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    1. mnkee 9 yrs ago


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@Morose I have a question for clarification. When the walls start crumbling down, will all the rumble go straight through them since they are ghosts? Or do they feel some of it? BTW, I will be posting tomorrow.

Soulless Regency - Backup Character

>TFW you finally complete a CS for a character

Location: Talink Estate (Inside)

- "Free" by Tommee Profitt ft. Svrcina

Thalken's gaze searched the room as he slowly got to his feet once more. His head still throbbed, and his ears were ringing from that little girl's piercing scream. He was fortunate he could hear at all. He let out a growl of frustration as he rubbed his ears. Once he had regained his footing, he started to carefully explore the room. His hand rested on the hilt of his Dao as his gaze scrutinized the contents of the room. He made his rounds before moving out into the hall.

Eventually, the ringing in his ears began to dissipate, and it was instead replaced by an eerie silence that pervaded the manor. Perhaps the girl had left, or perhaps she was silently plotting his demise. He leaned more towards the latter. His senses were heightened as he tensely walked through the halls. He glanced inside the rooms he passed for any sign of the girl but to no avail. In a way nothing and everything seemed amiss all at once. His intellect and his gut told him something terrible was afoot.

Meanwhile, Thalcona seemed unfazed by the flash of annoyance in the Lady Crypt's eyes. After all, she wouldn't expect anything else. "It's a dangerous game you play," she chimed in during the woman's momentary lapse of speaking. It was probably a bit rude to interrupt one's thoughts, but her manners weren't much better than Thalken's, which were slim to none.

The Lady Crypt's next statement took Thalcona by surpise. A glimmer of amusement lit up her widened eyes, and she had to bite her lips to keep from laughing. It wasn't the proposition in and of itself that she found humorous. No, it was the mental image of Thalken asking the Lord Dywell for his daughter's hand in marriage that made her ready to bust a lung in laughter. She would pay good money to see such a sight. Fortunately, the Lady Crypt's attention was diverted before she could.

While the Lady Crypt addressed the others, Thalcona strained to keep her amusement under wraps, but a few snickers managed to slip out. She straightened when she was suddenly addressed. She gave a slight nod of her head, not trusting herself with words. She then followed them at a distance.

First Judgment - Upcoming RP

Location: Cavern under the lake (Devil's Triangle)

- "Broken Crown" by Mumford & Sons

After a moment, Sirena's gaze went back to Septima. The corner of her lips twitched up when she caught what the witch said, and there was an indecipherable glint to her blue eyes. Perhaps it was slyness, or perhaps it was amusement. It was hard for one to tell. "Good for you then," she responded simply. Her gaze then once more went past Septima to the flask, the object of many a man's desires. She could still feel it's pull deep within her, urging her to lay claim to its plunder, and yet she wholeheartedly resisted the urge. She wasn't about to dive headfirst into something she did not entirely understand.

She let out a small exhale before rolling her eyes and turning her back to it. Just about that time, Anastasia returned with two bodies, and as the bodies were dumped onto the ground, Sirena recognized one as her own. She kind of just froze in place, staring blankly at her dismembered body from afar. Her eyes then took on a distant look as memories of her last moments of life resurfaced. Her life had been rudely cut short at the hands of her best friend, and yet in a way, it had been her choice to die. With that in mind, one's spirit understandably could not walk away from that unscathed.

Sirena's brows furrowed slightly and her lips thinned. A glimpse of emotional pain flittered through her eyes before she finally tore her gaze way from her ravaged body. Her eyes widened when she caught sight of the familiar face of Anastasia. "Ana," she breathed out. Sirena wasn't sure whether she should be happy to see her or sad that her friend was also dead like her.

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Wolves" by Sam Tinnesz ft. Silverberg

Edgard stood by Alisanne's side, watching her closely as she spoke. He was honestly more interested in what she had to say than anything else that was happening around him. Granted, not a whole lot was happening out on the docks of Tortuga following the recent massacre. But, it's the thought that counts, right? Edgard nodded his head in seeming agreement to her initial statement. As he watched her though, he couldn't help but think she knew more than she let on. Why did she feel the need to keep things a secret from him? They were equals, were they not?

The corners of lips instinctively pulled up into a wicked smirk as she explained what was at stake. Gaining more power at the price of causing mass destruction and suffering always had a certain appeal to him. Oh, he would retrieve the flask in due time. That was for sure. "I will fetch the flask for us, my love. You need not worry about that," he exclaimed smugly. His smirk grew as she turned to face him with a smile. And then, in the blink of an eye, she disappeared.

His eyes widened in dismay. Shortly thereafter, he let out a frustrated huff. He was honestly sad to see her go, not that he would openly admit to that. He could already feel an emptiness in his heart that only her presence could fill. His features darkened as he turned around. His gaze landed on the dark skinned girl (Aravis) he had briefly spoken to earlier. "You! Round up any people who are interested in leaving this godforsaken island!" he barked out.
She could use Sirena as a meat shield then. Well a ghostly meat shield but yeah lol. :P

What a good friend. XD


In all likelihood, Septima is going to be quite pissed off. Ana needs to watch her back now.
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