Avatar of Multifarious


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9 yrs ago
Current "There is no right. There's just the wrong that doesn't pull you down."- Morgan Jones, The Walking Dead
9 yrs ago
I dunno, what's on >YOUR< mind, RPG?
9 yrs ago
Geometry Dash's soundtrack gives me the feel-goods.
9 yrs ago
Shakespeare: *Forgets the number of the apartment he just moved into* Oh, crap... 2B or not 2B? That is the question.
9 yrs ago
"no u" - Manny Pacquiao


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<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

I didn’t do that!
*Blasts you with waves of radiation and modifies the fields to push you off of me*

Tell me it would have happened if you didn’t decide to cause trouble!
*Overcomes the pushing force this time with sheer brute force, grabbing you by the arm while still rocketing across the surface, spinning you around and slamming you into the ground such that you bounce back up toward me, at which point I slam my fist into your jaw, sending you rocketing ahead even faster*
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Hits the ground with a thud and throws up both blood and bile from the impact*
Your fake justice is going to hurt people.
*Iron floats out of the spiral and melds together, forming a weak shield between us before the rest of the mass increases its velocity*

No, justice never hurt people. This future Data hurts people. You hurt people. People like Zoey.
*Clenches my fist*
No one else.
*Rockets through the shield before it manifests to strongly, wrapping my arm around your neck and putting you in a chokehold once more as we fly across the earth, sending dirt and debris flying into the air as we carve a path through the ground*
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*A few chunks of metal bounce up and down on the ground*
I'm doing this for everyone else. You're on the wrong side of the future.
*They start to gouge out small pieces of the ground, which adopt the same oscillating pattern and tear larger clods of the ground, rapidly causing a torrent of dirt and metal to spiral in the air above me*

I’m on the right side of justice
*Manifests an orb of cyan and hurls it at you, detonating on impact with your stomach*
Real justice.
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Slows myself enough to survive the impact by using the iron in my bones, wincing at the smell of cooked flesh caused by the heat they generated*
This is the only hope for my family!
*The shield explodes into a cloud of extremely fine iron particles that extends all the way to the ground*
And the only hope for my future!
*Puts two fingers into the cloud, electricity arcing between them and causing the entire body of iron to erupt into a dust explosion*

*Shielding my eyes from the explosion, floats down to you as the explosion blows my hair forward heavily, and I stare down at you, sternly and disappointedly, pink light quickly healing the burns and open wounds"*
No it isn't.
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

It's hard not to when your only joy in life dies in front of you!
*Spits blood into your face as the iron particles around us oscillate rapidly, creating a destructive saw that tears apart everything they touch*

So long as you acknowledge your hypocrisy and still choose this path... I have no problems with not holding back.
*Knees you in the stomach, and clamps my hands together, slamming them down on your back and sending you rocketing back into the planet's surface with an enormous and destructive boom, both from the speed and the impact. I then barrage the saw with an explosive blast to disperse the particles*
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

With Data. It all ends with Data.
*Boosts myself toward you and plants powerful positive magnetic monopoles in each of your limbs as well, pulling them away from each other*

*Lavender streams flow from each of my limbs to a singular point in space behind you, shifting them to that location as I grab you by the shirt and deck you in the jaw*
No, you idiot. You become the Data in other people's lives.
*Starts to repeatedly punch you in the face over and over again*
But you're too blinded by your emotions to see that.
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Pulls myself to the side barely quickly enough to avoid severe damage and plants a strong positive field in your torso with my foot, repelling you from me and attracting toward the shield*
I’ve already failed to protect everyone. All I have left is to pick up the pieces.
*Several pieces of metal align in front of me, creating a makeshift railgun that fires another shard into you*

By becoming the very thing that caused your sorrow? So you can then spread violence further?
*Slams into the shield*
So you can cause more violence and more sorrow that will only beget more violence and more sorrow!?
*Catches the projectile, and it freezes over very quickly in my hand before I crush it, shattering it like glass. After this, I speak more calmly*
Where does it end, Singularity?
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

I don't have a choice!
*The entirety of the golem morphs into a dense iron shield that further guards from your attacks and shoots tendrils of liquid iron at both of you*
Mom said to never give up hope...
*Clenches my fist*
But this is what hopelessness looks like!

*My body is surrounded by a glowing yellow outline, as I suddenly disappear in a streak of light after moving to a point off to the side, from where I immediately rocket toward you, navigating around the shield and slamming a fist squarely into your nose with imperceptible speed*
You only don’t have a choice when you convince yourself of that!
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*The golem lifts one of its arms to shield me from the blasts and shoots jets of liquid and gaseous iron at your form*
I don’t care what you do to me!
*Tears well at the corners of my eyes*
Just leave my mom alone!

That's the point!
*Increases the speed and spread of the power balls to disperse and overcome your attack while putting enough pressure on it to cause the explosions to get closer and closer to you*
I would never do something like that, because what you're doing is wrong!
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*The golem claps it’s hands, crushing you between them as its stomach reforms the same way as before*
Who cares what timeline it was?? That heartless, unfeeling machine has always been oblivious to everyone else—that people feel outside of his experiments!

*A blue explosion sends the hands flying violently apart, and I soar up higher into the sky above it. I leave the scimitar floating in space once more teal orbs of energy form and grow in my hand, and I rain down explosive blasts unyieldingly on it from above*
What matters is that the Data you see here killed none of those people! Or would you find that I would be justified in, after you take him out, finding you after you're born and killing you as a baby for this murder?
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