Avatar of Mole


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current I dyed my hair bubblegum pink. I feel like a pretty Sailor Guardian, now. (°◡°♡)
21 days ago
Entering my first round of Immersion Therapy. Wish me luck! 🍀
26 days ago
Today was genuinely a good day. Nothing special happened, but it reminded me what it was like to have a good day by simply being what it is. I forgot what this felt like. Here’s to the future.
1 mo ago
Last night, I had a dream where I was having a hard time piecing together all the Brio tracks for my toddler. Tough times, man. Better luck tonight, hopefully. 🚂
1 like
1 mo ago
I was stressed the electricity would go out this week; but it didn’t. So, here’s to getting caught up on all the laundry preemptively. 🍷

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f r i d a y
j a n u a r y 2 5 t h , 2 0 5 0

Good morning. The sun isn't shining, but you're awake. It's just below freezing, which means you had better wear a jacket. There's a charity luncheon downtown, if you're a Netter or someone accompanying a Netter. Or, Maybe you found a different way to be invited. Actually, maybe you aren't going at all because you've got better fish to fry 'cause you seriously can't pay. Also, in this congested city, there's way more happening then just a charity luncheon. But, in all honesty, it doesn't really matter because tonight is the night you've been waiting for, whether its for that ~fab-u-lous~ hook-up, just getting away from your trash bin of a job, making a downpayment on your new augmentation, or you're finally going to tell your boss you want a raise. Maybe its none of those, but whatever it is, it just feels like its going to be your night.

I should be getting the game posted tomorrow.
If anyone is interested in filling out a CS while waiting for the OOC, see below and click Raw.

@Mole You mentioned a discord. Is that available yet?

I PM’d you the link.

If anyone else wants it, lemme kno.

Looking for one more interested party before I pull the trigger.
Awesome, thanks for the prompt response! I'll wait around until OOC/CS comes up. Thinking of different character ideas already, as I prefer to only play one (though I will come up with background/supporting characters, of course).

As much as I enjoy a full on netrunner build, can we pull off an inspired Trauma Team Corp so I can play a [former] EMT with their own nihilism and irritability? The quote on Trauma Team's page "By now, I don't even see the bodies as people. I see them as either parts or pickups..." hit me in just the right way.

Supporting characters are encouraged, but you came pre-programmed with those already. Thank God.

Yes, the Trauma Team is something I am working on atm — mostly coming up with a different name. If nothing comes, then it will remain the Trauma Team.

Edit: To anyone reading this — if you have trouble making NPCs/Supporting characters, no worries. I am here to brainstorm as is the rest of the players in game. My interest is watching the imagination and creativity of the players to flourish.


Thank you for your interest! Here are the answers to your questions. Feel free to ask more whenever you get curious.

Connecting my cyber deck to the interest check! Tried to run in another one but I worry it is DOA. Also been playing Cyberpunk 2077 a lot the past two weeks so I have a lot of inspiration!

I can see some similarities and differences already. I do have questions if you don’t mind so soon.

I took inspiration from Cyberpunk 2077, Shadowrun, Fahrenheit 451, The Resisters, Blade Runner, and 1984. Also, this is a growing world, and so would love the players to interact with the storyline. OOC is almost done, and if you have suggestions or ideas — please let me know. On the Discord, I have a channel set up for those to go along the way, as well.

Are we gonna be able to do various roles, such as Netrunner, Hired Muscle, etc?

Yes! You can be a multiple roles, even a Netter if you desire. You can also make multiple characters. I don’t have a cap for characters yet, but just don’t overwhelm yourself. (In case you do, we can always find a way for an unwanted character to die, tho, which is only more plot.)

Approximately how long has AutoAmerica been established?

Around 2028. Pulling the black satire card on today’s economy.

Are we at the point of flying vehicles (at least for the rich and mega corps)?

Yes, unhacked flying vehicles operate on a grid and go about 95 mph. If your character hacked his vehicle or purchased a hacked vehicle, the operations can leave the grid and fly faster, if that’s part of the hack. Be warned, the Police Force will arrest you if they notice you, but if you are feeling lucky, then maybe your dice roll will let you get away with it.

Edit: If your flying vehicle isn’t up to your standards, you can always earn some money (or Life Points) to get it upgraded or better rigged.

Edit to say that I love Rabbit Junk. Was introduced to them about 7 years ago. WDKYWMYAK is my go-to RJ song.

Right? The beats got good with RJ.


I’m glad to have your interest.
This sounds cool! Definitely interested!

Awesome! When I get a few more bite, I’ll put the CS up as I work out a few kinks for the OOC.
v i o l e t s h e e p h a p p y h u n t i n g

t h e f u t u r e

— — click me — —

________________________________________________ _ _ _

In an electric dream of neon lights against a perpetually clouded skyline, the future became present day. Corporations banded together to puppeteer the government. The President of the United States of AutoAmerica is now chosen by a committee of executives from the largest mega-corporations. After the Old United States defaulted on its financial obligations, a conglomerate of large corporations effectively bought out the United States government and abolished the Constitution as it was previously known. However, the lackadaisical attitude at the time, all but guaranteed a wide spread shoulder shrug at the abolition of the Old Constitutional Order, ushering in the new Technocratic Oligopoly that derived its power from satiating the basic pleasures of life for a fat happy populace.

CritiCare started using its influence to vaccinate the population with mood stabilizing drugs annually ensuring that new ideas challenging corporate power would not flourish. The rich also referred to as Netters are exempt from the rules because they are seen as the providers of entertainment and destructions of life’s necessities. The Netters currently comprise of 5% of the population but control over 90% of the wealth. Though, no one can really be sure how much. The other 95% of the population are called the Surplus, comprised of the Unemployables, the Unretrainables, and low-income population who live among the broken wires and trashy capsule motels.

Currently, AutoAmerica is at war, again. This time it’s finally with ChinRussia, AutoAmerica’s biggest rival in technology, production, and power. AutoAmerica needs Hong Kong to remain an Ally in order to keep the power game thriving. The goal is to connect every citizen more and faster to the Net. Alexa is the best of Big Brother’s Aunt Nettie Program for ConnectHome systems. She is everyone’s HomeAssistant. Alongside Alexa there are Cybercoms, organically moving technological bodies with the build of the user’s preference and paycheck have made SmartPhones obsolete. They even had cybernetics skin for sensory. In order to have any art or writing, it must be uploaded onto a the Net for Aunt Nettie to review.Pencil/Pen and Paper are illegal. Everything is electronic. Bills are paid by Social Scan Numbers, tattoos on the right wrist of every citizen. Social Scan Numbers are also every person’s own Cyber Identification Document (CID). HealthChips are gaining popularity in corporate legislature and can help track Life Points, which to some, is more important than money. One thing is certain, no one escapes the system.

Or so they say. NetRunners know how to dodge and jack the system. They hack it with their augmented interfaces. Megacorporations higher NetWatchers to keep their Data Fortresses of information safe from these mercenaries. Other illicit activity happens beyond the tentacle grid of Aunt Nettie. Age and sex does not discriminate when it comes to crime. Black Market augmentations to Underground sports with betting and blood. Nothing is too filthy for the average citizen of AutoAmerica. Occasionally, the Netters will travel down the rabbit hole and into the slums to partake of the nasty, and that’s where throw-awayBody Guards begin their service. On duty, they protect the rich, and off-duty they spend their time at bars, taking one-shot mercenary jobs and participating in the local Dead Pool in order to pay their bills.


r u l e s
— — the guiding lights — —

» All Guild rules apply, breaking these rules will result in your termination from the game, and may be reported to site moderators.

» This is a mature game. According to Guild rules, all NSFW content is kept in PMs/DMs or fades-to-black. With that said, romance is welcome.

» No godmoding/metagaming/powerplaying, keep IC and OOC posts to their respective tabs. Posts should be written in third person, past tense, be detailed and legible. One liners are to be avoided and repeat offenders may be subject to termination.

» Character sheets using anime pictures will not be reviewed. If you are having trouble sourcing art for your character, please let a GM know and we may be able to help. Anime face claims are allowed for characters’ cybercoms.

» Character interactions do not equate to the real world, glad blood between characters should be kept to the IC. Likewise, if you have a problem with another person in the game, then keep your lover’s spat to PMs and out of the OOC. In case of harassment, it is your responsibility to alert a GM before the situation escalates.

» Be mindful of other players’ activities when posting. There will be a posting order provided on Discord. No speed posting between other players and/or characters when interacting. Please, use collabs respectfully.

» GMs have the final say, no ifs, buts, or maybes. If you are told by a GM how something is going to be it’s probably a good idea to listen. And remember, saying “That’s not fair,” is not going to change minds.

» Activity! Please be able to post at least once every two weeks. Real life can be hectic, and as much as we would like to spend our time plunging further into our fantasies this can’t always be the case. However, if you find yourself needing to unplug for an extended period or cannot match your posting turn time, please let us know so we can work around it. Also, dormant players will not be waited upon without prior warning and will miss major plot developments at any given time. Similarly, please don’t just drop the game without telling anyone. It’s not hard. Offenders will not be accepted back into the game without good reason.

» Include “I pledged” when submitting your character sheet to show you’ve read the rules.
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