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Is it wrong of me to be kind of pleased that Ana didn't get Septima's body? XD
>TFW you are finally getting past being sick
@Lady Amalthea Okay, I made the edit. Thanks again!
@Lady Amalthea I just realized that I forgot to add in the part for Thalcona's response to James and Virginia. Permission to edit that in?

Location: Talink Estate (Inside)

- "Free" by Tommee Profitt ft. Svrcina

Something deathly stirred within this house that Thalken barely called home. It was almost imperceptible at first, these little out of place noises lofting to his ears as he walked through the hallways of the Talink manor. A shiver went down his spine as he felt a chill breeze brush past him. A nearby candle was snuffed out by it, darkening the hallway. In the next room over, the crystals on a chandelier moved and clanked dully against one another. Something ominous lurked within these walls, something more than the violent threats and plotting of his father. He could feel it within his bones and to his very core. His hand went to the hilt of his Dao, as if that could possibly protect him from what he assumed was a Cargast in his midst.

His blood ran cold as the sounds of a child giggling came to his ears. The Talink household had no children. This was surely the work of the Soulless. His gaze swung to the side, perceiving the sound to have come from that direction. He made out a short shadow darting around the corner. His instincts were quickly kicking in, and with little hesitation, he followed after the moving shadow creature with long yet cautious strides. He wasn't about to let this little miscreant wreak havoc in his home. No, the hunt was on.

He stalked it from hallway to hallway and room to room. Time and time again, it evaded him. Each time he turned to follow the sound of its giggles, he would catch it darting around the next corner. Frustration rose up within him, but it did little to sway his determination. He would find it, no matter what happened and no matter how long it took. Finally, he entered a room that had no other exits. The creature was trapped. Or was it he who was trapped? Only time would tell.

He stuck close to the entrance/exit as his intense gaze narrowed on the source of this otherworldly disturbance. The culprit was a child, her pale skin contrasting her dark hair and equally dark eyes. She sat on a piece of furniture, giggling at him in an almost gleeful manner. She was nothing like any Soulless he had ever seen or heard about. She wasn't quite a Ryne and was nothing close to a Cargast or a Hraew. What was she? He didn't know. He started to unsheathe his Dao just as she went ominously quiet and the glee drained from her face. She then brought her finger to her lips and let out the most ear piercing scream he had ever heard. And yet the scream was vaguely familiar. It was the same exact scream he had heard in his dream.

Thalken dropped to his knees, gritting his teeth in pain as he covered his ears. By the time he finally looked back up, the girl had mysteriously vanished.

Meanwhile, Thalcona glanced between the three Crypts, her gaze softening as it landed finally on the young James. Unlike her father, there was goodness in her, and unlike her brother, she was willing to show it. She arched a dark brow as it became clear to her that James had no idea about the danger he was in. As far as she was concerned, he had a right know, but it certainly wasn't her place to tell him. Thus her lips thinned when James turned to inquire of her presence. She stared at him unblinkingly for a moment as she mentally scrambled to find the right words. She eventually let a small sigh upon realizing that a blatant lie would likely not appease his young mind.

"There are monsters lurking in the dark--Master James. I'm afraid their eyes are set on you. I am here to prevent them from taking you," she explained. She walked up to him and knelt before him so they were at eyelevel. "I assure you that my brother Thalken and I will do all we can to keep the monsters at bay," she added, even giving him a small smile. She then stood back up and scanned their surroundings for danger.

Eventually the Lady Crypt returned, and Thalcona turned to face the woman. Her eyes widened slightly at the woman's statement before a look of seriousness overcame her features. "I am afraid this is not negotiable Lady Crypt unless you wish to set my father's wrath upon you and your family. Back out of this and you will have two threats on your hands, the Soulless and the Talinks. I do not wish to hunt down Master James, and I know with certainty that my brother Thalken will not want that burden placed upon him either," she replied bluntly.

Location: Cavern under the lake (Devil's Triangle)

- "Broken Crown" by Sharm

Sirena pursed her lips, her attention returning to Septima as the witch took center stage. Her blue eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly. What right did this witch have to lead this group of strangers? Indeed the woman was undoubtedly intelligent and powerful, but the presence of such does not equate to hard earned respect and trust. Sirena did not trust this woman by any means. Granted, trust had never really come easily for her. In certain ways, Septima and Sirena were alike. They were both deceptive, stubborn, and impudent; however, they each thirsted for a different kind of power. Septima wanted power over people and over mankind as a whole, but Sirena only truly wanted the power to be herself. She wanted freedom forevermore. Yet she was never exceptionally keen on buying her freedom through bloodshed. So the question that ran through her mind right then was this. If the flask bought her freedom through mass bloodshed, was it truly worth it?

The wheels in her brain were turning as she reviewed everything she already knew and took into account everything Septima had to add. She was not one to make a decision uninformed. She glanced over at Édouard when Septima gestured to him. She rolled her eyes at the French man child's clueless reaction before her gaze returned to the witch. "If you are so sure that this will work out to your advantage, then why don't you go first," she exclaimed, more as a sly statement than a question. She wasn't about to go first. She wasn't scared, but she also wasn't stupid. If things went south, assuming anything could be worse than death, Septima would get the brunt of it.

Sirena's attention was then diverted as a stranger approached her. Technically speaking, Anastasia wasn't a stranger to her, but seeing as her friend was possessing another woman's body, it seemed as such. She arched a pale blonde brow as the woman addressed her by name. However, she decided not to question the woman. "My body is out by the docks of Tortuga, near where the Bellona is, or was. You will likely need two hands for the job seeing as my head is detached from my body," she replied almost nonchalantly, even giving her a small smile.

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Play With Fire" by Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money

An almost awkward silence overcame them as Edgard tried to wrap his mind around having a psychic link with his fiancée. Meanwhile, Alisanne seemed to be enjoying watching him squirm. After all, that did not happen very often. He suddenly straightened up, his jaw clenching and his eyes darkening. He felt like an utter fool, not that he would ever openly admit to that. He had wasted so much time arguing with the psychic link of his fiancée. Who does that?! Crazy people! His love and devotion to Alisanne was surely his greatest weakness and would surely be his greatest downfall.

His mind recalled what she had said to him before they had gotten into this long, drawn out argument. The flask. She had wanted him to collect the flask. Seeing that she was alive and well, he could do as she asked with a clear conscience. "Collecting the flask and gaining its power is our mission, is it not?" he finally spoke up, more as a statement than a question. He drew closer to her but refrained from touching her. He did not particularly want to be struck in the face again, or worse. He eyed her expectantly as she looked out at the open sea.
@Morose *gasp* I could totally make a goddess of war, maybe even use my character Feora for the part. *grins evilly*
@Morose They both sound so great! I would be happy join either one, but of course, as you know, I love a good medieval fantasy story with strong female characters. ;)
>That awkward moment when you are able to make a long, intricate post without being given any prompt but struggle to make a post for one you were given a prompt for.

Location: Talink Estate (Inside)

- "Wires" by The Neighbourhood

"What the hell is taking them so long?" Thalken growled. He was restless to say the least. He found himself pacing his room while he twirled one of his throwing knives in his hand. He wasn't so much worried about the safety of his father and sister as much as he was about the kind of deal his father was making. As far as he was concerned, criminal or not, the Lady Crypt was just a girl. Surely, his father would take advantage of that. There was a deep frown and prominent worry lines on his face. It was more emotion than he ever showed in public. It was undeniable proof that deep down this rugged man did care. It was truly a shame that he so often felt the need to hide behind a brooding scowl and gruff exterior.

A rumbling bark suddenly permeated through his thoughts, making him pause mid step. His dark eyed gaze swung to the side to land on his English Mastiff Hades who laid at the foot of his bed. The dog let out another deep bark. Apparently Thalken's agitation was infective and the poor pooch had had enough. "What?!" Thalken spat. Hades let out a huff and then rested his massive head on his paws. Perhaps even the dog knew it was pointless to try to talk to Thalken when he was in a mood.

Thalken let out an irritable sigh. He couldn't stay up here pacing all night. No, he would take action into his own hands, and by that he meant he would snoop around his father's study for any clues. He sheathed his knife before stalking out of his room and promptly heading downstairs. Hades let out a grumble before slowly getting up and following after his master.

Thalken checked and double checked to make sure the hall was clear of servants before entering his father's study. The last thing he needed was his father finding out about this. Hades slipped into the room before Thalken quietly closed the door behind them. He went straight to the desk, his perceptive gaze taking in all the parchments laid out messily. His father wasn't exactly the most organized person. His gaze landed on a letter. He picked it up and looked it over. It was the letter from the Lady Virginia Crypt. He shook his head and placed the letter back onto the table after reading it.

He started rummaging through the desk drawers next. He wasn't really looking for anything in particular. He looked up from the contents of the drawers, as if to check to see if anyone had entered the room unnoticed to him. After a moment, his gaze went back down to the desk drawers. He moved some stuff to the side and reached for the secret compartment. Yup, that's right. He had snooped around here before and had previously found the secret compartment. He didn't really expect there to be anything new in there, so he was honestly a bit surprised at what he found. His brows furrowed, and he gingerly pulled out a diamond ring. It looked fairly expensive. His father probably took it off one of his unfortunate victims. But what use did the man have for a diamond ring?

Thalken quickly put the ring back and shut the compartment door followed by the desk drawer. He had been in here long enough. He righted everything and then quietly left the study with Hades in tow.

Location: Stage Coach Route towards Manchester

- "Be Running Up That Hill" by Placebo

Fyror was slightly reassured to hear that the route to Manchester was the clearest. Though considering the other roads were said to be washed out, he cannot help but wonder exactly how clear their route would be. He hoped and prayed that they would get through with relative ease and little time wasted. With the pressing need to rescue Millicent from a painful death, time was of the essence more than ever.

Three stops to Stafford. Deventry, Rugby, then Tamworth. he recited in his head what the man had said, committing it to memory. His gaze then followed the man's to a sturdier looking carriage. Fyror glanced between their carriage and this new one, seemingly in comparing the two. After a moment, he nodded his head, apparently liking what he saw. He glanced over at Gerard before answering the man.

"The faster we can travel the better. We will take the new carriage," Fyror replied. He reached into his coat and pulled out his wallet in order to pay the man.
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