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I'm glad someone can appreciate my comedic genius...And Doreen's conspicuously large and awesome butt.

Alright, I think I got an idea for a character...Expect a sheet soon :3

There still room for a few more? I know I'd like to take a crack at this if I can actually figure out a character to pick lol
Aight, I've been chewing on it for awhile, but I'mma take a stab at this again lol. I'll get my first character out soon :)
Donovan listened to Casey's musings on Uncrustables, even raising his brow for a moment as sugar-free variants were mentioned. Seriously? He'd never even heard of that...Who in their right mind would want one of those things without any sugar? He didn't get much time to dwell on it, though, as the chimeric Hound brought up another lunchtime classic, though hearing it brought a small, awkward frown to his face. "Eh...Couldn't tell ya myself. Never had any Lunchables." Jack didn't elaborate any further, but it was another small, miserable crumb of information about his previous life. Who never had Lunchables before?

After that, time came and went in a fugue state for him. He kept up the idle conversation as best he could (which was to say, not well at all), and when the food showed up, while he wasn't actually all that hungry (which he had been coming to notice as a trend in the past few days. Maybe something he ought to bring up to the doctors...), he was still eager for something, quickly snatching some of the cookies before it was too late. Jack definitely had a bit of a sweet tooth, which had especially sucked as of late given he was 'medically' required to avoid too much sugar intake. Something about developing an addiction, he hadn't paid too much attention when the eggheads were talking about it. Still, they weren't here to stop him right now, so he could indulge a bit.

And so he quietly chewed through his cookies, passively watching the projected news feed with waning interest. The most that caught him was seeing the pet adoption story, which made him think of the closest thing he'd ever had to a pet; that weird mutt who'd hung around the dormitory back in his college time. He wondered what became of the dog; far as he remembered, no one ever came up to actually claim the strange pooch as their own, but the dorm kinda just all looked after it anyhow. He hoped that was the same, even without him there. He...Missed that dog, a lot. It had been nice to have something to talk to that wouldn't judge or talk back or offer shitty advice. They'd just been happy to be there. While it brought a smile to his face, his eyes took on a brief, melancholy look.

Time passed, even faster than he'd realized, and before Jack knew it, the big man himself (at least, metaphorically speaking) came in; Roy Vega. Alongside a few nurses with meds, but that wasn't his concern. They didn't have anything to help with his withdrawals, complicated as they were, so he just had to handle it. Eventually, though, Roy called for the Hounds to gather around, and, well...Obviously, Donovan complied. What else was he going to do?

Hanging out behind the couch, arms leaned on the top, he quietly absorbed everything being said...Which sadly included the 'conclusion' of Sabriel and Rubber's shitty little spat, to which he just rolled his eyes. However, the conversation took a strange turn after the big man mentioned an 'important announcement'. Frankly, those two words leaving any authority figure's mouth just caused Jack to wilt a bit more inside. Especially given their situation, that couldn't mean anything good. Still, Casey jumped straight for a quip, and Roy responded....Suspiciously. The hell did that mean, 'something like that'? Not a chance of a snowflake in Hell were they getting anything close to some R&R like that. Or maybe he meant some psychopath was busy tearing up Splash Mountain and they had to go stop them. That'd be their luck.

...Maybe it was because his mind gravitated towards Splash Mountain, or maybe he was just in the mood to humor the bizarre angle the conversation had taken, but Donovan added his own piece. "You ask me, Disneyland is kinda overrated. I remember hitting a waterpark when I was a kid though; Seabreeze Waterpark. That was fun." Donny's smile, especially in comparison to his brief reminiscing from the news story, was pretty genuine. His time at that waterpark was actually one of the few good childhood memories he could recall.
Donovan simply stared, deadpan. Did they seriously just spout off the entirety of the First Amendment off the top of their heads? He hadn't meant for that to be taken so literally...Not knowing how else to respond, after a brief groan, he simply nodded. "Yeah, yeah. You're free to be pissed about him, and he's free to talk garbage. Long as it doesn't go further than words." He'd said his piece, however weak it felt after getting a part of the constitution verbally dumped on his head. Awkwardly sidling a bit away from the couch, he mercifully found something new to focus on; the questioning squawks of Bezaliel.

"Sorry bud," Jack spoke up, turning his gaze upwards into the rafters. "but that stuff's made outta jams and peanut butter, mostly. Think there's a honey one, too..." His face scrunched up in concentration, trying to recall the actual kinds of sandwiches they made for their brand. Regardless, he could pretty much guarantee none of it is Bez-edible. Realizing he was getting caught up overthinking it, he shook it off and gave a more appropriate response to get to Bez. "Er, that means no meat." He wished he had better news for him, but that was just how it was.

The last thing to catch him off-guard was Lauden; or, that is to say, the lack of him as he began to take his leave. Did...Did he honestly think things were gonna stay quiet enough for that? It was shockingly optimistic as far as their group went. Jack knew he couldn't get back to sleep, that much was certain. Beyond a briefly raised brow at the departure, Donovan shrugged it off and focused his attention back on the group as a whole as best he could, just trying to make sure nothing cataclysmic happened. Sadly, if it came to something like that, he was pretty confident he'd be one of the few Hounds in the room who might be willing to step in instead of adding fuel to the fire somehow. Thinking about it, he just softly sighed and got comfy in his spot lounging against the wall.
It was a miracle; or whatever the opposite of a miracle could be. It had barely been a few minutes since he'd entered the scene, and it somehow got even more aggravating, now with Sabriel and the more disconcerting of the two alien lifeforms in the room getting into a miserable spat. Stack on Ana with her incessant ritualistic chanting, and the place was starting to sound like the most psychotic high school lunchroom imaginable.

With a groan of defeat, Jack merely trudged his way to the furthest wall from the chaos, keeping as low as he could. He wouldn't get in the middle of the ugly little quarrel unless things got physical, which he believed - er....He hoped wouldn't happen, and despite their months spent together, he always found it hard trying to interact with the other Hounds, least of all in a hectic setting like this. He barely functioned in these sorts of scenarios before they also involved murderers and cannibals. Well, singular on the cannibal....Hopefully. Not like he knew everyone's full track record or anything. Or his own, as grim a thought as that was.

...He quickly shook those thoughts away. Donovan had dwelled on them long enough back in his room. Focusing back on the goings-on, he picked up on the little comments Casey and Pine were making. Whether he was just trying to make small talk, or actually trying to assuage their concerns, it was hard to say, even for him. "If it gets beyond words, I'll handle it. Otherwise..." He shrugged, clearly having little investment beyond making sure nobody tried to tear out a carotid artery this morning. "First Amendment, y'know."
There was blood. He could smell it; feel it, as if it were oozing out of every pore in him. An disgustingly coppery scent that seemed to pervade into everything around him. There was fire, too. Some of it natural, and yet so much more was a familiar hazy purple that slowly melted the surroundings into sludge. But more prevalent than anything else were the screams. Both physical and mental. People screaming for their lives. People screaming for it to stop. People screaming at a monster, begging and praying for it all to end. The psychic end of things were even worse, as if being assaulted by the fear and horror of everyone around, as their minds buckled and broke from the scene before them. It was-


As he pushed, his whole body lifted into the air, his entire muscular figure being put airborne by the work of a lone arm. He'd switched it up throughout the routine, of course; 200 per arm. In fact, he could do this stuff with a finger, but he figured it was a little early to be doing that sort of thing. Really, he had decided on a whim to spend his precious 30 minutes so early just to get himself out of his own head. Today was a bad one, he could already tell.

With his final push-up completed, the man effortlessly placed himself back on his own two feet. Despite the grueling exercise, he seemed to have nary a drop of sweat on him, as if it had been nothing for him. Which was true, frankly. Left without much to do, he simply went back to his bed and pulled a comic book from a cubby nearby. It was about...Trueheart. Definitely a more awkward subject nowadays, but he didn't let that hamper his reading experience.

This man was Jack Donovan. Beyond his almost disturbingly fit build, he appeared very unassuming, with his scruffy-looking brown hair and dark grey eyes and a rather slouched posture in spite of his exceptional physique. He idled away the time, reading over the whole collection of comics they afforded him. Honestly, if he felt like anything they'd managed to do lately warranted it, he might've asked about adding a few more, but...Things haven't been great lately, putting it lightly.

His much more shallow mental musings and casual reading experience were abruptly interrupted and completely shattered about an hour later by the headache-inducing morning call (if he was being generous) of one of his....'Teammates'. His brow furrowed, his morning getting progressively worse by the minute. Sadly, though, that had become the norm of this place. He took a bit of extra time merely trying to mentally prepare himself for the day, recalling some breathing exercises the therapist had taught him. "Okay, Jack...New day. New you..." He spoke the words, but there wasn't an ounce of confidence in them.

His lack of confidence seemed well-earned when, the moment he stepped outside, Donovan nearly got caught in the fly-by being performed by the resident Angel (even after all this time, he was still chewing on that, honestly). His rapid-fire reflexes pulled him out of that line of fire quickly...Even if there probably would've been more harm to Bezaliel than himself if an actual collision occurred. "JESUS! Bez! This place is not the size for flying!" Not even a minute outside and he was already yelling. He gave a quick exhale, as if trying to push the anger out of him. It was too early to get pissed off. If anything, it was too early for any of this crap, but that never stopped them.

When he made his approach to the impromptu congregation, however, Jack noticed the completely laid-out Sabriel. Well, he'd at least gotten his comeuppance already. In spite of everything, a small pleased smirk graced his otherwise grim features. He knew it wouldn't change anything down the line, but it at least made him feel better. Consolation prizes worked, too.
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