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@Benzaiten @Fading Memory

I'll be happy to answer these questions, though admittedly the one about potential races was mostly brought up in the initial post, but I'll reiterate; not only do I expect races other than Humans (although they'd still be more than welcome), but you're more than welcome to either come up with your own or use existing Sci-Fi races from other forms of media; of course, some may come under scrutiny and be somewhat edited to better apply to the setting, but otherwise? Sky (or rather, space) is the limit!

Now, rounding back to your question of the crew and whether they've met. Initially I was planning roleplay the recruitment process, but....Admittedly it'd be simpler to have you all be there from the word 'Go'. Still, this crew likely wouldn't have known each other for long; at most, the oldest members of this crew may have been with Captain Kura for a month or two. Want to give off that 'fresh team' feel, where they're still messy and learning about each other, with plenty of problems and fun therein to play out.

As for goals, you pretty match landed it, hammer to nail. The intention is for there to be smaller arcs of time with the team going after small jobs, usually meant more for time to get some casual PC roleplay in when shit isn't crazy. Then, when I feel like it's a good time, we move onto their next big-time job that'll serve as a much larger arc that will play out over a longer period of time, with plenty of action, drama, and general chaos and tomfoolery in comparison to the bite-sized missions.

Hope these answers please ya! If you got more questions, I'm happy to oblige.

Oh, and on a more random note, good to see ya again Memory! Been a bit since that NYC Marvel RP lol
Captain's Log: Stardate...Aw, fuck it.

Last crew's done for. Tends to happen when some of my people finally catch up to me. Shame; they were almost half-decent. Managed to shake them off, and the ones I didn't shake off, well...We're a warrior race, you can figure it out. Gonna need to find some new hands on deck, I barely even understand half the crap on this ship. Granted, doesn't help that I had to steal a new one...

Heard of a little asteroid dive diner called The Milky Way. Talk about creative....Still, if the rumors hold some ground, it seems like a popular spot for those running a bit below the law. If Lady Fortune's still lettin' me take her to the barn dance, I'll be able to find someone who knows how to press buttons, maybe patch a wound or two...Hell, having someone who actually knows how to throw a punch or shoot a gun would be a nice change of pace. I'm strong, but it ain't a captain's job to always have to throw his damn weight around...

...Alright, looks like I'm close. Arrived in the later hours to avoid any unwanted attention. Not seeing any members of the Intergalactic Patrol around, and the scanners (assuming I'm using this damn thing right) isn't picking up anything nearby. Seems I'll be clear to head in. For the love of the stars, please just give me a clean in-and-out for once...

Hello interstellar writers! I'm here proposing a new RP; The Star-Breakers! This would follow a group of space-faring outlaws trying to make their way in life, dodging the long arm of intergalactic law, and preferably making a couple thousand credits for their troubles as well. The overall vibe of the story will largely depend on the characters designed for it. And speaking of...

Ideally, I'm looking for around 6-8 players, and I already have a few possibly slated for it, so slots may get tight quick! If you're interested in this idea, you'll definitely need to try and be quick on the draw. Beyond that, character-wise, I'm looking to be very open on possibilities. If you have an idea for a character, I'll likely try and run with it; the general idea for this setting is kind of a hodge-podged Sci-Fi universe, with a little bit of everything, from the Saiyans of Dragon Ball, to the Kree of Marvel, or anything in between! Even feel free to come up with your own stuff, if ya want. The hope is for it to feel very open to any kind of character concept, so that players can have fun with what they wanna do most!

I'll likely be making the RP within the next few days, so be sure to speak up if you're interested! With this all said and done...

This is Captain Kura, signing out.

@Euphoria Here's Jenna in the flesh! Hope everything looks good here :)

Oooh, this was so exciting! As of late, Renho had been quietly dreading each visit to her old school, ending up lonely and dejected as usual, but not this time! While it had been kinda last minute, she'd been signed on for Duel Academy's new year, and she couldn't be more stoked! Sure, she never considered herself too much of a Duelist, but....At least it'd be a fun change of pace. With any luck, maybe learning here would help her figure out her own situation! Or at the very least, maybe become a better Duelist.

The boat ride went by without a hitch, and before she knew it, they were getting peddled away to change into their school uniforms. And truth be told? Renho really digged the jackets! Probably because she usually wore one anyways...Regardless, after that, it was time for them to find their classroom, where they got a speech from Mr. Shepherd himself!...Well, Renho wished she could've been more excited about it, but it was pretty dull stuff all around. Thankfully, she at least woke up before they started passing out some equipment, that being their Academy-sanctioned Duel Disks and PDA! After that, they were let go, and told to come back here for tomorrow's first classes of the semester.

Renho decided that, as much as she wanted to wander the island a bit (and maybe get some jogging in for good measure), it was probably best for her to hit the dorms and handle her luggage sitch. It didn't take her too long to make it (though she got a bit distracted trying to make it through the wall of text about Duel Points); Room 103.

"Excuse me!" She exclaimed to no one in particular, just in case her roomie was already inside; didn't want to give them a jump for no reason! With that, she confidently barged her way into the room, a cursory glance showing her to be the first arrival. A glint entered her eye. Yes, this was her chance! Surely there was a good corner to put this in....

Sliding near the bunk bed, Renho opened her pack and pulled out a treasured piece of memorabilia, an action figure of Great Magnus! It was nearly the size of the lamps that adorned the desks present in the room. Hmm....The desks? "Nah, too obvious. Hrm..." She kept her search up, too absorbed into her desire to find the perfect spot to hear the door opening once more. Needless to say, her roommate didn't have the same courtesies Ren did...

The sudden exclamation from behind her caused the poor girl to flail in a panic, then desperately maneuvered herself to catch the priceless figurine she had unceremoniously hurled into the air, eventually claiming it once more, pressed painfully hard to her chest. Whew, she dodged a bullet! Quickly, she slid the Mecha King back into her pack for a moment, actually confronting her new companion. Surprisingly, it wasn't her bright blue hair that caught her eyes first, but...

An absolutely AWESOME pose! She couldn't help but beam back at her new roommate, an equally sparkling smile gracing her face in response to Sina's own as her eyes seemed to gleam in wonder. "Awesome! You've really got poses down pat!" Her smile briefly shifted to a friendly grin before she gave a polite bow; she was raised right, after all! After that, she points her thumb to herself, as vibrant as before. "My name's Renho Bushida, but friends call me Ren! It's great to meetcha too, Sina! Hope we can be good friends!"
@Ryik The Ra Yellow student is done! Hopefully it all looks good; excited to get my guys movin' soon :D


Guys see if any of the images can suit you up! In any case we could try generating new ones.

Edit: I know the eyes look funny, but if you like any of the pictures I can try to make them look better. Just choose before I do the editing.

These look pretty good! I think among mine, the fifth and sixth ones resonate most with me. Eager to see what you can do with them!

Sorry for a late reply, but uh...Honestly, seeing what you were able to do for Blizz? I think that can actually work lol. I've got the original art I've used for my character before; dunno how much help it'll be in the process with that app of yours, but if you can get me something nice, I'll definitely be sure to shoot up a sheet for her, fast as greased lightning! This is a pun, but you don't know it yet >:)

@Ryik Here's my gal! Hopefully she looks good; I'll be seeing about getting card images into the Decklist sometime soon.

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