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    1. mnkee 9 yrs ago


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Location: The Castle - Hallway

Lyra eyed Skaoi and Myrus, watching with some relief that a simple hug seemed to negate his powers once more. Perhaps they had found an off switch so to speak for his powers? Her lips parted, the corners then tugging down into a frown at Myrus's words. She shook her head. She didn't think he was monster. Her apprehension was not from a fear of him per say but more of the seemingly unstable nature of his powers. Until he learned to hone his powers, he was dangerous, yes, but not at any fault of his own. He had been dealt a bad hand, but she had faith that in time he could turn that all around. The good support system he had in his family was a start.

"Aha!" Tristan exclaimed as the niffler suddenly scurried off, thinking he somehow managed to chase it off. However, he quickly realized that it was in fact after a new prize now, the Physik woman Skaoi. He wasn't exactly sure what the woman could possibly have on her that would be of interest to the creature, but hey, at least it wasn't bothering him anymore. He jumped back as Prince Myrus darted past him.

Lyra's eyes widened, taking a step back as the prince suddenly took off. And then just as quickly as he had taken off, he suddenly fell to the ground unconscious. She took a few steps forward in the prince's direction, her gaze flitting between Valda and Myrus. The prince didn't appear to have injured himself in the fall fortunately, as such her gaze lingered more on Valda, realizing the Queen had just used her Magyk. Past transgressions were brushed aside as she went to the Queen's side, true concern in her eyes. "Your Highness, are you alright?" she inquired worriedly, looking Valda over for any signs that the Sickenesse had taken ahold of her. She glanced back over her shoulder at Myrus, before returning her attention to Valda.

Tristan's brows rose, before promptly furrowing as the prince suddenly collapsed onto the ground. He glanced around at the others a bit confused as to why no one seemed particularly concerned that the dude just hit the dirt. "Uh, was that supposed to happen?" he asked, scratching his head. However, his question was sort of unofficially answered when Luna requested that Prince Myrus was taken to her room and Lyra seemed to be instead fussing over the Queen. Well, okay then. "I would be happy to help," he exclaimed, walking over to the collapsed prince.

Fyror Kildragon

It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that
wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe.
- Dave Eggers

Location: La Canela Ship (Main Deck)
Skills: N/A

Fyror strode across the deck over to the assembling group of people. His gaze picked out Hazel amongst the group, already chatting away with that German fellow. He glanced over at the other ship, a comparably smaller vessel, as a couple of people prepared to board before his gaze gravitated over to Miss Fontaine. He was glad to see that she was well, and it would appear that she had even been gifted a new weapon, courtesy of Captain Montoya he presumed. As he came to a stop beside her, he looked down at her with a small smile.

He then glanced around at the others as various conversations were taking place. He remained politely quiet as his attention turned to the newcomers specifically. One had already boarded and another was making his way over in a much more flamboyant fashion. However, the man's exuberant entrance was short-lived as he promptly faceplanted onto the deck with the sickening sound of bones breaking. A grimace crossed Fyror's features a few seconds before he rushed forward to help the man. He came to an abrupt halt as the man suddenly sprung up onto his feet again. He had to give the man props for taking a broken nose like a champ. He eyed him as a niggling sensation in the back of his head said that the man seemed oddly familiar.
>TFW you realize that your goats are likely going to be spending their birthday hiding due to the rain

Success is not final, failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to continue that counts.
- Winston Churchill

Location: The Castle - Hallway outside the attic

As Lyra followed in behind the others, she ran it over and over again in her head. Perhaps if she had worded things differently, used softer verbiage, it would have been better received? Then again, softer didn't necessarily mean better. It could've very well just made it easier to brush off. Perhaps this. Perhaps that. Her self-criticism was just taking her down paths that ultimately lead to dead ends. It was what it was. She did what she felt she had to in the moment. Though the results weren't entirely satisfactory, the objective was complete nonetheless. Unfortunately, you can't always get the best of both worlds.

She was abruptly pulled out of her self-reflection and back into the present at the sound of Prince Myrus screaming. Her muscles tensed in anticipation for some sort of conflict, but she otherwise held her ground until that moment presented itself. The prince wasn't completely himself right now, as such she was uncertain of what he was truly capable of. She watched him closely, flinching a bit as Skaoi brought him into a hug in much the same manner as the Queen had recklessly done. Speaking of the Queen, her gaze hesitantly turned away from Myrus over to Valda as the woman addressed her.

Her composure broke, if for the moment, her face falling and a breath of seeming disbelief leaving her lips. However, as her breath came back in sharply, she regained her composure, lifting her chin a touch and steeling herself. The Queen demoting her, punishing her, truly stung. She thought they were friends, but apparently she had been gravely mistaken. She had gotten too relaxed in her duties, and it was clear now that friendship couldn't fit into the equation. "Forgive me, Your Highnesses, for causing offense, but I did what I believed I had to in order to keep you both safe, to keep anyone else I care about from dying today. That is--or was--my job, was it not? she responded, glancing between Valda and Myrus. "I will do as you wish, of course." She then turned to Skaoi, lacing her hands in front of her and keeping her features as blank as possible so as to hide how truly hurt she was on the inside.

Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.
- Polish Proverb

Location: The Castle - Hallway heading away from the Infirmary

Tristan's gaze came back up to meet Luna's, and he was taken aback by the emotion in her countenance and the shakiness in her voice. His blue eyes took in her features for a moment. The harshness and accusatory nature of his words had hurt her, that much he could deduce. His lips thinned. He had opened his big mouth and taken his pain out on her, and though the words she had spoken earlier had wounded him, it certainly didn't give him a right to be an ass. He was suppose to be building an alliance with her, not creating wedges.

"Alright," he replied softly, nodding his head. "I'll hear you out." No sooner had he spoken the words did he hear a loud scream. His head snapped to the side, but then he felt a tug on his sword, garnering his attention. The little fiend really was trying to steal his sword! He gritted his teeth, giving a tug on his sword. "Scram, you little, you little, argh!"
@Lady Amalthea Just realized that I forgot to tag you when I posted. Oops. Tagging you now. XD
>TFW you try to edit one of the maps for your book and you end up ruining it...thank God I have the original map scanned onto my computer.

Alexandra Andonova

When you meet someone for the first time,
that's not the whole book. That's just the first page.
- Brody Armstrong

Location: Ville au Camp (The Grounds) - Carnival Setup ⇢ Oak Tree
Skills: N/A

Alexandra snorted at Ben's reply, shaking her head lightly as a smile played at the corners of her lips. She was coming up with some sort of witty response when the next thing he said gave her pause. Her smile faded, and her eyes narrowed marginally. He and the other carnies knew more about them than they were admitting to upfront. She was certain of it. She glanced back over in the direction of Gilbert and ended up doing a doubletake when she saw that he was ditching them again.

She mentally shook her head as she returned her attention to Ben. She stopped beside him and crossed her arms over her chest as she turned to face him. She arched a brow at him as if to say 'oh, should I now?'. She then pursed her lips, seeming to consider his proposition. However, Bart's presence interrupted her train of thought, if for the moment. She listened to what he had to say, before looking back over her shoulder in the direction that Gilbert had disappeared to. "So you say," she remarked, sounding a bit unconvinced.

She turned back to Ben, moving her lips back and forth as she mentally finalized her decision. "Fine," she blurted out. "But on one condition. You say your part first." Her lips spread into a toothy grin, and she wiggled her brows.
Madam Mauve
Location: Shadowell Manor - Joyous Corridor ⇢ Gaming Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

The first thing Mauve noticed as she had entered the Joyous Corridor was Madam Envy a few steps ahead of her. She watched as the woman seemed to weigh her options, before disappearing into the room off to their left. Not really interested in following the woman, her dark eyes instead took in her immediate surroundings before looking down the long corridor. She spotted two individuals, that big fellow who had caught her eye upon arriving and some little slip of a woman. She returned the man's wave before continuing to peruse the corridor and all its options.

She casually strode down the corridor, glancing around at the rooms she passed. She was about midway down the passageway when the sounds of several voices floated to her ears off to her right. She paused midstride before backing up a few steps in order to peek inside the Gaming Room. She leaned against the doorframe as her dark blue eyes took in the room, and more importantly its inhabitants. Inside there were those four unmasked men she had briefly seen earlier, that striking woman, Dr. Chair Hogger, and Justice Cobalt. She noted that there was a certain tension amongst her fellow masked visitants; however, it did little to dissuade her from making her presence known. "Am I interrupting something?" she remarked, pushing away from the doorframe to gracefully stride into the room.

Fortune favors the bold.
- Virgil

Location: The Castle - Attic (Inside ⇢ Outside)

Lyra steeled herself for the inevitable onslaught. A part of her knew that Valda, the Queen, wouldn't take kindly to being ordered around, but she did it anyways as a last ditch effort. While it may not have been "her place", Valda needed to remember that it was Lyra's job to protect her, and she'd be damned if something happened to the Queen on her watch. If she had to drag the Queen kicking and screaming to safety, then so be it. Perhaps it had been wishful thinking on her part to believe that she could be both Valda's bodyguard and her friend. However, in the end, what truly mattered right then was that her tactic, whether ingenious or just plain foolish, had worked. Both Queen Valda and Prince Myrus were now out of harm's way. Fortune favors the bold, or so they claim.

Once the royals had evacuated the room, she let out a breath. Her lower lip curled in, she bit it before shaking her head. She turned back around, glancing over at Amarantha before leaving the attic. She would now have to deal with the repercussions of her unorthodox actions, in what ever form they may come in. However, even as she told herself that she had made the only decision she could have in the moment, that niggling beast that was self doubt was worming its way into her brain. Did I do the right thing? There could have been a better way, surely? There could have been a method that wouldn't jeopardize my job or their safety, right? And on and on the beast dug in.

Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.
- Polish Proverb

Location: The Castle - Hallway heading away from the Infirmary

Tristan watched the strange creature closer. It seemed undeterred by his simple gesture. As he caught it eyeing his Viking sword, he clutched the sword almost protectively. He really did like this sword. His blue eyes came up sharply when he heard someone else enter the hallway he was in. His lips thinned as his gaze landed on Princess Luna. Now that his mind wasn't muddled by the poison that had been running through his veins, he recalled Luna's last words to him.

His lips tightened. However, he was momentarily distracted as she reached into her pocket, and his gaze followed the descent of the coin that she threw in his direction. Looking down at the coin as it landed near the creature, he wondered what on earth that was suppose to do. Surely, a shiny sword was more enticing then a tiny coin. His gaze came back up when she addressed him. "Fyror's dead," he blurted out, with a touch of harshness to the tone of his voice. He gave her a onceover and then went back to paying attention to the creature.

Fyror Kildragon

It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that
wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe.
- Dave Eggers

Location: La Canela Ship (Crow's Nest ⇢ Main Deck)
Skills: Climbing

The corners of Fyror's lips pulled up into more of a smile. Glancing down and then back up at Hazel, he gave a shrug of his shoulders. "Alright then," he replied, gesturing for her to lead the way. He watched her as she was already climbing over the ledge of the crow's nest and rapidly making her descent. His gaze followed hers as she waved out to one by the name of Ludwig. An auburn brow shot up at said man's interesting reply. He was perhaps starting to understand what she meant by crazed German.

"I'll be down--" he called out to her, pausing as he looked over the ledge at the main deck far below. "Eventually." He would've liked to think that descending the ropes would be easier than it had been climbing up them, but he was pretty sure that that was just wishful thinking. He let out a small groan, leaning down to rest his forehead against the railing. After a moment, he finally straightened back up and took in a breath before manning up and climbing over the ledge.

While Hazel was making quick work back down to the main deck, Fyror wasn't about to test his luck. He made his descent slowly, cautiously, and thankfully without issue. His feet eventually hit the main deck. Leaning back his head to look up at the height he had just come from, he let out a sound that was a mixture of relief and amazement. He looked forward again with an easy smile on his features and made his way over to the growing group of people.
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