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    1. MysteriousPanzer 11 yrs ago


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"Well fish and whatnot... That's to be expected, but... I've never seen anything like it. Pretty amazing..." Zach went deep into thinking, which was pretty common for him. "I'm gonna ponder some things... You guys; you guys go ahead..."
"An extension? Naw. Gender switching is unheard of. And I have a vast pool of knowledge." He turned to Flint. "Good luck with that. While your at it, I might s well siphon all your blood." Zach joked. "Anyways, What classes are going on soon? I feel the need to attend one."
I feel this needs a bump but I can't be sure.
Zach looked at Flint. "What was that? A..." He giggled wildly, "Was that a guy AND a girl? How does that even work?" He quickly stiffened. "So how ya doing, Flint?"
Zach broke from his daze, to realize his classmates left him. "Huh? Aw... Daydreaming again. Ah well." He became one with the shadows, and tried using them to find his friends. He finally found them, and made a grand entrance, from shadow to a human form. "Sorry guys, I drifted off again. What did I miss?"
"Alright, yeah, whatever. I shouldn't meddle in others affairs. Maybe you were right. Then we would have never battled and my only shirt wouldn't have been destroyed. And if you think it isn't hard to hold a grudge over a shirt, you try living since the first A.D.! It gets rather... Boring..." For the first time he addressed the boy. "What's your name. You. Guy. If you two are really together, I suggest being careful. Supernatural entities are quick to anger, and slow to forgive. But a smart lad like you shouldn't anger a pretty girl like her, right?" With that, Zach snickered, became one with the shadows, then disappeared.
I like a lot of RPs... Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Supernatural, etc, etc. I've been RPing for about half a year or so now, kind of new. I usually RP in Free and Casual.
"Hmph. Some couple you are. Intimidating each other one minute, in love the next. I can't make heads or tails of you, Icy One." Zach was genuinely baffled by this flip flop of feelings between the girl.
Zach's eyes dropped to the ground. "Yeah, well. I'm not popular with anyone, really." He sighed, and sat back down on the bench. He weakly managed to say, "So... Can we go get drinks? They're on me. I was joking about you buying them for me. I can get anything I want for free."
"C'mon, I hope that's not your best!" He said as he ripped off his frozen ear. A new one took its place in a few seconds. "It would have caught frostbite anyways. Y'know, you and I have a lot in common. I think we should call it quits. I could go on for quite literally forever, and I'm sure you could too." He laughed a little. "If you want to keep going, though..." He quickly reverted to a defensive stance.
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