βharacter π»eath βount: π
Shadowell Manor, Rutas Mu
ΰΉΫ©βπime π½rameβΫ©ΰΉ
300 years P.S.
ΰΉΫ©βββ πagsβΫ©ΰΉ
Horror, Mystery, Gothic, Drama, Thriller, Realism, Romance, 18+ Adult Themes
ΰΉΫ©βπype πf βββΫ©ΰΉ
Series RP (Book 1 of 9), Chapter Based, Leveling, Mystery Solving
ΰΉΫ©βπΎoal πf βββΫ©ΰΉ
Solve the mysteries, progress the story, level characters, open the next book in the series
ΰΉΫ©βπpecial βoteβΫ©ΰΉ
This is the first Rp in Lady A's Illusory Liaisons Rp Saga. The main element of this Rp is secrecy. Now I cannot force you not to speak to other Rpers about your PC but I will say this - the more you reveal to the other players, the more you lose when it comes to enjoyment of the RP. Guard your secrets well for they can be used against you by the other players. (Killing each other for personal gain is encouraged.)
*We currently are accepting no more characters.
*We currently are accepting no more characters.
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββAs we live, many times in our lives fall away to faded memory. We forget the faces of those around us, the smells and sounds no longer tangible. It happens to most memories. Yet there are specific times in our lives that are burned into our cortex, never to be forgotten no matter how much we wish they were. God you wished this one would go away but it won't. It haunts you, day in and day out. Even if you could forget someone refuses to let you.
On a random night, you found out that your darkest secret wasn't as secret as you had hoped. Someone, somehow, found out. You don't know who or how but they did. You tried to find out but they are as dark and unknown as you wish that skeleton in your closest was. Those that could afford to spent more than they could afford to try to find out but failed. Whomever knows has managed to remain unknown. If you ever find out you could end up freeing yourself or you could just end up with one more skeleton in your closet. They say dead men tell no tales. Live ones however, do.
They have agreed to keep it quiet, as long as you pay for the silence. Silence does not come cheap. Whether it be money, goods, more secrets, or even your own flesh - the cost of your secret remaining in the shadows is costing you everything you are, everything you have, perhaps even your very sanity. You cannot stop paying though. If you did, if your secret came to life, you might as well be dead. It could mean the death of you, if nothing else it will ruin you and perhaps even your family for generations to come. You can't afford that. You keep paying...
Yet, after all this time maybe there is hope. Another random night, another rap at your door, another person there to speak with you. They do not say much, only handing you a thick envelope sealed with wax and a symbol on it. You don't know the symbol, it isn't familiar but the neither is the delivery man. He doesn't say anything and refuses to speak. Simply handing over the envelope before tipping his hat and leaving. Within the envelope there is the following...

Ardad Lili, that is a name you know all too well. It is what your extortionist has referred to themselves as through their various cohorts over the time of your blackmail. Could this be the end you have longed for? Or is this a trap? And Shadowell Manor? That is a whole 'nother story all together but still... You have everything to lose if you go but in the end you could perhaps gain the one thing you have longed for all this time - An end to this nightmare. The final burial of not only the secret you must keep in the dark but the very person who has caused you all this turmoil. Oh yes, you will be attending the masquerade.
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββOnly approved for RP Player Characters will be listed here. Noteworthy NPCs will be housed in the CS Tab for quick reference and ease of upkeep purposes. Please remember that no one has met anyone in this RP and because there are no photographs, you will not know who anyone is by appearance even if they are reputable. Keep track of who your character has met personally once the RP begins.
- Madam Envy: NPC
- Justice Cobalt: @Romero
- Professor Walnut: @Morose
- Sister Penance: @Bluesky44
- Prima Rave: @rivaan
- Miss Creme: @Natsu
- Madam Mauve: NPC
- Debutante Blush: @FantasyChic
- Dr. Swamp: @Sigil
- Mr. Titian: @Lady Amalthea
- Master Tack: NPC
- Captain Moss: @Nallore
- Chanteuse Amaranthine: @Lady Amalthea
ΰΉΫ©βπ»eath βecordsβΫ©ΰΉ
- Director Kindle
- Chair Malfunction by Front Gate (Blamed on Plum)
- Master Plum
- Bashed in the skull by Swamp
βutas πu
ΰΉΫ©ββlasses & βoinsβΫ©ΰΉ
ΰΉΫ©βπhadowell π½orestβΫ©ΰΉ
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββMaps will be added to and new ones will come into play as the RP progresses. Pull these up in full size to note all details, labels, and such. This is why they are not posted as an image here, it just takes away far too much detail that is pertinent to the RP. These maps will play heavily in the Rp, refer to them often. ~Gm Suggestion: Print maps if you can to make personal notes on~
ΰΉΫ©ββutas πuβΫ©ΰΉ
Knowledge is limited due to technology, beliefs, and fear.
The World Of Rutas Mu
The grounds and the manor itself are a mystery but this is what PC's will see as they come through the forest onto the grounds proper and into the first floor of mansion itself.
The Grounds: Visible Grounds from the main road onto the property leading up to the manor.
Shadowell Manor: Visual of the front of the manor itself as the guests arrive.
Ground Floor: Main floor of the manor where the guests enter and are greeted by the staff.
Second Floor: Where Swamp and Walnut were first taken to the Sewing Room
Third Floor: Where dinner is served.
Attic: Where they are taken for "Confinement."
βharacter πΎeneration
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ*Do NOT post your CS to OOC, or anywhere else in plain view for that matter. The more the other Rpers know about your character the more you look to lose. Once your CS is completed, PM it to me only. Any CS posted in OOC or the CS tab will be marked null and void. (I suggest you pm a copy of it to yourself for safe keeping.)
To fill out your Cs, change the color code provided to a personal one of your choice that is not already in use, or one marked as ~do not use~ in the rules. If in doubt, ask. Remove directions in the CS as you go through it. The original OOC post should provide you all the information you need to complete this with ease. Do read it all BEFORE you start filling this out. If you have questions, just ask. Do note that some questions may not be answered beyond a No Spoilers, so be prepared. Careful of the coding. GM will roll hp for level 1.
This defines your characters class and should be guided by any inspiration you have for your character. Your characters echelon will define their occupation, skill set, and place in the ongoing story.
Most characters will fall in the Echelon of Everyman/Everywoman. Some characters will distinguish themselves by being one of the unique Echelons. They will level and gain experience much slower than an Everyman/Everywoman but will gain powerful Special Abilities.
Look through the provided list of Echelons and chose 1, and only 1, that reflects the type of character you are trying to create. What is provided below are the only things you may chose from due to the complexity of this rp. Any others created or requested will be denied.
Most characters will fall in the Echelon of Everyman/Everywoman. Some characters will distinguish themselves by being one of the unique Echelons. They will level and gain experience much slower than an Everyman/Everywoman but will gain powerful Special Abilities.
Look through the provided list of Echelons and chose 1, and only 1, that reflects the type of character you are trying to create. What is provided below are the only things you may chose from due to the complexity of this rp. Any others created or requested will be denied.
ΰΉΫ©βπΉasic πΈbilitiesβΫ©ΰΉ
Representation of a characters natural capacities and education. Most actions in the Rp will be determined by rolls against your characters six basic abilities, with the appropriate bonuses and penalties when needed.
To determine your basic ability scores you may either take an average 9 rating in all 6 or you may divide up 54 B.A. points between the 6 as you see fit. The minimal amount in a single ability is 3, the max is 18. Nine is the human average. You MUST Rp your characters to their basic abilities, so keep this in mind.
To determine your basic ability scores you may either take an average 9 rating in all 6 or you may divide up 54 B.A. points between the 6 as you see fit. The minimal amount in a single ability is 3, the max is 18. Nine is the human average. You MUST Rp your characters to their basic abilities, so keep this in mind.
Outside of the six basic abilities, there is another characteristic that plays into your characters build. More than that, it plays into their personality: Perversity. It defines the extent of their mental and moral corruption. Unlike the basic six abilities a low or high score does not mean they are good or bad at something. It means they are good or evil. This is your alignment in a sense and it comes into play heavily with a characters personality, what choices they will make during normal circumstances and even more-so during duress.
ΰΉΫ©βπpecial πΈbilitiesβΫ©ΰΉ
Each Echelon receives five Special Abilities. These are set in stone and cannot be changed or traded out. Each Echelons Special Abilities are what makes that particular Echelon unique. These are skills that each Echelon can perform that others cannot or can perform them better than others would. At character creation, your character receives the Special Abilities of their chosen Echelon and those alone. You cannot learn others along the way. A break down and description of each Special Ability by a chosen Echelon are provided below.
Each Echelon receives two Weaknesses. These are set in stone and cannot be changed or traded out. Each Echelons Weakness is there to impose unique limitations on that Echelon. They are there to not only help create interesting situations in the role play but to balance power. At character creation, your character receives the Weaknesses of their chosen Echelon and they can never be overcome. They cannot be traded out for different ones. They are set in stone and will forever affect your character.
ΰΉΫ©βπΈssets πΈnd πΈfflictionsβΫ©ΰΉ
Where your echelons will determine a heavy part of who your character is, where they come from, and their abilities they can limit the uniqueness of one character to another of the same echelon. This is where your assets and afflictions come into play. They allow you to further customize your character and add some additional complexity. You are encouraged to be creative when choosing an asset and affliction.
Assets are a positive characteristic, personal ability, or mastered skill. Whenever your asset relates to a situation at hand you have an increased chance of success. When rolls are needed, your character will receive a +3 bonus to the roll.
Afflictions conversely are negative characteristics or debilities. If your afflictions relates to the current situation, you will have a decreased chance of success. A -3 penalty are imposed when confronted with a situation dealing with an affliction.
Do note - for every asset you chose for your character you must pick one affliction. Each character must have a minimal of 1 and a maximum of 3 to start. There must be balance.
Assets are a positive characteristic, personal ability, or mastered skill. Whenever your asset relates to a situation at hand you have an increased chance of success. When rolls are needed, your character will receive a +3 bonus to the roll.
Afflictions conversely are negative characteristics or debilities. If your afflictions relates to the current situation, you will have a decreased chance of success. A -3 penalty are imposed when confronted with a situation dealing with an affliction.
Do note - for every asset you chose for your character you must pick one affliction. Each character must have a minimal of 1 and a maximum of 3 to start. There must be balance.
ΰΉΫ©βπealth πΈnd πΌquipmentβΫ©ΰΉ
Instead of having to write down every last little coin and item your character carries or possesses we are going to attempt to make things a tad more simple. (I know, a little late for that but better late than never.) When thinking about your characters wealth, you will just put in Upper, Middle, or Lower under classes. From this all I ask is that you act accordingly. If your character is Upper Class chances are they have everything they need, but may not carry many weapons on them at all times. Sure they may have access to them but why carry three different guns when you have servants. When you are upper crust money provides others to take a bullet doesn't it? Carrying so much would just get in the way of your fashion and attitude. Lower class people are not going to have finery, maybe a single heirloom but even that is most likely just a worthless trinket and only holds sentimental value. They would though be more likely to have a knife on them just in case. Middle class would be in the center. Remember when in this RP no member of a Class may own land unless they are Upper. It is just how Rutas Mu works.
Now as far as your equipment goes, use this section to put what they would normally have on them. Day to day. Your typical stuff. Seriously I will shoot down anyone outside of an appropriate Echelon that is carrying more than two weapons on them. I will assume that if your character is coming they are packing what they need for the time. These spaces are limited to what is available already on the CS and they are mostly just for reference to give an idea. I would suggest however that anything special of note is listed here as well. If it is not going to be on your character but is in a trunk - simply list out the trunk and then in in the places below list the items of note that will be held in the trunk with an * by them. Perhaps books, love letters, portrait of your family, an heirloom, etc.
Please be aware that there will be certain times in the Rp it may be needed that we need exact lists. We will address those times when they come. Otherwise it will be assumed your character has everything they need on them. If the Gm says it isn't something you have, you don't unless it is specifically listed. Even then it could have been lost or stolen and your character just didn't realize it until it was pointed out.
A general list of Goods is provided in Appendix 10, along with the general cost of such items. This may help you determine anything of note for your character and a few things about what your characters level of wealth might provide them.
*Note this, make sure that invitation is listed on your CS or you aren't getting in. Do you really want to spend the beginning of the Rp turning around, going home, and retrieving it?
Now as far as your equipment goes, use this section to put what they would normally have on them. Day to day. Your typical stuff. Seriously I will shoot down anyone outside of an appropriate Echelon that is carrying more than two weapons on them. I will assume that if your character is coming they are packing what they need for the time. These spaces are limited to what is available already on the CS and they are mostly just for reference to give an idea. I would suggest however that anything special of note is listed here as well. If it is not going to be on your character but is in a trunk - simply list out the trunk and then in in the places below list the items of note that will be held in the trunk with an * by them. Perhaps books, love letters, portrait of your family, an heirloom, etc.
Please be aware that there will be certain times in the Rp it may be needed that we need exact lists. We will address those times when they come. Otherwise it will be assumed your character has everything they need on them. If the Gm says it isn't something you have, you don't unless it is specifically listed. Even then it could have been lost or stolen and your character just didn't realize it until it was pointed out.
A general list of Goods is provided in Appendix 10, along with the general cost of such items. This may help you determine anything of note for your character and a few things about what your characters level of wealth might provide them.
*Note this, make sure that invitation is listed on your CS or you aren't getting in. Do you really want to spend the beginning of the Rp turning around, going home, and retrieving it?
The main hook of this Rp is the fact that your character is being blackmailed. They did or are accused of doing something that would ruin their life if it were to become public knowledge. It doesn't matter if what they are accused of is true or not, sometimes the mere appearance of a scandal is enough to ruin someone. I would suggest thinking on this for a bit and working out the details in your mind before you commit to a reason why your character is being extorted. You are going to want it to make sense with your characters personality, their background, their social status, and history. Also, if your character is already a villain type, many crimes they wouldn't care if they were caught. Hell for some it might even enhance their ~status~ so chose wisely. If it doesn't make sense, it won't be accepted.
Examples include adultery, apostasy, arson, assassination, assault, bestiality, bigamy, blackmail, buggery, bribery, drugs, dueling, embezzlement, fornication, fraud, gambling, homicide, incest, kidnapping, larceny, perjury, prostitution, rape, robbery, smuggling, sodomy, and tax evasion just to name a few! Just remember to have the crime fit the character.
Examples include adultery, apostasy, arson, assassination, assault, bestiality, bigamy, blackmail, buggery, bribery, drugs, dueling, embezzlement, fornication, fraud, gambling, homicide, incest, kidnapping, larceny, perjury, prostitution, rape, robbery, smuggling, sodomy, and tax evasion just to name a few! Just remember to have the crime fit the character.
- β°βrimeβ± Crime Name Here: Now details. Why they are being extorted? Give at least one detailed paragraph describing the circumstances of the so called crime. Now, the reason for blackmail might not even be something your character personally did, perhaps they are protecting someone. List a second paragraph of what would happen to the character if this information came to light. (Note, this means a total of 2 paragraphs required.)
- β°πΎuiltβ± Are they guilty or innocent?
- β°βriceβ± Once you turn in your CS, Lady A will determine the price your character is paying for the blackmail. Leave this part blank.
- β°πimeβ± How long has your character been paying to keep this quiet? If unsure, Lady A can assign a length of time.
ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββMusic influences so much in our lives and in RP. This is the music of Machiavellian Masquerade. The playlist provided is made up of songs that influenced the creation of the RP. This playlist will be added to over time to include not only songs used in the RP but character theme songs. I suggest anytime a song appears in the IC you take special note of it. I have been known to use the music that I post in an Rp as a clue of what is to come, what is happening, or as a way to solve a current problem.
ΰΉΫ©βπhe βlaylistβΫ©ΰΉ
We Don't Need Another Hero - Northern Kings
Unfaithful - Exit Eden
S&M - Rhianna
Monster - Beth Crowley
Castle - Halsey
The Other Side - Greatest Showman
Bad Things - Jace Everett
Become The Beast - Karliene
A Little Wicked - Valerie Broussard
In This Moment - The Fighter
ΰΉΫ©βπhe βlaylistβΫ©ΰΉ
We Don't Need Another Hero - Northern Kings
Unfaithful - Exit Eden
S&M - Rhianna
Monster - Beth Crowley
Castle - Halsey
The Other Side - Greatest Showman
Bad Things - Jace Everett
Become The Beast - Karliene
A Little Wicked - Valerie Broussard
In This Moment - The Fighter


ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββAll rules are enforced and you will be removed if you break any of them. There are NO exceptions!
Read and follow all of them at all times!
Read and follow all of them at all times!
These rules may seem long, overly detailed, strict, and harsh but I am a fair Gm as long as communication remains open and honest and people do no take advantage. They are there for a reason. Remember, it is YOUR responsibly to know these. If you lie to me you will be blacklisted. I will know.
Rule Change 10/30/18: Post limit rule adjustments lifted. We are now back to the standard 2 posts between your last.
Rule Change 02/23/2019: If you want a roll request, you must put it in before your last post hits day 7.
Rule Reminder 02/23/2019: When you are requesting rolls - type up post, pm me, leave roll in chat, tag me in chat, wait for reply.
General Rules For The Illusory Liaisons Series
Special Rules For Book 1: Machiavellian Masquerade