Name: Whitley Cress
Hero Name: Big Splash
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Family: Amelia Cress, Age 40 (Whitley's hardworking, single mother who works at a law firm. She comes off as strict sometimes, but he knows she means well), Lily Cress, Age 10 (Whitley's adorable lil' sis! She means the world to him and his mom, though her extreme levels of curiosity gets her in a lot of trouble sometimes).
Occupation: Still getting through high school, on top of being on the swim team. Also takes the weekends to work as a lifeguard for the local water park. He's, uh, not exactly sure where he'll be squeezing 'insane heroics' into this schedule...
Appearance: Whitley is along the smaller side, standing at around 5'4, and weighing a little over 120 lbs. You wouldn't tell from a glance at him, likely due to his stature, but he's fairly athletic in no small part thanks to his time as apart of the swim team, and closer inspection will show some surprisingly defined muscle for his size. Beyond that, he has a soft white skin tone (though not so pale as some; he spends a fair bit of time outside in the sun), pale blue hair that spills out at ends and splits across his head, clearly not putting much care into its appearance, and sparkling sapphire-like eyes that nearly twinkle like the aforementioned gems, full of wonder and joy.
Clothing-wise, he keeps things simple more often than not; the most standout pieces of clothing he can normally be found wearing are his black turtleneck, and on occasion, a pale blue scarf during the cooler times of year, matching his hair. It was an old gift from his mom, so he still finds time for it.
Superpower: Hydroforce - While currently an unimpressive and lame power (at least, according to Whitley himself), Hydroforce is the name he has granted his unnatural ability. Simply put, it allows him to project water from his hands (though, admittedly, he hasn't really tried anywhere else). That's....All there is to it. By Whitley's understanding so far, that is. He can currently fire a low-pressure stream of lukewarm water from his hands, the equivalent of a garden hose, if a comparison were to be drawn. Not very dangerous, and in fact, practically less than a nuisance. But, with enough clever application and training, it could reach heights he could never imagine...
- While the stream of water lacks much pressure behind it right now, a direct hit to the face that can stagger or briefly blind them, or using it to slip up a target, are valid and valuable tactics available to him.
- It's dangerous, of course, but everyone knows not a lot of equipment is waterproof, so if desperate times call for desperate measures, his power could cause something to surge out or explode. Obviously not ideal, but sometimes it's whatcha got, right?
- Even if the power isn't impressive right now, it's still pretty damn effective at stopping fire and the like, so that's something going for it. Heck, if some baddie uses fire or something, he could be the perfect counter!
- Well...No amount of spraying someone like they're a wild dog in your yard is gonna put them down for any real length of time. When it comes to actually stopping the baddies, he's woefully underprepared without some clever usage of his environment, or a bit of help from others.
- As are many people with powers, Whitley is only human. And his power is...Lacking in defensive applications, at least how he thinks of it right now. If a guy ran up and stabbed him, he probably wouldn't be able to stop it.
- Due to the low pressure of the water he shoots (for now), high winds are liable to make him miss his mark, and the spray could be blocked by something as simple as a trash lid, honestly.
- Last but not least, he can't just infinitely shoot water; the more he sprays out, the more dehydrated he gets. Granted, with how crappy the ability currently is, it isn't a concern that comes up often, but it's there.
- As expected for a lifeguard and member of the swim team, Whitley is an excellent swimmer...Though he wouldn't admit it.
- While Whitley is no super genius, he works hard and smart, and is a consistent A-Grade student.
- Whitley finds it sorta embarrassing, and would never bring it up unless directly questioned, but he loves writing stories and novels, with no shortage of which being about superheroes and the like. Extending on this, he's also a huge bookworm when he finds the time to dig into a good novel.
Equipment: While it isn't much, he's come up with a basic set of gear for going out hero-ing. Firstly, a water bottle on hand for if dehydration strikes. Secondly, rubber boots, since his battles tend to get a bit wet, and he doesn't want to walk around with soggy shoes and socks. Third, but certainly not least, he was clever enough to come up with a way to weaponize his ability a bit more, if only a bit; he made small, grenade-like cannisters that he has filled with water he's made. Essentially water grenades. Maybe not the most dangerous, but they can be surprising and catch people off guard, among some other things. He usually has about three on hand at any given time.
Personality: Put bluntly, Whitley is a high school book nerd who wants to try and do some good with what he's got now. He knows the world is a scary place after what happened with the virus, so he wants to be a small part in alleviating that if he can, both for others, and even more importantly to him, his family. He's got a truckload of confidence issues, but biting back his own thoughts, he's taking the strides to become someone people can put their faith in. Hopefully he can find time for Whitley in-between the Big Splash moments...
Biography: Before the meteor, Whitley's life was pretty simple. Sure, he never stood out in school, but he never felt the need to. He got good grades, made his mom happy, looked after his little sister, and enjoyed the little things in his life, like swimming, reading, and occasionally writing up some stories of his own. He was content to live out this simple life, as long as he was happy with it.
But, like so many others, things changed when the meteor struck down.
He discovered his powers in a pretty innocent way; after the swim team had taken first place in a recent competition, he and some of the pals were messing around in the pool, basking in the glory of a victory well-earned. Well, while he was the only one who noticed it (or at least, he seriously hopes he was), when he splashed at one of the guys, he accidentally shot out a bit of water from his palm. Hell, even Whitley himself second-guessed what he saw and went about things as normal....Until, when curiosity got the better of him after the meet, he snuck off the bathroom and tried doing it again.
And he did.
It wasn't impressive by any means; it was like a water fountain spraying down into the bathroom sink. But, with powers having been thought to be wiped out, he was beginning to freak out. No matter how sad the ability looked, the point was he
had one. How the heck did he have one?! After gathering himself from a few minutes of unadulterated panic, a different realization came to him. These powers are meant to be used. Not for petty things, or crimes, but to help others. To make the world a better place. So, while he himself even thought his powers were pathetic, it was in the clorine-reeked bathrooms of the school pool that Whitley resolved to do something better with this power.
...He hasn't found a good time yet, but in the meantime, he worked out his power as best he could. From when he originally used it, he can already tell it's improved a bit, though not by a very notable margin, but it was something! Between that, and having plotted out some must-have gear for going out and gettin' dirty, eventually, it would be the time for Big Splash's debut!
Anything Else: Y'know, he's always been more of a Water-Type guy, but he guesses Electric-Types are pretty cool.