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@Zapdos Looks like this city just entered the Splash Zone! Hopefully he's to your liking. :)

@ZapdosI think I might've mis-stated some things. Firstly;

1: Pete doesn't have much control over said adhesive quality at the moment, and even once he does, it won't change the fact that as far as stopping power goes, he's very lacking; he's only good for stalling adversaries unless he can put his noggin together for a creative solution, which he...Understandably struggles doing. Or assist other people, but in general this team lacks much stopping power right now lol.
2: I mentioned it rather simply. While killing him is a questionable prospect, if you can force him into something, like a jar or the sort, his liquid-like form will shape to fit the new home, and while he's stuck like that, he'll be unable to change back until he can re-assume at least a human-like shape in his slime form. Also, while he won't be dead, it's possible to tear/blow his slime body into pieces, making him take time to reform, which can take several minutes; a lot of valuable time to be effectively out of commission in a combat scenario.
3: This was just me overstating a bit; it can dissolve most things with time. Such as him absorbing theatre garbage and letting it stew for a couple of hours. It is by no means an instantaneous process, and things that strike at him aren't at any risk of being liquefied (until he can figure out how to concentrate that acidic quality some more).

Point is, yeah, he himself isn't under too much risk (unless he acts stupid....Which he certainly will), though he's vulnerable outside of this form. Not to mention, the tension is still there for him; while he's had a few times of being torn apart and put into pieces since his powers manifested, he isn't certain of the limit, nor is he eager to test it, whereas plenty of baddies would be happy to. And sure, maybe he won't have as much personal, bodily stake as some of the other heroes, but that means his stake is his fellow heroes. As the one guy both willing and able to put himself in harm's way, it falls on him to be the frontman of the group, so to speak, and any harm the others might take, he would likely feel falls onto him as the one who should be bearing that weight.

But overall, if I can't get this by, I'll shoot a different concept instead. Sometimes ya got the image in your head, and thinking of it any other way sorta scuffs the whole thing, ya feel? So I'll leave this in your hands.
@Zapdos I hope my gooey friend here will be up to snuff! :)

A Hero RP that isn't dead? Well gosh darn, sign me on!....That, and I really dig the variety of abilities in the cast that I've read, even if it makes me a bit concerned I won't come up with somethin' that good lol. Oh well! Regardless, I'll see about posting up a CS sometime soon-ish
This looks fun! If I come back and see that it's got some traction, I'll be sure to throw my hat in the ring as well. Definitely got a few ideas for what characters I could bring into this...

Location: Streets of Queens, Outside Joey Doug(h)'s Pizza (H)ole

Interactions: Jackpot @Crimson Flame, Picture Perfect @Fading Memory, The Wanderer @The Man Emperor

Hold the phone. Literally, apparently, with this pair in front of Hi-Volt; this guy was a hero? She found herself carefully eyeing O'Toole, as if he'd magically start sparkling or something. He wasn't wearing a costume, and apparently his identity was just out in the open...Talk about reckless! Though maybe she wasn't one to talk, given how she went about things. Still, she was struggling to see this guy as any kind of supe. Just a admittedly handsome vlog-guy of sorts. And she only got more confused with how he responded to her comment of the mask plate. "Oh, well, I mean, I guess it's a bit mysterious? But it's more about the priv-" It was only partway through her lightning-fast mind caught up to itself, catching his sly wink and the tone of his voice. It was a compliment. "Oh! Er, I mean, thanks. It is pretty cool, huh?" She couldn't help but give an awkward chuckle. Talk about embarrassing...

She found her attention snapped away when one of the other dudes here began speaking to her. "Huh? Oh, no, I'm not super big on media! Besides, when I try to use a phone, it more often than not..." Punctuating her point, she made a little shower of sparks from the palm of her hands. "But hey, if people dig me, that's cool!"

However, with that, Hi-Volt had intended to head off until the guy who seemingly materialized spoke up again...And pointed out the other social media guy was some kinda supe as well! Immediately she whipped her head back towards the three men, specifically the one pointed out as Jackpot. Yeah...Definitely looks like an average civilian. Maybe a bit tired, probably from a bad shift...They were a freaking hero?! She found herself stepping back into the conversation just as quickly as she had decided to leave.

"So, waitwaitwait, hang up a sec; you're telling me a buncha heroes coincidentally met at some random pizza place? That's... Her attention span didn't last long enough once the topic of portals came into play. Almost immediately, she was face-to-face with Konstatin, eyes aglow underneath her visor. "Portals?! Really?! Oooh, that's amazing! Please show me! I'd really love to see it in action!" Her unconscious mind had already whipped out a sort of small journal; a bit old-school given the times, but also given her interactions with technology, it was understandable. In it, she documented nearly anything she could find out about her own power...And fully intended to do the same when she saw this one in action.

Of course, though, something new came up to distract her; in this case, Picture Perfect making some impromptu publicity. Hearing herself get called out, she turned, and unsure of what exactly to do, just gave an awkward wave. However, what really caught her off-guard was when a blaring noise came from O'Toole out of nowhere. Her first instinct was to dart away, and she certainly tried, which is how she noticed that for that brief moment....Her body didn't respond to her. This brief moment of her puzzling at this reaction was broken as PP dropped his unintended flex of power, and Hi-Volt, having been unwittingly caught in the middle of her action, tripped to the floor. Ouch...

She recovered quickly though, brushing herself off before her attention turned to O'Toole once more, as he gave the 'deets. "Wow, having something like that sounds really convenient. Er, also..." She patted the sides of her pants. "Don't have my phone on me! Sorry!"

Konstantin soon took charge, making the statement that they didn't have to split off; made sense, of course. If he could create portals, then why would they waste time with any other form of travel? Then he brought up the potential for some nausea and dizziness, two things that didn't go well with her...Hi-Volt sighed sadly. "As cool as it'd be to travel by portal, I think I'm better off making it my own way. Don't wanna get all dazed and, like, crash into a wall or something. Heh..."

When he brought up the possibility of Picture Perfect traveling with her, she couldn't help but grin, turning towards the influencer on a dime. "He's got a point! I'm sure portals are a bit more instantaneous than my form of travel, which I'd judge is..." For a few seconds, you could see the girl muttering to herself at high-speeds, her head darting to and fro as she mentally processed her own travel time. "Roughly three minutes to get to Crocheron! But if ya came with me, you'd have a topside view from the rooftops, and when we spot 'em, I'll getcha close in no time flat!"

She certainly seemed eager, now that some action was involved, nonchalantly putting a hand to one of the strange devices cuffing her wrists, a trail of electric charge going from it into her. Had to get juiced up before a proper fight, after all! Though, at the last moment, Jenna seemed to recall something. "....Omigosh! I just realized I haven't even said my name! Ugh!" She can't help but facepalm, realizing she forgot such a simple thing. However, she recovered quick as always, giving a big ol' thumbs up and a barely visible wink from under her visor. "Name's Hi-Volt, and I'll make sure this little trip is positively electric!"

Location: Streets of Queens, Outside Joey Doug(h)'s Pizza (H)ole

Interactions: Jackpot @Crimson Flame, Picture Perfect @Fading Memory, The Wanderer @The Man Emperor

...Okay, truth be told, Jenna wasn't very good at this part of the job. While she tried to focus herself, darting her gaze around the busy streets for signs of disturbance, it always found itself carried off by something else going on; the honk of traffic, the yelling of passersby, the deafening scream of some guy....

Wait, that one was at her!

Blinking a few times and re-adjusting herself to a semblance of concentration, she turned her gaze towards the redhead calling her out. Hm...Something about the guy was vaguely familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it, and didn't feel like diverting any more of her waning attention span towards that thought.

"Offering a bite? Well, that's pretty tempting and all, but," She taps a finger towards her mouthpiece, which was distorting her voice to a small degree; enough to make it unrecognizable to Jenna Beltran's, but not much more. "This thing's a pain in the butt to get on and off! So, uh, no thanks. Although...."

The air crackled in anticipation as within a blink of an eye, Hi-Volt had darted from the rooftops to side-by-side with the influencer hero, seemingly almost teleporting from place to place as she investigated him. "Do I know you from somewhere? Cause, it's gonna really, really bother me until I figure it out!"

In spite of that claim, Hi-Volt seemed to give up on that topic as quickly as she brought it up. "Anyways! Seen anything around lately? Usually the thugs of New York are a bit more active than this! Maybe they're on a hot cocoa break?...Do bad guys get breaks?"

It was only then she realized there was another person, and only now that she recalled that this ginger stud here had called out to someone else. "Oh! Also, hi over there!" She waved to him, her big grin unseen underneath her mouthpiece. Granted, it could barely be called a wave, since it was more like a blur of motion with a few sparks coming off. Hi-Volt shook her hand a bit, a bit disgruntled. "Ugh! C'mon! Haven't even started yet, don't give me trouble already...."

After that, she snapped back to attention again, aware that she was talking to her own hand. "....Uh, soo, anyhoo, yeah! Nothin' suspicious been going on or anything?" She said, a bit of nervous laughter escaping her. You'd think after half a year she'd have a better grasp on these things....

However, she was caught off guard one more time as another voice piped up behind her. That person wasn't there before, right? Hm...Well, no use thinking about it. "Hi! Oh, us? I mean...." Underneath the visor of her helm, she looked puzzlingly at the two dudes. Now she really felt out of the loop. But, not really understanding the situation here, she just shrugged. "Not really. I think? Is this," She motioned around to the two of them and herself. "a thing going on? Er, well, anyways, I was probably gonna be on my way soonish..."

Location: Streets of Brooklyn

Interactions: Moonjumper @RogueFox, Dani @DDVicky

Katiya couldn't help but roll her eyes. A light landing? She was nearly 500 lbs. (and thankfully, most of it being muscle), light wasn't even in her dictionary. However, before she could make a comment, she was caught off-guard by the arrival of a small girl (though in fairness, everyone's small to her), couldn't be older than 12, who burst into questions that sent Kat's head reeling as she weakly kept attempting to interject.


She gave up on that pretty quick, letting the little one get everything out instead. And what was that bit about Captain America? Honestly, she caught next to nothing of what the small girl let spew, though her brain was trying to churn through the mess of words...Slowly. Thankfully, her partner picked up her slack on this regard, to which the towering red-haired woman gave a nod. "Yes, hero is bit of stretch. Just doing good, da? But yes, she is right. Busy night ahead. Stay safe." With that, Katiya gave a small smile and a wave from one of her lower hands before turning to walk with Moonjumper.

Though pretty soon after walking off, Kat gave a groan. You know how I feel about the...The, uh...Prozviste. Hero name." The topic quickly turned to the twins they had just encountered, to which she was surprised by something Sadie said. "The big sister has powers? Missed that, the small one spoke very fast...Hopefully she is using them otvetstvenno.

However, even that topic was abruptly ended by an impromptu robbery, complete with a grocery bag of cash. Wow. Just...Wow. Katiya almost wanted to laugh at the comedy of that situation, if it were not for how real the danger was for the citizens milling about, being shoved to the ground as these would-be crooks make a desperate sprint for escape. Though, when Moonjumper floated next to her and gave the play-by-play, she couldn't suppress a snort. "We have done this for years, no? I know how this works."

With one hand, she scooped up the now-weightless mutant. She wasn't a good judge of angles or the lot, but luckily, practice makes perfect. Quickly judging the distance against her own strength, Katiya sent her unhindered roommate elegantly hurtling through the air. If her aim was on point, she'd be able to either intercept the two goons by landing in front of them and hanging on for Katiya's own approach, or directly landing on them if she felt confident in handling it herself. Of course, Kat expected the latter; she knew how capable Sadie was...But it didn't serve to throw caution to the wind. There wasn't exactly a direct path to the thugs, not without flooring some innocents. Not ideal. So, the next best thing....

Taking up position, Katiya leaped up to the nearest building, scaling the side of it with her brute strength, nails digging into brick and mortar, as she began to leap from one building to the next, like an urban spider monkey. It wouldn't take her long to catch up, but truth be told, by the time she did, she fully expected the situation to be resolved. But hey, she could lend a hand in getting them restrained for the police, at the bare minimum.

Location: Sadie's Apartment/Streets of New York

Interactions: Sadie

No leads. Well, it wasn't very surprising; her and Sadie were far from detective material. Still, it grew irritating that over the past few months, the thugs have seemingly been retracting themselves away from the world....Some might think they were cowering, but Katiya had worse suspicions. Still, that wouldn't change her day-to-day. So she gave her roommate a simple nod to show she was listening, having already cleared her plate and going for seconds. She kept to herself in the kitchenette. Partly because she wasn't interested in binging a show right before their real work began, and also because the living room scarcely had room for her.

It wasn't long before Katiya had her fill; the whole meat pizza was nothing but an empty, greasy box, and the supreme was left with only a few meager slices. Still, she went about diligently cleaning up, tearing away at the cardboard pizza boxes for easier disposal while her free set of hands went about zip-locking what was left of their scrumptious dinner and throwing away both their plates (the living room was only a stretch away for her, after all).

Shortly after, she watches her friend dart off to her room, no doubt to put on that silly little suit the school gave out to some of the more promising students. Kat had her own too, of course, but...She was never much about things like that. Still, it helped to keep Sadie safe, so she couldn't argue...Even if it did look a bit ridiculous. This line of thought was only compounded upon when her roomie actually popped out again in her full X-Man garb. Most wouldn't catch it, but the stoic face of Katiya Sokolov twitched with stifled laughter seeing the suit, for only a moment. Being together for two years helps you pick up on things like this.

With that, though, Moonjumper said her farewells to 'Quadra'. Kat rolled her eyes. She still wasn't sure what to make of that silly little nickname people had started giving her. Guess they got tired of referring to her as 'that four-armed girl'. It wasn't long after that she began making her way out as well, briefly considering some wintry attire before shrugging it off. It wasn't that cold out there, at least by her standards from home.

With a practiced amount of care and precision, Kat wriggled her way through the living room and out to their balcony, finally able to stand up properly in the briskly chill air of an early New York evening. She spent but a moment taking it all in, before getting a firm grasp on the railing, and with a quick breath, hoisting herself over it and landing with a notable thud right by her partner in 'crime', the snow of the street shifting from the weight of her impact as Katiya went about straightening herself again, stretching out before glancing down towards the gravity-defying heroine.

"So....Where to first?"

Location: Rooftops of Queens

Interactions: Open

Who knew roofhopping could be so fun?! Well, Hi-Volt did, that's for sure! The day for Jenna Beltran had been like any other; handle school-work at the university, prep for tests, text her parents about her day, the usual. Later on, at about 8:30, she'd be doing her internship program at STARK Industries 'till 12-ish. But still...She got off of the University and 5, and went to her job at 8:30. What's she do with that small window of spare time, you ask?



If someone was paying attention, a streak of light blue crossed the roofs of Queens as this shout came to pass. It was difficult to make out the individual, given how fast they seemed to be moving, but you could catch glimpses of orange and black if you were quick enough. This, of course, was none other than the fledgling new star of the streets of New York, the simply electrifying Hi-Volt! While she'd only been around for the better half of a year, they were making a splash; not many vigilantes around nowadays had a power as flashy as hers, and she hasn't been afraid to flaunt it! While she herself doesn't seem to mess around with social media, there's certainly a buzz about for this new spark lighting up the Big Apple's dismal nights.

Hi-Volt could barely make out the things she was running past, hopping from roof to roof with an electric crackling of the air signifying each leap of faith, her speed blurring things out. But it didn't make it any less exhilarating for her! This was the most she'd tried flexing her speed before, and needless to say from the cheers of joy passing over the air of Queens, she was enjoying stretching this talent of hers.

However, she did have to stop eventually to catch her breath....Oh! And actually do the, y'know, vigilante stuff. That was important too. "Phew! Worked up a sweat there...But...I guess...This rooftop's as good as any for looking around!" She muttered to herself, still gasping for air. She might be fast, but her body wasn't ready for long-distance travel like that...

Plopping herself down on the edge of the rooftop, Hi-Volt took in the scenery through the visor of her helm, admiring the snowy landscape while trying to scope out anything big in the works...Though she couldn't help but catch a whiff of something below her. Looking down, she realized she'd stopped right over a pizzeria. Just her luck...Sure, she'd eaten, but instant ramen didn't compare to some fresh and hot pizza. But her budget was, er...Pretty nonexistent. So with a sigh of indignation, she set herself to keeping an eye out. If nothing interesting happened soon, there was always more rooftops to hop...

Location: Sadie's Apartment

Interactions: Sadie

Another day has come and gone. Work at Fine Choice was simple as always, stacking the shelves through her 9-5. Could Katiya do better?....Perhaps. But she appreciated the simplicity of her job, leaving her mind open to more pressing concerns of hers. Such as now, crouched in her small room of the apartment, writing in a red-bound journal superbly close to her face, handling a pencil that looked more like a toothpick in her hand.

"December 28th, 2025. Still no luck. The common crooks we find are lacking in information, as always. Perhaps even more than before. I still have no answers...But I will find something. Maybe not tonight, or tomorrow, or even next year. But I will find something. Ya tebya lublu, mama & papa. I will find you."

She was stirred from her writing by shouting from her roommate and fellow Mutant Sadie Eran, with claims of pizza arriving. As if in response, her stomach growled as Katiya gave a small laugh. Well, that was that. Putting up her journal, she shouted out. "I am coming!"

Audible struggling could be heard. Needless to say, New York apartments weren't made with someone like her in mind, but she took it in stride, crawling her way through her door, through the living room, and into the kitchenette crouched next to her companion. "Mm. Is that so? You have good taste, so I'm sure it is good. Here, plate." Casually reaching into one of the higher shelves of the kitchenette with her upper set of arms, she grabs the both of them plastic plates. From Fine Choice, of course.

With that, she went about snatching two slices of the all-meats and two from the supreme, getting them situated on her plate before she begins digging in. No words were spoken as she cleaned through her first slice, but she gave a nod of approval. It was certainly as good as Sadie had claimed.

As she got to the next, however, Katiya spoke up. "Any leads tonight, or will it be one of those goose hunts again?"
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