A WIP, but I wanted to let yall get an idea of where I'm going. And I can still tweak things before I get too far this way as well.
Oh and the Manton Effect stops her from Magnetoing you lol
"Did you think that dry land would be your friend? The last person who believed that still hasn't woken up."
Sierra Mavis Danvers
Stick in The Mud Seaweed Head Not unless you want to get on her nerves.
Female | She/Her
Sierra can come off as harsh and difficult to approach at first, which is ironic given her powers, but she isn't at all antisocial. Whenever the Wards gather around out of costume for an evening, Sierra's found at the front of the group. Over the years, she's developed a bit of a Big Sister role within the team, taking it on herself to look after the younger members of the Wards and make sure they don't do anything stupid when the PRT turns their backs. As Siren, she tends to conduct herself in a very formal, dignified way, like the captain of a ship. Despite the fact that she takes on a lot of responsibility in the Ward scene, and can be counted on to follow through, Sierra is also known for being stubborn in her ways. She likes to move as she does and isn't always keen on shifting direction unless it really matters. This is what gives her than unapproachable atmosphere people witness during first impressions. If she takes the rest of the day off, you will have a hard time telling her otherwise. If she wakes up at 11pm and insists on spending three hours handling worthless paperwork so she doesn't have to in the morning, she won't be stopped.
Sierra is also very...evasive when asked about anything especially personal. Anything about her trigger to details about her homelife before the Redline Wards tends to get shutdown pretty quick when someone asks. It's best you don't know.
Out of costume, it's all comfort. Sweatpants, baggy sweatshirts, and anything that doesn't make her feel too humid. Due to the side effects of her powers, Sierra's hair is always wet. She hasn't been able to successfully dry it in the last four years. How wet depends on how much she uses her powers. After a head-on fight with villains, it looks like she dunked her head underwater. When she wakes up in the morning, it only feels somewhat damp. Don't ask how she sleeps comfortably. Don't ask about the fish scales, either. Siren wears a getup that makes someone think she's a pirate instead of, well, a siren. Turquoise colored, hydrophobic long-coat, a pair of knee-high boots, padded elbow gloves, and bulletproof vest designed to look like a regular undershirt for subtlety.
To be added.
Shaker - Breaker
Arguably more like a Changer than a Breaker, Sierra has a form she shifts into where her body is altered to be made of water. Her clothes blur and mingle with the surface of her skin and seem to cascade away towards any edge. Her hair goes from being constantly wet to a raging waterfall in the shape of hair, that no one can touch without their hand passing through or being pushed back out. In this form, Sierra absorbs any free water in a solid or gaseous state that her body touches, which is used to slowly heal wounds. She can also walk on water in this state, but the most important advantage to Sierra's Breaker state is that it allows her to access her Shaker power: Hydrokinesis. In this form, she can freely manipulate free water in any state, such as liquid or ice cubes, on a molecular level. This allows her to artificially change the state of water and move it like an extension of her body, which it technically is.
Sierra is also capable of altering the weather with enough humidity in the air, effectively forcing rain to pour down. This doesn't have much of a practical use unless the rain is particular heavy, and takes time, but it makes Sierra's ability to flood a street a lot easier if it happens. Sierra can't recreate the wind or lighting associated with a thunderstorm, but sometimes, when she is pushed into circumstances like the ones during her trigger event, a full-blown thunderstorm just might occur outside of her control.
(Where to put anything these broader sections might've missed)
I'll say this sooner than later, beyond the fact of, hey, I love Hydrokinesis, is that technically The Wards aren't established yet; we'll actually be going through that in the first part of the RP, so we get to witness the fledgling moments of the group...For better or worse. Probably worse. xD
Just a heads up, since I saw you bringing up how she handles herself in the team in Personality.
Eh, still not big on it tbh. It's the kinda power that wouldn't really get the chance to be used, otherwise it'd basically guarantee we just lost a character. Not fun in practice, if you ask me.
I have a character who doesn't even resemble a human who has a decay aura and a trump power that literally destroys shards
permanent brain destruction and never any survivors
hows that for a sick fuck
Sounds like the proper amount of sickness for sure lol. Bit Godmoddy for my tastes tho, if I'm being honest. There's being a terrifying menace and then there's being unstoppable. xD
I guess that's where I should mention that Rosenred (the fancy hat cape) isn't a ward but more like a flashy villain
but im also wanting to play a ward with Trauma
I mean....Trauma's the name of the game. xD I'm not against y'all playing villains, but they'll need to be under a bit of closer scrutiny ofc, and see if they fit into any of the groups I've lined up or not.
I have so many ideas already I don't know which one to go with. I may have missed it but are we limited to only one character or we can we have multiple?
I didn't mention that, did I....Gosh, I had way too much to type up there lol. You're fine to have more, but I'd suggest no more than two Wards. And if you're planning somethin' that ain't a Ward...Probably pass it by me first. The Seven always needs new members...Hehehe...
My first inclination is to make one of my characters who came from a cluster and runs around in a fancy feathery hat.
I can elaborate on her cluster mates if you want but idk if I’ll actually play the rest of them.
Also, do you by any chance plan to make a discord server for the players to vibe in?
Interesting attire choice. Well, if you did go with them, it'd be fun to figure out why they might be stepping away from that group in favor of The Wards, y'know? As for the Discord, I did mention near the end I'll be looking to get it together and invite players who have an accepted character.
A boy no older than ten sat shivering in an alleyway, hidden in darkness. The bitter cold of winter came harsh this year, and the boy could feel it right through his meager scraps of clothing. His father was nowhere to be found; claimed he'd find them something to eat. It had been three hours since then. Downtown was dangerous, sure, but the boy always had faith in his father. He'd lived here for all his life, and knew the streets like the back of his hand. He held onto hope in a hopeless situation.
Still, it didn't change his present circumstances. He was freezing to death. It was a morbid realization for a child of his age, but one that couldn't be ignored. Feeling in his legs had already left him for some time, and he could barely move his quivering hands, much less speak. And he already knew people had seen him and ignored him. It wasn't unusual. There was nothing he could do, and it was a bitter thought for the kid. A bitingly cold tear passed down his cheeks.
All he wanted was a bit of warmth. A fire. Something. Anything.
...Later that day, an unnatural inferno wreathed Downtown Redline, causing monumental property damage and loss of life. This was the first ever recorded Trigger Event.
Ever since that fateful winter day, the world has only gotten stranger for everyone. More and more people had these so-called 'Trigger Events', nowadays more often referred to as Awakenings. At first, mass hysteria reigned supreme, which ironically only caused more of those who would one day be dubbed Capes to be formed. Eventually things got pulled back to moderate shape, but unsurprisingly, the world has never been the same since. But of course, just as chaos rises, so too must order. When villains first seeped out of the cracks of this new ruined society, so too did those who wanted to change things for the better.
...But enough of a history lesson. Welcome to The Wards! This RP will be focusing around the escapades of a fledgling group of youth Capes trying their hardest to make the best of bad situations. Things won't be easy for them; in fact, things rarely are in this world, but perhaps they'll manage to prove themselves as more than just kids with powers. Now, before I can get into more world-stuff, I gotta talk rules. Boring stuff, I know, but bear with me here lol.
1: This one's pretty self-explanatory; try not to be a jerk, alright? No one likes trying to play alongside someone whose being all riled up for no reason. And of course, if you have an actual reason to be upset, bring it up to me. It's what I'm here for!
2: Like any good story, there's gotta be stakes, and while I'm not particularly planning on character death anytime soon, characters will be finding themselves under serious threat more often than not, and won't likely escape unscathed. Isn't very interesting if someone wins every time, eh? Which leads into my next rule...
3: No Godmodding, alright? Pretty sure everyone around here's familiar with the term, though the main piece I'm concerned with is making your character seem too perfect. No one perfectly dodges every move, counterattacks at just the right time, and always thinks things through. Characters, no matter how cool, strong, or smart, can make mistakes and be caught off their guard. Don't be afraid to get roughed around; it just makes the turnaround all the cooler ;) On an...Slightly related note, if you read between the lines....
4: Romance is fine, of course, but keep any intense stuff behind the black screen, yeah? Assuming anything like that happens, of course. The ol' fade to black trick always works...
5: On a vaguely similar line, while getting wounded, even grievously so, isn't something I'll be trying to stray away from here, let's keep some excessive stuff clear. No one needs to hear about your innards spilling out or something, right? Right.
6: Let's avoid anything political. C'mon, like the fictional bad guys aren't enough to tango with, yeah? It'll just leave a bad taste in most people's mouths, so better to stay hush-hush than come at each other's throats.
7: I'm no grammar nazi...Okay, that's a lie, I totally am. I'll try not to be on your case about it, but try to make sure your punctuation and grammar are proper. Or at least as proper as it needs to be for your character lol.
8: I'm not looking for mile-long posts, but a few paragraphs is a good point to land on. Quality over quantity, I say.
9: I mentioned it somewhat near the beginning, but if anything comes up in/from the RP that you want to talk about with me, I'm all ears. Sorta my job as the GM, y'know?
10: If you've read this far, when you're making your Character Sheet, add a piece near the bottom where you mention your favorite superpower; it'll tell me you actually made it this far into these rules.
11: Last, and most important rule of all...HAVE FUN! It's sorta what we're here for. Y'know, besides the drama, badass action scenes, character development....Okay, maybe there's a little more to this than just the fun. But all of it just adds to it!
Powers: Definitions and Guidelines.
Powers in this world are categorized into 12 classifications by the PRT; keep in mind that many Powers have broad strokes in their capabilities. Some might be labeled as one Power, but due to how the Power functions, might also place them into another category. Those are considered Hybrid Classifications, denoted by a slash (ex: Master/Trump). Some Powers, if used in certain ways, can also find applications in other classifications, which earns them Sub-Classifications, denoted by parentheses (ex: Brute (Shaker)). Continuing onward, I'll be defining these twelve classifications in more specific terms.
Important to note as well, is that Powers in this world are typically caused by Trigger Events; moments, whether extended or brief, of extreme physical, emotional, or mental stress and trauma, that shape your ability. It also pretty much means anyone with Powers is packin' baggage, and you'd be smart not to mess with that; would you ask a guy who can burn you to a skeleton what his emotional trauma is? No, no you wouldn't...Hopefully.
Mover: Movers are categorized as Capes with a penchant for enhanced speed, or some other way to move about abnormally. The obvious version of a Mover is someone with Superhuman Speeds, but other instances might be flight or teleportation, amongst many other possibilities. Quite a few Capes find themselves with a Sub-Classification of Mover, since a fair few Powers could grant specialized forms of movement to individuals. Most commonly, you could find this Classification alongside Brutes, Breakers, and Changers.
Shaker: Shakers are those with abilities that apply to a large radius, an AOE if you prefer. This makes the possibilities of Shakers quite open, and leaves them to being commonly classified alongside other classifications, such as Blaster. A good example of a Shaker would be the ability to generate tremors in a certain radius, or the alteration of natural terrain, to name a few.
Brute: Brutes are...What they sound like. Tough, and strong though not necessarily as stupid as the classification might entail. How exactly they exhibit those qualities can vary widely from Brute to Brute, but that's the universal thing about them. Alongside the likes of Mover, lots of Powers can grant the possibility of a Sub-Class of Brute if used in certain ways.
Breaker: Not to be confused with Brutes, Breakers are dubbed as such because they literally break the laws of the human body, altering it usually temporarily into something else. Could mean you can change your body into steel, make yourself a gas, any number of things, and typically Breakers possess some Sub-Class of Mover and/or Brute.
Master: Considered one of the more concerning Classifications, Masters are those who can manipulate certain entities to their bidding; sometimes it's minor, like bugs or plants, but extreme cases have Masters who can control other people in a number of ways, or even create things they can control. If someone has a Master Classification, it's wise to stay on your guard as best you can.
Tinker: About the only thing scarier than a Master might just be a Tinker. While they don't possess obvious abilities, Tinkers are able to think beyond normal humans, granting them unusual levels of ingenuity in one or more fields of technology/science, to the point of it becoming a pseudo-science as they casually break the laws of reality. You can never be certain what a Tinker can come up with, and that makes them both a huge asset to those in possession of one, and a horrifying thing to go against. Typically, Tinkers might also possess a Sub-Class of Thinker.
Blaster: Thankfully, we're back to the basics here; Blasters are individuals who deal with long-ranged, typically offensive abilities, like hurling fireballs or conjuring up bolts of lightning. Pretty scary stuff, but usually simple enough to grasp to find a hole in it. Be very concerned of Blasters who possess any Hybrid or Sub-Classifications, however, as they're bound to be extremely dangerous.
Thinker: The least directly offensive Power classification, next to Tinkers. But if the Tinker bit speaks to anything, it should make you all the more aware that the less understood power is by far the more dangerous. Thinkers possess mental-based abilities that typically grant enhanced cognitive functions dealing with information gathering. In other words, it means they're smarter than any Average Joe, and have probably outthunk you before you even started thinking. Word to the wise; if you're dealing with a Thinker, plan contingencies, and lots of them. Chances are they'll still have twice as many as you come up with.
Striker: Strikers are one of the physically scariest Classifications an individual could have, mainly because it's quite broad. The definition of a Striker is one who uses their Power through melee or touch-based contact with an individual. If someone's Power is that limited by contact, you can imagine it's pretty fraggin' dangerous. However, it does make for a seemingly easy answer; just stay out of reach. Perhaps easier said than done, depending on the sitch, but it's your best bet.
Changer: Effectively shapeshifters, Changers are able to alter their form or appearance to some kind of extent, from something as minor as altering the look of your face, to making yourself a completely different body. Changers are dangerous, but especially when you aren't even aware they're a Changer. Due to the elasticity of this category, they can fall into any number of other Classes, and Changers could use this to fool you in a vital moment. Keep on your feet.
Trump: Trumps are....Interesting. To keep things simple, it defines an individual whose Power somehow directly interacts with the Powers of other Capes. This could mean weakening, borrowing, nullifying, empowering, making them go berserk, or even theoretically stealing them. Trumps on their own might not seem impressive, but they can change the flow of a battle with their mere presence.
Stranger: Strangers deal with espionage and stealth, staying unknown factors in some regards. The methods, just like many other Classes here, can vary widely, but essentially, if your ability can make you harder to keep track of in any fashion, it probably has the Stranger Classification somewhere on it.
Groups Of Interest
Here, I'll be going in-depth on some groups/entities of note, that you all ought to be aware of, assuming your characters are even slightly informed about anything xD.
The PRT: The PRT, or Parahuman Response Team, is an organization of highly trained, usually un-powered individuals who serve as advanced law enforcement for individuals with Powers; typically villains. They also hold jurisdiction over Heroes, if/when necessary, even having The Guardians, the primo USA squad of Hero Capes, be beholden to them. That's just the way things gotta be to make unpowered folk feel comfortable.
The Guardians: The most elite Superhero team in the United States, if not the world. Having multiple bases of operations across the country, the team is rarely all together at once. Still, everyone knows that if you can make it into The Guardians, you're a big league name. However, even among the cream of the crop, there are those who stand out; the titular Guardian, the longest standing member of the team, able to form unfathomably powerful energy barriers for both offense and defense, Amazon, a towering figure of a woman with unbelievable physical capabilities, with the most noteworthy being her outright strength, and Gatecrasher, a portal-based Superhero able to teleport people and objects through a number of wormholes that can be collapsed at will for a temporary black hole-esque effect.
The Redline Guardians: Having put their hand into The Ward Initiative, The Guardians thought it proper to set up a small base with a minor contingent of Guardians to keep an eye on proceedings, and help The Wards get used to the line of work. The heroes in question there are Risen, who was a local Cape of Redline prior to joining The Guardians, who possesses an insane regenerative factor that has made him stronger and tougher each time he's broken, Blaster, a Tinker from Toronto who specializes in high-end energy-based firearms, and Trump Card, whose ability allows him to manifest the inverse of any ability used on him for a short time, working best on Blasters.
The Elementals: Originally Redline's premier Hero team, after being sidelined by the Guardians, they've mysteriously gone off-grid. Some people believe they might've retired, while others theorize they're scheming vengeance for stolen spotlight. Regardless, when they were in the spotlight, they were an impressive squad built around the gimmick of their name, with each member able to manipulate a natural element in some capacity. The main reason people are concerned about them wanting retribution is due to the team's leader, Hephaestus, a Tinker who centralized around making armor, most notably being his Hellwalker Suit, capable of releasing unholy amounts of high-intensity flame. Regardless of that though, anyone can tell you that being on the wrong side of a Tinker is a terrible idea.
Knight Aspirant: A 'mercenary' company that has recently joined in the city's sprawl of ne'er-do-wells, villains, and cutthroat gangs, the Knight Aspirants are led by a Tinker named King, who seems to possess a very particular skill for a Tinker; designing Power Armor, suits that directly augment ones' physical capabilities. Making these en masse for his company makes his line-up of thugs far more intimidating than anything else, and quick to stand out due to their knightly aesthetic. Not even mentioning some of his lieutenants, who are packing powers on top of the suits. However, while keeping their standing as a 'neutral party', they've subtly begun taking pieces of the city for themselves, though for what ends, no one is certain.
The Mutants: A small group of powered individuals, ranging in age from at early as 15 to the mid-20s. Apparently bitter with 'society' and the treatment of Parahumans not willing to be Heroes, though they have expressed it in increasingly concerning, and violent, ways. They also make any unpowered individual trying to reach the upper echelons of their shaky organization take a 'test, presumed to consist of extreme torture methods to force a Trigger Event. While most of their lesser commanders are unknowns (mostly due to dying and getting replaced more often than not), their permanent for now leader is a Brute named Stone, whose Power allows him to absorb rocky material like brick, concrete, or more into his body and form it as a craggy exterior, making him tough and strong. They deal in normal gang behavior, from protection brokering and theft to peddling contraband and sexual slavery. All in all, an unpleasant sort.
Syndicate: While initially a white-collar criminal enterprise, it seems they've been subtly changing their direction to more dreadful deeds, for unknown purposes. Concerning, given that no one is aware of the head of this organization either. A wild card that had been quiet so far, and is now beginning to try and make waves...
The Slaughterhouse Seven: Originally the Slaughterhouse Six until their most recent outing, this small group of international degenerates didn't get their name for petty crimes; they're considered monsters, through and through. The kind that when they come to town, heroes and villains put down their pitchforks and shake hands to try and put them down. Key word being try. Last time they showed, however, only one managed to walk out of that intact; their leader since the start, the enigmatic Writhe. Sightings of the man have come and gone for the last handful of years, and no doubt he's putting together a new Seven for more sickening games...
The Heralds: No one is certain of their origin or intents beyond widespread mayhem, chaos, and death, but The Heralds, or more accurately, the first of The Heralds made its debut all the way back in the 1980's. The first one, promptly dubbed 'Progeny', was a silver-like amorphous entity who emerged in the city of Tokyo, Japan, and wreaked untold havoc, possessing extraordinarily high-end Changer and Brute capabilities; it's body was like puddy it could shape with a thought, forming it into any number of weapons and attacks at the most unpredictable angles, and any damage it suffered, it soon recovered from and adapted to, though thankfully these adaptations didn't last when it emerged again.
Similar to The Seven, Heralds are to be met with a full-force engagement from any Capes capable and willing in the areas they appear in, hero or villain. They're too dangerous to simply ignore. Even with all parties working together, in a Herald attack, it is common for only 2/3rds, or occasionally 1/3rd of the individuals involved to survive, and pretty much anyone involved is guaranteed to suffer injury, likely permanent ones. The other Heralds, those being Archangel and Gaia, are just as deadly as Progeny, if not moreso, though I will go in-depth on them another time. Heralds seem to take 'shifts' in assaulting global locations, usually taking anywhere from three to five months to recover after a debut. In spite of great effort on the ends of both heroes and villains, no Herald has ever been successfully killed.
Last but not least, here's an example sheet for you all to work off of. Looking forward to seeing what everyone cooks up! Also, in due time, I'll have a Discord up for accepted members.
With that, I've said my piece! If you have further questions, ask away! I'll also be making a character sheet for the dear Director herding all you brats around soon xD
Definitely interested! Is an in-depth knowledge of Ward required? I've read Worm, but have been a bit too busy to get through it's sequel serial.
Nope! Even knowledge of Worm in general isn't necessary (though it may help a tad), so you're fine! Also, we're really getting the old gang together at this rate, eh? lmao