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I am sorry it took a while, I had to rewrite it today because I lost the original yesterday due to a computer chrash. I hope it's acceptable, if it needs changes just let me know.
Just a quick update, I am in the middle of making my final thesis and I will be going on a holiday coming wednesday. I think I will be able to make a post tomorrow or the day after, but during my holiday you guys can control my character in my absence so you can keep going.
Oshiro Kazuki

Two weeks ago

The trip to Amegakure was very productive, under Tsukiko's leadership and with Rin's knowledge of the area. They were able to make a effective plan to stall and confuse the enemy while the statue team would deal with the statue. Atleast he hoped it would be effective, but no plan is perfect so all he could do was hope things would work out. Tsukiko's training regime started the moment they returned, or as Kazuki liked to call it the two weeks of hell. He had always strifed to keep himself in top physical condition, but Tsukiko showed him how much he still had to improve upon. But besides the physical conditioning, he really liked the way Tsukiko approached the way of fighting shinobi. Kazuki also liked to finish his fights quickly and effeciently, taking out his enemies by any means necessary. So the trapping and ambushing skills would come in handy for him since it complimented his fighting style. He didn't completely become the killing machine she probably meant him to become, not that he has problems killing his enemies, but he preferred to use non-lethal options if possible.

Present day

Kazuki was standing amongst the crowd, using a henge no jutsu to blend in. As the statue occupation team moved in, the crowd started to panic which turned into terror and caused them to flee when the first jutsu started was thrown around. He kept following the crowd for a few moments in order to stay hidden as long as possible. They were too late to intercept the first couple of enemies, but the statue occupation team was able to deal with them. As the first enemy landed, Takashi was allready on him. Kazuki was about to jump in, but Takashi was able to deal with the first wave himself. He was slightly suprised by how easily Takashi killed his opponents, but then again they were trained for two weeks for it. ”Judging by the area where he got hit, it could mean a broken rib and possible ruptured spleen or stomach.” Kazuki flinched as a bo staff connected with Takashi's ribs. ”Due to the lack any signs of pain, he is either faking it or he has a very high pain tolerance” He figured as Takashi rushed the last enemy, atleast for now.

Seeing as more enemies were on their way, Kazuki made a kage bunshin (shadow clone) after he had dropped his henge. Kazuki pulled out a kunai and a senbon while his shadow clone started weaving handseals. He launched the kunai and senbon at the same time towards the enemy furthest back, the senbon travelled in the shadow of the kunai, hiding it until it would be too late. Just as Kazuki released his weapons, his clone finished the seal for his Magen: Narakumi (demonic illusion: Hell viewing technique), putting the same target under a genjutsu. “Do you really think a simple genjuts..” The man started yelled as he had quickly noticed the genjutsu and cancelled it before he noticed the kunai allready really close to him. Using his reflexes the man was just able to catch the kunai, but he didn't notice the senbon until it was too late. A flash of panic crossed the mans face as he realised that he would be unable to dodge the senbon, but he was able to shift slightly in order to prevent the senbon from hitting a pressure point. But unbeknownst to him, the paralytic poison on the senbon needle had allready started to spread through his bloodstream. “Seems your little plan failed.” The man laughed as he pulled out the senbon from his neck.

Ignoring the man's response, Kazuki's shadowclone charged in to engage the man in close combat while Kazuki rushed towards Takashi. All the shadowclone had to do was distract the man for seconds until the poison spread enough to slow him down and eventually paralyze him. ”Takashi-san, I need to check the extend of damage that the bo staff could have done.” Kazuki said as he reached Takashi, allready activating his shôsen no jutsu (mystical palm technique).

I will just post this here so it's easier to keep track off :D.
Sorry for the delay, but my post is finally up. I totally did not lose it once yesterday when my computer chrashed when I was proof reading it....
Kazuki was looking around the room at his new teammates, waiting to see how the others would respond. His attention shifted towards Tsukiko as she started speaking. "Does she really think I will follow her blindly like some sheep? She does have more experience and she was a jounin commander for a reason, but still I will speak up if she makes dumb decisions." He decided for himself after Tsukiko's comment about leaving the planning to her. "Ofcourse Ryuunosuke is strong, he wouldn't have become the leader of the confederation if he wasn't. That doesn't change the fact that he needs to die, if we ever want to take down the confederation." Kazuki thought to himself as he listened to Tsukiko's speech about Ryuunosuke. He knew that he wasn't even close to that man's level yet, but still he believed they would end Ryuunosuke's reign.

"So she knows Aoi Fuegushi, also known as Hamajō's Blue Voice. Depending on her knowledge of Aoi's ability's, we might be able to make a plan to take her down. It would be a big blow to the confederation if Aoi were to die that day." Kazuki figured after listening to Tsukiko's little story about Aoi, who she seemed to know personally. He was glad about her plan of exploring Amegakure before the big day, something that they really need to do before they would be able to come up with a good plan. He just didn't like the undercurrent of threat she put in her words. He was expecting her to do something to intimidate them as Tsukiko was walking towards the table, but he was still slightly shocked as she slammed her knive into the table. Kazuki was slightly hesitant and was about to speak up as Rin broke the silence first.

Kazuki was shocked by Rin's outburst, he had pegged her as a somewhat meek and maybe timid girl, but this changed his opinion about her. He couldn't agree more with her at this moment, they did remember the kage's and how it was before the confederation took over. In her rant Rin made a good point, they were all rebels now. Regardless of what they did before joining the Jiyuna no Guntai, they were all here fighting for the same reasons. "So she is all round kunoichi, but probably the close range fighter of our group. Although that would mostly depends on which doton and fuuton jutsu she knows and what her hiden can do." He thought as he analyzed Rin's explanation about her ability's. "So she came from Amegakure originally, which will be very usefull once we decided to go there. But it could also pose a extra threat since she might be recognized, so she would either need to stay behind or go in disguised." Kazuki reasoned as Rin picked up the knive and started channeling her chakra in to it, before dropping it where it almost completely imbeded itself into the ground.

Kazuki ignored most of Takashi's rambling about why Ryuunosuke was called a drake or dragon, or whatever. The man was strong and needed to be taken down, that's all that he cared about. He smiled slightly as Takashi spoke up about not following Tsukiko's orders blindly, he was glad that there was another one in her team who favored logic. "So he is a raiton ninjutsu and fuinjutsu specialist, making him probably a mid to long range specialist. Which would make it two mid to long range fighters and one close ranged, two if Tsukiko is also a close ranged fighter. It would make a pretty good group setup. He reasoned after listening to Takashi's explanation. Kazuki was also really interested in Takashi's ability in fuinjutsu, it would be interesting to see what it could do in the medical field. He chuckled softly as Takashi made a last jab towards Tsukiko, he had gained some more respect for both his teammates.

"Umene-taichou, don't get me wrong. I respect your experience and ability in leading teams, but I won't just blindly follow you. I have lived my life using my intelligence and analytical ability in order to survive, so I won't stop using that. Kazuki explained as he looked directly into Tsukiko's eyes, trying his hardest to not show that he was intimidate by her. "As for my ability's. I use a mixture of doton ninjutsu and the use of my weapons at medium to long range. Normally all my weapons are coated with either a strong paralytic poison or a strong neurotoxin." He calmly explained as he stood up and drew one of his kunai. Without showing a hint of pain, Kazuki made a cut on the palm of his hand, before making sure everyone in the room could see it. "With the use of my kekkei genkai, I can manipulate certain quality's of blood." He explained as he channeled chakra to his palm and increases the amount of platelets in his blood, which would close his wound in a manner of seconds, leaving a small closed over wound on his palm. "Furthermore with the use of my shôsen no jutsu (mystical palm technique), I can deal with most wounds" He continued as he channeled chakra into his other hand as he brought it towards his wounded hand. After a few moments he pulled his hand away, showing a recently healed hand with no visual marks on it from the cut that was there momenst ago. Being happy after his little show of ability, he sat back down in his chair, curiously awaiting Tsukiko's respond.
Just a quick heads-up, I was planning on making a post tonight. But now I will have to work until probably 22:00/23:00 tonight. While I started at 8:00 today..., so I will make my post tomorrow evening.
I was just waiting aswell.
Oshiro Kazuki

Kazuki was listening closely to Senhime as she was explaining the objective of the mission, he wanted to make sure he heard all the details. "So she wants us to attack one of the best defended city's during a day where the security will be at it's highest. It's sounds like a suicide run.." He thought to himself as a flash of doubt crossed his face. "But then again, if we succeed it will be a enormous blow to the confederation. It would show that we are a true force to be reckoned with and could potentially drive more people to our cause. It's a very dangerous plan, but sometimes you need to put your life on the line for what you believe in" Kazuki figured as his look of doubt changed to determination. Kazuki glanced over the scroll as it was being rolled out, which clearly stated that he would be on the perimeter security interception team, with three other people.

Kazuki looked around the room as he put the names he just read to the people who he had just met. First he glanced at the older woman of the group, Tsukiko Umene. "A former jounin commander, so she should be strong and a capable captain of our team. Shame that's all I know about her though, but I am sure that will change over the coming days." He reasoned as he his gaze drifted to the second person, Rin Takahashi.

"She looks rather plain and normal, but then again looks can be very deceiving in our line of work. Her introduction could have been more informative, but if she is good at hitting things she is probably a close range specialist. It seems like she isn't sure of herself, so either she is bad at social things like this or she isn't certain about her own ability's. I certainly hope it's the first one, but I need to find out about that before the mission. Someone who doubts themselfs too much can be a liability." Kazuki deduced as his gaze shifted to the last person on his team, Ryuuga Takashi.

"Finally someone who explains somewhat more then the other ones. So a he is a raiton (lighting release) user and uses explosive seals. So that would place him as either a short to medium or medium to long range ninjutsu specialist, which would round out our team pretty nicely I reckon. His comment about shock and awe could be bad, depending on how liberally he uses those explosive seals." He figured as Akumako stood up and made a weird comment about taking back a shrine, but it seemed unrelated at the moment so he would just keep that comment in the back of his head for now.

Kazuki was just going over the plan in his head as Takashi asked his questions, several of which he was wanting to ask aswell. He mostly disregared the comment about Hamajo being called a dragon, he didn't really care what he named himself. He would fall in the end anyway, it would be better if Takashi considered him more of a real threat though. There still were several questions he still wanted to ask, but he wasn't sure if this was the best place to ask them. He was about to speak as Senhime started to talk again.

Kazuki let out a small sigh of relieve as Senhime commented on the fact that he wouldn't be the only medical ninja on the mission. Not that he couldn't handle it on his own, but he welcomed all the help. The fact that their commander would be there aswell, uplifted his spirits a bit. Eventhough he hasn't seen her fight yet, but he has heard plenty of stories to be able to deduce that she is strong. "Senhime-sama, I still have several questions. More about the specific plans we would use that day. But I reckon those are probably best left until we are closer to the day." Kazuki commented with a nod towards their commander. He turned to look at Tsukiko Umene, to see what she had planned now, since she would be their team leader for the coming weeks.
Kazuki kept his room rather spartan, he only has a simple desk, a simple dresser, a chair, a bed and a nightstand with a lamp on it. Eventhough he felt welcome and accepted within Jiyuna no Guntai, he always wanted to be ready for anything. So he always made sure he had most of his stuff sealed inside some sealing scrolls. Kazuki was sitting on his bed as he was casually reading one of the advanced medical books he owned, he had allready read it several times before. But he could lose himself in his study's quite easily, besides there wasn't much for him to do in this base. Kazuki looked up at the younger girl as his name was called. "Hai, Akumako-san. I will be with you in a minute." He replied to the younger sister of their commander, as he puts his book down. Kazuki got up and quickly put his boots, gloves and bracers on before he exited the room to follow Akumako. "Akumako-san, I am ready..." He started as he left the room. "Now where do I need to go.." He mumbled to himself.

"Why couldn't she wait for a minute? Guess I will have to find my own way then, it sounded quite important." Kazuki thought to himself as he started to get agitated while he stared into the identical looking hallways around him. "She didn't even tell me a room number." He thought to himself, getting annoyed by the situation. Kazuki decided to head towards the direction where he heard footsteps, hoping that would lead him in the right direction. In the end he finally managed to find the room, just to discover that he was the last one to arrive. He gave a small bow towards Senhime before he looked through the room at, what he assumed, would be his fellow team mates before nodding his head at each of them. He wasn't sure what he could make of them yet, he has heard some rumors about a few of them, but that was hardly anything to go on. Kazuki took a seat in one of the swivel chairs as he listend carefully to everyones introductions. Some of them were informative enough, but from some of them he only learned their names. But he was certain he would get to know them later.

After everyone else made their introduction, Kazuki stood up. "I am Oshiro Kazuki, I came from Iwagakure. I am a medical ninja who can offer medium to long range support with my doton jutsu and my ranged weapons." He introduced himself before he let himself fall back into the seat. Turning his seat slightly to look at their commander, who was one of the most inspering people he has ever had the honor to meet. Not that he was someone who idiolizes people, but she just had something over her.

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