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    1. Miyke 2 mos ago
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Name: Prowl



Species: Cat











Gender: Female

Species: Wolf


Rank: Beta







Name: Rainfoot


Gender: Tom

Species: Cat

Resident: Rainclan

Rank: Warrior


Apprentice: Snowpaw





Roleplaying like this is co-writing. You're writing a story together with other people. This type of Roleplay is not like a game. It's not D&D. It's not a RPG. It's literally like writing an actual book, but with a ton of people. You're writing something with a group of people. So I can say it's a roleplay, because it still is, but it's not a table-top roleplay. Roleplay isn't like that when written out online like this. It's literal, a story that you're writing together.

It's just so that way if any questions are needed, we can all deal with it at once, depending on what it is obviously. So me, you, and Blue don't have to scramble to try to message each other.
@Naegitime Nah, nah, Roxy. Public. So we all can deal with stuff if needed, and so we don't have to try to message each other. Since it's right there.
@Nika Vulpes

First off, no one gave anyone fucking permission to start the roleplay. This is my roleplay, and I decide who starts and when it starts. Not you, not anyone here. I have the final say with what goes on in this thread, and you have been trying to overrun the whole thing since you came. You've been pushing me to start, nagging to just do what you want. And I'm not letting that shit go anymore.

I never said that Snowstep could take over for Muddapple. You just inserted her in, with Muddapple being in a coma or dead or just some reason for him not to be around. When I never said you could do that. You've been trying to come up with plots that might not even FIT into the ACTUAL story because you're so impatient and wanting to start when YOU want to. That's not how things work here.

I get wanting to start, I do, but do not come into someone else's roleplay and demand shit from them, or try to force them to do shit that they're clearly not ready to do. Don't assume shit ether. I'll say when we're ready to start, and we're STILL not yet. I gave a basic plot, and now we have to build off it to make a story. We need to come up with arcs, character points, plot points, all that stuff.

So no, we're not ready to start. We still have groundwork to do before anything In Character happens.

Secondly, Blue and Roxy are my friends. I know them. Therefore, they're co-owners of this with me. They help me enforce the rules, come up with plots (though anyone can suggest things), and keep an eye on things when I'm not around. I still have the final say of what goes on since I'm the owner, but they help out.

I do agree that they should have explained why to things rather than just saying no to you. That wasn't nice nor the proper way to go about it. So I'm fixing that now by explaining to you why things are happening. You wished to understand, here you go then.

Also, roleplay is literally a story. It's not a "game". It's not D&D. It's a story that you and people you write with are doing together. That's the whole point. It's a STORY. That's why you need a plot to drive it home, or it's like reading a book you'll drop quickly.

So we're "going off on you" so much because you're being impatient and trying to rush us. Kindly stop. If you don't like things are going here, you can leave. Go make your own roleplay where you can just hop it and do whatever you want, when you want. Because I'm doing things how I do things here, and if you don't like it, then tough.

Now, please get rid of the starter you made in the IC post because we're not ready to begin, and you have no permission or right to begin something that doesn't belong to you.

If it takes months, it takes months. I'm not going to rush this just to please you or anyone else. I like to have a plot and know where things are going to go. This is a story, a hobby. Yes, it's meant to be fun and enjoyed, but it's also a story. You need a plot and characters for a story. And everyone needs to be on the same page, so shit doesn't derail so far from the plot that it's not even that plot anymore.

I like having a complex story. I like having a lot of arcs, twists and turns, character depth and all that. That's how my roleplays are. And how this is going to be, too. If it takes a bit to get going, it takes a bit to get going. That's fine. But I'm not going to do something I'm not happy with just so we can start this.

If you don't like that, then this clearly isn't the roleplay for you.
Name: Pouncefang



Species: cat

Resident: Springclan





a white molly with bright orange eyes.



Okay, so plot time. Here's the plot:

The Clans have lived in harmony, though the occasional scuffle isn't unheard of. However, peace between them has been disturbed. Stolen prey, strange scents, and odd sightings. It has caused a disturbance between them. Tensions are rising and only time will tell if they will find peace or break out into war. Will they find the true cause of these mysterious happenings before it's too late?
@Squashedquatch Do you plan on making characters as well/joining in?
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