Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

The double talk and innuendo of the questionable musicians were like puzzle pieces, each coming together with other notable aspects of the evening thusfar to form the very image of a throbbing headache for Dr. Swamp. It hadn't hit with the full force that it was going to, yet the promise of it made him wish uncomfortable things upon the various sources of his continued annoyance. Swamp shook his head slowly, fully taking in the nuance of the musician's wording. Blackmail. Unless he fully missed his guess, almost everyone present who was wearing a mask had experienced quite enough of that for a lifetime. Speaking for himself, he certainly had. It was a poor position to be in, for all of them. Even the ones he wouldn't mind seen fitted to their own amazing, mechanical rocket chairs that promised the momentary thrill of flight followed by the inevitable rending of their flesh into something resembling meat cobbler. The situation had to be more than the simple scenario of "Us Against Them", but sadly, he had deduced that he had more in common with the other masked persons than with their hosts or the other guests. It might be within his best interests to reach out to some of the others, his pride be damned.

With stern voice, he related a hint of this sentiment. "Come now, Cobalt. Gentlemen might forgive a lapse in propriety, so long as we are all moving in the same direction. This day grates upon even my anxiety." He turned to face the foursome of performers with narrowed eyes. It seemed that the lines of engagement had been drawn. "I am sure that the lady has changed her mind purely for the sake of her art. I am also sure that she understands the difficulty of a quintet playing with but four, and this influences her decision. I can only imagine how difficult it might be with, say, three."

Though the doctor remained still, his eyes moved just enough to rest upon Amaranthine. Hands clasped upon his cane in front of him, he softened his voice but a little. "Chanteuse, these men will make a passable accompaniment, as I am sure you will be the brightest star among them. Let me know how I may be of assistance, else please find me waiting afterward."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Shadowell Manor: Trophy Room -> Starry Salon
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush prided herself on not selling any unwanted emotion. It was best to not lay your hand in full view for all to see. Secrets were more valuable than gold, one found. So when she discovered that Jasper, of all people in the mansion, seemed to favor her, even slightly, she did her best to hide her glee. It was obvious the man had good taste and knew who the real creme of the crop were amongst the hogs.

She followed Margarete closely. "I will endeavor to hold on to that favor." And, in truth, she would do so. Having someone in the house that worked so closely within its walls could only be an asset, right? Especially concerning other events. As she strolled back, she kept an eye out for that Moss fellow. In equal parts wanting to continue their conversation and avoid him, she still felt it best to not be alone, but she was sure that the favor did not extend to the others.

So she kept quiet as she entered the room, hoping to avoid the gaze and get to their destination. Quickly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Joyous Corridor
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Walnut did not pay much attention to Titian's momentary lapse in wit and did not witness him recover as he caught up to her. Instead, her gaze was down the hallway, taking in the doors to either side and the opportunities that this corridor presented to them. They could methodically go through each door, taking them one at a time and examining every space of this morose and mercurial manor. It was the practical way for this sort of hunt. She then glanced back at her companion as he mused about chairs, though she was more curious as to those who had recently emerged into the joyous corridor.

"Anything can fly - the real question is if the fall can be avoided," Walnut replied coolly. She considered their choices for a moment before she shook her head. While they could go down the hallway to see the others, it was likely idle gossip and dull chatter that any social function provided. "Let us try this way," Walnut told her companion, turning her head as she looked at the door that led to the gun room and she moved forward.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

𝕋wenty 𝕋icks

Envy looked around and decided to avoid those at the other end of the hallway. Turning slightly she moved the other way and pushed towards the Library. The door was shut but that didn't stop her. It wasn't locked as she checked it. Turning the knob and pushed the door open. Stepping inside she glanced around, spotting a single person in the room with her. "Oh great, another..." the man muttered under his breath. Envy didn't say anything, just smirking slightly beneath her mask as she stood there and glanced around.

Quinton quirked a brow as he was questioned and nodded slightly, pointing in the direction of the room to his right, to Moss's left. A woman came out the door and was heading back towards the front of the manor. It wasn't long after she had moved passed that Blush came out of the Trophy room and moved as if she was following the other woman. "Seems you found her," he said as he stiffened slightly and clasped his hands together in front of him.

"Wonderful, we will begin shortly in the Ballroom," the blonde said towards Amaranthine. The other three looked pleased that she had decided to play with them. They glanced over towards Justice as he spoke and two of them chuckled but all of them covered their faces or turned their heads so it was hard to tell who was chuckling and who wasn't. "Oh come now, we are all gentlemen here, and a lady of the highest order. Now, what shall we call you all?" the blonde finally asked.

Jasper moved towards the front of the manor and into the Grand Vestibule as Oliver stood his post. Margarete looked back over her shoulder towards Blush. "Your room will be on the third floor Madam. If you would follow me and stay close, it is easy to get lost in this house but if you do, just seek out the stair case," she said as she waited for the woman to keep up with her. Yes others had been told they were not allowed elsewhere but she had explicit instructions from Jasper to take this one upstairs, so she would.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Madam Mauve
Location: Shadowell Manor - Joyous Corridor β‡’ Gaming Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

The first thing Mauve noticed as she had entered the Joyous Corridor was Madam Envy a few steps ahead of her. She watched as the woman seemed to weigh her options, before disappearing into the room off to their left. Not really interested in following the woman, her dark eyes instead took in her immediate surroundings before looking down the long corridor. She spotted two individuals, that big fellow who had caught her eye upon arriving and some little slip of a woman. She returned the man's wave before continuing to peruse the corridor and all its options.

She casually strode down the corridor, glancing around at the rooms she passed. She was about midway down the passageway when the sounds of several voices floated to her ears off to her right. She paused midstride before backing up a few steps in order to peek inside the Gaming Room. She leaned against the doorframe as her dark blue eyes took in the room, and more importantly its inhabitants. Inside there were those four unmasked men she had briefly seen earlier, that striking woman, Dr. Chair Hogger, and Justice Cobalt. She noted that there was a certain tension amongst her fellow masked visitants; however, it did little to dissuade her from making her presence known. "Am I interrupting something?" she remarked, pushing away from the doorframe to gracefully stride into the room.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 18 min ago

Captain Moss
Location: Central Hall Starry Saloon -> Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss stared at Quinton for a moment as he started to answer him and then turned his attention over towards the door seeing a woman coming out of it. And then a few short seconds later Blush came out, and then looked back at Quinton and gave the man a friendly smile and nod towards him. "Thank you." Moss said towards him, as he turned around and started to follow alongside Blush rather quickly as he rubbed the back of his neck a bit. "Sorry about that Blush, I must have day dreamed about something." Captain Moss said, looking at Margarete and raised an eyebrow but decided to follow for now.

Captain Moss caught up to the woman and looked at her and then over at Blush. "Do you mind if I join you?" Captain Moss asked, he felt like he was intruding but if he wasn't allowed to go, he would certainly find somewhere else to go. "If not it is alright." Captain Moss said, as he started to look around the area once more. He would most likely end up bumping into someone at some point as well if the woman said no.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: Wisdom, Charisma
Hit Points: 4

Turning her eyes with her head as she glanced over her shoulder she nodded slightly towards the one that was supposed to be called Justice Cobalt. There was anxiety in her eyes but she nodded slightly and slowly, just a hint of an up and down motion that was not easily detectable unless one was watching. "It is nothing to be apologetic for, we are all apparently at unease in this situation," she said in a soft but shaky voice. It was obvious she was trying to convince herself of what she was saying as much as she was the one she spoke towards right then.

Amaranthine's head turned, still slowly as she looked back towards Dr. Swamp and she quirked a brow at the words he said. She couldn't be sure but it sounded like he had just threatened to take the group that wished her to play with them from four to three. That was interesting considering the man seemed thing, lanky, and walked with a cane. Was it an idle threat or was there more to this man? She didn't question. "Stay close," was all she requested from him. She nearly took a step forward but remained where she was when her eyes went to the men.

There was a nod from her as they told her to meet them in the Ballroom. She figured she could find it and if not hopefully run across a servant that would tell her where it was located. Then they asked for names and her eyes narrowed a hint. Amaranthine, Chanteuse Amaranthine."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Joyous Corridor -> Gun Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

The tall man looked down the hallway and watched as one woman went as far down the hall away from them as she possibly could before going through the door at the other end of the hallway. There was another woman who seemed to be moving towards them but she apparently opted to go into a room that still close fully close to them. Where either doors took those women he didn't know nor was it his concern. He had a woman on his arm and he wasn't going to abandon her to seek out another. That would just be plain rude and there was no need for that. Especially when he was seeming to enjoy her company.

Looking down at her as she spoke he chuckled a bit. "Well we know one that couldn't avoid it already. I wonder how many more can't tonight," he chuckled. As she picked a room he nodded and kept her on his arm as long as she would allow it as he moved towards the room directly across from them. Stepping inside he glanced around. It was a gun room. Various weapons hanging on the room and one servant within. "Evening," he said with a grin before looking around some more. "A lot of guns. For show or for fun?" he asked in a cheeky manner as his eyes went back to the servant and then over to Professor Walnut.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: Perception
Hit Points: 6

Cobalt was glad that his lapse in judgement hadn't seemed to cause too much outrage from any of the group in the room, but he was certainly surprised that it was the doctor that came to his defence first. An olive branch perhaps, a peace offering almost, from the beak-masked man, and not one that Cobalt was going to squander. He smiled at the other man, nodding his head slightly in thanks. But before he could reply, the doctor continued, and what he spoke next was far from an offer of peace, it was a threat. Cobalt couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, his gaze flickering across to where the four men still stood.

If they were phased by the threat, they certainly didn't show it, simply calling for introductions to be made. It was the first time that Cobalt realised none had already been made. In the heat of the moment they had all seemed to skip past the common courtesies and pleasantries. Chanteuse Amaranthine certainly seemed to remember her manners at least, introducing herself to the men. Cobalt didn't want to come across as any more rude that he had already, so he nodded.

"Justice Cobalt. Or at least that is my name for the evening."

As he had been introducing himself, a movement caught Cobalt's eye, another figure moving into the room. His eyes wandered, and he couldn't help but smile as he saw that Madam Mauve had joined the group in the room. Her movements were graceful as she stepped into the room, but that wasn't what caught his eyes. What caught his eye was the blood on her sleeve. His smile faded slightly, it appears that the woman had been busy since last they met. He tried to catch her eye as he bowed his head towards her slightly in greeting.

"It is good to see you again, Madam. I hope you have been enjoying your evening."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: Persuasion
Hit Points: 6

There was a lot of stuff happening right now and Prima Rave was just a tad bit stressed and concerned about it all. First of all her hands were now well bloodied, luckily not by her own blood, but bloodied non the less. She was still putting utmost pressure onto the wound while the rhyming wounded Plum started calling for someone to actually bring a doctor again. She sighed, her hands still pushing against his foot. Apparently Creme didn't take the whole thing well and skeddadled away from the room which didn't made Rave, who wanted someone to actually help out, really pleased about it.

β€œWhat should I do?” She asked Plum once more. She wasn't sure if Tack was going to actually help.” Will you be able to keep the wound pressured if I let go?” She asked of Plum as she threw occasional glances at him, but otherwise her gaze was locked onto the blood that had seeped into the cloth she used to block the wound. She really hoped that she'd be also able to wash her hands later somehow... didn't want to spend the whole night with bloodied hands after all. She then threw a look at Sister Penance and Master Tack with some final words of pleading. She was sad that Creme bailed instead of helping.” Please go find the doctor or someone to help or at least come to press the wound so I can go find someone to help!” Once more she felt that her plea for help and aid was rather persuasive! What manner of people wouldn't help a man in need!?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room -> Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

The chaos in the room with her was a bit strange to say the least. After all of the chaos and commotion, she was a little surprised that Tack hadn't said anything again, and she glanced at the woman who was trying to help the man who seemed to like to speak in rhymes. She was wondering if there was anything that could be done to help the man, it did seem like there might be quite a bit of blood to say the least. This situation likely could have been completely avoidable, and she glanced over and watched Madame Mauve leave. She would definitely need to keep an eye out for the woman.

Staring at Rave though, she wondered if the woman even knew what she was doing to try and stop the bleeding. There likely was other things that could be more useful than a simple cloth, yet the woman wasn't even looking to find anything better. Penance felt some pity for the man who had been stabbed, and she wasn't too thrilled at the idea of getting her dressed covered in someone else's blood. Instead, she decided that perhaps she could be a bit useful, "I'll see if I can find someone to aid him," she said, before she left the room, heading back the way that she had gone, knowing that there were people at least in that direction.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Master Plum
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room (Couch Left)
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 5

He just stood there deaf and dumb. In his place he stays, vacant in his gaze, as if caught in a daze, lasting for weeks and days, obliviously unchanged and unfazed. Much to Plum's dismay, his efforts were wasted on this imbecile. This untactful man just stood there, doing nothing but taking up space, did he not see Plum was in distress? Or was it all part of the man's sinister plan? Choosing the action of inaction? Either way Plum's one bit of respite was to think to himself that this man's lifespan was dwindling faster than his. Either the man was ignorant to the situations around him, and would not last long this evening as Mauve lurked around, or he was hoping to earn himself the enmity of Plum which was a dangerous investment.

Fortunately, Rave was able to help, and help they did. Convincing someone else to fetch aid. Albeit Plum could swear they went the wrong way, but his eye was hardly able to keep track of who is going where from which exit and make sure Rave was not also trying to kill him accidental or otherwise. Good intentions have bad outcomes at times. And if he had some ingredients at hand he could make a remedy but that would require an open pantry perhaps? No, his best hope was the doctor, who as last Plum knew, was somewhere down the corridor. He would tend to himself and apply the pressure, allowing Rave to go find the doctor, who per his last statement to the idiot man, was somewhere down the corridor, and not the room of refreshment.

"Yes, well versed and well versed,
Thus let us have the roles reverse,
for your efforts and words coerced,
Thank you Rave, my dearest nurse."

Taking matters into his own hand, pressing down on the wound, the warm trickle of blood in his hands still. There dubiously he questioned the sanctity of this cloth, wicking away the crimson tide. Yet twas all he had at a measure of worth, a deep wound bled and bled. It would certainly be a thorn in his heel for awhile to walk. More blood, alas, the bleeding had not yet stopped. A bit here and there, still bleeding as Plum was aware, pressing as best he could. Where is that doctor for a more thoroughly skilled assessment?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 4

Inquisitive eyes regarded the mercurial natured musicians. Were they merely self-serving, or was there something more sinister about them? Was anything or anyone in this place not tainted with the possibility of ulterior motive? Caution had him guard any exterior show of his thoughts, or at least make a valiant attempt at remaining stoic. When the four unmasked fellows, or rather their fair-haired representative, gave inquiry as to their names, the Doctor gave the tiniest of pauses before answering. Both Cobalt and the Chanteuse answered with but a little reservation, prompting him to do the same. They were all using aliases at any rate, likely for precisely this purpose among others. "I have been given the sobriquet of Dr. Swamp for the use of the..." His voice trailed and one hand lifted from is cane, performing a circular motion at the wrist as if puzzling out the appropriate word for the moment. "...event." There was a hint of distaste at the phrasing, but it worked as passably as anything else might. "Though why I have been gifted with the surname of 'Swamp', I cannot say. Doctor will suffice, if pressed."

Concerning the request made of him by Amaranthine, The Doctor responded by holding her gaze for no more than a second before giving her an affirming nod. Stay close. He could do that. If nothing else, he could use the support and alliance of someone who was not one of the many plebeians or social mendicants that took their strength from position, particularly the position of those pulling the strings attached to them all this night.

His overt attention stayed away from the newest addition to the room, be it difficult not to exhale a sigh aimed at potential difficulty. This seemed to be an impromptu reunion party of his fellow chair enthusiasts from earlier in the evening. From the look of her general bearing and previously absent details about her clothing, the woman had the appearance of someone who had found a different sort of entertainment for the evening. Somewhere, someone was far less enthusiastic about the same fun, he reasoned. He didn't speak of his observations aloud, merely voicing an ominous, "Isn't that interesting?" in her general direction. Otherwise, he appeared unconcerned. The request put to him was to stay close, and by someone else. Swamp might as well stick to it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Miss Creme
Location: Breakfast Room -> Grand Vestibule
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Creme was happy to see that she would not be alone in her search to find somebody to alert, smiling as Penance walked out of the room, "W-we can look together." She said, still shaken by the incident. She stepped closer to Penance," Sorry to run right out, I don't deal with pressure very well..." She said, her voice small and quiet. Knowing she wasn't the only one who wanted to look for help was reassuring to her about the type of people here. Blush had been nice, but between Mauve and the man who'd been stabbed, she had been feeling worried about her present company.

She was also happy that somebody would be around to do the talking for them. She wouldn't feel comfortable trying to explain what happened, she felt like doing that would be like going back to the moment. She wanted this to be resolved as soon as possible, so she could move on, and forget about it, as hard as that might be. She crossed into the Grand Vestibule, waiting for Penance to follow her. She stepped to the side of the door, and stood with her back straight, her hands folded behind her. She took a look around the large room, and saw that she was not alone, but that the Lord's butler was here as well. She waved at the man, trying to motion for him to come over to her.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

𝕋en 𝕋icks

The woman looked over towards Moss and a brow rose over her left eye. Looking the man over she shook her head slowly and curtly. "Hardly, you were not given leave by either whose opinions matter to me in this house. On your way," she said in a stern voice before looking over towards the woman she was waiting on and tapped her foot a bit. "This way quickly," she added as she motioned for the woman to catch up with her so she could be on her way. She wasn't waiting around for long even if Jasper had given her a direct order. Pulling out a watch on a chain she checked the time before slipping it back away. "Others will be arriving shortly, we need to be hasty." With that Margarete moved up to the landing between the second and first floor, glancing back to see if the woman would join her or not.

In the Gaming Room the four men took a few steps back as to give more room between them and the others. "Chanteuse? Fitting," one of them quipped with a grin. Another looked over towards Cobalt. "And you? What are you the law in this place?" he asked, with a bit of seething sarcasm to his voice.

Tack sighed and nodded. "Yes, of course," he said before walking out of the Music room and into the Joyous corridor. "Chair man! Where are you!" he yelled out. His memory slipping perhaps on what the mans name was for the evening or just a jab at earlier one couldn't be sure.

Over in the Grand Vestibule, Jasper cocked his head to the side as he heard a yell out in the manor but didn't move from his spot. Noticing Creme had left the breakfast room and entered where he was he nodded towards her. "Is there something you need assistance with?" he asked but it was obvious he didn't want to be of service to them at this time.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Shadowell Manor: Starry Salon -> Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

It seemed as though Blush had gained some favor and she wasn't about to lose it all by falling behind. She picked up the pace, following Margarete. It was then she had run into Moss. Really a spot of bother now, she had hoped he would have moved on, found someone else to pester and bother. And she was sure the favor extended to her did not go any farther. And even if it did, she would not choose this man to accompany her.

"Dreadfully sorry, petal, but seems I was too quick for you. And this invitation only extends to me, it seems. I'm sure you can find someone else to entertain you." She patted the man's cheek like one would a toddler before she turned to continue following Margarete.

"Sorry about that. Can't get away from some of these individuals fast enough. Shall we?" She said once she had walked away from Moss. She was now getting excited to see what awaited her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gun Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Walnut had to estimate that the answer to Titian's question was a grand number. As they entered the room, Walnut's eyes widened slightly as she examined the plethora of firearms that decorated the place. She gave the room a helpful moniker in her mind, yet glancing at the servant she had to wonder something - these could hardly be all of the guns within the mansion, no? It would be extremely inconvenient to always have to journey to this room, given how large the manor was - and in the matters of self defense, that was impractical.

"There is something that I find curious..." Walnut admitted, glancing at the servant. She had to wonder if the servant would have any information for them - the help often did. They would trade gossips and secrets, using rumors and little hints they had caught from their employers to pass the time. "How do you find it here, Shadowell Manor and its inhabitants?" Professor Walnut asked the servant, looking him in the eye.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room
Skills: Wisdom, Charisma
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine took note of the woman now in the room with them but her position and demeanor did not alter because of this or anything else it seemed. Her eyes, dark and large looked around the room with quick movements but they always returned to the four men that had been addressing her and requesting her accompaniment when they performed. They had given her time to move from the room they were in to the ballroom and she wished to exit but didn't move towards the door as of yet. Perhaps she didn't want to leave the way she came since it would mean crossing paths with them. It would be a logical assumption, whether it was the reason or not was yet to be known.

Swamp spoke but she didn't know what he was calling as interesting and didn't hazard a guess. The man had proven to be unpredictable in his ways this evening. Artistic and kind in some cases but then there was a coldness about him as well. Yet there was a fire on top of that. He was an enigma wrapped in a quandary. Right then, she didn't bother trying to solve it. There were more pressing matters before her.

The comment on her title being fitting caused her lips to purse and her eyes to narrow slightly, yet it seemed their attention was turning to the one behind her. And then there was the yell from the hallway. Was that a stab towards someone else? She wasn't sure. (As she wasn't privy to the entire Chair Wars scene since it occurred before she arrived.) A brow perked to just whom could be yelling for whom. Turning her head behind her she glanced towards Justice and then beyond him. The door he had discovered was still ajar. Maybe that would be something to look at.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gun Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian was glad that Walnut was at his side, and that joy was evident on his features as he seemed to constantly hold some form of grin or smirk or ll out wide toothed grin on his face. The man seemed happy. Now if that was because of Walnut on his arm or not, who knew for they hadn't known him before tonight but so far he seemed a rather jolly fellow despite the over all circumstances of the night that had drawn them all together. Maybe he was happy, maybe he was just too dumb to know any different. Was the big arms, small brain thing a factor in this? Who knew.

Looking down at Walnut the grin grew as her eyes widened. Sure she was speaking to the servant in her words but he was watching her. That was until there was a call that echoed down the hallway and he heard someone being paged. He could only assume it was either for the man that had wanted the chair or the man that had refused to give one up earlier. Either way, that yell wasn't for him and his attention turned back to Walnut and the servant, interested to see what was answered, especially considering the man hadn't answered his question as of yet. "What, cat got your tongue?" he asked with half a laugh. Mind you, if the man had no tongue because of some horrific cat trauma it would make thing awkward but hell, what were the chances of that happening?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Madam Mauve
Location: Shadowell Manor - Gaming Room β‡’ Joyous Corridor
Skills: Wisdom
Hit Points: 3

"My name's Madam Mauve," she exclaimed, throwing her name into the mix as they seemed to be making introductions. She eyed the four men as she casually strode further into the room. "Not that you asked me," she added with a touch of bitterness to her voice. Her gaze took in the two others in the room who had similarly ignored her presence. However, the look in her dark blue eyes softened as they landed on Justice Cobalt. At least he had the courtesy to greet her.

She strode over to his side, before pivoting on her heels to face the room again. She then looked up at him from under her dark lashes. "Of course it is," she teased, before giving a small shrug of her shoulders. "It could have been better had I been in more pleasurable company." She gave him a pointed look, before her gaze returned to the others in the room. She couldn't figure out what on earth was even going on amongst them. She blinked her eyes a few times, head slightly tilting to the side in seeming confusion. Actually, why had she even come into the room? She shook her head a bit before making her way towards the door. No point in staying here if she couldn't even remember why she had come in here in the first place. Besides, it sounded like they would be having company soon. She stopped at the doorway to glance back over her shoulder at Cobalt. She gave him a wink before heading back out into the Joyous Corridor.
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