I'm thinking I am interested. Could be really fun!
Ship Name: Intrepid
Universe Background: The Intrepid and her crew come from the young Galaxy of Valor Prime. A Star system that used to be ripe with resources, but the Valori people expanded far to quickly for their resources to support, and turned to space exploration at an early stage. Their ships were meant for deep space harvest and fabrication, but deep space is relative to their small naive scope of the universe.
Crew Complement: Fully staffed the ship employes 175 crewmen, most of them are engineers, mechanics, and scientists.
Ship Description: The Intrepid is unique in that it has what is referred to as a Modular Hull. Due to its purpose of harvest and manufacturing, it has various formations that it can take, depending on the project at hand. During travel it is a simple ring, with the bridge residing at the bottom of the ring. Six thrusters allow the ship movement in any direction from any orientation. When not traveling quickly the ring remains open but has several arms that can be used to manipulate objects outside the ship like other ships for salvage, or asteroids. These arms can also be used for large construction or major repairs to another vessel. The Valori are a peaceful people by nature, afterall. Having said that, they are not without their defenses. In a combat situation the inside of the ring is lined with a several photon laser cannons. These can fire individually or together to build a charge blast of considerable power. If might cannot overcome their foe, the ring will collapse and reinforce itself, all resources aside from repair, and life support are diverted to shield generators to keep the deflector array powered up long enough to either discourage attackers, or long enough for reinforcements arrive. Due to the nature of the ship, it is larger than most for its crew size, and do to the relative youth of the Valori people, her technology is low in contrast to some others. But who so any great minds on board, she will be quick to adapt to new technology presented to her.
Unique Capabilities: The Intrepid was intended to build resource platforms for deep space resource mining of moons, asteroids, etc. It is also a science vessel intended for experiments and research.
Some Important People: Captain Sarah Parker, Youthful energetic and hopeful. First mate Tucker Knoll, capable diplomat, former soldier. Head Engineer Simone Sayer, brilliant, pesemist, paranoid. Head Scientist Albert Pegg, introverted, excitable, former university professor.
Universe Background: The Intrepid and her crew come from the young Galaxy of Valor Prime. A Star system that used to be ripe with resources, but the Valori people expanded far to quickly for their resources to support, and turned to space exploration at an early stage. Their ships were meant for deep space harvest and fabrication, but deep space is relative to their small naive scope of the universe.
Crew Complement: Fully staffed the ship employes 175 crewmen, most of them are engineers, mechanics, and scientists.
Ship Description: The Intrepid is unique in that it has what is referred to as a Modular Hull. Due to its purpose of harvest and manufacturing, it has various formations that it can take, depending on the project at hand. During travel it is a simple ring, with the bridge residing at the bottom of the ring. Six thrusters allow the ship movement in any direction from any orientation. When not traveling quickly the ring remains open but has several arms that can be used to manipulate objects outside the ship like other ships for salvage, or asteroids. These arms can also be used for large construction or major repairs to another vessel. The Valori are a peaceful people by nature, afterall. Having said that, they are not without their defenses. In a combat situation the inside of the ring is lined with a several photon laser cannons. These can fire individually or together to build a charge blast of considerable power. If might cannot overcome their foe, the ring will collapse and reinforce itself, all resources aside from repair, and life support are diverted to shield generators to keep the deflector array powered up long enough to either discourage attackers, or long enough for reinforcements arrive. Due to the nature of the ship, it is larger than most for its crew size, and do to the relative youth of the Valori people, her technology is low in contrast to some others. But who so any great minds on board, she will be quick to adapt to new technology presented to her.
Unique Capabilities: The Intrepid was intended to build resource platforms for deep space resource mining of moons, asteroids, etc. It is also a science vessel intended for experiments and research.
Some Important People: Captain Sarah Parker, Youthful energetic and hopeful. First mate Tucker Knoll, capable diplomat, former soldier. Head Engineer Simone Sayer, brilliant, pesemist, paranoid. Head Scientist Albert Pegg, introverted, excitable, former university professor.