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1 mo ago
Four days ago feels like forever ago.
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2 mos ago
Houston, I need more Sailor Moon vs Queen Beryl jokes, rn.
5 mos ago
Harisutosu Fukkatsu! ✨🥂
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7 mos ago
Just a friendly reminder that Hugo Ball wearing lobster fisty cuffs while reciting Dada poetry was a thing.
8 mos ago
I thought the coal was for lighting incense.
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In Book Quotes 6 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
Such a fuss over a broken alarm. Housewives sure must be starved for conversation, her husband said in bewilderment. That’s just it, the woman answered with a laugh.

— Maki Kashimada, Love at Six Thousand Degrees

Your Place or Mine (2023)

My favorite movie in middle school was 13 Going on 30 (2004) — flash forward to: heartthrob Mark Ruffalo playing the antagonist in Poor Things (2023) — which is completely off topic, but I can’t help mentioning because I find it amusing. The reason I mentioned this is because after I watched United States of Leland (2013) in high school, I stopped paying attention to mainstream films.

So, why was I watching something like Your Place or Mine? It’s just the way the universe was made. I was in a public establishment. I didn’t even recognize Ashton Kutcher at first. The movie was playing with no sound, and I had to read the subtitles.

I liked the premise being of a naive, neurotic single-mother with her misfit son. I liked that she had an overbearing and cynical bestie looking out for her best interest, complimented with a cup of coffee. I liked that her neighbor was lingering around trying and failing to get her undying love, all while she obliviously attempted to simply keep afloat. (Honestly, I think it took the movie to put things into context for me.) I loved that her to-be love interest goes through failing grandiose efforts to parent her son. I liked that he had that male touch many single-moms (often tragically) can’t seem to offer.

The movie got a 30% on Rotten Tomatoes, but The United States of Leland got a whopping 34%. The single-mother still lingering in me can’t help but recommend My Place or Yours. It had iconic, cute, and silly light-hearted moments, and of course, you know, the movie circumvents around characters with a love for literature. So, if you want to veg out and watch Ashton Kutcher run around with more make-up than Queen Elizabeth. Here’s your chance.
I like walking barefoot in rivers.
Banned for birbin’.
In Book Quotes 7 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
“I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane.”

— Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Banned for omgosh that’s so adorable and cute, again!
Welcome to the Wild West! Hope you enjoy the Rodeo!
In Book Quotes 7 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
How heavy, / the baggage that I carried / at departure.

— Santoka Oyama, The Life and Zen Poetry of Santoka Taneda

Banned because omgosh, they are cute.
Solaris (1972)

I just recently watched the Russian 1972 Sci-Fi movie Solaris after making a goal of watching all of Andrei Tarkovsky’s movies. The movie follows a psychiatrist’s trip to a space station orbiting a planet called Solaris. Strange phenomenon have been happening on the ship, and his mission is to investigate the situation. The plot does not adequately follow the novel’s storyline, but I enjoyed the philosophical discussions about the themes of life, death, and love. There was also, of course, penitent suspense in the mix as with all Tarkovsky films. I haven’t seen the George Clooney Solaris, but I kind of bet it’s not as thoughtful, so if you have an want a more contemplative work, here’s your gateway!
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