So I am conflicted as to what to do. I can keep holding up the shield, creating a small area of cover, which nobody is directly taking advantage of at this point, Or I can use wave surger and do a sweeping shot to do a larger area of damage. I can do that right there, targeting the crystal and interceptor mists, or I can jump over to one side or the other. If I put myself right in front of the mass of CWM, I could possibly take a bunch out, or at least partially damage a bunch of them? Or I am completely overestimating the potential power of this weapon and just put myself directly in the way of a bunch of turrets, cwm, and snipers. If I don't make as drastic of a move, I should be able to target the other mystery unit with my wave surger, and not bother with a sweep in order to really put as much damage onto it as possible.
So I guess if I were to put it up to a consensus vote here on two options, keep up the shield or attack mystery unit?