Avatar of Mole


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14 min ago
Current I forgot what sleep feels like, and at this point, I’m too tired to care.
1 mo ago
Four days ago feels like forever ago.
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2 mos ago
Houston, I need more Sailor Moon vs Queen Beryl jokes, rn.
5 mos ago
Harisutosu Fukkatsu! ✨🥂
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7 mos ago
Just a friendly reminder that Hugo Ball wearing lobster fisty cuffs while reciting Dada poetry was a thing.


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a short story | inspired by MFP#9
metanoia & martyrdom

In Eight hundred 2 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@dryden in a fencing suit, though.

Subscribed. I’m probably rolling out Ryan’s CS, again.
Sometimes, when I am writing, I feel as if I am stepping outside of time.
No, I am not interested in being a famous actor or actress.

I play the harp (currently, a Gaia Lever Salvi Harp). Do you play an instrument? If so, how many?
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