What’s your favorite color?
Lavender like my blunts Color Code = E137E3
Favorite song?
(Will add after approval.)
Anything else to add?
I'm fluent in French, Spanish, and Dothraki. I told you I love Game of Thrones, sue me.
I can sing, but I don't.
What are your thoughts on these people?
(Will add after approval.)