Avatar of MissIndependent
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 60 (0.02 / day)
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    1. MissIndependent 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Hey guys! Holidays are over (yay!) but tomorrow afternoon I will be out of town this rest of the weekend visiting family in MI. Will be back Sunday evening!
6 yrs ago
Starting Monday (12-17) I'll be off for a couple weeks for vacation and to spend the holidays with family. I'll reply as much and best as I can!
6 yrs ago
I'm back! Check out my new/updated interest thread an let's get something going!
7 yrs ago
Looking for a few more partners. ♥ Please PM if interested. :)
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7 yrs ago
Back after a long hiatus!


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So, are we going with the drug smuggling idea? I'll have the OOC up by tonight and post the link to it here. :-)
I wasn't expecting this many to be interested so quick, awesome!

@bmxbrat484 Of course that'll be fine! Ya'll can play whatever character you want, it'd be fun to have a huge diversity.

I really like the drug smugglers idea, that would be real interesting.

I've been thinking of starting up a shipwrecked and stranded on an island based RP, of course with a little drama added in, like maybe it's got a dangerous tribe that lives there, or surrounded with sharks, or at night bad things come out? There's a lot we can do with this, so I'm looking for people who are interested and ideas to throw out!

Yes, of course! I'm just now noticing your reply! And I'd prefer realistic images.

Disclaimer: This idea is based off the Disney channel movie "Descendants"

:: PLOT ::

Haven't you ever wondered what happened to our famous fairy tale villains, damsels, and heroes after "happily ever after", well they had children, of course. Even villains are capable of child bearing. I bet you are wondering, 'well, what happens to these children', they attend Royal Prep, at least the good ones do. The offspring of princes' and princess' such as Cinderella and Charming, Ariel and Eric, Pocahontas and John, well you get the point. As for our villains, they're outcast to a lonely island, far from Royal Prep. However, when a royal decree is released all over the land, including Villain Island, the schools are forced to merge together, meaning the children of the bad will now be going to Royal Prep, what kind of trouble can this possible cause?

:: RULES ::

1. Don't God-Mod. You have you're own character to play.
2. If you choose to double, I do ask you play one male, one female and that you play a good and bad character.
3. I'm fine with romance, but you all know the rules with smut, take it to PM's or fade to darkness.
4. This is taking place in a Prep school, so the ages need to be between 16-19.
5. Keep the OOC discussion here and leave the IC where it belongs.
6. If you'd like to save a role[s] just let me know, but you have a 24 hour time limit before it becomes available again.
7. You'll need to fill out the entire CS before I accept you.
8. This is a casual RP, so at least 1 or 2 paragraphs, though more is encouraged, please no one liners though.

:: ROLES ::

- Brielle "Elle" daughter of Belle and Beast played by MissIndependant

: Villains :
- Malcom son of Javier played by MissIndependant

:: Character Sheet ::

Hero/Heroine or Villain:
Brief History:

That's all that I have for right now. So please just submit your sheets and soon as we have enough players and an even number we'll get this going! Thank you.
I'm starting up another thread, because I felt my last one was a little plain and didn't really catch anyone's eye, so maybe this one will do a better job at doing that. Just keep reading for my requirements in a partner, some pairings I'd be interested in doing along with some fandoms, and a couple ideas I had in mind. Please keep in mind they're just a rough draft and there will still be more details to work out.


1. Don't God-Mod, stick to your own character[s].
2. I play females typically, but I can play a male too, I only do MxF pairings or FxF pairings. Not MxM.
3. I like mature themes in my RPs, so intimacy, violence, gore, etc. Bring on all the good stuff.
4. To conclude with my above statement, the best place is we decide for it to be adult themed is PM's, but if we're keeping it sweet and not that adult-ish then threads is fine. I only go through PMs or threads, though, not email or any other form of communication.
5. I do like making a brief CS for my/all characters I play, just to give your character a backstory to work with and I believe it helps to know them better.
6. Since there will be mature themes, 18+ only please.
7. I get that RL gets in the way sometimes, but if you're going to disappear for a few days try to let me know. I'm pretty active and it'd be great if you could be too, but again I understand RL gets in the way sometimes.
8. For fandoms I usually like to pair canons with OC, but if persuaded I will do a canon x canon pairing.
9. I consider myself high casual to low advance when it comes to RPing. I put out 2-4 paragraphs, but I'm not too strict at a paragraph here and there, I get writers block, but please, NO ONE LINERS! Also, I'm no grammar Nazi, I get mistakes when you're typing, I know I make a few of them.
10. Most importantly, let's have fun.


Vampire x Human
Vampire x Hunter
Vampire x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human
Werewolf x Hunter
Demon x Angel
Prince/Princess x Commoner/Servant
Rich x Poor
Popular x Non-Popular
Detective x Witness
Criminal x Criminal
Dominant x Submissive
Brother x Best Friend's Sister
Best Friend x Abused Best Friend
Best Friend x Pregnant Best Friend
Rival x Rival

These are just what I've got in my head at the moment, but please throw some suggestions out there if you have any at all!


The Walking Dead
The Vampire Diaries (I haven't seen the last couple seasons so we'll be doing our own spin-off)
Supernatural (Haven't watched season 12 yet)
Disney Princess (Again, we'll do our own spin-off)
Harry Potter
Once Upon A Time (Again, haven't seen the last few seasons so we'll do a spin off from this also)
Grey's Anatomy (We'll do a spin off, I'm only a couple seasons behind)

As I said before, you have any suggestions just throw them out there and we'll see what we can work out.

Original Ideas::

Bonnie & Clyde - Modern Day Setting - Looking for a Clyde (Or Claudette?)

Looking for someone to play a Clyde, or if playing female a Claudette. It's set in modern day, much like the telling of the original Bonnie & Clyde, except for our own little twist. The names will be changed once we start going and make our CS. Two friends, who have been friends since they were in diapers, go on an adventure of a life time. Bonnie, after turned fourteen, is whisked away from the small town she and her best friend, Clyde, grew up in. Mostly because of all the trouble Clyde and herself got into, her parents and the judge decided it best if they move. It was a heartbreaking day for Bonnie, being ripped away from him, her being moved to another state and him being put in a juvenile detention facility.

Fast forward ten years. Bonnie, a beautiful now twenty-four year old, is working at a diner waitressing, she lives in a small town or Oklahoma. She lives in a tiny one bedroom apartment alone, but her life was going okay. Could be worse. While working one night, she sees him coming in, taking a seat at a nearby booth, and instantly she recognizes him as Clyde, her old friend she was whisked away from.

After several nights together, Bonnie finds out Clyde is running from the law, after breaking out of jail for armed robbery. He asks Bonnie to join him, and she does, together they rob banks and stores, if needed killing whoever got in the way, but what will they do when the law closes in on them?

We'll start off with Clyde walking into the small diner Bonnie works at and go from there.

Master & Servant - Medieval Setting - Searching for someone to play the Vampire Lord

The setting is in medieval times, I'm looking for a partner to play the Vampire Lord, can be male or female. It doesn't matter to me. I'll be playing the part of the servant, a young woman who grew up in a lower class family. Although they didn't have much money, and by not much I mean not at all, she was very close to her family. Until they were brutally attacked by a pack of wolves. The young woman barely escaped into the night, but the dark woods held far more dangerous creatures than the wolves who killed her family. After days of not eating, narrowly escaping death from the night creatures, she is found by a beautiful man/woman.

After losing conscious and waking up, she finds she's no longer laying in a pile of leaves in the dark forest, but instead is laying in a comfortable bed with satin sheets, a blood red canopy hanging above her. A clean dress is laid out beside her, a bath drawn in a nearby tub. The aroma of lavender intoxicates her. She will later find out more about her rescuer, and that now she's his servant for all eternity, but when his/her nemesis comes for revenge about their past (I'll let you decide that part), can he/she protect the young woman, who they fell madly in love with.

The Vampire Lord will be a total jerk in the beginning, but will slowly start to soften up to the young woman.

Witness Protection - Modern Day Setting - Looking for someone to play the Detective

The setting is in modern day Brooklyn, or New York, or wherever we want it to be. I'm searching for someone to play the role of the Detective, again can be male or female. MC, a young woman, works at a small bar, bartending. One night, on a busy Friday night, she's busy pouring drinks of her customers, many of them regulars she socializes with, when screaming and gun fire is heard outside. Everyone inside begins panicking, in the distance MC hears shots and more gun fire, its gets closer and she knows they're in the building now. She ducks behind the bar and frantically searches for the panic button. After pressing it, she peeks out from behind the bar. It was now empty, and the two masked men was holding another at gun point, that was when they took their masks off.

It was a drug deal gone wrong, but one of the unmasked criminals happens to notice MC hiding behind bar and goes to shoot her when police sirens are heard in the background, after threatening her and shooting the man they take their leave, leaving the girl unharmed. After being brought in for questioning and asked for a police sketch, she is placed in witness protection under the protection of the detective on the case, a handsome/beautiful man/woman. The two obviously spend a significant amount of time together and soon end up falling in love, but when the two dangerous man find her and kidnap her, the detective must do everything they can to find and save her.

That's all I have for now, like I said, roughly thought out but we can flesh it all out as we discuss. Thank you and shoot me a PM if interested!
I'd love to give this a try if you're still looking! (:
Hello! ^.^ Hope everyone is doing well today. I'm looking to fire up a few new RP's, I just joined a few minutes ago, I'm not new here just had to make a new account and disappeared because, well life happened. Anyways, I'm back and looking to get something going! Everything you need to know will be below. Thank you! (-:

:: Requirements ::

1. My number one rule, DO NOT GOD-MOD, it's my biggest RPing pet peeve. Play you're own character, leave mine alone. I made them. Not you.
2. I can honestly play either role, but I just lean more to the females because I can do them much better then males. I'm not opposed to doubling, though.
3. I only do my RPs through thread or PM, but if we're discussing adult themes then we might want to just stick to PMs.
4. I want long term RPs, not short term, if I get something going I want to stretch it out as long as I possible can. If it gets boring we can pause and discuss twists we can through in there.
5. I get real life gets in the way sometimes, but if you are able to, than please tell me if you're leaving for a few days so I'm not thinking you just left the RP.
6. I consider myself "casual" when it comes to RP, maybe even "low advance", I usually just give what I'm given, though.
7. My most important rule is just have fun. It doesn't have to be all about the RP, we can talk outside of it, get to know each other, become friends, that's what I'm here for and to make kick-ass RPs!

:: Fandoms ::

These are some fandoms I'd really love to do. the "*" symbol is the character I'd like to play, I usually like going outside of the original story and getting our own going.

1. Supernatural (I haven't watched season 12 yet, I just started on it.)
Dean Winchester x OC*
Sam Winchester x OC*
Castiel x OC*
Crowley x OC*

2. Harry Potter
OC x OC*
Harry Potter x OC*
Harry Potter x Hermione Granger*
Harry Potter x Luna*
Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley*
Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger*
Ron Weasley x OC*
Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger*
Draco Malfoy x OC*
Neville Longbottom x OC*

3. The Walking Dead
OC x OC*
Daryl Dixon x OC*
Rick Grimes x OC*
OC x Maggie Rhee*
Negan x OC*
OC x Rosita*

4. Disney Princess'
For this one I'm just thinking like the offspring of the Disney princess and offspring of their villain fall in love, but the parents' hatred to each other keeps them away. Like a Disney themed Romeo & Juliet.

Feel free to throw some more ideas out there, I might've missed something, don't be afraid to ask.

:: Pairings ::

Supernatural x Human/Hunter/Supernatural
Detective x Witness/Victim
Dominant x Submissive
Popular x Geek
Rich x Poor

That's all my brain can generate at this moment, but again, throw ideas out there, I'm sure we can get something going. Thank you for takng the time to read this, just send me a PM if you're interested!
I'd be interested in getting something going!
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