Avatar of Multifarious


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9 yrs ago
Current "There is no right. There's just the wrong that doesn't pull you down."- Morgan Jones, The Walking Dead
9 yrs ago
I dunno, what's on >YOUR< mind, RPG?
9 yrs ago
Geometry Dash's soundtrack gives me the feel-goods.
9 yrs ago
Shakespeare: *Forgets the number of the apartment he just moved into* Oh, crap... 2B or not 2B? That is the question.
9 yrs ago
"no u" - Manny Pacquiao


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<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Steps back over to the medical table without bringing any of the equipment*
Of course. Now I really need you to try and relax, okay? Also pull your shirt up enough for me to check your abdomen, and don't make it weird.
*Looms over you and tries to rub my hands together, realizes the friction causes them to stick, and then tugs at the wrists to pull out the newly-formed wrinkles*

*Rolls my eyes, and grabs my shirt to roll it up to the bottom of my ribcage*
That last bit would have been fine left out, “doc”.
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

I never claimed to be any sort of professional miss, just a doctor.
*Opens the drawers in the equipment table one by one and rummages through their contents*
Why don't you lie down and make yourself comfortable?

*You find an assortment of may of the basic tools you’d expect to find for surgery and other various procedures, and nothing out of the ordinary other than a number of empty glass vials*
*Exhales deeply and hops up onto the raised bedding*
But anything beyond surface level work, I want you to run by me before you try.
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

Sure is!
*Swings the doors open and flips on the lights*

So help me, if any of this turns out unprofessional, I’m making the general find us a new savior.
*Steps in behind you after a deep breath*
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Clears my throat and stretches*
Upward and onward!

… Is it too late to change my mind?
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

Listen close.
*Stops once I notice you have and leans in, speaking barely above a hushed whisper*
They busted me out of my cell for this gig and offered me three months of protection detail. Three months. There's not a chance in any world I'm going to let that offer slip through my fingers, so I'm going to save this planet whether anyone here likes it or not.

*My jaw drops slightly and I blink twice, staggered by a few moments*
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

Don't most doctors have some sort of oath or creed about helping people*
*Pulls up a latex glove onto my hand with my teeth before swapping to the other, not slowing down*
You don't have any allergies, do you?

I don’t.
*Stops in front of one of the doors in the wing we’re in*
But if you’re going to be some savior for us, I want to believe in something about you. You’re very eager to get right to work but all I know about you is your name.
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Spares just a glance over my shoulder*
Why what?

You know what I mean. Why are you helping us? It’s practically a death wish- they wouldn’t send anyone down until you, after the first wave, so clearly they’re apprehensive. So you’re clearly special, or at least they’re hoping you are. What do you get out of it? If you solve the case and do get to walk out alive, what does that do for you?
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

*Flashes two thumbs up*
*Starts out of the cafeteria and follows the signs toward the operating wing*

*Raises an eyebrow, the. Turns to the other workers to make sure they know what they’re doing before I jog off after you, slowing back down when I’ve caught up and slightly passed you to lead the way*
So I have to ask why.
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

How about we head to a vacant operating room and you can decide once you've seen the process for yourself?

That sounds reasonable enough.
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>

Those are exactly who I'm looking to check, actually. But—
*Punches one fist into the palm of the other*
Like they say, one step at a time! Ready to go now?

I’m ready, sure.
*Puts my hand on my chin*
But I have to think about who among our sick would be lucid and kind enough both, to volunteer.
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