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8 hrs ago
Current I forgot what sleep feels like, and at this point, I’m too tired to care.
1 mo ago
Four days ago feels like forever ago.
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2 mos ago
Houston, I need more Sailor Moon vs Queen Beryl jokes, rn.
5 mos ago
Harisutosu Fukkatsu! ✨🥂
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8 mos ago
Just a friendly reminder that Hugo Ball wearing lobster fisty cuffs while reciting Dada poetry was a thing.


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Neomi Adams

When the window crashed, Neomi let out a small cry. Her spare hand shielded her face. Breaths shook from her mouth. There were thoughts trying to tell her what to do, but none of them had words. It was a jumbled mess that made her heart race and gave her a sensation in the center of her chest.

As she gained her strength and balance, she glanced briefly at the sword. Its added weight in her hand caused her to stumble. She took hold of the hilt with the other hand, as well just as the snake-ish Rue slithered closer. For a brief moment she stepped back fearfully.
The good kind.
Link has been updated. Ty, @Lucky. ❤️
<Snipped quote by Mole>

This is the alphabet game, not word association game


Crikey! I did it, again.
@Mole Shit, man, dat you?

Plot's pretty different, and this time the digimon transformation is a lot more voluntary. It shares some themes, but ultimately, I'd call it a different game.

Maybe I ought to try re-running Parallel Visage though, in the near future.

Unironically, yes, I am Briza. (Ha!) I’ve been keeping my eye out for you like an Shiba Inu. Anyways, I was thinking of recycling Ryan, but if you are going to re-run Parallel Visage, then I won’t. How often are you expecting posts for this game?
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