Avatar of Mivuli
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9 yrs ago
Current It would appear blue-haired girls are a thing. With me. It's become a recurring trend
9 yrs ago
Halsey is on my mind. Nothing but Halsey. Heelp


Living in the GMT+8 timezone, with important assessments awaiting in 2016! Forgive me if my schedule refuses to cooperate

(Have this gif as an apology ahead of time)

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Name: Riley Fitzgerald
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Personality: Something short of a rebel, Riley will not mince her words for the comfort of another. Independent, free-spirited, and willing to play rough if the situation calls for it, she knows not what it means to fake a demure smile or cross her ankles at dinner parties. What you see is what you get, and Riley is as frank a person as you’ll ever meet. She’s got fire in her hair, and more so in her tongue. She speaks with a northern-UK drawl. At the same time, she laughs easily, and will protect fiercely the people she cares about. It’s easy to get on her good side, and she will vigorously make sure you know she finds you worthy.

Bio: Her parents divorced in her teens, and Riley lived with their mother for a time. She sometimes visits her father in his apartment in Boston. Now, she dwells in Teneber, alone, with the flighty stray dog that comes and goes. Though her parents’ divorce was a messy affair, Riley has come to terms with it, and she’s long since come to the decision that they are much happier for it. Riley’s mother has a stable job, and with a hefty – if somewhat guilty – allowance from her father, Riley is relatively financially-secure.


Animal Form: Panther

Psychic Strength: Illusion

Other: Riley does not wear cosmetics. Doesn’t even own a lipstick. Has befriended the stray dogs and cats along her street, and lets one especial mongrel spend the night sometimes.

Nodah Listig

Desdemona reached out, and caught the blade. It spliced across her palm, and Nodah heard the snake hiss in lent pain, winding its way up its mistress to tend to the injury. And in that moment, Nodah realised he could very well die.

They were not very far apart. When the snake lashed its tail, it unleashed jagged slashes of electricity. Nodah watched as they headed for him, with single-minded purpose. His thoughts raced in his head, as swift as the bolts of lightning crackling over the ground. It is near time for the duel to end. The snake - the Devil incarnate - was coiled almost lovingly around Desdemona's arm. Docile as a pet. Desdemona wishes to win in the worst way. Pettiness is known to thrive where bitterness breeds. Travelling lightning scorched the once-pristine floor, marks of devastation blooming in its wake.

Nodah did not desire death.

But he had thought too long, spent the precious scant seconds he'd had. The lightning reached him, and Nodah's heart dropped as he felt heat wrap itself too familiarly around him, burning close and burrowing to get under his skin. Light encased him; it was all he could see. Through the smothering blanket of blinding light, and incomparable heat, Nodah realised this ordeal should not have lasted more than milliseconds. Lightning strikes were not long-lasting - but was this within the realm of the ordinary? His shirt burst, and Nodah winced, wondering if into flames. Flashover effect, he thought numbly, as heat began to concentrate near his collarbone. Curious, Nodah thought in that detached way one often adopts when thinking in the present, of reality, was only insanity. The phenomenon that could very well spare him had been made more likely with his protective barrier, but why did the back of his neck still burn?

Metal, Nodah thought, slow panic driving a hammer into his heart, accelerating as the heat and pain began to grow. I'm wearing the student identification. A clipped anguished cry tore itself from his lips as his palms spread open beside him, an instinctive movement. A heartbeat after, Nodah felt himself smack against the ceiling as the pulse that had been delivered without thought, but with a primal need to survive, flung him upwards with giant's strength as easily as a limp rag doll. His forehead and knee ached from slamming into the roof, but he no longer felt the crawling sensation of electricity plying at the protective barrier, seeking to slither through some hairline crack or across a metal bridge and roast his flesh. With a shred of renewed relief, Nodah squinted into the fluorescent bulbs that suddenly seemed so dim, the ceiling rushing further and further away from him.

His tailbone struck the floor, before the back of his head. Lifeless and winded, he lay against the cold unforgiving floor in a shirt and trousers that had become ragged strips of singed blackened cloth draped on his person. His heart was aflame, but with a blind scrabble at his chest, his fingers found his scalding pendant, toasted and heated by the lightning's charge. He wrenched the heated necklace, and felt the clasp behind his neck give at his weakened tug. Its burning golden links slipped between his loose fingers to the floor. He could almost vow wisps of steam were rising from it into the cool air. Any energy but a myth, Nodah closed his eyes and let his head drop back to the floor.
@WeepingLiberty Thank you very much! :) Though, I hope you don't mind me asking if Riley is on the visit order?
Nodah Listig

Nodah watched as Desdemona struggled against the hold on her feet. As she relented, she said, "It would’ve been nice to punch you in the face at least once.” Nodah raised an inquisitive eyebrow at that. Desdemona then flung a piece of a paper in the air. Bewildered as a summoning circle traced itself into existence, Nodah was struck with an image of Desdemona tucking something away in the combat training hall. She does prepatory work ere her battles, this one, he though with distant approval, a snake that seemed to crinkle and hiss with lightning appearing before him. Nodah had just enough time to register Desdemona cocking an imaginary gun at him, before the snake's jaws parted almost hungrily. Nodah heard the first fire-crackles of electricity, swore he could smell singed flesh. Desperation and fear drying his mouth and leadening his tongue, Nodah leapt sideways, rolling forwards, to narrowly avoid the beam of lightning that roared past him.

He spun around, crouched to the floor, eyes flashing yellow at the snake. He liked this not. With hasty speed, he flicked his wrist, sending the dagger spiralling straight for the middle of the slithering reptile. He fully expected the blade to find its mark and pin it to the floor, if the summoned could not be killed. His aim alone was not half-bad, unaided by manipulation. His gaze flickered to Desdemona, ensuring she stayed rooted. He slipped another dagger from his belt. "Do you have another for me?"
@Levythelevy At this point I've accepted that to be utterly normal. An infinite amount of cats though. His job would never end.
@Levythelevy Even more questions. XD The entire situation is just...uncanny. I need enlightenment: why was there a talking dog with cats?
A masquerade sounds like it would be fun, especially for the paired. I'll keep my ears peeled for more!
@Levythelevy It's like every word in that sentence just raised a million other questions. It's just golden.
I think we need a dog to come in somehow at this point.
Nodah Listig

Desdemona moved, far more quickly than she had insofar. Yet another army of exoskeletal sellswords, Nodah thought with an internalised groan as they attacked his face and hands, a swarming veil threatening to rob his vision. Tedious. He raised his hands, feeling the first grotesque tickles of beating wings and miniscule limbs, and had just enough time to send another pulse at them when he felt his legs buckle beneath him, a sharp pain throbbing in the back of his thigh. His kneecaps cracked audibly against the floor, and Nodah grimaced his pain into the ground. Wasting no time, he flipped himself onto his back to stare at Desdemona, her legs a dark mass. He had felt that blow keenly through the protective barrier.

Nodah could repay the favour, but bringing Desdemona to the ground would not further the fight. Hovering his palms on either side of him inches above the floor, he sparked a gentle pulse that returned him nimbly to his feet, facing Desdemona. Stepping lightly away from her, he reached out for the gravity to weigh heavily down on Desdemona's feet, pinning her to the spot. He shrugged one shoulder apologetically at her, and tucked his hand away into his trouser pocket. "You will forgive me," he said. "I enjoy my duels without hand-to-hand combat, and twice already have you lunged for me."
Nodah Listig

The blow sent Desdemona skidding, and he saw the flinch of pain. It was a small victory, one that Nodah blinked several times at. But soon enough, his attention was diverted. Bugs, he thought with a grimace as what looked like an entire colony materialised behind him, and began to circle him, coming closer and closer. Her offensive approaches are weak, Nodah thought. But she is one of the A-rank - this has naught to do with lack of skill, does it?

Nodah had no intention of letting the summoned insects invade his personal space. He would have to pick them up, he thought wearily, noticing with some alarm that Desdemona was lunging forward. But the insects would have to be taken care of first. Raising his arm, Nodah moved it to the right, turning blithely on the spot, as an invisible hand swept up the insects into a haphazard clump. He struck out his palm, to send the insects crashing into the opposite wall. Would they crumple to the floor, crushed and oozing, or rise again with angry humming vengeance? Nodah had little time to contemplate the question; Desdemona was a more pressing, and present matter.

Eyeing Desdemona's advance, Nodah considered delivering another pulse if she were to come too close. Close. An ominous feeling sank his heart at the very thought of Desdemona getting near to him. The idea, he liked not. Nodah skittered backwards slightly. But there was only so far he could go in an enclosed room. His right hand - gripping the knife - slid back, should he need to thrust forward. "You make a man sheepish with so direct an approach, Desdemona," he said, continuing to move restlessly, lightening his voice and the low chuckle that followed. But his eyes never left her.
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