Avatar of Multifarious


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9 yrs ago
Current "There is no right. There's just the wrong that doesn't pull you down."- Morgan Jones, The Walking Dead
9 yrs ago
I dunno, what's on >YOUR< mind, RPG?
9 yrs ago
Geometry Dash's soundtrack gives me the feel-goods.
9 yrs ago
Shakespeare: *Forgets the number of the apartment he just moved into* Oh, crap... 2B or not 2B? That is the question.
9 yrs ago
"no u" - Manny Pacquiao


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Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Exits quickly as soon as I notice, hovering just above the ground*

*A few of the rapidly growing number of me are blocking the door*
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Uses a brief moment of temporary invisibility to reconfigure my programs*

*Glances back and forth for a brief moment, before more humanoid shapes begin to fill the room and occupy all space, appearing in a static flicker*
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Ducks into an alley and then into a nearby building*

*Barrels through the door after you as I bring myself back to the ground*
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*A group of virtual bees materialize and swarm you, while I take off in the opposite direction*

*People step aside very in surprise as you pass them on the street level. I take off in a low-to-the-ground flight, blowing past them and jetting toward you, closing the gap fast*
Please don't hurt any bystanders in your endeavors here.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>

*Hits the ground, and a reticle materializes over my eye while a sniper rifle materializes in my hand*
Far enough.
*Pulls the trigger, searing your back with a blast of pinpoint energy*

*Appears in its path, holding my palm out and totally neutralizing the attack when it hits*
Orthrus, arrange to lock down the district. Pronto.

Already on it.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Tell me, then. What has he done to warrant anything?

*The door behind you comes bursting open*

<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Who are you hoping this reaches, exactly?

*The door slams open, and I grab your arm from behind and pin you to the ground, wrenching it up to apply pressure*
Decided to come out of hiding now?
<Snipped quote by Crew>

*Scans from one object to another, looking for a way out before I turn my gaze upward*

*The ceiling shimmers as we enter the room*
<Snipped quote by Crew>

Any ideas?

<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Blasts the barrier with my cannon*

*It shimmers in response as they begin to move closer on either side*
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

We're in trouble.
*Summons a cannon weapon*

*Another, identical barrier forms on the other side of you, trapping you in the hall*
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