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Seems like there's some interest! I can get to making the OOC either in the next few hours, or on Sunday.

So, I'm curious.

Considering how committed you are to the setting, would you keep going even if there was only one player still kicking?

Well, I'd prefer if it didn't go that way, but if it did? If the last player was interested in continuing, then yeah, I'd be willing to transition into a 1x1 at that point.
The Problem...

On the coasts of the Vaalin Union rests the Clerical City of Vaal Nero; a prosperous hub of trade and adventure, and yet, uncertainty brews amongst its citizens. Essence - the building blocks of magic, the lifeblood of the world, and the means by which all things exist - has been slowly dying out for years, with no way to replenish it. The powerful arcane leylines upon which all cities within the Vaalin Union benefit from, granting access to conveniences such as electricity, heating, television, and a newer invention known as "Essence Mail," has been dying in potency. Shortages and blackouts plague the city, no doubt as a result of the capital city of Vaal Shakta's insistence on claiming priority over the leylines' influence, dwindling as it is. With tensions rising from the locals, rumors run rampant of riots and rebellion alike - all signs pointing to Neroites who feel as if they're treated as second class citizens in comparison to Shaktans.

The Solution?

With years of this tension growing, High Bishop Verne gives an answer to the downtrodden: the forming of a new organization that will lead the people of Vaal Nero into prosperity, putting them on par with Vaal Shakta as they once were. Making it clear that this was not a declaration of war, but of equality, Verne commits himself to this cause and assures the people that those at the front of this new organization will become heroes akin to the Neroites of old.

The eligibility criteria, however, would ensure that only the chosen few could apply. Only those of either extreme talent, determination or bizarre circumstances that can control a rare power known as "Ethos" may apply - Ethos being an obscure variant of magic unique to the individual, often breaking the rules of magic and the world itself and posing a great threat to order if used for ill intent. An academy to train the future pride of Vaal Nero for this new equalizing power is announced and built over the following years, and scouting for willing Ethos users or those with the potential to develop an Ethos floods across the continent.

It's now March of the year 1526 of the Sacred Record. Wingram Academy is formed and, for the first time, opens its gates to those who would decide Vaal Nero's future. Whether Wingram houses the hopeful to raise Vaal Nero to equality or becomes a failed attempt to rise, is left up to its students and their ability to grow into their best selves.

Taking place in a setting I'm slowly building upon for an ongoing living world Pathfinder 2E campaign I'm GMing, I'd really love to expand outward to do more RPs in it! As evident by the fact that this isn't in the tabletop section, there'll be no pressure to consider things like hard stat systems or rolling dice; as it doesn't use Pathfinder's canon, no knowledge is required of anything from that system or setting whatsoever. As I have been keeping track of the ongoing timeline day-to-day, some relevant events from that campaign may be heard of as days, weeks and months progress IC, but overall this will largely be its own story.

To sum up the RP's vibe, it'll be a freeform fantasy RP with magic, battle shonen-esque encounters, and slice of life downtime mixed with moments of serious character focus. The players will be students attending Wingram, going to classes and participating in competitions involving usage of Ethos, a unique power system that is hyper-specialized/gimmicky magic that can basically be whatever you want (within reason, at least at the start); alongside the usual swords or regular magic one might expect to see in a JRPG or D&D campaign, anyway. As for me, even though it's not a tabletop campaign, I'll still be acting as a GM of sorts. I'll be writing for NPCs, villains and the world that reacts to your actions, rather than having a single designated character of my own. There will be a leveling system, but not with stats, and it won't be complex in any way. Everyone will start at level 1 and gain levels just through the advancement of the story and after the completion of major arcs. With each level, the character will simply expand on their capabilities with their Ethos and other skills.

In terms of plot, I'm very much a "go with the flow" kind of person, so the plot doesn't need to even stay in Vaal Nero if that's not what the players want to do eventually. I was thinking we'd start out low stakes, getting acquainted with the immediate setting and the premise, until things gradually raise in stakes as time progresses IC and more of the plot is revealed. I'm a bit of a slow burn writer, myself, so while I do always want something interesting happening, there's not always a massive thing blowing up at every possible second. I'll also state that character death will be possible. It won't be common, and I won't be trying to kill player characters, but in a life-or-death battle with a villain, the possibility of a fatal blow is there if it goes that way.

In terms of setting and tech level, it's all over. This is a fantasy setting, but you'll have places like the Kingdom of Mirris that's a lot closer to a standard high fantasy setting, to a place like the Vaalin Union this RP will start in where a lot of their civilization is very modern by using magic for convenience. Or a place like the Queendom of Rekordia, where it's a mixture of steampunk and sci-fi with clockwork weaponry and prosthetics, and even mecha for warfare. I'll elaborate more in the full OOC, but you get the idea. Tech levels are all over the place, and all of it through essence use - so you can feel free to make any kind of character, if you want.

Last but not least, I intend to take this story all the way to a proper conclusion. I know a lot of RPs die out there, and I don't want this to be one of those. I've got a lot of passion for this setting, and so I'd ask that you please only apply if you know you can commit to being in it for the long haul. Barring life circumstances of course.

If all of this sounds interesting to you or you have questions about anything, feel free to reply or DM me! I'm looking for 4 - 5 players, ideally.
Heya! I was here years ago, but I'm coming back on a new account because I honestly can't even remember my info to my old one. Definitely still seems like a great place to be for RP, so I'll be diving right back in. Obligatory intro post out!
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