Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 4:13 PM Local Time

Aravis stared at Anastasia blankly. There was no sign of recognition of her friend in Aravis' eyes, even despite the fact that Anastasia was possessing the body of Lady Dywell. She merely nodded curtly, as if that was enough to explain everything that happened. This would perhaps be Anastasia's first indication of the fact that something was deeply wrong. Of course, there was also the nagging feeling that would increase with each minute, as Anastasia's host grew weaker and she felt the Devil's Triangle pull on her a little more with each moment. She'd need to be quick to get all of the bodies - and likely selective in which ones she'd grab.

"Tu es vraiment un con," Alisanne spat, her eyes narrowed. "Je ne suis pas morte. Je ne suis pas chez moi. Mais est-ce qu'il faut que je sois morte? Non! Pense! J'ai tué Margot, bien sûr! Ce n'est pas difficile à comprendre!" She brushed a piece of hair out of her face, as Anastasia's rapid movements had whipped up a decent breeze. Her hands were soaked in blood. Her hair was dripping with blood. It wasn't her blood, however. So much would be clear to Edgard by now.

"Is someone there?" Aravis asked, though her tone was disinterested. She was watching Edgard scream in another language at the air. She didn't care if the man was insane or not. She couldn't bring herself to care about much at all. She knew that she should - but she couldn't even feel worried about the fact that she couldn't feel. Nothing could cause her alarm, but nothing could bring her joy as well.

The Devil's Triangle: April 4th, 1719 - 4:13 PM Local Time

Édouard awkwardly shuffled his way to the back of the crowd, eventually positioning himself next to Elissa. He certainly hadn't expected that to happen and given that he didn't understand what was going on - the one mouse faced girl hadn't been kind enough to translate for him as was offered - he was content to just stand there for the moment. It certainly seemed to be the safest option.

Septima rolled her eyes, holding up a finger to indicate for Millicent and Sirena to wait a moment. Turning to face the Lord Dywell, she smiled slightly. "Hello, brother," Septima said. "Manete," she then commanded. The man stiffened instantly, becoming as rigid as a board. Her word was really an incantation, one designed to induce paralysis. Satisfied that he wouldn't be going anywhere, Septima turned back to Millicent and Sirena. She honestly wasn't sure who to deal with first.

"I will not allow you to destroy the flask," Septima warned, staring Sirena down. "If you try, I shall turn your soul to dust." From her tone, it was clear that she was more or less figurative. It was a challenge to a duel - the winner receiving the rights to keeping the flask and deciding what to do with it. She then glanced at Millicent, sighing once more with exasperation. "The only one lacking thought is you, child."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 45 min ago

Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Devil's Triangle,

Anastasia looked between Aravis and the strange man that was talking to himself, she at this point really didn't care but then Anastasia could feel her host getting weaker with each second that went by now. She really needed to get all of the bodies back as soon as possible, she looked down at her body and Elissa's for a moment. Then she turned her attention towards her friend gently laying a hand on Aravis' shoulder to try and reassure her. There was something wrong with her, she did survive whatever it was that killed everyone in Tortuga and she planned on making things right for her friend. "Aravis, i'll make dis roi i'll be back as soon as oi can."

She then reached down and picked up her body and Elissa's as well, grunting slightly feeling the weight of their bodies as gripped them as tightly as she could and turned off and made a mad dash back towards the island. Anastasia knew that she didn't have much time left of this body, it would become weaker very soon. When she managed to get back to the cave Anastasia set them down and looked over at the others in the room. "De body is gettin' weaker as we spake,i'm not gonna be able ter git everyone's body back oi don't tink so quickly tell me wha yer last remembered bein' an' i'll try an' git dem al' back 'ere."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Cavern under the lake (Devil's Triangle)

- "My Leftovers" by Porcelain and the Tramps

Sirena glanced back over at Septima in time to catch the roll of the woman's eyes and upheld finger. Her blue eyes narrowed as indignation rose up within her. Septima's flippant manner and impudence rubbed Sirena the wrong way. She herself could deal out sass to others, but she really did not tolerate others doing the same to her. How ironic.

Her gaze stiffly followed Septima as the woman dealt with her brother, the recently awakened Lord Dywell. Her brows rose and her eyes widened slightly as the woman seemingly casted a spell on her unsuspecting brother. It was admittedly a nifty trick, one in which would have proven quite useful to Sirena over the years. Some of her irritation dissipated and was replaced by curiousity. The notion that Septima possessed some form of magic logically should have frightened her, but it didn't. She was instead more or less intrigued.

Her demeanor softened as Septima came back over. Sirena was ready to give the woman a chance, to give her the benefit of the doubt. Well, that was until the witch opened her mouth and out spewed the same level of impudence. The look that overcame Sirena's features basically said 'oh really.' She stepped towards Septima unfazed by the woman's words. "Is that a threat? Or a challenge?" she stated with a slight edge to her velvety voice. The corner of her lips pulled up into a smirk, and there was a sly glint to her eyes.

"Now, if you do not wish to destroy the flask, then how else do you expect to regain your soul, huh? Drink from it?" she questioned. She let out a light, almost mocking, chuckle before her voice grew serious once more. "That certainly did us all a lot of good. We are all dead, directly or indirectly because someone did just that. You say you want to regain your life and gain the power of gods in the process, but at what cost? It is surely not a free-for-all."

Her attention was then diverted to Anastasia as she returned. Of course, Sirena did not recognize her seeing as her friend was possessing another woman's body.

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Play With Fire" by Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money

"Oui, je sais que tu n'es pas mort!" Edgard interjected midway through Alisanne's spiel. Why did she keep demanding she wasn't dead?! For goodness sakes, he knows she is not that easy to kill! It's just that with every passing minute he believes less and less that she is actually here with him, in the flesh. She was alive, just not here. His eyes widened and the corner of his lips twitched as she finished what she had to say.

"Vous sournois peu--" he began before turning away with a huff. He shook his head and held his temple between his fingers. God, this was all giving him a headache. She killed her sister Margot?! He supposed it made since. After all, she never did like to share power or title. He should have figured that Édouard's death wouldn't be enough for her. He vaguely wondered if he was the next on her list. It wouldn't be the first time she tried to have him killed.

Despite her explanation, he was still left with one big question. How in the hell was she here?! He faced her again and eyed her skeptically. His eyes widened as blood began to soak her hands and drip from her hair. "Vous n'êtes pas vraiment là. C'est une sorte de vision. Ou prémonition. Ou lien psychique," he exclaimed, more to himself than to her. His brows furrowed at that last idea of his. Psychic link. She was a psychic link? God dammit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Some island

She was relieved when Anastasia came running back, but it was strange once she saw what she was carrying. It was strange, seeing her own corpse. It was understandable why theirs would be the first ones brought back though, since Anastasia knew roughly where she needed to go. Nonetheless, it was still strange to see her own body, when she still was able to move around, albeit a ghost.

Elissa wasn't really paying much attention to Septima and Millicent's conversation. She did notice that the french guy who didn't know any English had taken to standing next to her. The guy woke up the other living person, and now he had decided that it was smart to actually stand still for a moment. Hopefully this whole thing worked out, though now the living guy had become paralyzed or something because of something Septima said. She still wasn't too sure what was going on with him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: ???

This woman was getting on her last nerve. However the newly arrived blonde woman seemed to have her wits about her. At least someone here did. There was no doubt the woman was powerful and knew what she was talking about, as evidenced by how she handled her brother, but it still made her weary thinking about some magic flask. "You speak as if such things are common knowledge. Until a few moments ago I hardly believed ghosts were real, but here we are. The newcomer makes a decent point. What say you?"

The speedy pirate lass (really there were A LOT of lady pirates around. Surely there weren't that many...) came back. Did she trust this flask and the woman bent on getting to it and keeping it around or not? "I believe I had just exited The Faithful Bride and was making my way towards the docks...ironically to you all."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 4:17 PM Local Time

Aravis nodded at Anastasia. There was no emotion associated with it - simply recognition that she had heard what Anna said to her. It was the most she was capable of. Otherwise, she may have looked at the deranged man in front of her with curiosity. To all appearances, Edgard was talking to himself. No one was really there. Some sort of mental break seemed to be the theme with those who had survived Luisa's accidental attack.

Alisanne didn't respond to Edgard's mutterings. Instead she simply stared at him, almost like a cat watching a mouse agonize when caught in a trap. After a few minutes passed, she turned her gaze away, looking towards the sea. They would need the flask. With it, she could live forever. She would become a goddess among men. Their organization would rise to even greater power, given that they would have a leader that could not die.

The Devil's Triangle: April 4th, 1719 - 4:17 PM Local Time

Septima smiled crookedly at Sirena. "Both," she said simply, before turning her attention to Millicent. She had expected these lost ones to simply go along with her instructions. That was how it had been in life - she was a witch and she had power that men desired. They did as she said and then their wishes were granted. "I see I must explain the process," Septima mused. She then walked towards the center of the room, practically standing on top of her brother.

"When you drink from the flask, it strengthens the soul. Not the body. The body is weak, like that man," Septima then nodded towards Édouard. Given that he couldn't understand the language, he just beamed back at her, assuming that it was some form of praise. "Body must be strengthened by the liquid as well. Then you become god." At Anastasia's return, Septima frowned sharply. Her own body wasn't among the collected few.

"Go to Misty Mire," Septima instructed Anastasia. The woman only had time for one more trip, if anything. Not everyone would be able to reclaim their lives and go onto become great - but that was fine. Septima knew that from the beginning. She didn't intend on everyone there becoming gods. She only focused on herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 45 min ago

Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Devil's Triangle,

Anastasia noticed the frown that Septima made when she noticed that her body wasn't among them, she had only gotten hers and Elissa mainly because she knew where they were exactly located. Her eyes wondered over towards Millicent as she mentioned where her body was exactly, which was good she had a location she knew. Then looked towards Septima when she mentioned the location of her body as well somewhere in the Misty Mire. Though she wasn't sure where it was at exactly in that area of the island, she would do her best to try and locate it, feeling her body getting weaker once more.

She sighed slightly she had only one more trip to go to find the rest of the bodies, then she noticed Serina as well, she initially didn't see her when they all got there. "Sirena quickly tell me wha yer died, oi don't 'av much time lef wi' dis woman's body." Anastasia said quickly, she really needed to make sure that everyone had a chance to get back to life.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Cavern under the lake (Devil's Triangle)

- "Broken Crown" by Sharm

Sirena pursed her lips, her attention returning to Septima as the witch took center stage. Her blue eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly. What right did this witch have to lead this group of strangers? Indeed the woman was undoubtedly intelligent and powerful, but the presence of such does not equate to hard earned respect and trust. Sirena did not trust this woman by any means. Granted, trust had never really come easily for her. In certain ways, Septima and Sirena were alike. They were both deceptive, stubborn, and impudent; however, they each thirsted for a different kind of power. Septima wanted power over people and over mankind as a whole, but Sirena only truly wanted the power to be herself. She wanted freedom forevermore. Yet she was never exceptionally keen on buying her freedom through bloodshed. So the question that ran through her mind right then was this. If the flask bought her freedom through mass bloodshed, was it truly worth it?

The wheels in her brain were turning as she reviewed everything she already knew and took into account everything Septima had to add. She was not one to make a decision uninformed. She glanced over at Édouard when Septima gestured to him. She rolled her eyes at the French man child's clueless reaction before her gaze returned to the witch. "If you are so sure that this will work out to your advantage, then why don't you go first," she exclaimed, more as a sly statement than a question. She wasn't about to go first. She wasn't scared, but she also wasn't stupid. If things went south, assuming anything could be worse than death, Septima would get the brunt of it.

Sirena's attention was then diverted as a stranger approached her. Technically speaking, Anastasia wasn't a stranger to her, but seeing as her friend was possessing another woman's body, it seemed as such. She arched a pale blonde brow as the woman addressed her by name. However, she decided not to question the woman. "My body is out by the docks of Tortuga, near where the Bellona is, or was. You will likely need two hands for the job seeing as my head is detached from my body," she replied almost nonchalantly, even giving her a small smile.

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Play With Fire" by Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money

An almost awkward silence overcame them as Edgard tried to wrap his mind around having a psychic link with his fiancée. Meanwhile, Alisanne seemed to be enjoying watching him squirm. After all, that did not happen very often. He suddenly straightened up, his jaw clenching and his eyes darkening. He felt like an utter fool, not that he would ever openly admit to that. He had wasted so much time arguing with the psychic link of his fiancée. Who does that?! Crazy people! His love and devotion to Alisanne was surely his greatest weakness and would surely be his greatest downfall.

His mind recalled what she had said to him before they had gotten into this long, drawn out argument. The flask. She had wanted him to collect the flask. Seeing that she was alive and well, he could do as she asked with a clear conscience. "Collecting the flask and gaining its power is our mission, is it not?" he finally spoke up, more as a statement than a question. He drew closer to her but refrained from touching her. He did not particularly want to be struck in the face again, or worse. He eyed her expectantly as she looked out at the open sea.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Some island

The conversation between Septima and Sirena was interesting, but it didn't sound like either one was getting anywhere with their argument. Septima was explaining what the flask supposedly did, something that Elissa didn't really know if it was true or not. The only things they knew about the flask were what Septima had told them, and she had no way of knowing if the witch had the right information. Though she did have to agree that the french man was not exactly the best person around or anything, since he clearly had no idea what was going on.

She also agreed that Sirena had some valid points, things that made sense concerning the flask. There truly was no way to know what would happen when the flask was used. Anastasia had taken a risk when she possessed the woman's body and drank from it. There wasn't anything that they could go off of that would take the risk away from it. Though she believed that anything would be better than spending an enternity on this island.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: ???

It was pretty clear to her that the woman had ulterior motives. I mean, a flask that could make anyone a god? That isn't something you pass around to random strangers. However, she kept her mouth shut. It wasn't smart to show your hand too quickly. The blonde woman seemed to like the little verbal battle she was in, so she let her have her moment.

Instead, Millicent plotted. If her body wasn't among the ones collected, it would sting, but she wasn't so concerned. If this flask truly was powerful, then she had to have it. By any means. Clearly, she wasn't about to be turned to dust. But she wasn't about to let this crazy woman become something all powerful when she already had some power, to begin with. That didn't spell good things happening.

Millcent nodded, accepting the definition given. She would bide her time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The Caribbean: April 4th, 1719 - 4:22 PM Local Time

Port Royal:

In Port Royal, there was a general state of emergency. The Honorable Alice Blackwood had gone missing a few days prior, along with Miss Jean Waverly. While the rooms had been inspected, there was no sign of a forced entry. This conclusion itself would have been seen as harmless, meaning that Alice Blackwood had simply run away, had a witch not escaped execution that very same day. The Witch of Tortuga was sentenced for death, yet she escaped the noose and had not been sighted since.

Lord Blackwood feared the worst: that the witch had kidnapped his daughter and intended to sacrifice her in a grotesque ritual. Ordinarily, the Governor would have sent the British navy after Miss Blackwood and Miss Waverly, in order to ensure their safe return. But strangely enough, a large portion of the navy fleet stationed at Port Royal had been deployed for the Bermuda Triangle already. With limited resources at their disposal, the best Lord Blackwood could accomplish would be a supplemented crew: half British navy and half willing volunteers.

Many of these volunteers were so-called pirate hunters. Former pirates, they were spared the noose and trial as long as they caught other pirates. With a destination like Tortuga, there would be plenty of reward in store for them, as they receive a fee for each pirate they catch. They're entitled to keep the loot, after all.

Standing on the deck of the Octobris, Robinson Savant took a good look at the assembled crew. They were a ragtag bunch, but there were easily twenty on board. The captain of the ship, William Barnes, was staring at the sea, his hair masked by a wig of white curls. The other officers had clumped together for the most part, with those from the navy receiving preferential assignments on the Octobris. Captain Barnes waited a few more minutes, before turning around to address his ragtag crew.

"Our mission has two primary objectives. The first is to retrieve a flask that is of interest to the Crown. It is to be intact - do not allow a single drop to spill. Second, we are to retrieve the Honorable Alice Blackwood. And third, we are to kill the Witch of Tortuga."

The Port of Tortuga:

"Yes. We can survive without it, yet we will surely thrive if you are capable of obtaining it," ALisanne mused. There was a glimmer in her eye, as if she had knowledge that she had not disclosed to Edgard. Of course, she had murdered her sister. There was likely an explanation needed there as well. "The family was contacted by an interested party. Should Havanna fall, we shall receive political power in France - the granting of a feudal property. Yet as it is, we are incapable of such a feat without the flask. Retrieve it and then cripple the Spanish forces in Havanna. Simple, really."

She then turned, and for a moment, she smiled at Edgard. Once he blinks, she'll be gone, with no indication as to when or if she will return.

The Devil's Triangle:

For Anastasia, this is the last trip she'll be able to make to the island and back. Too much time has been spent talking. She'll only be able to carry two bodies with her at most, and even then, the journey is going to be increasingly difficult. Not only is the host itself beginning to wear out with respect to the flask's powers, but the host is also gradually fighting back more and more against Anastasia's possession.

Septima narrowed her eyes slightly at Sirena. She had been studying this magic for years - sometimes, it felt like decades. She understood the rituals, as far as there was information released on them. She alone knew that they were trapped by the flask and that it gained its power from the souls. She only needed to strengthen both the body and the soul. "I will. I have faith in self," Septima said bluntly, her thick accent still present.

As Millicent and Elissa look at the flask, however, they'll begin to notice something strange - something that no one else can see. Very faintly, there are etchings in strange symbols unlike anything they had ever seen before. Yet should they attempt to read them, they will understand their meaning - Drink, if you are worthy -Æ.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 45 min ago

Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Devil's Triangle,

Anastasia looked between Sirena and then Millicent and nodded, she had their locations now she would be able to get the bodies from there and back again. She froze for a moment when she started to feel her host now starting to fight against her control, and the body itself starting to weaken even more now. "Dis is gonna be me last trip, de 'ost is millin' me an' oi can fale de body itself gettin' weaker.." Anastasia announced, before quickly making her way out and ran across the water to make her way back to Tortuga for the last time. She stopped and found where the Bellona once was, she saw Sirena's body in the water along with her head. Shuddering slightly at the sight she didn't see Harlianne anywhere, there was a chance her captain did survive she would have to ask what happened when she got back.

Anastasia grabbed Sirena's body awkwardly along with her head, and ran out of the water again, making her way towards the Faithful Bride was. She couldn't carry anymore bodies she thought about grabbing Septima's body as well, but she couldn't carry anymore, kneeling down Anastasia picked up Millicent's body and started to make her run back straight to the others back in the Devil's Triangle. When she came back Anastasia dropped both of Sirena's and Millicent's bodies down onto the ground, breathing heavily as she quickly got out of her host's body. Feeling bad she had used the woman and possible ended up killing her as well she looked towards Septima. "If oi 'ad more time oi wud 'av gotten yisser body as well oi'm sorry." Anastasia said softly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Cavern under the lake (Devil's Triangle)

- "Broken Crown" by Mumford & Sons

After a moment, Sirena's gaze went back to Septima. The corner of her lips twitched up when she caught what the witch said, and there was an indecipherable glint to her blue eyes. Perhaps it was slyness, or perhaps it was amusement. It was hard for one to tell. "Good for you then," she responded simply. Her gaze then once more went past Septima to the flask, the object of many a man's desires. She could still feel it's pull deep within her, urging her to lay claim to its plunder, and yet she wholeheartedly resisted the urge. She wasn't about to dive headfirst into something she did not entirely understand.

She let out a small exhale before rolling her eyes and turning her back to it. Just about that time, Anastasia returned with two bodies, and as the bodies were dumped onto the ground, Sirena recognized one as her own. She kind of just froze in place, staring blankly at her dismembered body from afar. Her eyes then took on a distant look as memories of her last moments of life resurfaced. Her life had been rudely cut short at the hands of her best friend, and yet in a way, it had been her choice to die. With that in mind, one's spirit understandably could not walk away from that unscathed.

Sirena's brows furrowed slightly and her lips thinned. A glimpse of emotional pain flittered through her eyes before she finally tore her gaze way from her ravaged body. Her eyes widened when she caught sight of the familiar face of Anastasia. "Ana," she breathed out. Sirena wasn't sure whether she should be happy to see her or sad that her friend was also dead like her.

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Wolves" by Sam Tinnesz ft. Silverberg

Edgard stood by Alisanne's side, watching her closely as she spoke. He was honestly more interested in what she had to say than anything else that was happening around him. Granted, not a whole lot was happening out on the docks of Tortuga following the recent massacre. But, it's the thought that counts, right? Edgard nodded his head in seeming agreement to her initial statement. As he watched her though, he couldn't help but think she knew more than she let on. Why did she feel the need to keep things a secret from him? They were equals, were they not?

The corners of lips instinctively pulled up into a wicked smirk as she explained what was at stake. Gaining more power at the price of causing mass destruction and suffering always had a certain appeal to him. Oh, he would retrieve the flask in due time. That was for sure. "I will fetch the flask for us, my love. You need not worry about that," he exclaimed smugly. His smirk grew as she turned to face him with a smile. And then, in the blink of an eye, she disappeared.

His eyes widened in dismay. Shortly thereafter, he let out a frustrated huff. He was honestly sad to see her go, not that he would openly admit to that. He could already feel an emptiness in his heart that only her presence could fill. His features darkened as he turned around. His gaze landed on the dark skinned girl (Aravis) he had briefly spoken to earlier. "You! Round up any people who are interested in leaving this godforsaken island!" he barked out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Some island

The conversation between Sirena and Septima were getting a little annoying. Elissa felt like half the time they were yelling at each other, and it was not the best thing in the world for that to happen right now. Especially if they were to not stay trapped on this island forever. They would have to work together in order to get out of this mess, though from the sound of things, that wasn't very likely.

While Anastasia went off again, she looked more closely at the flask. The symbols on it were strange, but she was able to read it. The words didn't really mean much to her, though from the sounds of it Septima probably did. Elissa let out a sigh of relief as Anastasia returned, and looked down at the 4 bodies that were lying there. "Zo, now vat do ve do?" she asked, looking over at Septima.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: ???

She paid the two little mind. Instead, her attention was drawn to the flask. She hadn't noticed it before, but it looked..tempting. Was it the woman's speech that convinced her or was it some other power, telling her? However....what's this? Appearing fresh, were small etchings that made out words she could read.

If you are worthy...

Was she worthy? Was that why Ian perished to dust? She knew the woman had plans for this flask. What powers did it hold? Soon, the speedy pirate returned, carrying bodies, hers among them. It was a choice now. Her body was there, but did she trust the woman? Would she be able to float freely into her body? Or should she tempt fate and see if she was worthy?

Millicent wanted her body back, but it was as if she found an answer to something she was looking for. But she was not stupid. She would wait. She stood near the flask as she watched the others converse.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The Caribbean: April 4th, 1719 - 4:32 PM Local Time

The Port of Tortuga:

"Why?" Aravis asked simply. Before Luisa's death and her resulting mental damage, she would have been furious at anyone who dared to speak to her like that. She wouldn't have even entertained the possibility of doing as Edgard requested. Yet without feelings, she was without opinions. She was without care. There was no way for her to attain emotional motivation, either positive or negative.

Yet this will not be the first person Edgard had seen in his life that was so emotionally muted. In many ways, Aravis' body language and behavior was similar to Alisanne's. Only true horrors ever brought a smile to Alisanne's face, though. She was the creature that frightens monsters in their sleep.

The Devil's Triangle:

The symbols are still visible, yet only to Millicent and Elissa. While they may have been faint at first, they are becoming more and more prominent. There is a slight white tint to them, as if the flask itself is beginning to crack where the letters are etched. Perhaps Septima would be able to make something of it, but do you really want to tell her what you can see? Anna may have been wise to leave Septima's body behind on Tortuga.

Septima blinked twice at Anna's words. For a moment, she fancied that she simply hadn't heard the girl correctly, but she had. Her body was not among those retrieved. Yet without her willingness to comply, the restoration ritual would not take place. They needed her to give the incantation. She had been willing to allow others to live on with her - but without her? That was out of the question. "I see," Septima said, taking a few steps backwards.

Her eyes flickered down towards her brother's body. It was almost a stroke of good luck that she had had to use her magic on him - it confirmed that it worked, even without a physical form to inhabit. Standing just a few feet away from the flask, Septima looked around the individuals in the cage, before an eery calm came over her face. "Abite!" She threw her hands to the side.

If you will, imagine the structure of this underwater cavern as something like a temple. Abite is a spell that repels objects - in this case, the sides of the cavern. As these sides are repelled, imagine that the supports of a temple are blown out. What was once up, well...It comes crashing on down. The roof of the cave no longer has any reason not to crush everything beneath it.

It's probably for the best that you are all already dead. If the rocks hadn't crushed you or snapped you into two, the water rapidly pooling in would certain do its best to drown you. All of the bodies Anastasia retrieved are buried underneath the rubble. There's no sign of either Crypt and of course, no one had managed to retrieve the flask. Yet by the gentle tug you feel calling you, you know that it isn't gone yet.

The flask is still down there - somehow.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 45 min ago

Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Devil's Triangle,

As Anastasia stood there she looked towards the others that were there, her attention turned back towards Septima as Elissa asked what was next. She did regret not getting the woman's body but she wasn't able to carry three full grown women over her back and run back to the island. She instantly started to regret leaving the witches body behind, as she watched the woman warily backing away a few feet from the others getting closer to the flask that everyone has been gunning for.

Anastasia heard Septima yell out a word she didn't know or understand, but the moment it happened she could feel the ground around them violently shake and then the walls on both ends of the room came crashing down. "Wait!" Anastasia yelled as the ceiling started to come crashing down on them all as well. She started to mentally hit herself as she watched the rubble come crashing down onto all of their bodies that she had just gathered. But she could feel the pull of the flask was still there somewhere and quickly started to try and chase after it wherever it was at now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Cavern under the lake (Devil's Triangle)

- "Broken Crown" by Mumford & Sons

Sirena noticed that Anastasia was looking past her, evidently oblivious to her presence as her friend's attention was preoccupied with another. Her pale blonde brows furrowed slightly as she only managed to catch the tail end of what Anastasia said. Apologizing for something regarding a body? She glanced down at the two bodies, one of which was her own, at Ana's feet. She noted that significantly less bodies had been brought back than there were people. It took a moment for her to put two and two together, and when she did, she followed her friend's gaze to the person she was apologizing to. Septima.

She couldn't help but feel a hint of satisfaction that the witch's plans had been undermined. A devious glint came to her eyes, and the corner of her lips pulled up into a smirk. Perhaps it was cruel of her to feel no compassion or empathy for the woman's current predicament. But at the same time, what reason had the witch given her to like, let alone trust, her? None. Septima wanted divine power regardless of the potentially catastrophic cost. That much had been made clear to Sirena. The irony was that Septima already acted as if she was a god when she was anything but. She was just a tyrant of a woman who was willing to put others down in her quest for so-called greatness.

Yet, Sirena's satisfaction was soon replaced by wariness as Septima's countenance changed into an eerie calmness. She didn't doubt that the woman was powerful, and with that in mind, the last thing she wanted was to fall victim to the witch's retribution. She started to take a few steps backwards, but it became quickly apparent that there was no escaping what was about to come. With a single uttered word, Septima literally imploded their surroundings. The ground seemed to shake beneath Sirena's feet as the walls of the underwater cavern were blown out and the ceiling subsequently came crashing down. Rubble fell in clumps around her, stirring up dust in it's wake and allowing water to come pouring in

Sirena gritted her teeth as the rubble uncomfortably fazed through her. It was fortunate indeed that they were ghosts, otherwise this would've been a rather painful way to die, to be crushed and drowned in one fell swoop. She was very fortunate indeed, not that a second death scared her much. As everything settled, she attempted to look around, but rubble obstructed most of her view. What had been the point of this? A diversion? Wait. The bodies! Wasn't that somehow their ticket out of here? "Well, that's convenient," Sirena exclaimed blandly.

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Prey for Me" by Korn

Apparently Edgard just assumed that Aravis was going to do what he requested, or rather demanded, of her as he began to stride past her. However, her questioning reply stopped him in his tracks. His jaw clenched, and his stormy blue eyes darkened dangerously. He expected people to just fall into line. And if they didn't? Well, they would pay, with the physical and emotional scars to prove it.

His eyes locked onto her in an almost predatory like gaze. It didn't matter the tone of voice she spoke with. It didn't matter she had an odd similarity to Alisanne. She was still puny in his eyes, and he devoured such weakness like it was a drug. Ultimately, no could possibly compare to Alisanne, let alone up to his standards. Thus everyone was fair game for a purge.

He stalked over to her until his muscular 6'1" frame loomed over her more diminutive frame. "Because I said so," he growled, leaning down threateningly until he was inches from her face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Some island

This was not something that could have been predicted. Who knew that the witch woman would go crazy over something or whatever. There was nothing that could be done when she caused the cave to collapse. With the ceiling coming down, for once Elissa was glad she was dead, since nothing could truly harm her, but she could still feel the rubble passing through her. That was definitely not an experience that she wished to repeat.

Her body was now crushed beneath the rubble, and the flask looked to be buried too. She knew that it was still there somewhere, she could feel it. Looking up, she watched the others, and knew that there had to be something that could be done to get the flask. When Sirena made her comment, Elissa just rolled her eyes ever so slightly, not wanting to say anything in response. There had to be a way to get the flask, there just had to be something they could come up with to get at it, and use its power without dying again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: ???

As the room came crashing down around them, Millicent felt the pain she hadn't expected. It seemed their ethereal bodies could still feel something. But now their physical bodies were lost due to the selfish woman's actions. She wanted to strangle the woman.

However, a faint beckoning. She felt it. The flask, below them, was still around. She knew the etchings, she knew it had to mean something. She should have taken it when she had the chance, but she would make up for it. She noticed one of the other woman diving down for it. She had to get their first. Or at least, play it off like she wanted to team up.

So Millicent dove down as well, hoping to beat the woman to the flask.
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