@6slyboy6 This does sound interesting. To be honest I am a little scared of the typos and spelling going on in the synopsis. I mean, I am a terrible speller, but I let spell check fix me in most situations. Go back and re-read your post, edit out the mistakes, I'll edit out my comments about the issues to just an 'I'm interested' and we'll go from there if there is any one else who shows interest! I'm not trying to be rude, just candid.
I am very much interested. Always happy to see a mech role play!
I am curious to see how this plays out, but I like the suspense of not knowing!
Are we all individuals working independently, or are we a scavenger team? I am assuming, based on the last segment, that due to the scarcity of these titans that we would not be starting with one.
I could be interested. I'm always more partial, aesthetically, for western dragons. But if it is fun I would be interested! I am curious as to what the plot would be beyond cohabitation with the dragons would be.
And now I have my bit up. It is a long one. The hider is paraphrased as such. Someone propped a door open, a runner got in and was starting to turn people. Maker used himself as bait to draw them away to try and save the women and children (such a gentleman), nearly died in the process, was saved by Yates (thanks Yates), who ended up dyeing (poor yates, we hardly knew ya). Maker decides that the casino was a lost cause and escapes with his life.
"Yes Bushwacker, it's me. Glad to see you made it through the mess. You want to point that gun somewhere else?" The bushwacker that he knew before would have certainly pointed that gun, but he probably wouldn't have pulled the trigger. Not unless he was hard pressed for other options... but now? William just wasn't sure. He didn't tense up, he didn't prepare for a fight. He knew that before he had a chance to defend or counter attack there would be a neat little hole through the front of the welding mask he wore. William knew that look, despite his face being covered, he knew what that look meant.
When the gun was finally lowered and he was asked what had happened he gave a deep sigh and recanted his story. He started with, "You remember Yates?"
Flashback: The Maker was tinkering again, he had a workstation in a basement maintenance room below the hotel wing of the building. So far the cities water supply was still pressurized in this part of town, but it was hard to say how long that would last before something else went wrong. Maker was working on a purification system that ran on solar power or on a dynamo so it could be manually powered. Not only would it be able to clean the water from the swimming pool, but it would also be able to pump water from wells and reserves. Anything that was in the waterline could be drawn up with it, so even if the pressure dropped they should still be able to retrieve water. He just wasn't getting the power draw that he wanted from the solar cells and the batteries were largely to blame. Time to go scrounge for better components.
The maker slid on his gear, only in his locked, windowless work room did he feel secure enough to take off his protective coverings. He had plans to make more body armor at some point, but it was too hard to move in metal, so Kevlar was the best option. The kind of suit that Bushwacker wore was kind of ideal. Next swat truck they found and brought in though was going to be at least one suit for William. Slamming the welding mask over his face he unlocked the room and made his way out into the hallway. He closed the door behind him and made his way to the steps, and eventually into the rooms where the hotels-goers had abandoned their stuff. This part of the complex hadn't been blocked off yet, but the rooms hadn't all been cleared either. Maker knew the risk of coming here alone, but nobody else would know what he was looking for and a group of people made too much noise. Armed with the master key card that opened all the hotel rooms, as long as they weren't bolted, the maker got to working his way into the first room, hammer drawn and ready.
Immediately he was greeted with a snarl, just as quickly the hammer came down and pinned the remains to the ground. Where there was one, there was almost always a second, at least. There wasn't this time, at least not yet. Shoemaker worked his way around the room and found it all to be quiet. The window on this second floor unit had been broken, but by the lack of glass it was on its way out. The second Zombie, or perhaps the last human in the room attempting to escape. Sweeping the room of the possessions he came back with a tablet, two chargers, and little else to show for it. Money had no value anymore, besides there was plenty of it down in the casino. But other commodities still had value, leather was still useful. The Maker searched the corpse and took her wedding ring, he didn't even have time to realize that it was once a woman when he ended her unlife. Maybe it was an engagement ring, it was hard to tell through the early onset rot, but she seemed like she was awfully young for a wife. Fortunately, she was a trendy girl in life and had a leather satchel for a purse, a leather wallet there within, and around her slender waist was a wide black leather belt. It could all be used for something, so it was all collected up, packed in the satchel, and he was ready to move on to the next room. Before he got to the door he heard the screams.
Undeniable screams, the screams that everybody knows and understands by this point.
Even worse, they were coming from inside. The maker made his way way towards the sound. It was a foolish thing to do, in retrospect he knew that, but even when he was fighting in 'Nam he never knew when to run from the fight, unless of course that was part of the tactic.
Once he found the source of the mayhem. A runner had gotten in somehow, he was quick, and quickly making his way towards having friends. Down the hall further was the nursery. It was a nursery for employees and casino goers, but it still served as a nursery now and a birthing room for those expecting. A plan formulated in his head in order to get this runner and his four new speedy friends out of the building and away from the nursery. Unfortunately, it required bait, which could only be the Maker.
"Hey, Slow-pokes!" The maker yelled as he slapped his hammer and tongs together. The high pitched ring could wake the dead, there was no way that they wouldn't hear him and target him. Quick as a whip they turned their heads, and as if orchestrated by a single mind, they all started into a charge. Fast as he could the Maker ran. He had maybe a 100 foot lead on them. He had to use the terrain and agility that he still possessed as a human to his advantage. As he ran he knocked things over in a hope that it might trip them up slightly, give him another second to get out the door. Somehow, despite his age, he made it outside of the building, the door stuck when he first hit it, but the Zombies helped him when they also slammed into it chasing after him. Rolling to his feet he got up and kept running. 'Shit,' he thought as he glanced back, the door remained open behind them and anyone could get inside. The Zombies stayed on him though, his breathing apparently drawing them more then the screams, maybe there was something about powered people that drew them.
They were closing on him. There was little chance that he could take down all five runners, but he might get one or two if he was lucky. He dropped to the ground and rolled before jumping back at the closest runner with a swing. He missed, too low for a head shot, but when a runner at thirty miles an hour hits a 30lbs hammer, it still does some damage. The mangled form stumbled to the ground, with the ribs and spin crushed there was little else it could do. Spinning he had a chance to catch another one before they could turn back around and get another charge at him. This time too high, a complete miss, he kept traveling, but the third running slammed bodily into the Maker laying him out on the ground. His hammer was knocked free from his hand and was outside of reach, the tongs were no use, the Zombie was on him. 'This is the end,' he thought. It might take a few minutes, but eventually the Zombie would figure out a way get past his leather apron, gloves, and welding mask, but this was his end. The Maker was about to meet his Maker, a chuckle at the thought of it, but it turned into a cough he couldn't suppress.
Suddenly a loud bang, the runner slipped off of him and laid on the ground next to him. No more motion, the other Zombies ignored him and went for the gun man. Finally take the chance to turn his head he saw the runners as they overtook Yates. He was always a crack-shot with that 30-6, but the bolt action meant he needed to be somewhere the zombies couldn't reach. That was not the case, and there was no way for him to know that these were runners when he took the shot. "I was supposed to be the bate!" He yelled through his mask. He picked up his hammer and tried to ring his tongs again. But it was too late, just as the runners had fixated on him, the runners were now fixated on Yates, and it was far too late to save him now.
The Maker counted, two dead, two running... where was the fifth Zombie?
The Maker never knew for sure where the fifth runner had gone. But with at least two ways for Zombies to get into the casino, there was little hope of recovering it. No choice now but to move on and try to make it on his own. The next few days were spent upgrading and retrofitting the Ferris-wheel to serve as his own home.
"Started working my way here after I saw your fireworks display. Figured it had to be you, you were about one of the only people smart enough to be able to clear this place out and stay alive, yet crazy enough to pull a stunt like light off homebrewed fireworks to draw survivors together. Truly, I'm glad to see you well, friend."
@LHG100 Hey no worries. If things open up and you want to join later on, we can try to figure out a way to add you in at that time.
@ADParis Ah, ok. Well if you decide you like whats you see and want to join in, let me know. We'll figure out a way to add you into the mayhem.
@cenchia Absolutely. It looks like I lost about half of my interested parties previously, so if you want to join in you are welcome to do so! A few posts up I linked over to the OOC thread, there is a character sheet there.
If anyone else pops up and is interested, It looks like I am still looking to fill at least two more spots!
"The Cough?" William asked MinuteMan, "Yeah, just fine. Doctors say I'm sick, I'll probably die from it sometime, but I'm pretty sure I outlived my Doctors... infact, I put one down myself post-outbreak on my way to the Amusement Park. Other than drawing attention when I want to be quiet, it is no real bother."
"I figured if anyone had a chance to clean that place out it would be Bushwacker," The Maker said after his thoughts were confirmed, "I assume he came up with a way to prevent what happened last time from happening again?" He purposely didn't say what, didn't want to alarm the newcomers about the possibility that this could be a complete death trap. The last batch of survivors he decided to host mostly got eaten alive when someone propped a door open to smoke and a blur got in. Before we knew it half of the compound was turned. Maker hardly had a chance to get out himself, he wasn't sure who else had made it out before now, but apparently Lillah and Kennedy had made it and stuck around to help with the clean up. When he got a simple yes to his question it was all that he needed to know to keep traveling forward. If the answer had been no, he would have turned around and left unless Lillah had a compelling reason to stay otherwise.
Once the group had made it to their destination, with little of consequence to mention along the way, The Maker gave a deep sigh and said softly to the group, "I haven't had to hoof it like that since my days in Nam... " Seeing Kennedy waiting for the group below the lift, "Long time, no see. How do we get in this place?"